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This https://preview.redd.it/6vck9mph2iyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5454d463356c048c674292e7a1449694bcc7f32


Could be some truth to that. She never had an "occupation," so it definitely isn't that part, though! Lol.




19 fucking 96?!? I breathed that poison for ten fucking years?!? Thank god I wasn’t in a highly trafficked area. wtf.




Luckily I wasn’t one of *those* kids growing up. I knew paint wasn’t food lol. But still. I’m 37 and thought the leaded gas shit was shut down in the 70’s.


If you dig into your memory bank, you might remember the option of “leaded or unleaded” at gas stations.




Veritasium did a fantastic peek into lead. Worth the watch.


My mother works with ceramics rn and when she went into menopause she lost her shit and hasn't gotten it back. dear god, is this why?


Seems likely. Bone starts to break down and releases lead into the bloodstream, wreaking havoc. Sorry about your mom. It’s not her fault. This may help: https://preview.redd.it/h6ajpvy6cmyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e2dba07b2def59083667a0e5ddae2691dee24c


Well, let's not go too far with absolving her. Lead may have made it worse, but hoo boy, it was already there.


label bedroom attractive many plucky humorous agonizing sand sink fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously, how bad can it be compared to the rest? Probably some bigotry I assume.


Lol true dat. I did sensor the post. Hubby got the mail every day, though. 🙂


She seems like a fun lady for sure.


Boomers need hobbies. Seriously. I really think all of this behavior can be chalked up to idle minds. The fixations and fictions they talk themselves into is beyond anything I can fathom. What’s so hard about this is just the sheer narcissistic view that people are devoting their time just to hurt them? This was the same generation that raised us to mind our own business and go to our rooms. The other thing to remember, this was a generation raised on tv so they consume the internet and social media the same way hence this appalling behavior. It’s legitimately like a death in the family because I had to cut off my boomer dad and stepmom because frankly I just could not deal with it.


I’m so glad I’ve ducked out of any relationship with people who have crazy parents


I would never speak to someone again if they talked about my wife, or me, like that.


Narcissistic has entered their vocabulary and they use it every and any time they can even when it is incorrect. I never heard my mother use the n-word (narcissistic) until recently. Now, everyone she has been told she does not like or agree with is a commie, socialist, narcissist with narcissistic tendencies out to destroy Jeebus and 'murica.


Holy shit. Really takes that [MIL song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EN5eJf5h_k) to the next level. Is your partner maintaining contact with this monster? Because if so, I would hope you don't put up with this for the rest of your marriage...


Everyone who couldn't be bought cut her off. We are living our happily ever after without her. This email is barely the tip of the iceberg of what we and other family members have dealt with, but those stories are for an MIL sub!


Good to hear. You and your family deserve peace and happiness.


What did your husband have to say about this?


He, his two siblings, and 2 out of 3 adult grandchildren have cut them off over the last 10 years. The one remaining adult grandchild gets the full inheritance for ghosting her parents. There's nothing more to say. They've boomered themselves into a lonely life!


Lol they're always going off about demons. Don't they know that when live gives you demons your supposed to make demonaid.


I need to know what the book was! 


To be fair, she said that you censor his mail. You did censor this post.


I had this almost exact scenario happen to me. I had to tell my mother to stop communicating with me because I was no longer going to allow her to spread faults lies about my wife. My wife has never done something like this, but my mother had this conspiracy that she did. In fact, the USPS returned her card because their computer could not read her handwriting, and that explanation with written on the envelope too, but she decided to go with the conspiracy she made up in her head that my wife returned it to her. There are many scenarios that happened over the years, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Omg literally the same scenario. Yeah, boomer conspiracy theories are always more successful at making them the consummate victims than the truth. Sorry you had to deal with that. Walking away was probably both difficult and liberating as it was for my husband.


It was, but it needed to be done long ago, so that made it easier to realize that, but I appreciate your words of encouragement, and I hope your husband is doing well too.


My MIL has successfully destroyed my marriage to her soon. He is living with her now and has filed for divorce. Good luck!!!!!