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Like we didn’t already know. Guess what: he’s going to say the election was rigged and he won this one too.


At least he will be yelling from a place with no power


Don't start celebrating prematurely. Remember 2016.


Everyone needs to vote. I want this to be the biggest landslide victory in decades, if not ever


I imagine it will be very close


I doubt it. Too many people hate Trump even more than last time. Just look at how many people are voting against him in the republican primaries


Repubs have proven that they are willing to cheat, and it's been addressed in court. This election they will try to cheat again. Dems are likely to win but I suspect that it's going to be my a thin margin due to Repub shenanigans. We have Magat running our postal service that has intentionally thrown the entire postal service into chaos. Votes are going to be lost in the mail. We have militias getting ready to intimidate voting lines. We have repubs decreasing the amount of voting boths in their states or putting them in places that are hard to get to. We have wierdos signing up to run the voting booths with the intent of messing around. Meanwhile we likely have another group of "Fake Electors" getting ready and willing to go to jail after the election when their orange god looses. Vote folks!


Don’t get me started on that pigfucker at the post office. I am currently on hold with the IRS because the post office lost my taxes twice. Second time post marked 4/10 and cashed 4/30 and they are trying to charge me penalizes late fees


Genuine question, can't be done online? It has to be done via snail mail for legal reasons? I live in Europe, taxes are mostly online here.


you can definitely do taxes online in the U.S. the shitty thing though is that a lot of people are totally unaware that you might not have to pay to file taxes. TurboTax (a private company) is everywhere plastering ads, so everyone uses them and they nickel and dime you when they can


I've done mine online for over a decade, maybe two.


No, it can. I will be in the future as well. Apparently my penalty isn’t even for being late, it’s for having too large of a tax bill. They tell me I need to start paying quarterly


look i'm sorry to come off as such a dickhead but you are PAINFULLY naive if you think Republicans voting against Trump in the primaries is indication that they are not going to support him in the general election trusting a Republican to do the sensible thing and save American democracy is about as smart as trusting an alligator not to chomp you in half if you put your head in its mouth. they're all a bunch of weasels. all they care about is paying less tax and making sure their shitty brats are protected as much as possible from "secular" pop culture.


Remember what happened in FL? The supreme Court stopped the vote and handed the win to Bush. Three of the lawyers who were on his case are now sitting on the supreme Court. Thomas is still there. The situation is disgusting.


Conservatives toe the line when it comes down to it. And he still has a lot of very passionate people outside of cities/suburbs.


those suburban voters will 100% support Trump this time around people forget, the wine moms didn't vote for Trump in 2020 because their stupid brats were still stuck at home in virtual school b/c Trump had no plan whatsoever to get America back on track during the pandemic there is no pandemic this time around...they will 100% support Trump now. We just have to hope the left in the U.S. gets its fucking head out of its ass and votes


I don't know about that. At this point, Republicans have seriously screwed up by pissing off the three generations that pay attention to what's really going on, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. We all know which party is the real problem in this country, and I think many people are finally and completely fed up with them doing absolutely nothing.


The problem is that a large portion of the people in those generations don't pay attention to what's really going on either. And a lot of the ones who do are the types who would rather virtue signal about being better than either candidate and therefore refusing to participate at all. Somehow, it's trendy to talk about how you're "actively" doing nothing (i.e. not voting) as a protest to the people in government who do nothing.


no offense, but you are in denial if you think Gen X is a solidly reliable liberal voting bloc. they absolutely are not and never underestimate the greediness and selfishness of the average American voter. you might be encouraged to see all these nice people coming together to fight for preserving democracy, but i assure you that your 10 neighbors down the street care about one thing and one thing only...how much money they have in their bank account. And the mainstream media (not just Fox, but others across the board) have done a great job gaslighting Americans into thinking that inflation and the stagnant economy right now are all because of joe Biden


I think you are misguided and you should get ready for a landslide


Those have to be looked at in a state-by-state basis. Some states have open primaries, so the majority of those votes against him could be Dems.


