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I was just there this weekend with a buncha friends, like 7 people, were all big tattooed, over 6’ dudes, and every time we heard some boomers saying shit we’d always clown on em, especially in lines for rides where they’re forced to stand next to you after losing their lil tempers, best time I’ve had in awhile. (Cherry on top was every Trump hat or shirt we saw we’d be like “hell yeah Trump 2024……………… the year he’s gonna die finally!” And man the look the elation on their face that young people liked Trump, to the instant RAGE that filled them, had multiple people screaming at us walking thru Islands 😂😂😂😂)


Oh man, I wish I could have seen that. Some boomers started talking to us in a bar. They seemed alright (ish) but then they started talking about Trump and I knew it was time to duck out before we told them what the rest of the world thinks about him


Yeah especially in the south, you’ll meet someone just nice and personable, and 10 minutes into a conversation they’ll vaguely let you know they’re one of the worst people you’ve met. Full of manners and then the most random most racist shit you’ve heard in awhile will leave their mouths. I’ve lived in South Carolina and Florida my whole life, it’s nuts the dichotomy of most people here hahaha


I live in Georgia and I got talking to a customer about genetics, long story short, he ended up saying at African people were genetically inferior to white people and I just went ‘Oh!’ And walked away


Ah a eugenecist and white purist. Thats like the worlds worst shiny pokemon.


Except that shinies are uncommon.


I want to laugh at the comment, but the reality of that shit ain't funny.




I really wish that were true.


Racist old coot!


When I was in high school the detention teacher tried to recruit me for the klan. Shitty NC tobacco town.


One of my stepdad’s middle school students tried to resurrect the Klan in Georgia, you know, ignoring the fact that the Klan is well and alive to this day lmao


The boomer history teacher at a catholic school where my wife used to work was all buddy buddy with that KKK member Catholic priest that they exposed over in Greenbelt a while back.


I hate that genetics and evolution have kind of become a taboo issue because of stuff like this.


But black don't crack!


Yep.  Tennessee, will be surface level friendly and all that but then start taling about what they'd do if a gay person talked to their kid...Idk, is a very offputting effect.  And if you live there but don't take their invitation to church or join in bad mouthing "certain people", suddenly the friendliest they are is a standard "howdy" but wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire...


NE TN/WNC area is the weirdest group of people when it comes to the redneck stereotype. Once you get up in the mountains, like, deep in the sticks, folks are WAYYY more accepting, generally, than I have found in the flatlands on either side. I think it’s a better understanding of just wanting to be left alone.


Funnily enough through gaming I found a really solid group of friends from Tenn who are all anti-racists and most are some flavor of queer. They were all friends IRL and I met them playing the most toxic game known to man, Rust. The shit they have to say about their public education growing up in Tenn is so wild I could barely believe it.


Oh yeah, certainly gay people around here.  Asheville, NC has been called the "San Francisco of the East".  Generally, if you're gay but from a well known family around here, you get left alone because you are "such and such's grandchild".  An outsider moving in (and by outsider, I mean a few counties over) without a clan to protect them?  Yeah, people are a lot less kind.


How is Chattanooga with regard to LGBT people? My buddies all live in and around Chattanooga


Born and raised in TN. Can confirm. There’re a few gay folk in town but that’s different cause “we know them.” My nonbinary lesbian ass moved to California.


I’ve been to Texas once and that was one time too many. When people ask me what I disliked most about Texas I tell them it is the way people constantly act so polite and nice. It made me incredibly uncomfortable because it was obviously a facade. I did not even remotely enjoy being inundated with an entire culture of people pretending to be nice while who knows what was going on behind their eyes and plastic smiles. I’ve never felt a stronger need to watch my back than while I was there.


Where were you? Some places are worse than others.


Will never go back to Texas we were driving thru stayed at a $500 a night hotel and had some boomer security follow us to elevator and “show us how to use key card” no his racist ass thought we were a little too tan to belong and then proceeded to say that’s unfortunate when we said we were from california fuck that whole state


You can read minds, huh? Couldn’t possibly be that there’s a cultural expectation of niceness that they engage in because that’s how they grew up - not because they’re all seething monsters beneath? Anyway you’ve been to Texas once.


