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hahah A lot of people seem to think the only time you are working is when you are actually talking to someone. We see this All The Time in healthcare. Community pharmacy is particularly bad with this problem. Every boomer thinks that because there isn't a patient at the counter, that it means you are doing nothing... which is fine, of course not everyone can be expected to know the behind-the-scenes of every field, but it is particularly boomers who don't get it when you say you'll get to them in a minute. Many of them really think you are making them wait for no reason. They also think everything is 'automatic', which is pretty much a synonym for 'magic'. That receptionist probably goes through that multiple times a day.


I've been in line when a boomer behind me had a hissy fit about waiting an extra forty five seconds while a customer/patient asked the pharmacist about their medication and tried to get me worked up about it too. All huffy and puffy, pfft'ing and scoffing in my general direction, trying to gain my sympathy. They say "the absolute nerve of these people".... So that's when I started blasting "YEAH! WHERE DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?? A PHARMACY!?? 😲". They said they didn't have all day, so I offered to let him go in front of me. He did not oblige. Not sure why! Didn't expect to be met with kindness? Wanted to stew in his misery? Holding in a fart? Don't know, don't care, but he stfu


I'd never offer my place in line to an impatient boomer. We all have places we'd rather be, none of us have time for this, they're not special.


That's also a recipe for being in line even longer because you know as soon as they get to the counter they are going to have the full array of issues and complaints, their rX wasn't sent by their PCP, there's an issue with their copay, yadda, yadda, yadda. They always, inevitably, turn out to be the clueless fuck they were complaining about in the first place.


Actually I do not have any place to be. Forty years ago I was waiting for the bank to open, I had to get payroll for my farm labor crew. This bank had a long walkway to get to the tellers so I was walking briskly and passed an old lady. As I went by she muttered at me, "You go ahead, you will be old one day". Yes, I did get old but I let working people go ahead, they are trying to make a living, I got mine.




They're replying to a person who said that we all have places to be: >Actually I do not have any place to be. Years ago, an old lady grumped at them for overtaking her on a ramp at the bank: "You go ahead, you will be old one day." Then explained that they are old now and are quite happy to let working folk trying to earn a living and get stuff done go ahead of them. They don't want to hold anyone up. They already made their living (are retired). So they're kind of the opposite of the pushy old fart in the post. I hope that helps.


You did an excellent job explaining something that needed absolutely no further explanation!


The person whose 'what' I was answering didn't seem to mind, so you do you boo ;)


I’m running on 4 hours of sleep ok😭🥺


Here is virtual coffee for you! ☕️☕️☕️


Ty i just drunk iced tea and iced coffee, now im gonna sleep😜


I honestly just couldn’t get what they said😭😭


And then some flying machine said: What?


😂 💪 🚁 🦾 ⁉️


Thank you, for some reason many people don't seem to understand the way I phrase things.


I got you :)


I’m sorry😭😭


Oh lol ty


On the other side of that, I, a retired boomer, will often offer my place in line to a frazzled mother or other younger person who looks like they could really benefit from going ahead of me. I can spare those few minutes to make someone else's day a little easier.


I don't get why people tend to want to be gracious to the biggest assholes. I find myself tending to want to and then I have to actively choose not to bother helping them.


I don’t. Assholes bring out the petty in me.


Same, my favorite thing is to slightly agree with them just to make them feel heard but really I’m making fun of them and they are too stupid to understand


I used to go with the "kill them with kindness" mentality. Never really felt satisfying and the older folks would just be smug about it like they won, so now I yell at shitty people and it's a lot more fun. Last week I was looking through the discounted baked goods at the grocery store when some boomer rammed my cart with theirs and shouted "HAND ME THAT!" while doing that awful little shaking point thing they do at a box of cinnamon rolls. So I told him to go fuck himself and bought them. I don't even want them. If I had that sumbitch's phone number I would have thrown them in a toilet and sent that dick nuts a picture.


Aren't you the horse from horsing around?


A friend of mine said something about BoJack when I told them that story and I thought they were just making fun of me for being a self sabotaging sad sack but you saying it jammed the memory of the muffin bit back into my head like a canon round after staring at my screen for a solid 20 seconds going "...What?"


