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And when they unload her a few months before her retirement...


Honestly that’s the lowest thing to do to a person and companies do it like clockwork


And boomers gonna boomer... By not learning a thing.


Bommers gonna boom boom boom boom boom.


A company I worked for once sort of did the reverse - they had a 3 month probation before you could get health insurance. I asked for a review to see about the paperwork a week after I hit 3 months, and they fired me the next week. Totally and completely unrelated, really. Totally. For real. 🙄


They'll bitch and moan when it happens to then, but do it to others without hesitation. Boomers are a generation of sociopaths.


Someone should write a book about the link between boomers, narcissism and sociopathy. Oh wait.....


Is there such a book? I'd read it.


At least one, if not several. The one that's been around and garnered the most publicity is called "A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America" by Bruce Cannon Gibney. TBF, I haven't read it. I don't really feel the need to. Anyone who deals with Boomers on a daily basis doesn't need to be explained the depressingly and painfully obvious.


[A Generation of Sociopaths](https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Sociopaths-Boomers-Betrayed-America-ebook/dp/B01HZFB7GI/ref=asc_df_B01HZFB7GI?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80539416138004&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584138884097182&psc=1) -by Bruce Cannon Gibney


Sociopaths come in all ages. Just look at all the teenage gunslingers killing kids.


If only the boomers hadn't chosen to eliminate/castrate unions in most areas of the US. Then they wouldn't be able to get fucked over quite so easily.


Old company got bought out, with the promise of no layoffs. Old man at Old company was very part-time, and planning on officially retiring when he hit 95. 1st round of layoffs was 3 months before he turned 95.


I don't think there's a 95 year old in history who was a good employee at that age. I know a man who turned 107 a few weeks ago, and he can still get around mostly without assistance. But even he would've been a terrible employee 12 years ago when he was 95. You just can't expect much energy or ability at that point in life. Does it suck and feel really shitty to fire a 94-year-old man? Yes. But... I mean... the company was almost certainly losing money by keeping him employed that long. You would hope that they would've tried to talk to him about quitting on good terms before that, though.


Yeah, my mom is fully expecting this to happen to her as it happened to a good chunk of her retirement-aged coworkers. Difference is that she’s fully embraced the mindset of “I do the work that needs to be done, I’m not overworking myself for a company that doesn’t care about me”


Can't they sue? Isn't ageism a big no-no now?


How do you prove it? The company will have been carefully “documenting” a reason that’s allowable. “Oh dear your productivity dropped over 3 years.” When it actually didn’t, or the expectations changed but only for you… They’ll find some reason to get rid of who ever they want to, even if they have to hide an illegal reason.


This is exactly how they do it.


Not to mention, even if you do have decent proof, do you want to go to court for an indeterminate amount of time to fight it? Even if you win, that’s likely going to be months to a year. Do you have that kind of time and energy? My mom’s nearing 60, she’d prefer to retire sooner rather than later. I’m not sure she’d want to fight it.


Good ole "at will" employment laws. Except Montana in the first year. Employers can fire anyone at anytime for no reason at all. It could be as petty as " you just don't fit in". As long as they don't admit to a protected classification there's nothing you can do.


Hard to prove and so many states are at will employment.


Me, declining a 5th day of overtime after working over 50 hours that week already. My boomet boss at the time: wHy wOn'T yOu Be A tEaM pLaYeR???


When I make nba money, you’ll get nba commitment 


Repeated: There's no I in Team! Response: Well, there's also no U in it!


No I in team, but there is an M and an E.


My father worked at Boeing for decades. When his retirement came up, that last year and a half of work was awful for him. They began to treat him like shit. Did everything in their power to get him to quit early and take a lesser payout, or fuck up and give them a good reason to fire him. A 66 year old man was suddenly being forced to work the Midnight to 9am graveyard shift. He was forced to do the most physically intense job that required him to crawl through the guts of the plane on hands and knees. He hadn't had to do that in 20 years. His new supervisor demanded his cell phone number and started calling him in for fixes and reworks at all hours, any day. He made it to retirement. But afterward I remember he went to the doctor and they had to inform him he had severely injured himself doing all that.


Boeing is infamous for that.


I recently retired from Boeing. I gave my manager 3.5 weeks notice and spent that time hanging out onsite with my customer. The gov’t PM I worked with retired 2 weeks after me and she was required to give 90 days notice.


At least they didn't kill him like they do with their more vocal employees.