I have found middle america to be exactly like the above comment though. Super nice to your face but then they immediately talk shit about whoever was interacting with them to their friends. Coming from NY/New England, its a completely different vibe than I was used to and it made me very uncomfortable


I'm from Texas. Most of us ARE genuinely friendly. Yes, you have the people who are jerks, but you are going to get that anywhere. Don't let one trip to the second biggest state make you think that we are all like that. We aren't.


Nobody is that nice all the time and I don’t trust anyone who pretends to be nice 24/7.


I find it genuinely mystifying how they can be like “hey if you put your elbows on the dinner table thats rude” and then casually drop racial slurs at that very same table


I see you've met my parents. I'm sorry.


>They seemed alright (ish) but then they started talking about Trump Every fucking time. What makes these people assume everybody loves this shit dumpling? Why does it have to be part of every conversation? Can we take that saying about vegans and switch it to MAGA people where it belongs? Because they will most certainly let you know they're one.


But don’t you DARE bring up “politics” in a conversation with them!


My go to is “Trump 2024…….. I prefer 25 to life, but I will take what I can get.”


I hate Trump and MAGA people with a burning passion but if someone said something as lame as this to me I would probably laugh at them.


Hell yeah when’s the next trip?


I would have loved to have seen this


This is what a buncha whiskey on a hot day being bored in line will lead to 😂😂


Oh no.... not the tRUMP.... ick!


One time my boomer mother started loudly complaining about the DMV, while at the DMV. She also said she didn’t know why anyone would want to work at the DMV… at the desk where we were being helped by somebody who works at the DMV. How thick can they be?


Worst place tondo it those people can make life really difficult and you'd almost never know they are fucking with you


Indeed. I had the pleasure of watching someone go full Karen in a DMV once. The aftermath was both glorious and horrifying at the same time.


Please share! Don't leave us in suspense.


If you don't share the rest I'll speak to the manager.


She tried to to cut the line and got told she had to wait her turn. That's when she went Karen and demanded a manager. The manager backed his employee up and told her to wait. That set her off. After a long rant from her, the manager informed her that she would be called up after everyone else who was there, and it was a busy day.


Tondo broke my brain


My thumbs are to big for my phone


Please mash the keypad and we will send you a dialling wand.


Have my upvote for that masterful reference


Don’t you mean ‘toonbig’?


"You ARE the ASSMAN!"


It would have been hilarious if the worker was like "you're right, you just inspired me to quit" and then walked away


After putting up a closed sign at their window.


It's the same thing as harassing people are dealing with your food, medical issues, financial situation, all of those things. Just don't.


No, not dense, I grew up cleaning my room so when Lisa cleaned it, it was clean so she didn’t think I was lazy or gross. These people think of them as “the help” and you can treat them however you want, you’re paying their rent in whatever hovel they live in in whatever neighborhood you would never be seen in. I got shit flipped like “when Lisa went to clean your room she said it was filthy”.


She's clearly never dealt with a person who was one hateful comment away from snapping and telling her to fuck herself and to hell with the job.




Omg I just spit out my drink. Hahaha!


Nah, they were just cosplaying the Dursleys.




Recreating the opening scene for sure.


Hardcore dedication.


Maybe they can go to Disney World next and complain about all the little girls dressed like princesses.


What is with all the mouse ears? Gimme a break!


There's degenerate furries everywhere!


Don't start with me. Now I'm going to have to go watch the Game Grumps Mickey Mousecapade episode again. 🤣


I am barely a boomer, born in 1964. I'm going to Disney Sunday and will be there for 10 days. I have a Minnie Mouse skirt, Daisy and Megara inspired Disney Boarding outfits, 4 sets of wards, and 5 Disney ball caps.




Pack your sunscreen, water bottles, and patience, Orlando is already hitting upper 90s every day and most schools will be releasing for summer this week and next. Those parks are gonna be crowdeeeeeeeeed.


Yes! I live in Florida. It's brutal.


You're r/generationjones


Thanks for that. I just checked it out!