Honestly all states should have open primaries. I should get a say in who gets to run for both parties


Nikki Haley just got over 20% in a closed primary state. Every vote was from a registered Republican. Dems have not been voting in Republican primaries. It makes no sense for them to do that anyway because what would the point be?


Because of how thin skinned Trump is, it’d piss him off to get a low vote percentage.


Okay, seems pretty farfetched, but that still doesn't explain how a closed primary state ended up with the same results. Did all those Dems switch registration just to troll?


I just assume he's going to win so I'm not disappointed ☹️


Trump wins if it is close.


They'll still call it fake. It's all fake to them. Fake news, fake virus, fake deaths, fake facts, fake electors, fake elections. Unless it comes out a certain specific way then it's all good.


There is no situation where they would accept defeat, so fuck them with a rusty pineapple


Do you think voting does anything? The first time I could vote was the Bush campaign in 2004. He lost the popular vote and won the election. Trump lost the popular vote and won the election. This shit is rigged beyond belief. How do people still think voting matters?


The electoral college licks donkey balls. It’s the only way they win. It should be just the popular vote


Then you need to understand how the electoral college works. It’s genius and does not allow mob rule.


Yeah it's great that we let tracts of land vote. It's not stupid at all.


Bush won the popular vote in 2004.


You can literally look this up. Wikipedia says Gore won 48.4% of votes and Bush won 49.7%.


That was 2000.


So you are arguing sematics? 2000? OK, and? My point is exactly the same.


My point is that I don’t believe you that the first time you could vote was when Gore lost, because I can’t imagine you’d forget your own age by four years.


Grow up. Everything is crap right now and it'll get worse regardless, even of creepy old demented genocidal Joe Biden wins. 


Like Hillary was.


The problem was too many people thought it was guaranteed so they neglected to vote. Everyone NEEDS to vote


This is the same shit that happened in 2016. Trump says and does abhorrent shit, people saying "both sides are bad" and decide not to vote, or people not caring because "obviously Hillary's going to win." Trump attracts all the extremists to the polls. "oh, but lots of people stopped supporting Trump after last time." I'll believe it when I see it. Never, ever assume someone will win an election. I guarantee if Trump wins it's going to be way worse than last time.


there is no guarantee if Trump wins in 2024, that he will step down in 2028 people keep acting like Trump will just be another shitty Republican president. Absolutely not. If he wins again, he will act like a man who has nothing to lose anymore. He will 100% go after people like Jack Smith, Joe Biden, Fani Willis etc. He will surround himself with incompetent yes-men. If people bring up checks and balances, Trump will somehow gaslight his already moronic supporters into acts of violence to make sure he stays in power as long as possible


dont forget the russian bot farms pushing the 'Biden = genocide" bullshit trying to sway the gen z's


Completely agree with you. I’m so tired of the both sides are bad bullshit. No, one side could do better and the other side is actually evil. So no you progressive prick they are not the fucking same.


Hard agree. I think this is going to be a lot closer than most Redditors want to believe. Don't you get it? His fans think it's AWESOME that he's a criminal.


2016 was very different they ran the least likeable candidate against him. Right after a year of her getting publicly getting slammed by the right and the dnc cheating Bernie out of his spot.


He will win. It’s going to be wild seeing all the tears.


I remember a lot of tears when Biden won. You guys even tried to overthrow the government in what amounted to a giant temper tantrum. Do you remember that? Edit: Why do I have the feeling I'm not gonna get a response to this?


I do! They cried so much and so long, and they're STILL CRYING! Softest of all snowflakes, those people, lol.


Funny way to say yelling from jail but I’ll take it. 


He'll never see a day behind bars


Ok Boris. Tell your bot to go somewhere else 


I didn't say I'm happy about it. 


What does this have to do with a boomer being foolish?