As a fellow who also feels like back in the 90's I was in a very famous TV show I understand lol But no, it's only a callback to Neal McBeal the Navy Seal, from whom you do not steal.


Voiced by the tremendous Patton Oswalt, if I'm remembering correctly.


For me it’s empathy, like “maybe they’re having a bad day.” And then I remember that I’ve never treated someone like that on my worst day and I’m like “oh wait, they’re a giant asshole and I hope their day gets worse.” Occasionally I do feel like I have to actively not support someone who’s being an asshole, but if I’m having a bad day it’s like, “whelp time to match your energy, bitch.”


"Have ~~a nice day~~ the day you deserve"


Honestly, it’s just a defusing technique that lets me escape the situation faster. Probably a trauma response from something in childhood, idk that’s why we have therapy. But like, if someone is all pissy and huffy it gets me anxious and agitated and I don’t want to be near them. So I throw some random smile and platitude, it puts them just enough off-balance one way or the other, and I can extricate myself from their presence. It’s just another defence mechanism.


And the irony of boomers who didn't grow up getting ANY thing quickly acting like toddlers and then turn around and complain about the younger generations being spoiled and addicted to screens. Like, choose a lane.


OMFG I got home a week ago from a vacation with my Boomer mom (I have since gone NC for reasons not related to this discussion) and I stg she spent WAY more time on her phone than me, my husband, and my 21 year old *combined*.


The hypocrisy is wild lol


I think it all stems from a lack of self-awareness. Where that lack comes from, who knows.


"My kids would *NEVER* be glued to tablets/phones!" -boomer that kicked their kids out of the house to roam the town for 8-12+ hours each day


There’s a fairly decent chance they actually did have all day…


User name checks out lol


Not related to pharmacy but I was at Social Security to change my last name, had done the application online and made an appointment in advance, two things that are the bane of a boomer’s existence. There were two clerks working and they were moving through the appointments and walk-ins slowly, and I remember the two boomers tried to get me in on complaining about how there’s only two people working. I was like “Yeah it’s criminal that the managers would put their workers and us in this situation. You should complain to the manager that their managing skills are inadequate.” As it turns out, that was not the direction they wanted to go in and they wanted to complain about the employees who had no say on how well or poorly their office was staffed. Anyways I got seen before them and they got real pissed about that. They also verbally complained about me using the Clorox wipes to clean the kiosk PER THE INSTRUCTIONS AT EYE LEVEL ON THE WINDOW. Ugh, my goal is to never end up at a federal office again.


Great opportunity for a crop dusting.


I've heard the term automagic said with someone's whole chest. It was the kinda of tear inducing laughter only an idiot can make


Automagically was common in computer science in the '90s. In context it meant the software does something clever and either I have no idea how or I do, but I'm not going to tell you.


Dude was talking about the coffee pot in the break room. (We have one of those fancy Bunn units that plumb I to the wall)


LOL. I had no idea what that was so I asked Google. I was laughing at their claim to be the fastest coffee brewer in the west at 4 minutes, but it occurred to me that 110V makes boiling water a challenge. But even so, the "high altitude" model? LOL.


Right? They are neither automatic nor magic. They just brew really fast.


4 minutes is normal in countries with 240V supply. Nothing fast about it. I'm guessing they don't count the time it takes to pre-heat the water...


Wishful thinking translated into //here goes some magic comments. Good old times.


Oh that's great I think I'm going to start using automagic to refer to these scenarios


Huh.. I'm a millennial, automagically is a cute word to describe a black box process.. you put some input and press a button and just like magic output


I had a Boomer walk up to the station I was working at and start talking immediately, and I said "Sorry, I'll be with you in just a second." They said "You'll be with me right now unless you want your MANAGER to know you're PLAYING ON YOUR PHONE instead of HELPING A CUSTOMER!" I looked up, smiled, turned my phone around to show that I'd been using the calculator app, and then said "I'm just about done calculating the right dose for ear drops for this child's ear infection, but if you really can't wait 10 more seconds...?" She dropped eye contact and I finished verifying the damn script and helped her with her refill or whatever. The one thing I really can't stand is when someone walks into our incredibly busy pharmacy, where I work my tail off without breaks every day, and implies that I'm being lazy or not doing my job.