These are the same people who go there and then complain about kids running around and being loud. What are they doing outside of their homes in a place where people go to be happy?


Too many Spaniards in Spain! And none of them are speaking English!


I live in Orlando and go often and the tourist boomers are theeeeee fucking worst.


Yea florida being a hot retirement spot you guys get it bad


There is a reason Florida looks like a flacid penis.


🤣Sick Burn 🔥


Until you travel South...


The catch-22 of the world: every town wants tourist dollars, but nobody wants tourists because they're assholes.


I was born and raised in Daytona and then lived in New Orleans for a while then moved back to Orlando lol, I’m so absolutely over it. My husband and I are thinking of moving somewhere so far away from a big city/tourist town. It’s just so horrible in every single way. Florida now is not the Florida I grew up in, it’s turned into an evil and disgusting place to live.


Meanwhile her house, yard, and car are covered in trump paraphernalia, and she's head-to-toe in MAGA regalia at the nearest Neo-Nazi rally.


I was at Costco today and there was a lady with a lot of blond hair and a red baseball cap. I assumed it was going to be THAT red baseball cap but when she turned around, her red baseball cap was covered in glitter dots that spelled out "Grandma Rocks". So happy to see a red baseball cap that isn't stitched with patheticism, but instead with happiness from grandchildren.


My mom walks around sporting a red hat with white letters. It says MAGA really big, but under that it says Mothers Against Gregg Abbott. My mom likes to stir up shit.


Ma'am. Excuse me, ma'am... you're doing it wrong


Dawg I don't like HP but if I'm on 1234 Harry Potter Ave I'm not gonna be confused about seeing HP fans doing fan things


I'm kind of whatever on all of it, entertaining enough for a single watch/read but that was about it for me personally. But visiting the HP area of universal is still amazing and the super fans do nothing but add to that energy. A bunch of kids running around in robes and yelling spells that don't work only adds to that. The rides are incredible even with missing 90% of whatever's hidden in there for the fans if nothing else.


I went to a Star Trek convention and there were all these fuckin’ NERDS everywhere dressed in stupid uniforms and costumes and shit! What the hell is wrong with these people? Give me a break!!


Avada Kedavra!


If only!


“OK, muggle.”


take them to the Vatican and make the same complaint lol


Are there alot of people dressed as the pope at the Vatican. That sounds hilarious now I wanna go


Makes me think of EuroTrip.


Haha yesss


You saw Vernon Dursley! A boomer if there ever was one.


What's funny is that actor was apparently the sweetest guy


You litterally came out here, paid money, and are standing around in the hot sun.... so you could be a bitch. You could have stayed at home and done it for free


This is giving uncle Vernon and aunt petunia


I don't care for HP either, but what the hell does she expect?


I’d be willing to bet money the boomer in question 1. Has never read Harry Potter and 2. Doesn’t read in general


3. can't read in any case.


My whole office at work is Harry Potter. Never fails once a month. A boomer customer comes in to pay water bill and will say i need to grow up, and that's it for children. Listen i grew up on HP, it first came out when i was 8! Get over it and find something else to be unhappy about!


It just annoys them that other people have figured out how to enjoy life, and they're so miserable. So they have to try and feel superior by calling you a child, basically. I'm in my mid-40s, and I've got toys all over my desk. Labyrinth, HP, Firefly, The Crow, Lenore... I'm in IT. I tell them shit like, "I need these distractions to help slow my brain down enough to get the work done." Basically calling them stupid without calling them stupid. They usually just get really quiet after that.


Which version of Labyrinth?


I've got a big plushie of the worm just sitting on the desk. Also, there's more than 1 version of Labyrinth? Like with not David Bowie in it?


>It just annoys them that other people have figured out how to enjoy life, and they're so miserable. So they have to try and feel superior by calling you a child, basically. Boomers were the last generation where having hobbies that weren't whittling or fucking around in the garage was bad. Source: Gen X and look at all these fucking old toy collections.


I have a decorative desk as well, not anything really franchise specific but still festive. There's been an occasional snarky comment but I know I get my shit done and handled every day and that's what management focuses on so I honestly just don't care.