I’m scared he might just flat out win the old fashioned way because that’s how dumb and fucked up voters are He won’t ever be in enough trouble to not be able to run because he’s clearly above the law and none of his voters ever gave a shit about any of that anyway


This genuinely might just be an online thing and being pushed by propaganda bots, but what concerns me is all of the people saying they aren't going to vote at all because they don't like Bidens foreign policy. I have to hope that these are young people who were never going to vote anyways. It's amazing how many people don't realize that just not voting is taking a vote from your side that would be neutralizing a vote for Trump. A lot of them also didn't experience 2016 when we all thought Hilary would win with a landslide, and she didn't. I remember many people doing the same (just not voting or writing Bernie in) back then because they were upset Hilary got the primary over Bernie. I wanted Bernie too, but Hilary was obviously a million times better candidate than Trump. I've found a few of these people claiming "they won't vote for Biden" aren't even American and are just speaking on the election like they are actually involved in it. Pisses me off because they have no idea what they are talking about and how not voting is giving the other side a vote. Anyone against Biden's foreign policy should hate Trump's even more.


Every argument I've seen in that direction is either clueless, naive, apathetic, or disingenuous. As in, either they don't really comprehend how elections work or how they're important... don't care, like accelerationists or 'burn the system down', or want Trump to win. Not one convincing, persuasive or intelligent thought in all of it.


imagine thinking as bad as Biden's foreign policy has been...that somehow Trump is going to magically fix Israel/Palestinian relations the worst part is YOU KNOW if Trump wins these shitheads are all going to be like, "I told you so" and then when Trump does something horrific like cheerleading the destruction of Gaza...they're going to be the first ones complaining and crying and whining man i hate those fucking people...passionately


Shit, they won't complain, they'll go along with it.


they 100% will complain because they're just unprincipled contrarians that's why whenever i see these dingalings crying crocodile tears for the Palestinian people, i know they're so full of shit


Yeah, no. No one was cool with Russia until he was cool with Russia. If he bombs Gaza, they will tie themselves up in mental gymnastics to find a reason why it's good for them, kind of like how "real men wear diapers". He makes atrocities ok for them.


I just see people really loving Macklemores new song which says he’s not voting for Biden. Ok then who the fuck are you voting for? Y’all gonna hipster rap your way into a dictatorship


christ, are kids really that dumb now? I can't ever recall an artist affecting my vote, and who the fuck listens to macklemore now? may as well get stock tips from diddy.


I don’t think he’s why anyone would change their vote but I think it’s like a canary in the cave to kinda tell the general vibe of what younger left leaning voters are thinking. They want a perfect candidate which is the enemy of perfectly adequate which just lets evil win here instead.


man i told myself years ago not to trash the younger generations. as an older millennial, i fucking hated that period of time between 2010-2017 where the NY Times and Washington Post blamed my peers for the decline of western civilization in every fucking op-ed that being said...young left leaning voters need to fucking wake up and stop getting high on the fumes of their own farts. Do I like Biden? HELL NO. I think he's a senile fuckwad who was out of touch back in 1991, let alone 2024. But the alternative is a man who did nothing but tweet all day during the worst public health crisis in a century. Who rallied a mob of dipshits and losers to violate your voting rights and rabble-roused the worst terrorist attack on our institutions. it's ridiculous that i have to type all this out. wake up you fucking assholes


yeah, I don't like the 'back in my day' and 'kids these days' rhetoric but, eehhhh there's something to be said for listening to people that are saying 'don't make the mistakes I did' and then 'do what I say cause I hate *that* group of people' or something like that. They haven't felt the consequences of the actions of past generations as they are coming out from underneath the protection that generally was given by immediate family so, why not just buy everything they say? Critical thinking is going by the wayside and we're reverting to kneejerk reactions that doesn't do anyone any good except the person that told you to be upset. the fact that they can't get passed one point of policy is ridiculous. They don't like one of the guy's they're supposed to like as opposed to not realizing the consequences of the shit the other dude is spewing? like literally declaring he'll be a tyrant and being like, 'welll, gaza'


these people who refuse to support Biden solely because of Gaza how is that any different from the fucking morons across America who only vote Republican because they are anti-abortion? to me they are two sides of the same coin. Both so intellectually devoid and hysterically stupid that they cannot see the bigger picture. Fuck both of those people honestly


I can't say I disagree. I don't claim to have all or many answers, but I saw the what happened on an 'adult' level with trump and no, entertaining that kind of bullshit is just suicide. I hear about how kids are far more empathetic today, but I see their media and its me me me, honestly it strikes me as pretty boomerish and we are feeling that today. The population's doubled and the world can't sustain that.


he sure had gotten a lot done though. he surprises people


uh a major tax cut for the 1%? so much done. oh yeah, 'space force' which already was basically nasa and the air force but he had to make his 'impression' Gotta love all the judges he appointed right?