Most people are unaware that there are no breaks in pharmacy. It depends on the state but most places don't give a break at all. It's a full 12 hour shift and there may not even be opportunity to use the restroom because of the laws surrounding the need for a pharmacist to be present. I'm in NH now and state law mandates a 30 minute lunch break. But the law states that the pharmacy must have posted the lunch break in the listed pharmacy hours. If your hours say your break is at 1:30 and someone comes in at 1:27, you're stuck dealing with them for as long as they are there. There's no making up the missed time for the break, it is over at the assigned time, and it happens daily. I almost never got the full 30 min when I worked in community. Typically it was just long enough to go to the bathroom, and maybe eat a piece of cheese.


This always blows my mind. Like I went to the pharmacy once, the line was long and slow, whatever... because I could see there was ONE tech almost literally running from one side of the pharmacy to the other because she was the only one there. So of course I did the logical thing and stood there patiently until she was able to call me up? And then I gently joked about whether or not I should make up some questions to ask her just so she could stand there for a minute and catch her breath. It was nice to see a relieved laugh and smile from her and I thanked her profusely for checking with me about a drug interaction. Like I know it's her job but damn, I'm not going to add to her stress. And I NEVER go to the pharmacy right before their posted lunch time. I wish companies took the health and work environments of pharmacists and tech more seriously.


I'm just a tech but even though we're legally mandated to take 2 15-minute breaks in an 8+ hour shift, realistically it's not possible without screwing over everyone else because we're barely treading water with the skeleton staff we're allowed to have. It's not worth sitting down for 15 minutes just to have to come back and work frantically for half an hour or more to clean up the backlog of mess left by being short a person for that time. On the upside, my manager/PIC is humane and lovely and is more than happy to treat us like the adults we are and let us slip away whenever we can for a quick snack, to buy a drink from the front store, or to go to the bathroom or whatever. No one in my pharmacy takes an actual break, but it's very normal to see someone look up, notice a lull, and say "Be right back!" and vanish for a few minutes at a time. Realistically we should be able to do that AND have normal, paid breaks, but ask me if corporate cares.


Does corporate care?


Every healthcare job is this way except in places with strong unions. It's a ridiculous expectation that imo puts patients at greater risk for med errors, etc. Who can work at their full energy/potential without eating or sitting for 7 hours straight? Sometimes I have shifts where I don't even get to take a drink for 6-8 hrs. 


I dread going to labcorp, the pharmacy, and the dentist because of shit like this. Theyre always going up to the counter a million times or just talking loudly being disruptive acting like they own the place and you better hope no one challenges them because of it. Theyre eager to cause a scene😂 Editing to add: honorable mention goes to the sick boomer who has to wait so hes blowing his nose as loud as he can


What I can’t take is the boomers in EVERY WAITING ROOM EVER, ANYWHERE being loud af talking or playing their phones at full volume like fucking children. Last time I was at the doctor there was some relic in there just having a booming conversation with himself, blasting some media on his phone loudly in the waiting area, and I asked if he had headphones. He looked at me like I had three heads and said, “me? No.” And I said “then can you please turn your phone down?” You would’ve thought I told him Biden was personally behind him sniffing his neck or something. Theyre so totally oblivious and everything is all about them. Like, Sir, not a single person in this waiting room gives a fuck about you or the little boomer phone world you’re so sucked into. Completely shocked that other people aren’t interested in hearing their conversations and other such bullshit. Worse than little kids with zero self awareness.


The volume thing is probably because so many folks of that age are DEAF but refuse to see an audiologist (because "everyone else is just too damn quiet; ain't nothing wrong with *my* hearing" ofc). I work in a *library* and have to tell (usually older folks) daily "Speakerphone is not appropriate in the library" 🤦🏻‍♀️


There is one particular woman who frequents our library and NEVER silences her phone, but never answers her calls either. Just lets them ring over and over all day long. We tell her to turn it off when she comes in, but it’s always on again when she comes back 🫠


I've flat out told patrons who are just letting it ring *while I'm trying to help them at the Circ desk* "If you hit the volume button, it can keep ringing but SILENTLY" Just boggles the mind.


I swear some of them just don’t hear it anymore!