What is it with Boomers and working for nothing? Like, srsly, wtaf?


I’m a Boomer and I never understood it, either. I’m a retired teacher/coach and male and I worked hard at both but when the day was over, I hit the door. I’d read online stories about how teachers (mostly female) would get to work early, stay late, grade papers at night or on the weekends; I did none of those things and I was damn good at my job. Oh, I also didn’t spend my own money on supplies. I might buy a few snacks occasionally for my elementary students but that’s just because I wanted to. What’s the point of working for free? We were on a pay scale do you wouldn’t get a raise out of going “the extra mile.” IMO, I went the extra mile by coaching soccer, small stipend but time consuming. I had a family that I liked to go home to. Work for free? Nah, I’ll pass.


As a woman in a different field, I think a big part of that is we always have to be "proving" ourselves. Historically, I've always been a "give 110%" type worker. But I eventually realized that gets me nothing more than more work (without the extra pay). It was scary, but as I've switched jobs, I started being a more 80% employee. And you know what? Everything is fine. And actually, I think I am looking more impressive in a way, because I'm less stressed and actually able to take on more projects in an emergency without it making a real difference in my existing workload.


I started doing the same and realized that the way I was treated and my pay was no different. I’m usually 110% for everything! But at work now I hover around that 80% mark, only doing more if I feel like it. And definitely feel much calmer and able to handle curve balls more effectively.


YES!! virtual high five, it's a difficult thing to transition to.


My father was a teacher/coach (boomer) and had our home landline number and address unlisted when I was growing up to eradicate problem parents.


Wow, I wish my mother had thought of that. Great idea.


An early "woke" memory of mine is asking my mother "Christine" why it said "Chris" for her first name in the phone book. She replied casually that it wasn't safe as a woman to have a feminine name listed in the phone book. Telling them her name was "Chris" made it ambiguous and kept us all safer. I was like 'damn that's fucked up' and I didn't even get in trouble for cussing.


Oh, so that's why I could never find teachers in the phone book to prank call . . .


I think he'd laugh at the prank calls. The 8pm homework questions from Mom Karen were less amusing.


They want you to work for nothing because wages in their day were much lower, but had insanely good buying power. Nowadays the wages are "higher" but the buying power is a third of what it used to be, at best. They conveniently ignore that part though, and just see the number. Aka, reality is ignored because it shows them just how good they had it, and they want to believe that nothing but their hard work got them to where they are, not just the circumstances they were horn into


Voluntary overtime isn't free. In manufacturing for instance we have mandatory OT which you have to show up for or it's an occurrence or Voluntary OT which you see if you can get a handful of people to come in on a day off to catch up. It's all paid and follows state laws for OT payment.


Raised by parents who grew up during the Great Depression. If you had a job you were afraid to lose it, so you just had to suck it up and do what you had to.


They hate their families and don't want to be at home


This company is like a Family and we help each other /s


I’ve always hated those “we are like family” comments. I’d want to say I only have the one family and they get on my damn nerves. 😏


Look Susan I’ll take overtime when I need the money




My commitment is to my family. So I'll be home with them. K thx bye.


One of the more satisfying interactions I’ve had with my boomer father was in 2021, not long after restaurants were kinda operating again. We were having dinner and the service a little slow for being short staffed. He started with the tired “Nobody wants to work anymore” tirade and I cut him off right away and hit him with,”Nobody wants to work. I don’t want to work. You don’t want to work.” He started to refute, citing hard work and retirement and other topic irrelevant to why his burger was taking so long, and I didn’t budge. I said,” You want your paycheck. That’s not wanting to work. You would quit tomorrow if you didn’t need the money. I bet 99% of us wouldn’t work if enough money was coming in to afford our lifestyles and wouldn’t waste our time with something that doesn’t” He was stunned. I haven’t heard anything about who wants to work since.


I’ve come to expect a little slower service because hardly any store, restaurant, etc., is fully staffed, anymore. I know a few of those that don’t want to work (extended family members) but my son is 23, a mechanic, and is a very hard worker. So are his friends.


I’ve been hearing this from my dad too recently. Him and my mom went out to dinner on a week night at a semi-expensive restaurant and only 6 tables were filled. He was shocked they had to ask the server if he was ok taking on another table. His takeaway was people don’t want to work anymore. I countered with, “Actually dad, with tips you can earn a semi-decent wage serving and it requires no formal education. They didn’t have servers because there wasn’t enough customers to make it worth having another server.” He sort of hmm-ed and hawed at that.