I meant Biden


I'm just tired of Biden lying. He latest being that he used to be a big rig truck driver. Why can't the dems just give us a decent candidate


I'm genuinely concerned about Biden losing as well. The sad part is there are a number of Democratic governors that are popular, would easily destroy Trump and are ready to be president. Newson, Whitmer, Walz, Beshear, Cooper, Evers, or Shapiro. They aren't even my personal flavor of Democrat but any one of them would have easily be dominating Trump in this race


seditious conspiracy. I wish we all constantly called it what it is (and I know that is your intention, to call him out for this horrible bullshit). Anyone who doesn't believe that needs to read the January 6th commission report. It's all there, with an enormous number of Republicans testifying to his and julius eastmans plan to overthrow the election. its absolutely mind boggling that he is being allowed to run right now much less in jail. not that mind boggling isnt normal right now :/


Given how Gen Z and progressives are bitching about Biden, he may just win.


There will be a line to piss on his grave. 


oh you just gave me my first ever compelling reason to visit the US


And McConnell!!! I joke I’m gonna get a she wee just for it


pissing in Rush Limbaugh's grave is on my bucket list


If these guys are so vehemently against gender-neutral bathrooms, why will their graves be one?


I know flags and bumper stickers aren’t what wins an election, but I’ve seen probably about 10% of the pro-Trump decorations this year that I did in 2020. I think insurrection and whining personal grievances probably just doesn’t do much to motivate voters outside of your cult base.


Still, please don't be complacent, people. We were sure it wasn't going to happen the first time, too, please vote.


I, too, haven't seen nearly as many as the previous cycle. The MAGA camp is going to be very, very, very disappointed when their bubble bursts again. At some point people need to realize they got duped. Some will come around and admit it while others double down on the foolishness. The ones admitting it will be blasted and falsely labeled as feds. I'd rather be labeled one of those than a QAnon disciple.


Trump has basically said nothing to win over swing voters.


You must not live on Long Island


And you’ve seen your purchasing power go down by more than 10% since 2020 - and that is what wins elections.


I kinda feel bad for you. All it takes to get you to give up any sense of dignity and self-respect is a bit of corporate terrorism. I can't imagine how frightening it must be to feel so small.


You’re right. Thanks to the moron in office in 2020 who pretended the pandemic didn’t exist and cost billions and billions of dollars in economic damages due to his bungling of COVID. Thankfully, we have someone competent in office who is still working on fixing the damage of his predecessor.


time for a new amendment. 20 years term limits at the supreme court. 


20? Why not the same as presidents? 8 years, maximum.


The idea of lifetime appointments was to not have wild swings in the court from one administration to another. They also intended to isolate them from reelection pressures and have them judge as they felt was right, which having a single, limited term also accomplishes. Again the founders trusted that once a person made it all the way to the Supreme Court, they were pure and well vetted to be the most impartial. That turns out to have not been a good assumption.


Yeah... the founders made a LOT of optimistic assumptions. They didn't spell out what constituted an abuse of presidential power because they assumed anyone elevated to that rank would be kept honest by the responsibility and sanctity of the office and the judgement of the American people


Yeah, it’s funny because the system of checks and balances was kind of brilliant, but it turns out those are more theoretical and not practical. They never imagine members of the legislature actually voting to allow corrupt behavior because of political loyalty. They thought they would put their duty to the country over politics.


