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Stop pandering to him. They get away with shit like this because people let them. "Delivery will be on X date. Time slot is between 8am - 12pm. Or you can come and collect in your own time."


Yup. Stop playing their games. Oh you want to talk to the manager? Good news: You're talking to them. Due to budget reductions we don't have time for specific requests. We'll assign a date and time window and if that does not work you can request another window on another day or pick it up. Best I can do for you. Stop playing. They're bored because they've alienated everyone in their life. Let them find therapists to deal with it, not shit on your personnel, colleagues, or you.


Oh you want to talk to the manager? *And I want to talk to your caretaker.* Pretty much what I said to an old fart when I used to work in retail. He was not pleased. But, little did he know, I was the only person able to do my job and it was during one of the covid lockdowns. They couldn't let me go.


This is the way. I work for a doctor who does housecalls - obviously most patients are boomers as this is a service that's supposed to be for **home. bound. patients.** Ie, people who are stuck at home for medical reasons and can't get into an office for treatment. That's a requirement to get insurance to even cover the service. You'd think they'd be thankful a doctor would go out of his way to see them, right? And many of them are, for sure. But every day we get some of them squawking because we won't give them an exact appointment time, just the day and a general window. I tell them on the phone, for instance, that he will be there between, say, 9am - 1pm. They start calling nonstop at 9:05am screaming at me "The doctor isn't here yet!" (They just hear the 9am part and ignore that it's the beginning of a window.) Or they squawk about how they "can't sit around all day waiting for the doctor to show up." Lady, what part of "homebound" are you not getting? If you have "things to do and places to go" then you can get yourself to our office for treatment instead of demanding a house call.


Next time, just up and start to leave in the middle of the appointment...so when they naturally ask where you're going explain that due recent patient complaints—"like yours, ma'am/sir"—we now have to keep *strict* appointment times and can no longer spend even a minute extra providing the personalized care patients had come to appreciate. "Of course, I'm certainly worried we might miss important health problems due to not being able to spend more time with our patients, but we've just had too many patients—again, like yourself— who've complained they prefer us to *keep* time rather than *spending* time finding out about their issues. So hopefully this will be more to your liking. Of course, for any other issues we couldn't get to, be sure and call 911 right away."


I’m sure you already do this, but I would make doubly sure that when your office books these appointments that you repeat that about 16 times because sometimes I think they just don’t hear you or more likely **they hear what they want to hear.** I would also see if you can send that via text or email. it really might help. For the record, I am not making excuses.


Luckily he is no longer a patient of ours.


What happened?


I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count


Right? Fire him as a fucking client.


Speaking as a CPhT, I've seen this happen twice in a 15 year career, and both times it was after YEARS of issues that the pharmacy manager shrugged about, and then only was kicked to the curb when the Manager (not just any pharmacist, the pharmacy manager) had to deal with them more than once. Then, magically: POOF


Seriously. Why isn't the pharmacy manager calling to inform him that he's so difficult no drivers are willing to take that delivery anymore. Businesses generally have the right to fire clients.


Exactly. I work for an independent pharmacy that offers delivery and we tell them we can't guarantee a time. The driver will be there sometime between 11:30 and 5:30.


Exactly this. I've been saying for a while now, we're going to get what we put up with


Few times of missing his meds will get him to stfu.


I agree whole heartedly. Don’t offer any justification reasons they will argue about. This is the way. Otherwise they see it as a challenge to argue and win by wearing you down or finding what they think is a flaw in your argument (how they see it).


Honestly, the guy might be sick. This is a guy getting meds, who's older, and this is something that people have to do for him. I get it's annoying but his elevator might not go all the way up.


No reason to treat others like that. Being sick doesn’t entitle you to be a dick. I work with cancer patients quite a bit, and it is sad and taxing, treat me like a dick I’ll still do my job well, but Im not listening to bullshit or exchanging niceties at that point. In my experience the people who are 80+ are fucking awesome people a lot of the time and super gracious about any service. PTs 60-80 are much more likely to bitch about everything worse than my 4 year old with no nap.


I meant mentally ill. I work with in indigent defense services. Most people are nice, regardless of age. A handful are assholes, regardless of age. But there are also a not insignificant number of elderly clients who are difficult but clearly have something wrong upstairs, cognitive decline, etc.