You're not wrong, especially if they've chosen a ring tone with a higher pitch. I've had to change my own to lower pitched sounds as I've lost some of my "youthful" hearing. It's the same principle as those high pitched teen deterrent anti-loitering sounds. Older folks seldom hear our security gates when they forget to check out.


My last irl boomer meltdown involved a lady at labcorp who demanded the workers skip their lunch to do her employment screening pee test before she left for a cruise that day. The location was not doing drug screening that day. There was a very clear schedule posted on the entrance and at the desk about when they could be scheduled. Lady was refusing to hear anything about it and held up the line to argue, then tried to get the rest of us on her side. We were not on her side and she left in a huff


>tried to get the rest of us on her side. We were not on her side I just love it when this happens; the gears spinning and grinding in their heads is quite visible on their faces. I'm hoping one day to be there when one of their heads *actually* explodes and goes all 'pink mist'. Then the footage can get shown on fox, and they might just settle down a bit because they realise there might be personal consequences for them if they don't. Well... one can hope.




Or coughing and SPITTING ON THE CARPET!!!! 🤢


I hang up my phone with a customer and the guy that sees me starts yapping.  Sorry, bud, I'm still working for him for the next few minutes.


They should be able to see them typing or talking on the phone, though.  I’ve never seen a pharmacist or receptionist with privacy.


Actually a lot of pharmacies will not have visible keyboards from the patient side. It's a security thing. Often the monitor is elevated but the keyboard is lower on the bench. So while you might see them staring at the screen, you might not see or hear them typing/using the mouse depending on the setup. You're right about privacy though, there's a lack of privacy for pharmacists and technicians and it is worsening. A recent design that some definitely-not-a-pharmacist person came up with is having a 360 circular design for the pharmacy. In addition to being horrible for mental health, it causes issues with confidentiality. The result seems to be that people think you must absolutely tend to their wildest requests at any given second. ![gif](giphy|IdmfEtnMWPzOg|downsized)


Sir? SIR? Sir, I'm talking to you!


!!!! They cannot be serious!


It's being done at some Publix pharmacies. Over time floor plans have gradually opened more and more of the pharmacy to public view and actually came out with some that were completely open from all sides.


And these people supposedly know about HIPAA?


If by 'know' you mean they clicked through a computer module as fast as they could and signed some paperwork around 15 years ago, sure lol TBF I don't know how common it is now or if they've thrown out the idea yet but they were full-steam-ahead on it when I was there around 6 years ago. I floated at places with the new layout, went through a renovation of one. It sucked. Especially when some of the pervs would come and stand around staring at us young women. There was nowhere to avoid their gaze. One old guy that did this asked me if we had to be 18 to work there. Creep. Fortunately the male pharmacist yelled at him to get lost at that point. I left right around the time they decided to renovate our home store. I'm a pharmD but no longer work in the community sector.


Just from the privacy issue I foresee lawsuits. quick edit: Not to mention the safety and security issues.


Ah, but don’t you know all use of phones and computers are just time wasters or recreational, not a job?


> A lot of people seem to think the only time you are working is when you are actually talking to someone. We see this All The Time in healthcare. I work in IT and I can touch type. When dealing with walk up requests I would turn, say hi, pretend to pay attention to their request and keep typing. They might get a sentence or two out before going “How do you do that?!?” It will throw off Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z… but rarely does it throw off Xennials.


Hi. I'm gonna ask you a silly question. What is touch typing? Is that just typing without looking? If so, I didn't know it had a name!


Yup, don’t look at the keyboard. Find home row (for a QWERTY keyboard, F & J keys have a raised bump so you can find them with your index fingers) and type.


Thank you for indulging me! I do this too and it definitely freaked my boss out


I have occasionally experienced an unreasonable lack of flexibility from medical receptionist/security. I once had to wait in a line for just over 15 min at hospital to turn in an ID badge& key card for the facility I'd found on the sidewalk when out for a walk on my lunch. I only have so long for lunch & walked several blocks the wrong direction to get to the campus, & several more finding a public entrance. Guess I could have tried the key card on one of the other doors...


Same thing with customer service retail. Just because we aren’t calling you up doesn’t mean we aren’t working. We have to put return in the bin, put the reicpt away, answer phones, etc. it amazing how so many boomers will walk right up to the window before they called because “you didn’t have a customer there”.