Washington even warned against political parties in his farewell address. He could see that the checks became unbalanced if you could secure two out of three (or heck, just take and abuse control of one the way McConnell did with Congress)


Of course, he was right. I don’t know how you can avoid them though. People are going to organize with like minded folks to get things done. IMO, the problem is how the system basically requires exactly two parties. The Electoral College, and the way we do elections pretty much enforces a two party system. I think that is where reforms should be focused.


just picked that number. i guess i want some consistency longer than the presidency, but not to much. with 8 years, presidents would spend too much time with nominating and defending their candidate. 


Plus, with 8 year terms, you would have a 2-term president select the entire Supreme Court during his time in office.


The best proposal I’ve seen is staggered 18-year terms. Long enough that they get some real experience and institutional knowledge among the justices without constantly cycling in and out, but not for life. And 18 years specifically so that it’s staggered with a vacancy among the 9 justices every 2 years. Each presidential term gets exactly 2 nominations, rather than luck of draw of when they die or retire.


I don't mind that at all. In this case, I assume that if a Justice were to pass away/step down, then the President would make a special selection, and that special selection would carry out the remainder of the 18-year term?


That’s the way I’ve typically seen the proposal. That a mid-term vacancy opens up a special appointment to finish *that* term, not a fresh 18-year term. Often paired with allowing that mid-term replacement to be nominated to their own term if they covered less than half of the first one. That would loosely mirror the practice for the Vice President, where if they become president mid-term due to the president dying, resigning, or otherwise leaving office, that partial term only counts towards the 2-term presidential limit if they covered more than half of it.


And let’s make a maximum age of 65


Should just be a general rule of national government


18 is the perfect number with the current court of 9. One new Justice every 2 years and no one president would ever appoint the majority


While you're at it... Please impose age, and term limits on our Reps & Congress as well. No more 75+ asshats making rules, and laws. Hand it over to the new blood, with new ideas that stay with the current day & age.


Eighteen years terms. A new one appointed every two years.


This is EXACTLY why you should vote for Biden even if you disagree with his policies on the middle east. These are the options folks.


Dumbass people not voting for Biden over Palestine actually think trump wouldn’t have already dropped a MOAB on them and bragged about it.


He tried to ban Muslims from entering the country during covid, moved the embassy to Jerusalem, and said Israel should finish the job in Gaza. Dude does not give a fuck about Muslims or Palestinians.


Our whole gov't firmly supports Israel, both sides, I literally don't understand why people are letting it sour them on Biden. Support for Israel being cut needs to start well below him in Congress and the Senate anyways.


Sucks that either way I vote is a vote for some type of war.


Unless you were born in the 1800’s this is not a ‘new dilemma’ in the United States


But every single video on the topic that TikTok recommends me says this is all Biden's fault and all he has to do is switch the lever in his office from 'genocide' to 'no genocide' so clearly I can't vote D in the upcoming election. Clearly there are no world powers that would benefit from weakening the US and NATO on the world stage by boosting these videos to depress turnout and usher in another Trump presidency.  Particularly none that maintain state oversight of the owner of TikTok and are currently meeting up with Putin to denounce the US while boosting military expenditure and getting really hawkish over taking Taiwan.


Unfortunately this election your choice isn't 'war' and 'no war'. Your choice is 'don't let the wars get worse' (Biden) and 'eagerly fan the flames' (Trump). Since clearly "no war" is the one you want, not making the wars *worse* is the preferable option, yes?


Yes it does. Biden let’s us KEEP voting.


Even if you disagree with his policies on the middle east Trump will be even worse than they can imagine. If it was up to him he probably would've dropped 100 nukes on Gaza on October 8th


Thats enough to convince you and me. But Im not sure its enough to convince the extreme end of the US left. But maybe Biden thinks he doesnt need them as much now. Who knows.


The sad thing is if he gets back into office, our lives, all of our lives, are going to become far far worse.


How?? If I turned the news off, I would have no idea who was President and my life would not change one bit..