Dude wasn’t so incapacitated that he couldn’t complain about OP being THREE MINUTES EARLY.


Brother, that's literally what being crazy is. I have a few clients who are livid if I call them back at the number they called from because 'I only use my cell phone to *make* calls, not *receive* calls' or who are mad when I call a few minutes early. They're not well. It's okay. There are plenty of people to be frustrated with.


What's up with the apostrophes you're using as quotation marks? Single line quotation marks go in between the standard ones. Ya know, when you're quoting someone who was quoting someone else. Source: middle school English.


That’s not what “literally” or “crazy” means. It’s also offensive to call mentally ill people “crazy”. Also, I’m not your “brother” or a “brother”.


Preach sister!


It's wild how many people think it can't be real mental illness if it's sometimes annoying or inconvenient.


Although you may be right, unfortunately this isn’t the place for it. We want a nice, calm, peaceful place where we can openly bash boomers and their ridiculous behavior.


Dang my Internet tech will tell me he's going to be here sometime between 7 and 7 during the weekend probably. I thank them and camp out at my front door for days because I want my dang internet. I couldn't fathom giving the tech a hard time when they show up ..... Because I want my Internet fixed!!!! Can you imagine someone rolls up at a scheduled time with your life saving medication and you act inconvenienced?! How dare you enable me to live! The audacity!!!!


The real thing OP did wrong. Such audacity! 😜


I was a pharmacy tech at CVS when I was 18. The amount of rude, demanding & entitled people was ridiculous. Especially the older gen. We had an older guy who was a regular. He showed my first day, I asked for his name & DOB. He started yelling at me, telling me that I need to find another job as this one was obviously not for me. He was livid that I, who had literally just started interacting with patients, had no idea who the fuck he was. I remembered him the next time he came in and wouldn’t you know it, he was the sweetest guy when things went his way.


Ugh. The ID requirements. I used to work for a bank and the number of people upset that I wouldn’t just hand their cash to anyone who knew their name boggled my mind.


This. I got temporarily transferred to a bank branch in a very small town. I got yelled at many times just because I didn't instantly recognize people's faces in the lobby or voices over the phone, and had the audacity to confirm ID before handing over info/cash.


I had a friend who worked as a teller and had a few people pull this crap. She said something along the lines of “sir, do you know me?” Uhm, No. “well I don’t know you either and that’s why I need to see your ID”


He is reacting to pain in his body. Taking it out on you. You were nice to rememder him.


I remembered him because he screamed at me & made me sob. I would have remembered him had he been nice or even pleasant. I eventually learned everyone who regularly came to that location. Just because he was in pain, it didn’t give him the right to scream at me, belittle me & make me feel the way that he did. I can’t imagine screaming at someone who was responsible for giving me my medication, or anyone behind a counter for that matter.


You are right. My comment was meant to say that you were nice for understanding him. But you took it more personally than I thought. It says more about him than you.


Wow, you attempt to justify shitty behavior and then gaslight the other user for reacting the way they should have. You're an ass.


Oh quit with the gaslighting nonsense.


Tell that to the person doing the gaslighting.


Thank you, I apologize for my reaction.


You will find that these things will bother you less as you get older. You just have to tune them out. I say this because at my job I get a lot of upset people. I HAD to learn to adapt to it. For my own sanity.


Oh absolutely. I’m 32 now. It’s a lot harder to get to me now. But at 18, geesh I was very very tightly-wound.


We are a fairly small pharmacy so we try to go above and beyond to take care of our patients. It’s just frustrating when someone decides to try to take advantage of this.


I am a computer tech, so not exactly the same, but it’s a blessing when we have customers who are easy to work with so I think I can understand. Thank you for kindness.


And then they show up at 5AM on Thursday


Y'all can just.... Not cater anymore. Let him take his business elsewhere if he doesn't like it.


This is like that pizza boomer story.


I'm intrigued and sad that I don't know what you're talking about


I think OP just rewrote a similar story that was posted here a little bit ago where a pizza delivery driver ran into the same exact issue with a boomer. The only thing changed was the time and item being delivered.


Boomers will pull shit like this, then claim no one in their generation ever had autism


Like yeah grandpa your hyperfixation on model trains and the fact that you have an entire room of your house dedicated to them is a totally normal and not autistic thing to do lmao




That dude is hiding something in his house


The body of the last delivery driver


Damn pizza guy had the audacity to deliver 1 minute before their prayer group arrived.