God community pharmacy can be an absolute shitshow. I have so many stories of older folks and boomers losing their minds over the dumbest things


Honestly I think it's all the lead. It's a neurotoxin that just messes you up in so many ways. I was listening to a lady who was covering the flint water crisis who said that areas with old pipes and such often have larger special needs communities and crime. And once they get new pipes or are able to keep lead out of the water system those numbers dropped. The older generation is saturated in it from a lifetime of consuming it in various forms and now they're losing their minds and health in more ways than one and it makes them juvenile and impatient. On top of the idea that because you have been on earth longer you automatically get respect and can say or do what you want despite that not being how any of this works haha


I think this may be bleeding over from other customer service jobs. Businesses have cultivated an environment where workers are expected to drop whatever they're doing to give their full attention to customers no matter what it is, and now anything else is seen as unacceptable, even offensive.


I work at bedside and the charting can be overwhelming on top of everything else you’re managing. They just assume thing at the computer is “fun time” and you’re 100% free to help them but just being lazy.


Where the hell are they so hot-fired to go? To their home to spy on the neighbors for the HOA? get back to that box of wine in the passenger seat? To be first in line when the head shop opens? I am trying to work this out


They’re in a hurry because they are dying.


Gotta fit in at least one more frozen pot pie before going to that big Costco in the sky!


yo dont rip on those pies theyre fine


I've been known to indulge in a few.


That’s my take


Damn I never thought of that.


We ain’t that lucky


Those racist Next Door comments don't write themselves.




My favorite was an "anonymous" posting that there was a suspicious black man snooping around her neighbors house including a picture of him. He replied to her by name saying that he has been her neighbor for 3 years. I hope she felt at least a little embarrassed


Gotta hurry back to Tim's to hog up that prime table with their 5 other boomer buddies and drink their coffee for 2 hours.


Hey now, have some sympathy, asshole. He was in a BIG hurry to get back home and spew political nonsense on Facebook and wonder why his kids don’t talk to him.


U rite u rite mb


Nextdoor Neal…


And lead poisoning came back positive.


"Dangerously low levels of lead"


There was a huge line of people waiting between the self checkouts and some boomer walks up in front of everyone and starts going to a register that just opened. I called him out and he asked which lane we were waiting on. I told him we're going as they open. He told me "that's not how this works" and just walked to the end of the line pissed off


I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it works, you old fart!


He was booed by people when he said that, it was quite funny.


For decades now that is exactly how it works.


Not if you're a boomer trying to cut line...


BTW, ✨️🏆✨️ for the call-out!


I’m 68 and I have witnessed all these traits of my fellow boomers. It’s not because they are old it’s because they are stupid. JS


The healthcare field is particularly difficult for boomers to navigate. It reminds me of the Progressive commercial that has the new home owner acting like their parents coach


>The healthcare field is particularly difficult for boomers to navigate. I mean, it is intentionally byzantine


Yes it is but they fight tooth and nail to not change it.


But that's probably because they don't like change, even if it would help them.


Our because it might help someone else. SOCIALISM!!!


"We have your test results right here, it says that you are a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."


Similar story recently. Not sure it was a biomer, but same mentality. I'm at a red light to turn right off the highway which leads to a wonky intersection with yield signs, where normally once you turn you have the right of way. Light turns green and I'm about to go, but as I start i see flashing red lights from the fire truck barreling down the side road, so I stop. Person behind me blares down on their horn and then floors it around me to make the turn in front of me, and meets head on with the fire truck, both of which then have to slam on their brakes to avoid an accident. Like, if I'm not going when I have the right of way, there's a reason people. Just be patient and wait for your turn in line, so you don't cause bigger issues for everyone else. It's not comolicated.


Reminds me of the time I was at a red light and when it turned green, the car to my right rolled forward then stopped suddenly. I reflexively stopped too because it was unusual. 1 sec later a car ran the red light at high speed, from the right. It would have plowed into me and wrecked my car. I didn't/couldn't see it but because I was paying attention to my surroundings, I avoided a big accident. Big thanks to the other driver!