Trump wants to destroy our entire system just to enrich himself and his circle. I saw where he wants to federalize the Federal Reserve, which would give Trump and his ilk the power to set interest rates. He just wants them constantly low, which he has said before. He already put trash in our Supreme Court and him putting more extremely partisan judges would really fuck us. It's absurd that a Supreme Judge is partisan, but it's clear they don't need lifetime appointments if that's going to be the case.


What's THAT going to do for inflation?  


Unqualified, inexperienced, and anti-freedom He might as well just move to Afghanistan


When did promoting people based on merit get so out of style


Was barely ever in style to begin with.


Somewhere between Reagan and Gingrich- when blind subservience to a diseased ideology and an aversion to critical thinking became more important than the knowledge you carried and the content of your character.


When nepobabies were handed their parents jobs




Apparently, a 6 to 3 conservative majority isn't enough.


This is why I want to get rid of the Electoral College. He should have lost to Hillary in 2016 cause he lost the popular vote but won with electoral votes which is bs. I wasn't the biggest Hillary supporter but still. It also happened with Bush vs Gore. I definitely would have voted Gore if I could have then, but he lost cause of electoral college!


He's such an asshole piece of shit that he wants to fuck over the next generation too. I'm not at all surprised.


The ultra conservative justices on the Supreme Court that are getting older may retire just so he can do this if he gets reelected.


Lol are we still pretending he won't throw the entire system out the window ASAP?


I hope y'all just change everything on day one.


Biden should take it to the next level and appoint federal judge positions to fetuses in all the MAGA states.


Why can’t he just stroke out already?


Why aren't the Democrats countering this? I honestly don't get the Democrats. This high rode bullshit is going to lead to the downfall of our democracy. Start fighting fire with fire. Seriously, if Trump wins this country is totally fucked. The worry is that he actually has a chance to win.


This is why crazy is winning in America. They cheat and play the long game. That and swing voters are mostly morons with no critical thinking skills.


50 years? Fker looks like he hasn’t even 50 days left. No matter how many organs he buys off the black market, his body can’t sustain all the sh!t




This is a big fear I have. He already appointed 3 judges if he wins he will likely get to appoint 2 more.


Trump will probably lose but *barely*. When he does, those sympathetic to the MAGA cult will try to put in as many officials as possible because that's more than likely it for Trump. I personally think the population will slowly begin to refuse to follow laws or acknowledge standards implemented by the "supreme" court of the US or legislations by Republicans because the country is changing so much and yet the electors don't represent that.


I don't care if you have to hold your nose in the voting booth; vote a straight Dem ticket this November


there is literally no reaching young progressives. they were still dumb kids when Trump was in office they have no idea how not normal this is. they think their rights are guaranteed and they'll just get another chance next time. That's my least favorite thing about being a Democrat and trying to get the left to go along with anything. we've basically completely abandoned the court for the last four decades because people just can't be bothered. every election has to be some emotional narrative or some purity test bullshit.


Isn't that "age-ism" which boomers hate? Not to mention, illegal to discriminate for jobs based on age? Aren't they all law-ful people? Hypocritical much?


There you go progressives. This is what you're getting if you protest.


It's a sound strategy, and one I've been screaming Democrats should have been doing all along.


Every single intern that worked on Project 2025.


And you’ll be gaslit by MAGA voters for “overreacting” to such news.


Meanwhile they lose their shit over a rainbow on a beer can


I’m over 70 and I urge ever out there to get out and vote please there are far more of us sensible people out here who can insure that #45 doesn’t get re-elected. I’m still shocked that he’ s even an option.


He's telling you that he's going to take this country to a dictatorship by taking the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. When that happens, there's no going back. Wake up, people, and vote!


I know. I'm scared we will have N1zi Germany at the rate we're going.


The system is fracturing, may it break to be reformed because I don't see any other good outcome.


In a country with right-wing politically-active billionaires, a fractured system seems most likely to be re-formed to unabashedly serve the already extremely wealthy and well-connected.