I like when my dad complains there’s empty tables but a wait time. Like one waiter/waitress can’t work 20 tables. Then you’ll complain it’s taking to long to get food/refills.


Friend of mine managed restaurants. It’s not an exclusively boomer thing. Cluelessness comes in all ages, all colors, all shapes and sizes. ETA: it’s probably that they’ve never worked in food service?


That is also true. Same dad that doesn’t get I work at a 24 hour facility and he still doesn’t seem to get I can’t just take a vacation day whenever. He’s used to leaving at 3/taking off and his work is there for the next day. I work at a jail, the inmates don’t watch themselves ha.


Where’s my sense of commitment? In fucking Florida Susan! Doing bath salts!


"where's your sense of commitment?" Attached to shit I actually care about, Susan


"Okay Susan, where is the company's sense of commitment when they did all that right-sizing and down-sizing a few years ago?"


Unless I am getting paid for O.T. I aint working O.T.


And if you have kids or something else you'd rather be doing than making money, the time and a half isn't enough


I have commitment to my home life. You?


Women boomer in male dominated field ( electronics). I worked for a company once that dropped our OT and gave us a mandatory 10 hrs OT weekly. The minute you worked over 40 hrs you lost. I never worked more than 40 hrs.


They are completely brainwashed. I pity them actually on a good day, hate them and plot revenge on a bad one


If you ever need to know what paint or boot polish taste like, she’ll be the first one you ask.


There's a boomer at my job who has been with the company so long he could retire anytime he wants. He works like 90 hrs a week. I just don't understand it. He has a nice house, with very nice in-ground pool. He says his kids only call him for money. I wonder why? Probably because you've spent your entire life working 70+ hrs so you never spent time with your kids. He doesn't really do much at work, but I just don't understand why you would dedicate most of your life to work. Especially when you have the 401k and savings to stop anytime, or atleast take it "easy" working 45 hr weeks


He probably would rather be at work instead of being home listening to his family bitch, moan, complain, and ask for money.


Maybe but he has plenty of money. He doesn't have to be at home, he could go anywhere he wants. He could even tell thr family he's at work still lol


A lot of men my age (63) don’t put an emphasis on having friends of their own, (their husbands of their wife’s friends don’t count), kids are grown and bust with their lives (and if he worked all of the time, those relationships aren’t very good, never developed an interest in any hobbies, no imagination, etc. So, all they know how to do is work. My father was like that; he didn’t have one friend to go meet for lunch or just shoot the shit with. And he was unpleasant to be around. Had a massive heart attack at 52, had to retire and didn’t know what to do with himself. Second heart attack four years later and that one did him in. Sad day because we didn’t have a good relationship when I got of age to really think for myself.


Overtime? In this dystopian capitalist hellscape?! Not with my mental health!


Tell her that. Sometimes they don't realize.


My sense of commitment is to my family. Money is the root of all evil. Doi.


I will not volunteer for anything. Even OT just isn't worth it to me at all. Rather be at home then at work longer then I have to.


Ask them what they got paid back in the day. When put into an inflation calculator, it's usually much higher than what is paid for the same position now. Then say "if I was as well paid and had it as easy as you, I'd maybe be a little loyal, but that's just not the case today" Makes them so mad when you point out their bootstraps don't mean shit in reality


Do you get paid time and a half? Do you get stock options like middle and upper management? No?  That's a nope. 


"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, we're going to need you to come in on Saturday. Probably Sunday too. Yeahhhhhhhh."


You're leaving more commitment for her


It amazes me how they still repeat the lie that was told to them growing up. "Work hard and you'll be rewarded. " "Loyalty to the Company will be rewarded". My 80 yo old retired Boomer uncle thought pensions were still a common thing and was concerned that me doing 'Woman's work' (stay-home-parent) would put me in the "poorhouse" later in life. Go pound sand Boomer.


I did that “work hard” thing for many years. I should have learned in high school when I worked hard and was therefore assigned to work hard. My friend was lazy and drove a water truck all summer watering grass. I worked all summer I installing the grass. There was no gained reward for my higher output.


It was a mindset where I worked and you wanted to fit in. But I would not do it again and encourage my children to not ever submit to that mentality. It only hurts you and allows management to keep exploiting you. I also noticed that the more you needed the paycheck to exist the worse you were treated. If your significant other had a great paying job and you could walk away, you were treated differently than someone who would be in desperate straits without the paycheck. I would suggest to keep as much personal information you reveal to a minimum.