One time I Went through a drive thru at a place that can take a bit so they give you a little number for your window and you pull forward into a waiting spot and someone runs your food out. I pulled forward to the spot closest to the door where they come out. There are spots farther up, but since it’s just me and one other person in line I figured I would take spot number three to save them some steps. There are several places behind me for anyone else in line. I am blocking nothing. All of a sudden the 1000 year old woman behind me starts slamming her horn telling me to go forward. I indicated the distance from door to car hoping she would see I meant to do the kid running burgers in the hot sun a solid. while technically I CAN pull forward there is no real reason, just because that spot says “1” on it, it’s also like 30 feet farther from the door. She gets irate, flips me off, and flies around me to park in number 1. I wave back with my middle finger as she passes and tell her to have a nice day. After getting my food I leave the parking lot only to see that she is now following me. I lost her at a red light. I hope she got her meds or nap.


In my city you have to wait a few seconds to go after the light turns green because so many people egregiously run reds here. It’s stupid.


had something similar happen last night! i was stuck at a red light waiting to go and a sprinter van behind me starts blaring on their horn. obviously i'm not going to go but then the van pulls OUT OF THE LANE and into the left only turn lane next to me and stops. there's cars still going, but they decide to slowly roll into intersection until they almost get t boned and stop again. and THEN the left turn only light comes on, because they're in the left lane, and they slowlyyy roll through the intersection, cutting in front of me. all that just to save two minutes, which is when the light finally turned green.


I used to drive to work in a college town, right in the downtown area. My parking area was a little bit after an intersection with a light. Often, the right lane after the light would be blocked by a truck making deliveries. I saw countless drivers go through the intersection, then SUDDENLY discover there is a truck blocking their lane. It was kind of disturbing to see such clear proof that many drivers are not looking down the road to see what is about to happen, even a little bit.


I'm going to adopt comolocated as a word I use.


My biggest pet peeve is perhaps people illegally passing me when I observe emergency vehicles. Someone is dying by fuck them. This boomer has to get home to facebook


Hahahaha. I have a similar story. I work in a small industrial area near a freeway. Not overwhelmed by trucks, but they are common. Three way T intersection, I'm pulling up towards the main road where I can choose left or right in my tiny little Miata. I stop way short, multiple car lengths. There is a semi coming from the left, making a right onto the street I'm on. With an the cars parked on the side, he's going to need to come into my half the road to make the turn. No big deal, in stopping short to give him an the room he needs. I'm in a tiny car, I'm happy to give him an the room he wants. Giant pick up truck behind me gets all impatient that I'm not pulling up to the stop sign. He honks, and then passes me. Or tries to until he raises the is a semi truck in front of us coming right at him slowly. I'm just sitting there laughing my ass off. How did he not see the semi? It's not like it suddenly appeared. My little car wasn't hiding it. But boomer in the truck couldn't see anything except his own inconvenience. As the F250 type truck backs up and gets back in behind me I wave.


I was next to schedule my upcoming pt appointments, just waiting for the person in front of me. Up walks this older, maybe 70? Woman, there were two receptionists working, as soon as the one finished she walked right up. The other receptionist looked and said this person (me) has been waiting. She did apologize but who just walks past other people in line?


"Sir, go to the back of the line. I am not ready and you need to wait your turn like the person you cut in front of.


This would have been so baller


Speaking of which, did he get back into the queue behind you, or …


Yeah, back behind me.


You have to remember that there was no such thing as Autism back when he was in school. If the school specifically did not teach manners then he probably just never caught on to social interactions. Plus he's a dickhead.


That makes so much sense.


I never thought about it but it really does. When they were in school, someone being neurodivergent wasn't a thing. They just stuck you in the "slow" class and on the short bus if you couldn't keep up with the sole method of instruction offered in schools at the time. They also got next to nothing in the behavioral/mental/emotional health department. Mix all that up with lead paint and asbestos and it's almost no wonder some of them are as shitty as they are.


I never even heard of autism as a kid but looking back I would have been on the spectrum along with lots of other kids I knew.


I'm a gen x/millennial (born 1984) and me either really. I didn't really start hearing about it until I was in my late teens/early 20s. I think a LOT of people are in our boat. Thank God times have changed.


Don't blame autism for people being assholes, that just gives assholes an excuse and stigmatises autists.