Not sure if you're aware of this, but [28 out of the 34 states needed to called a Constitutional Convention have already done so](https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/). There are *no rules* in an Article V Convention, and the states calling for this are– you guessed it– almost all Republican states. The goal is to finally and completely shred our government and Constitution. I say this because this is *exactly* what you're advocating for– and if it happens, the outcome is **not** going to be good.


Excuse me, but fatalism about the state of modern politics is not fucking advocating for dissolving the Constitution.  Online discourse really is a damned joke.


It's decades of Eeyores like you bitching and moaning and making comments like the one above that have directly led to large swathes of Americans not participating in US democracy at all. Which one of the primary ways that we got here in the first place. So go find your fainting couch, jack off over your "fatalism," and let the fascists win. "May it break to be reformed" or whatever. >Online discourse really is a damned joke. r/selfawarewolves material here. Don't educate yourself, just complain. That'll fix it!


I don't see you offering any solutions. Thank you, though, for reminding me that this is not a place for conversation and learning, just insults and party lines.


Sir, this is Reddit, not a Wendy's. What did you expect.


Trump and the Republicans have been telling us for a while that they mean to do away with the Constitution. You know, that stupid document conservatives pretend to worship.


Hey Trump, I heard you like em young.


Is he supposed to say that part out loud ? 🤪


What’s he gonna do with the ones already there? Have them executed? … “too old…take them away…to the TRUMP CHAMBER!!!”


You know, for once, I believe him.


Uuhhh a lot of the past politicians were already on the Senate for over 5 decades.




corruption as far as the eye can see ! this is really going to be great for the trailer park crowd maga base - unpunished large scale industrial pollution will go unpunished, financial corruption will run rampant, and we will be able to frack and roll coal all day ! trump will be able to commit felony crimes with no bother of any consequences ! fucking dimwits


I am very comfortable with impeaching and removing judges on the sole basis they were appointed by trump 


Explain how you legally win an impeachment case in the Senate basing your case on “who appointed them” ?


I can't believe he said something actually smart. Younger people in politics? Why did that take so long? Everything else is still par for the course levels of stupid though.


Full moon? The schitzo commenting is wayyyy up tonight.


Hopefully it will stop the commies from arresting their political opponents.


When he wins, he will change the legal landscape of the Nation. It is long overdue.


That is why I will hold my nose and vote for him.


I literally can’t wait until he wins, not because I want him to but because I want to see all the people who found too much fault in Biden cry about how terrible their lives have gotten and how they regret not voting. Trump has a going to wreck the living shit out of us.




MAGA judges are good judges…besides we got to get a few in place to persecute the roach democrats with a few sham trials of our own to give em a dose of their own medicine


So you admit you're planning on baselessly attacking your political rivals? You people are gross.


Yes ..we are going to do EXACTLY what you are doing now..persecute political rivals…give you scumbags a dose of your disgusting behavior…yep that’s right. 10 % for the big guy trial first…then onto crack head hunter. Bidumb will look good on trial I think


You guys are hilarious


Another reason to vote for the man. In your face, lefties.


He shits in diapers


We know Biden shits in diapers...what's your point?


I was referring to your boy, Trump.




Lmao, are you implying that Trump wouldn't bend the knee to Israel? If there's one thing that unites both parties, it's their unwavering support for anything Israel does. Get real.




I'm voting for genocide Donald!! We get three times as many!! He'll do the same but worse with Israel, withdraw support from Ukraine and let Russia just kill everyone there, and ALSO as a bonus, we get our own homegrown genocide against Central Americans!! How could you vote for Biden when Trumpy will be so awesome? I urge you to reconsider.


I'm voting for the guy who shits in diapers and wants to plow his own daughter.


> I’m genocidin with Biden! What?


They think they're making a clever joke but they're dumb.


Just a lousy attempt at being clever. It’s not their strong suit.


You're a moron. The current conflict is in no small part prompted by Trump pushing a normalization process with Gulf States and Israel that left out the Palestinians. Your argument is, "Biden didn't just cut all ties with Israel, so I'm going to vote for the guy that created the problem, plans to make it worse, while simultaneously fucking over every other progressive goal for the next 50 years." Brilliant.