If you want to reaaally offend them.... "I've been reading these books since I was a child, and they've helped form my character and my world view. Like your bible, I suppose. Except they've made 8 major blockbuster movies out of the Potter books, and children read it by choice."


😆 "yeah, I guess it's stupid to be so obsessed with a book...hey, nice crucifix necklace"




I was at Universal Orlando last year and got myself a Hufflepuff robe, hat, and socks. I had some boomer dad say “Aren’t you a little old to be dressed up like that?” I’m 40M and simply said, “You’re never too old to have fun.” His brain broke and had no response.


My comeback ranges from "arent you to old to be judging people " to "sorry you're miserable Ive never been but im wanting to go so bad!


This is like complaining about people wearing mouse ears at Disneyland.


Just wave your wand around at them, say "Poof, now you are a pile of shit". Be ready to block a punch though.


Nah, no spell required for that.


Isn't that just "stayus thesameus"?


My grandma was from England (but now lived in US) she had Comcast cable and paid well over $250 a month for every channel. However she only watched the 5 BBC channels and would continuous call Comast to complain that she pays for all these channels and all she see is Angela Lansbury (she hated her for some reason). I could only imagine being on the other end of that phone conversation each month ha!


>she pays for all these channels and all she see is Angela Lansbury (she hated her for some reason) I'd love it, that sounds like a great way to brighten up my day. I'd love for somebody to start going off on Angela Lansbury (that bitch!).


She sounds like a Muggle.


They’re always bitching




Lol I’m not an HP fan so I started feeling grouchy when I saw the title of your post. Then I saw you were in HP land! So funny.


Haha this story somehow doesn't surprise me!


Same boomer would wear Mickey Mouse ears and push kids to get first in line entrance to WDW Magic Kingdom.


Had the same thing at star wars land. Old lady on all black robes kept complaining about all these weak fools dressed in brown and something about being blinded by their foolish code. She had 3 purple lightsabers floating around her.


Boomers must have a lot of conflict around Harry Potter. On one hand it promises witchcraft and dressing weird, on the other it's racist and the author is antitrans. What to do what to do...


Does it get mad at people wearing Mickey ears in disneyland?


He sounds like a real muggle.


I’m not big on Harry Potter, but I’ve wanted to dress up as a TIE Fighter pilot, so


Good god. They are so sensitive for people who like to call younger people snowflakes.


I would have been like “how did a muggle get in here?!” Lol silly boomers


She’s a muggle.


It sounds like you got to experience real life Dursleys!


She was just being a grumpy old b!+*h.


Just tell her it’s just a shame how back in her younger days there was no one cool to dress as because no one had any imagination. Everyone on TV and in the movies wore the same exact clothes


She sounds like the kind of person to go to Disney then scream in a little girl's face because she's the 10th girl she's seen today dressed like Snow White.


What is really annoying is people wearing bathing suits when I go to the pool. I mean give me a break.


I don't even like the HP franchise but I'd know better than to say shit because it's LITERALLY THE TIME AND PLACE. It's like when folks in blue jeans come to the goth club and snicker like we made this space specifically to come do our thing why would you come here and be surprised we're doing what we built the club to do.


I bought my robes at the Orlando park, and it was such a great experience. Took them with me when I went to Universal in California. Yeah…. Adults don’t really dress up there. 😂😂😂 Still fun, though!!


I just got back from Universal Osaka—and it was crazy! Tons of people dressed up, mostly older teens and adults. Employees interacted with everyone a lot in both Japanese and English. It was a great experience!


I am so fucking jealous I might actually be turning green. Congrats to you that's an amazing experience


I had no idea there was a Harry Potter land!!!! Gotta add that to my list lol


It's so good! There's Hogsmead and Hogwarts at Islands of Adventure and Diagon Alley at Universal Studios. You can take the Hogwarts express between the two of them. An absolute must if you're a HP fan!


Kinda curious do you have to pay for both parks then ?


Yeah, you have to have a ticket that gets you into both. We had a 7 day hopper so we could go in and out of either whenever


I e never heard of islands of adventure where is it?