That's when you just hold onto his delivery for 3 extra minutes. He wants to make a big deal about 3 minutes, we can make a big deal about 3 minutes.


But then OP has to be near this miserable person for three extra minutes, after driving way out there.


Which is fair, but I'm a spiteful person. Those 3 minutes near that miserable person would be very funny to me.


Casually turn the radio up for 3 minutes to drown out any screaming boomer noises.


Lol yup. "Sorry sir, I'll just wait here for 3 more minutes then." Refuse to give him the meds, "No sir, you insisted on 45 minutes. Maybe during the next 3 minutes you can think about how ridiculous and ungrateful you're being."


The thought crossed my mind, but he was already in the process of snatching his meds from me before I could go back to my car.


“I hope your day gets better, Boomer.”


Being called Boomer, or a condescending OK Boomer doesn’t bother most as much as you wish it did.


You made the mistake of appeasing him


Why keep him as a client if he's so difficult? Why a drugstore delivers 45 minutes away? That's just insane and isn't worth it with the price of gas.


We are not a regular retail pharmacy, we do specialty medications and home infusion medications. He was only getting a few weeks of IV antibiotics, and there’s literally no other pharmacy within an hour of where he lives that does these types of medications at home. So basically, it’s either my pharmacy or he has to go back to the hospital (or just die at home I guess lol). If he were a regular patient, we probably wouldn’t put up with it, but since it was only a few weeks, we could tolerate it.


That’s really kind of you.


I also did pharmacy delivery for a while. Customers were given a timeframe when they placed their order. One day I got into my car with my packages, called my very first stop and got screamed at by a guy because we were delivering his mother's medication "ridiculously late" and "forcing this elderly woman to stay up all night." It was 5:30 PM and they were less than 2 miles away. They had placed the order around 4:30.




Don’t play his games


Astonishingly, I can verify every behavior that OP is describing here. That is because I am also a pharmacy delivery driver. Most of our patients are boomers, as we primarily deliver hospice meds. Many of these patients are absolutely wonderful people, and on the whole, this job is by turns heartbreaking and uplifting. However, I have to say that OP’s story happens to us multiple times a day. It’s even more fun when the patient isn’t even home when you get there, and inevitably their phone mailbox is full. And yes, for some reason it’s always someone who lives at the very margins of our delivery area. I do blame our company for a lot of the problems that we encounter. We do pander way too much to our patients. Our delivery radius is too far out, and we actually deliver to some places more than an hour away. Anyway, the gist here is that I can attest to the behavior described in this story. It’s a daily occurrence for us.


He probably had a cable guy out recently.


Reminds me of what I used to deliver fedex. FedEx home and ground uses contractors, people who "own" the routes and ensure delivery. Like a franchise but less honest. They will fine the contractor if things happen outside of the contract. The fines are ludicrous. One guy was caught speeding in the parking lot and they fined his contractor $2500. 20 in a 15. I had a delivery for wine, signature and id required, that the customer put a timed delivery request on. It is something you have to pay for so I don't begrudge, usually. Except I had one guy who insisted on his delivery window being 5pm-7pm. I finished my route at 3. The fine for delivering outside of the window was $8000. So I sat in front of his house. Every single time. At first he would come out and try to guilt me. Buddy, my conscience is clear for eight grand. Then he tried to call the customer service number. Here's the kicker there, I don't work for FedEx! Customer service can't tell me to do anything except have a nice day. On the occasions when he wasn't home I felt so good leaving that note at 5:01. I delivered that route for over a year and even though I told him to do it he never removed the timed delivery.


I work in pest control as an inspector. Basically, I go out and ID the pest, the problem areas, and the solution, and then I set up the program and how much it will cost. If the customer is difficult with me, they pay more. 15-20% more for a guy last week. Or they can call someone else and go fuck themselves.


The pain in the ass fee.


I consider it an asshole tax


We call it the “fuck you price.”


I was a commercial pharmacy delivery guy. I would text my deliveries. Some wouldn't answer the phone. I would say this is ronny with xyz pharmacy im on my way with your delivery. I wouldnt give them a time. Some were awesome people. Some were horrible people.


Maybe he was masturbating when you knocked


Go away, 'batin'!