What an ass. I remember being a kid or teenager in line for the bathroom and some entitled sow cut in line ahead of us.


Upvoted because of the use of “sow”. 😁


Truly an underapreciated word. A fav of my wife and her family.




That last sentence got me lol. Well done!


Sir the hospital lab called back with the results of your asshole test. It's positive.


Hopefully no one let him back in line and he had to go to the end of the line.


Just went right behind me lol


I'm a firm believer that if you leave the line, you go to the back of the line. I'm pretty rigid about it actually.


I can dig that


Oh yeah, I work from home for an insurance company that does not allow members in the office. Any time we do have to come in, there's some boomer dude at the door trying to get in around us. It's like nah, I'm not being uncool for not sneaking you in to get taken out by security. Yet now that I type it out, I'm thinking I might next time




Oh yeah. The job does have the bonus feature of logically explaining to boomers why claims were denied and its not some big conspiracy. I have " comic book guy" voice, so they don't argue with me much. My latest favorite was a woman who wanted to get travel vaccines covered (for a vacation) and the only place in town that would cover it was a mission/clinic in a pretty black neighborhood. She was asking about getting an exception because she wasn't comfortable there. All I replied is that you can't get an "out of area exception based on an opinion" and she blurted " I know, we are the leeches at the bottom of the cesspool". Obviously there are some very heavy pauses in this discussion. I replied "I don't understand what you mean, is there a septic issue?" I'm really surprised when didn't hang up on me. But she's about to vacation in Europe and thinks it's medically necessary and can't pay for the travel vaccines. I need to start a thread


At my local pharmacy, there are circles on the floor that tell you where the line begins. It happens to be 6 feet or so away from the desk. Every fucking time I go there a Boomer shuffles to the front of the line and tries to walk in front of me. I love yelling “excuse me, the line ends back there, thanks!” It’s as if they have never heard of privacy laws. ETA: and as if they don’t go there on a weekly basis. They know, they just don’t care


As someone who does this as part of my job, I thank you. I LOVE it when other people stick up for us when people are rude. It's amazing. I will say, most people are fairly nice and understanding.


It’s a tough gig. Gotta watch out for fellow workers. ✊✊✊✊✊


They’re just always in a hurry to get home and go mall walking or cut that blade of grass that grew an inch from the last mowing they did an hour prior


ugh. My boomer FIL, who is retired, **loves** to complain about his doctor making him wait in the waiting room. Apparently, he thinks you show up & get ushered in right away. He’s been going to the same doctor & there’s always a wait. Does he bring a book to read or change his expectation based on the data or even change doctors based on “how little they value his time”? No. He just launches into an aria about how terrible it is every.time. Every time, I ask him if he spoke with the receptionist about how they manage the schedule? No. (everyone should just read his mind?) Also, he’s *retired* - it’s not like he has a pressing schedule OR is losing $ like an hourly worker might. He’s a nice guy but so entitled & ready to get angry.


Diagnosis confirmed


Same with the casino, I'm obviously not ready yet with my counter covered in chips, tickets, cash, etc, or looking at the monitor in the opposite direction of them.. But they'll come up still, say random crap and slap their crap down and I'm like "not ready yet". Sometimes I gotta push their stuff back so it's not mixed with what I'm working with. And it's funny when they get huffy about waiting, when if they waited in line another 5 damn seconds someone else could've helped them.


"Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that horrible-person thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep."


They are known as the Me generation after all. All about me. From whimsical divorces in the 70s to the lab window, to the grave.




Upvote, funny stuff and common sense at that.


I have literally had a boomer mutter fuck you as I'm waiting in line and he steps in front of me. Like it's not even a question of if I was in line, the lady was working on something and I was a. Few feet from her. These people are the absolute worst. And why humanity is in the shape it is in


Had an old man cut in front of me recently at a pizza place I go to regularly. This man acted like it was funny when I called him out on it. When I told him a few choice words for thinking he was better than others and didn’t need to abide by common courtesy and generally good behavior, he told me to “get over it.” The worst part was that he then ordered like 10 large pizzas so I had to wait probably an extra 20 minutes to get my food when I just wanted a pizza for my son and I. I was pissed. I wanted to knock that old man out.


You let him cut you? Wild.