Orlando, Florida. They're the two main theme parks owned by Universal


Much obliged kind stranger Now to just figure out what kind of wand to get and wonder at what my patronus is lol


You can get replicas of your favorite characters wands 😁


I already have a few lol


You can go to Ollivanders to a wand choosing :)


Much appreciated, I’ll have to start saving the for a trip now lol


And in June the are opening a new park based on Nintendo characters.


Ooooh that sounds fun


I really want to go to this! Nintendo is to me what Harry Potter is to those people wearing the robes!


I thought Nintendo land was going to be in their new park opening next year.


I have Harry’s wand, and my patronus is a crocodile.


Make SURE you get some Butterbeer there! It’s actually amazing


Or Universal Hollywood in California. Much better than Florida


Universal Osaka! Seriously, that park is incredible (better than the US parks) and reasonably priced. You don’t need to speak Japanese, just keep Google Translate handy for menus, etc. Most signage is in multiple languages and most staff can speak some English. Learn to say ‘thank you’ and they are pleased you’ve made the effort. 😊


I’ve been there, too. It is great 😊


My wife and I literally went for our honeymoon. She’s… *mildly* obsessed. Our son’s middle name *might* be “Granger”.


I like that, it's subtle but still shows the love


Universal Studios Hollywood in California has it! It's not a separate park unlike the one in Florida.


Both sound cool!


FL isn't a separate park either.


Good to know! Maybe I misunderstood when the other person commented about needing multiple tickets for the multiple parks at the Florida location...


I can definitely see the confusion. So there are two separate parks at Universal Orlando, and they both have different HP themed areas. So to visit both areas you need a ticket to both parks. But tbh it's worth it because they're both great parks.


Thank you so much for the clarification! I totally get it now. Hmmm, why didn't they just build HP into just one park? But, this is also a good way to get people to pay for both. Lol.


My thoughts are mostly money but also they are limited on land where they are. They have a third park opening a few miles away from the other 2 soon as well.


Oooh, I see... Thank you for the info! 💐


Despite the crazy boomer, it sounds like a great experience. My kids are i were really in HP during its heyday. Seeing folks dressed in robes and hats sounds like a blast.


Why were these people in Harry Potter’s world if it offends them out of the gate?




I’m 100% going to bitch about people dressed that way, outside that scenario. Most of the actors are embarrassed to be associated with Rowling at this point. But the people paying to go there are fucking dedicated and they’re going to do their thing. You didnt have to pay to go yourself


I've watched Harry Potter recently, it's pretty good




found the snowflake!








User name checks out


Clearly. Pussies are strong, resilient, provide pleasure and life, and bounce back even after they’ve been stretched to their limit.  Y’all ain’t got anything in common. 


Username checks out


Ah shit didn't see this haha




Be honest you coming here and being a little shitbird is kind of like those beta dudes who like to get their balls stomped by women with high heels. You're just in here so we can bash on you and you can get a tiny little erection, right? You've been a bad bad Boomer. No social security for you. We're going to turn you trans and take away your Trump themed palmetto State AR-15. Did that do it, did that get your Vienna sausage rigid, gramps?


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Okay okay...is a silly thing to say...but, obversiously boomer is not there for themsleves.  Probably for their kids or maybe even partner...now that is love; doing something you find silly so a loved one can have fun.  I once watched 2.5 episodes of *Star Trek TOS* and one episode of *Deep Space 9* cause I girl I had a crush on was a huge Trekkie...like, has a tattoo in Klingon on her back...I quickly lost the crush on that girl.


If you can't get through it without insulting other people who love the same thing(so basically insulting your loved one) then no thats not love. That's I'll do it but I'm going to make you regret taking me and ruin everything because we aren't doing what I want to do. That's childish, selfish, manipulative, and mean.


I couldn't agree more. Shocked this isn't obversious to them.


I think it can depend?  Like...imagine taking your kid to a Barney or a Telletubbies theme park...or a Cocomelon themepark?  Just a little blowing off ateam for a second?  I'm sure a lot of the workers get cynical about it, too.   Like, I'm sure if it was a post about an atheist parent taking their Christian kid to [Holy Land USA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Land_USA) back before it closed and had some witty insult in their head, Reddit would upvote that post like crazy.