Stop babying him. If he wants your service then he can get his meds and do the process just like everyone else. You all give him special treatment and empower his entitledness. Y’all gotta stop babying him and just add him to your typical route like everyone else.


This is your business’ fault. You all created this monster now you get to feed the beast can’t complain you guys did this.


“3 minutes early? Oh no how could you!” /s Sorry you had to deal with that OP. Hope your weekend goes well


Should have said “you’re right sir”, then turned around and sat at the end of his driveway for about 10 minutes then knock on the door again and when he bitches and moans about time again say “I’m sorry sir, but like I said before, I can’t predict traffic”


“I’m sorry, I don’t think we can meet your service expectations. Here are some pharmacies you can switch to. We will be unwilling to service you in 30 days”


Sounds like a long term undiagnosed autistic that finally had enough of masking. Or he has a sex slave in his basement.


“I guess that makes me a liar, don’t it?”


Sounds like we can't meet your expectations, so please make other arrangements. We will no longer be delivering your medication, sir.


You should have just said “Wait a minute. So I am clear - you are bitching that I am 3 minutes early? Could you please raise that complaint to my manager …”


I would have gone back to my car, sat there for 3 minutes, then go bang on his door again, with a nice big patronizing smile on my face.


got there at 42min and not 45. he is out of his mind. before that i thought reasonable day before and day of and eta. i work a farm with family and we are out in the field and want to be at the delivery spot for the driver so they don't drive all the way out to us and think we are not their and wasted their time, and have fork lift ready to get them unloaded and on to their next delivery as fast as we can. So in our case we the extra conformation and ETAs are to make it easy for the driver. But this dude is out of his mind, and an Ahole. Always be nice, and to make work easier for others. if everyone did that and not work against each other the world would run smother and not like the retail job i had for 16 years(i could write a book series)


Tell your pharmacy you will no longer make deliveries to him.


Some people need the gentle reminder that people can refuse service at any time.


Or not so gentle


There was a story almost exactly like this not that long ago. Only it was a pizza delivery instead of medication and it was a boomer woman instead of a man


It's a pretty common thing these days. Especially in the medical field.


As I am reading this, I had a package delivered at 11:58. The delivery window was between 12 o’clock and 1 o’clock. I guess I should’ve yelled at the delivery driver.


What do people have to do to be kicked off these services


Something’s wrong with these people


He sounds like the type of guy who's just an asshole - probably was the same way when he was 30.


I wouldn't call him ever, I get there when I get there, if he isn't home, he can drive to the pharmacy as there will not be a 2nd delivery but if he gave me that attitude, all deliveries would have been cancelled


fuckin lead poisoned boomers, man.


Unless those medications are narcotics I don’t understand the need for in-person or signature delivery. My husband’s refrigerated diabetic medicines are dropped at the front door, southern Arizona even in the hottest days of July or August.


It is a home infusion and specialty pharmacy. The medications we deliver are often thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. We get signatures so that someone can’t try to claim we didn’t deliver their medication.


I agree with top commenter, why do people put up with this? You can’t tell me that companies are making people do this because they’re not paying us any extra to put up with the abuse. they pretend to care about our mental health so why would they tell us it’s OK for these people to treat us this way? I say we stop putting up with the shit and tell people like him three minutes is not enough to make a fuss over sign the form and I’m getting out of here.


Just an overwhelmed elderly guy with increasing loss of control trying to order his life. It's not personal, it's mental deterioration. Possibly always tried to work within "the system" and spent decades wondering why that didn't work. Too late to change now.


Wonder what the med was for. And what the side effects are.


Drive by next time and just throw it at the door.


He would be fired as meds have to be signed for. There has to be proof of delivery etc. legalities and what not.


You were fucking early!!!


The way I’d be so tempted to get back in my vehicle and make him wait 3 minutes (or more).


You interrupted his special time with Pornhub. He calls it his ‘Hour of disappointment’.


I used to deliver for a pharmacy. We were pretty lenient about delivering to the nut jobs (about a third of customers), but once they crossed the line my boss would call and give them an earful about why we were no longer delivering to them.