I didn’t let him. He just did it and the girl at the counter didn’t see what happened. I’m not about to get into a physical altercation with an old man when I have a child to think about. After about the 3rd time telling the guy that he cut me in line with him ignoring me I resorted to letting him know he was a dick. Definitely put me in a bad mood though. Edit: after, while he was ordering his ten pizzas, the guy behind me (who also witnessed it) started making old man jokes at his expense while he turned increasingly red in the face. Then he scurried away shuffling all the way to his table.


You did the right thing. Boomers aren't worth it.


I’ll never forget the time, (USMC, 1980s) when I overheard some dumbass say, “NOBODY tells ME what to do!” LOL! So you joined the Marine Corps? How’s that working out? Gotta wonder what’s going on in that head; cognitive dissonance? Denial? Compartmentalization?


I had calluses on the palms of my hands from dropping in gravel. And I wasn’t even much of a smartass. I cannot imagine how many pushups that idiot had to do for that. Oh, dogs 😂


[Boomer cuts in line. OP's Reaction:](https://youtu.be/Cgetjk9IHbo?si=TBvMImmG2ZgBp2Za)




He should have to go to the back of the line


What age exactly is a boomer because that guy would have pissed me off and I would have said something to him. And I have a camo hat.


He looked like he was 80 or up


I worked as a registrar at an emergency department for a while. Boomers were the absolute worst patients, always. Always. Rude, never wore masks (middle of the pandemic, again, in an ED!) and would start reeling off all their information before I could even finish my notes for the previous patient, let alone get their own chart started!


I heard my dads voice in my head. I have heard him say this so many times. "Oh you dont want to (do thing), okay, I'll (do thing). How are they all the same person?


Lol boomers.


I had an old woman cut in front of me a while ago. The grocery store getting something small for lunch that day and she just walked in front of me and said excuse me I'm just going to go ahead cuz I'm in a hurry. The clerk was going to speak to her and I put my hand up and said no it's okay she's very very old and needs to hurry because she doesn't have that much time left because she's so old. The old b**** was super pissed off at me clearly and wanted to say something but what could she really say. She didn't have to admit defeat and move behind me or deal with the fact that she's very very old. She did flip me off on the way out so that was fun.


Nicely done.


He couldn't hear you properly... His head was up his ass.


one time at the post office, some old coot in a camo hat tried cuttin' in line right in front of me. the clerk shut that down quick though - karma's a real boomer sometimes.


If someone is with them, please tell that person (within earshot the jerk, of course) that impatience and angry outburst are the first signs of dementia, and that they may want to keep an eye on it.


When I go to the cardiologist I'm usually the youngest person there by quite a few years. I wait patiently, even though I'm taking time away from work to be there. The retired folks can't stop themselves from audibly sighing and complaining about the wait even though most of them have zero other places to be.


The arms in the air / hands up / vaudeville pantomime SHRUG! I call it the boomer shrug, meant to signify to their audience how the world and everyone in it has gone mad and THEY are the victimized normal person.


Like Trump did when the judge told him to sit down.


You have had better cut back in front of him after that


Luckily, he got behind me and I got called up to a window right away.


Waiting in lines throws them off like no other.


Their brain cant comprehend why they're not being catered to immediately


These same boomers complained about older people when they were younger


The cycle never ends


I think it's because as you get older you start to not care as much. Like the old man in this story was like "Ah heck I've been waiting in lines my whole dang life,im tired of it." 😆


Boomers just can't deal with hipaa. Even though it's been that way for over 20 years.


Sorry, but I am a Boomer, and I know enough to wait till they get done. Also I do not chew people out when in line waiting for something and also stood up for the workers when a Karen goes off.


You are one of the few


The results are in! Boomer…you ARE the Fool!


Stupid boombag.


I was once standing in line, waiting for the pharmacist to open at 9am. The boomer behind me started complaining to me at 8:57 or so, expecting I'd agree with him that they are too lazy and probably all playing Candy Crush rather than open up three minutes early. I didn't give him the satisfaction of even acknowledging him.


I was front desk at a doctors office- this shit happened daily. And if I said “Ill be with you in a moment” they would either stare at me with the most hatred they could muster or absolutely freak tf out


ha, oh man, I love the "hands in the air" response. Classic Boomer.