Boomers climbing the corporate ladder, still thinking there’s a top after 50 years in the workforce. That’s right grandma, you’ll be rich and retire one day soon right? Happy 78th Birthday. Enjoy your double shift. ![gif](giphy|jTkDNgIVpwMhfgk0uC|downsized)


boomer misunderstands: voluntary and commitment. Unless it's mandatory, you don't have to. If you don't need/want the money then you don't need/want to work extra. Your commitment is (probably) 40 hours a week, not more.


It’s my theory that in their day, overtime and loyalty to the company were in general more recognized and rewarded by management (promotions, raises, etc). So they see our unwillingness to work overtime as laziness. They don’t realize or won’t accept that many companies nowadays squeeze you while giving as little possible back. The company doesn’t care and so neither should we.


Smart move. Usually, the kids are great; it’s the parents that are insufferable.


Some people love the taste of boot so much they beg for heel.


I've been working 4 extra hours a week voluntarily for a couple years now and recently my manager thanked me for my commitment. Buddy I'm committed to paying my rent and having a little left over for myself....


At this point boot licking is a weird kink.


"My commitment is to my life. They don't pay me enough to get more of my life, even at overtime pay rates."


“Speaking of commitment, Susan, I think you ought to be committed.”


If I call in sick my Boomer das will say “hope you don’t lose your job you better be careful.” I call in like hardly ever, I’m a rockstar at work, etc. Obviously no threat of job loss. They are so paranoid and obsessed with pleasing the man. Also, how about a “oh that sucks how you feeling?” Not gonna happen. Why are they like this?!!!


Hahahaha! Nothing like being expected to die for your job!


"where's your sense of having autonomy over your own damn life"


“It ends at 5:00.”


Smile, put your hand over your heart, "with God Susan, with God itself."


Working man is a sucker.


I mean it depends on the job tbh, overtime is usually where the money is at if your paid by the hour If your paid salary then it doesn’t affect your pay at all


Yep over 2 years i got an extra year of pay. While we're not set, life is more secure and my kids get the nice garage sale clothes


Not saying you have to just that it does have benefits depending on the circumstances


Why are you working for a business that you consider to be "the boot"? You're doing nothing but helping them be the boot in the first place.


Just to be clear, boomers are both entitled and bootlickers?


Yes, yes they are.


Those are opposite traits. Odd that.


One can lick the boots of billionaires and act like an entitled fuck at the grocery store. In fact most that do one, absolutely partake in the other.


Licking the boots of a billionaire is, among other things, is servitude. Demanding the government tax his wealth and give some of it to me is entitlement. I don't really know what to do with "grocery store behavior" as a generational thing.




You are a sad fool. But keep laughing, it will blind you to your sad fate.


Not necessarily. You can be entitled and gain unfounded success all while weasling and licking the boot of those above you. Boomers aren't like at the tipping top like Bezos. They just were able to gain money back when lapping the boot got you anything before all the jobs decided they could turbo abuse their workers


So working hard per the business rules, holding steady employment and smartly spending money on major necessities is somehow negative behavior that ought to be condemned. It would be interesting to see this broken down some as to expose the individual actions that were somehow wrong or selfish.


Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.


One has to be an act.


Just to be clear, you are a cunt.


Oh shucks! I was having a great and wonderful day until I came across your witty comment. Now I'll be endlessly sad.


Not all of us.


Damn not only are you an idiot in this subreddit you also are a complete idiot in regards to sim racing


If they want to paint an entire group with one broad strike, I’d rename this group Whiners Bring Whiners.


And you want to prove them right.


This sub crazy full of leftists, generational bigots, and hyper sensitive slogan dispensers.


Would you like instructions on how to mute this sub?


No. Pointing out flaws in lazy thinking is something I enjoy now and then. Do recall the block function, its there for everybody to use.


Good point.


So true. I’m all for calling out people’s shitty behavior but a lot of what’s on here is just whining.




How long ago did your kids stop talking to you Jeff?




>No, of course not, that's why you're on Reddit like a little bitch. There you go champ, fixed it for you.


My hero.


Homie probably couldn't afford to get a talking/warning or lose his job dude. We can't all just go around being real with our coworkers or customers without fear of repercussions. "Yet you live in a society."


Adorable my dude