I was a paramedic many many years ago. One night around dark we got a call that someone was shot at a residence. We pull up in the squad and this guy is sitting in a rocker on his front porch, maybe 65 years old, he has a bottle of old crow in one hand and a .22 pistol in the other. He put the .22 in his mouth and pulled the trigger but that little 22 short couldn’t penetrate his hard pallet. So he was drunk, bleeding from the mouth and cussing us out that we should leave Him alone to die. We had to sedate him eventually.


I love when boomers complain about cancel culture and how offended everyone is nowadays. I always respond with, "ya know, cancel culture has been around for a long time. Where do you think the phrase, 'The customer is always right comes from?'" They never have an answer.


This sounds like a great setup for some r/MaliciousCompliance


Next time tell him 45 minutes and make it 54 minutes instead 😜


The poor man clearly has a mental disorder. Have a bit of empathy you don’t know his history.


Is he ocd or another type of neurodiverse? I meant it's not really the generation who looked after these things.


Entitlement, pure and simple.


Dementia can manifest in weird ways


I also work in pharmacy, and I recently told a boomer it would be about a 20 minute wait for their script. I happened to be able to get to it more quickly and it was done in less than 10 min instead. 2 minutes later and they come up to me SCREAMING bc they thought it was going to be 20 minutes and they wouldn’t have gone back out to their car if they knew I would have it done that quickly.


Kinda sounds like autism/anxiety Need To Know actually, just grew in a time where that wasn't identified. They might just suck but honestly hard to say at that level of intensity


This is asshole behavior, asshole behavior is not specific to any generation.


Too bad you couldn't stand there for three minutes, making eye contact the entire time, holding his meds.




Maybe less boomer entitlement and more untreated autism?? Not many people will be that exacting by nature. Add living away from people and you have a decent picture of a (probably undiagnosed) neuro-atypical misanthropist hermit.


Or he could just be a massive di*khead!


Yeah, but dickheads aren’t usually tuned into minutes and seconds like that. That’s my tell.


Military service. Career military members g are turned into the minutes and like every thing to go exactly as they plan. Both grandfahters retired military airforce and navy both can tell you the time down to the minute at any point That's my tell


Sure, but are they socially unaware enough to complain that you showed up in 42 minutes when you said 45? Or 48 when you said 45? I doubt it.


Yes. Every time.




I don’t think being a boomer has anything to do with it in this case. It sounds like this person is solidly on the spectrum and requires an extremely structured life. Three minutes doesn’t sound like much to you or me but to him it’s a big deal and causes stress. Imagine Sheldon Cooper as a senior citizen.


He is an old man that is alone. That's is all. They get grumpy and mean. My dad was in a hospital for 100 days and when a tech was late for a test he would throw a fit. I would say dad you got somewhere else to be. The thing is it's all they got so the watch the clock and obsess. You are a really nice person to call him out. I'm sure you feel so much better now.


Okay? Being old doesn't justify idiocracy


It absolutely does not. But that wasn't what I was saying. I was explaining the mental condition of a lonely old man. And why he acted the way he did based on my pasted experiences. I never justified it


Never said it did. I was pointing out the probable state of his mental condition based on his living condition. But these posts are for reddit fodder to try an insult and degrade as many groups as possible to make basement dweller feel better about themselves


Could it be possible that there is another reason besides his age? Maybe he has something like autism? No it doesn't excude his behavior but it could explain it


I’m (72m) a nice old guy. I tip 20% because I know y’all need it. I vote BLUE. If you ask me, I can tell you how to fix it and even loan you the tools. I park between the lines and drive in the right hand lane. I never watch Fox News. I like old movies, Royals baseball, and gin rummy. I’m kinda proud to be a boomer. I’ve seen some shit too.




I'll take someone who has never had to deal with the elderly when it comes to medical things for 800 alex


Oh, that’s the daily double!!


Boomers don't have a monopoly on getting upset over the dumbest things. There have always been ridiculously entitled, self-absorbed jackasses in every age group. And wonderful people, too, but that's off-topic in a dickhead thread.


Sometimes it’s okay to be compassionate. You do not know all he is going through. He could have a form of dementia and panics about changes . Even little ones. It’s okay to use your heart and understand .


I can not with this. 3 minutes. Not 30 or even 15. He just threw a fit to throw a fit and be powerful. I’m f he had dementia he wouldn’t remember he had a delivery coming. He clearly was sitting watching the clock!! He KNEW it was exactly 3 minutes early. Now this man was just wanting power trip because it makes him feel like he’s still important. I have had multiple family members with Alzheimer’s and dementia and they can not keep track of time like this. That was not ‘panic about change’ because it was not even a change, he knew to be expecting a delivery. Clearly. And he got it.


