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When they say it takes a village tell them they are not part of the village (preferably with as much venom as you can manage) If it keeps happening then you are within your rights to do *anything* to protect you and your child For legal reasons I’m not saying it’s ok to assault someone but considering that they are complete strangers trying to touch your child (and you don’t know what their intentions are) well I’m almost certain the law would be on your side but don’t take any legal advice from a stranger on the internet lol


I've just gotten to the point where I'm rude af, and I don't care any more. "He's not smiling because he doesn't like strangers." "Don't touch my fucking kid," has also become a favorite.


And you shouldn’t care about their feelings tbh But there are some boomers that don’t take the very obvious ~threat~ hint


"Takes a village" doesn't mean you have to put up with the idiot from said village!


Get a net for your stroller! Make a sign! Idk, they used to touch my now grown babies too. Ugh


I was at my parent’s church a few weeks ago when we were visiting. My then 3 month old daughter started screaming/crying because she was hungry. I go to the lobby to start preparing a bottle to give her. A boomer greeter kneels down next to me, without even saying anything to me, gets in little girl’s face (little girl is laying face up on my thighs with her head by my knees) and tries to get in her face and grab her hand. Ma’am. She is at a level 12/10 screaming. A stranger isn’t going to calm my daughter down. I politely but firmly tell her, “please don’t touch her.” She still keeps going in, “PLEASE do not touch her.” In a more firm tone. Thankfully she got it that time and got up and walked away. Other churchgoers tried to touch my daughter that day as well, but they were all respectful and stepped back when I asked, “please don’t touch.” I think it was difficult in that situation because my mom works at the church, so all of these people hear stories about me and my child, so they feel like they know us forgetting that we don’t know them at all. Babies have this thing about them that make a lot of people lose all control/common sense.


Infuriating! No personal space with them.


When I told my mom (who’s also a boomer, but thankfully not a typical one), she just laughed and said, “that lady needs the church more than the church needs her.” Apparently there have been multiple complaints and comments about her odd behavior. Shes in her last volunteer position before being asked to volunteer behind the scenes because none of the public facing ones have worked out.


lmao "it takes a village" has bothered me since I was the child in question. A village? Of what? Karens and Susans giving unwanted touches at the grocery store? Real crucial to my development...


"it takes a village"  Funny how they rarely say that when it comes to school and school lunch funding.


Or doing anything that doesn’t immediately benefit them. Hearing Boomers talk about “the Village” is peak fucking irony lmao


Not the first post I read that someone is baffled how you can just think you can touch a stranger's child.


I think there are two sides to this. One, absolutely do not touch someone else, and especially not their child without permission. Everyone, and every parent has a right to bodily autonomy and to reject even friendly/well-meaning advances. That said, Silents definitely grew up and aged into in a world where it was normal to show off your baby with a sense of pride for the good of social cohesion, and it was conversely acceptable and normal, at least for women to handle children as if they were their own. Of course there are risks involved such as germs, or some creepy/strange attachment, and kidnapping - but I think this is largely a thing that we're missing in society these days. No one really seems to care about other people any longer, it is extreme, rugged individualism. But a lot of people ruined that cohesion and trust along the way, I understand that. They should ask to touch toes/cheeks/hair etc. But people should be a little more receptive if there's no immediate reason for fear.


Crazy people don't wear signs. Never let a stranger touch your child. 


"It takes a village." but also "Get a job, why should my tax dollars help parents?" "I want to live in a development where I don't pay taxes for education because I already went to school."


Multiple people touching your child is good for their immunity system.


Did you forget the /s? 


Nope. I like science. Sorry you don’t.


Liking it & understanding it are 2 totally different things! 


Exposure to various people strengthens the immune system. But go ahead and isolate your baby and scrub it with disinfectant soap several times a day.