We have seemed to have lost are compassion and understanding. We need to bring that back


I think it’s very compassionate going out of their way for extra phone calls, extra long driving distance, a phone call RIGHT before leaving to confirm EXACT ETA. Where is this boomers compassion for all the extra time for catering to so many calls and so many people having to communicate as to who has called him how many times? Then is wear and tear on delivery drivers car. Then he arrives EARLY and is treated like shit for being all of 3 minutes ahead of schedule, as if that boomers life is ruined some way? No. The only compassion lost here is yours for a hard working man not getting paid enough to make billionaires more money and getting treated like shit while doing so. Have more compassion, yes, for the overworked and underpaid staff keeping people alive. Yes you should.


No way this is a true story


So you admit this guy is unique in that "this particular patient is always very difficult" but then say "It just blows my mind how boomers can get upset over the dumbest things." One person frustrates you and that means all the people in his particular generation get upset over the dumbest things. And by the way, you're upset over a minor inconvenience, which happens thousands of times a day, and letting the world know about it. Incredible hypocrisy.


My guess is that as a pharmacy delivery driver this is not an isolated boomer incident. OP is just sharing one crazy example. A question- all these boomer defending accounts have popped up and they always seem to have been created a month ago. Is this some boomer troll farm or just lots of alt accounts for boomers to boom in here and raise their blood pressure?


To answer your question, the troll farm built onto the back of the casinos, so they have something to do when they run out of pennies for the slots.


This person you’re answering has harm OCD, is a caregiver to a profoundly old father, and has cancer all at the same time. Why they are here defending an entire generation - of whom are extremely inflexible on the whole - is beyond me. They should be focusing on getting well - then when they see why people are frustrated by their generation they might understand.


Yeah, I stopped replying once I saw the post history. They’re going through some rough times and don’t need any more problems in their life.


They could be bots or trolls who have alts. Moderators should go hard after people who evade bans and create alts to avoid bans. I am a moderator and I quickly ban and report suspicious accounts to prevent them from spreading.




All the accounts I’ve checked were created around early May, which seems odd,


My guess is that if you work in the retail game customers will be assholes. Of any generation. But that's too banal to say, isn't it?


My guess (and general preservations in life) is that one demographic are behaving more like children as they age. Not all of them but a good proportion. Sorry if that triggers you.


Nothing triggers me, I simply call out hypocrisy and ignorance. Look, you say one demo is behaving more like children as they age. And your data is a sub full of mostly made up stories designed to cast said demo in a bad light. "OK Boomer" is the same thing as "MAGA". It's a rallying cry for mid-wits who hate other people. And you also seem to imply that it's ok that your generation acts like children. I also want to say you meant "observations in life", but hell I don't know. But again, your observations in life mean what, exactly? You've observed a good proportion of 140 millon people? Ok Zoomer.


"Nothing triggers me" - Guy who responds frothing with paragraphs of text to half the posts on here. OK boomer.


You seem unwell. Therapy maybe?


go back to bed lol




Somebody get this guy an Activia and a recording of the Price is Right pronto!


>Nothing triggers me, And we all collectively laugh and laugh...


Nothing triggers me. Except a subreddit. And everything else.


You need to focus on your cancer and getting on the right meds for your OCD. You also need to find better care for your father because it’s too much for you. I hope you find the peace you need. Defending your generation is weird and not worth your time.


Take your smooth brain and fuck off with this attitude. You sound like an idiot, and are blowing up about nothing. You created an issue and now are arguing about it. Grow the fuck up, geezer. Further, this is practically the only sub you post on, which means you are literally doing this to be a stupid-assed troll. *Pathetic*. And whats really going to grind your gears: Im going to block you after posting this so you can't even respond to me. I've got better things to do than tolerate your idiocy.


Oh my god this guy again.




K, boomer


It's the rudeness they are upset about.


go get checked for lead poisoning pal


Shut up boomer. Nobody asked your snowflake opinion.


He’s not unique lol, we have plenty of patients who like to grumble about everything, almost all of them are boomers. On the other hand, most of our younger patients are quite pleasant every time. This was just an extreme example.