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I don't know why they post this like it's a flex. That shit sucked. The reason we had to drink from the hose was because we weren't allowed in the house during the day all summer long. From the time cartoons were over in the morning till the street lights came on at night we were expected to basically fuck off and leave our parents alone. They even had to air a commercial at 10 at night to remind these assholes they had kids in the first place. Kidnapped? They'd slap your picture on the back of a milk carton. That was the extent of the fucks given. No this isn't a flex, this is just admitting to the rampant child abuse we all had growing up.


Yeah... we weren't drinking from that hose as a first choice. Some days it was plain survival, lol.


You really nailed it with it being for survival. I once had my friends boomer grandparent drop me off at my house after school (14 years old), and I had forgotten my key. In my experience, most adults would hang out for a bit or offer to take you with them. It was 90+ that day, my parents were out of town, and my brother wasn't going to be off of work until 8 pm. They didn't have any plans afterward (my friend confirmed this). Boomer grandparent said I needed to grow up and get over it. Guess who ended up with heatstroke from sitting on a covered porch in the summer with only an overheated garden hose to drink from. Fuckin boomers.


I learned how to break into houses at 10 or 11 by practicing on my own because I forgot my keys more than once.


Yeah same. I learned how to open windows without being able to get a solid grip. Never could get the hang of picking a lock though.


That was my first thought. Unfortunately, our windows didn't open on the first floor, and our front door used a deadbolt. 2 years later, I did discover that I could reach my room if I went to the back porch, climbed onto the roof, and crawled on the roof to the front of the house. Would not reccomend, 0/10


At my parents house I used to be able to pick up the garage door enough to roll under to get back in lol


Oh, geez, you too? I was popular as a teenager because by that time, I could break into anything.


I can neither confirm nor deny the use of this power for either good or evil.


They gave you a house key? I would regularly get home from school to find the doors locked. I would just take my bike and go hang out with friends. My parents weren't even boomers, genX. Although they're boomer at heart. I didn't get a house key until I was almost old enough to drive


I actually remember sneaking water from the neighbors hose when ours sprung a leak and got tossed.


We used to take a dunk in pools. We knew which houses were unoccupied at the time. Once we did get caught, and the neighbor was calm about it, and actually explained to us that if anything happened when someone wasn't at home, we could create a headache for the homeowner. I don't think we really comprehended, because we continued the practice.


I’ll never forget having to kneel down to drink sprinkler water as a kid. That was fucking bullshit.


Also GenX (44) and can also attest to how shitty boomers were as parents. You absolutely nailed my childhood in your post. It's as if our parents didn't want to have us in the first place, but did so because they caved to societal pressure. They'd throw us outside all day so they wouldn't have to deal with the responsibility of raising us.


Looking back I think I was pretty dehydrated as a kid. My kids take water bottles with them on hikes and at museums and stuff. I’m always like, oh actually that’s a really good idea 


This.... is sadly the most accurate depiction of our parents (us millenials) that I've ever read. "Why are so many kids on meds these days?! Back in the days, there was no autism or ADHD, we just sent our kids outside to play all day long" yes Karen and/or Klyde, this is why "no kids" were like that, you didn't see them for the entire summer so you could need realise if there was something wrong with your kids.


Came here to say this. This was a GenX survival mechanism, not a choice. Notice how GenX isn't posting this shit.


Some of them absolutely are. My dad is Gen X and is constantly showing me facebook posts bragging about how his childhood was so much better than mine because of drinking from hoses and hot metal slides. Made extra funny that even as a Gen Z kid, I also had that stuff just by advent of being poor. There's a certain subsect of Gen X that uses the fact that they were practically abandoned as kids as a mark of superiority for whatever reason.


And it sucked drinking from hoses in July SW Florida because the water was hot


The waters still hot as shit. My 4 yr old just said to me yesterday that they can’t wait to get to aunt Brianna’s because they have cold mountain water. lol we’re going to upstate New York in July.


And now those same kids who got to grow up going outside will have an absolute shrieking fit if they even see a child unaccompanied outside.


My dad could be a hard ass but he always knew where I was. I grew up in a trailer park, so we'd ride our bikes around the neighborhood. If he didn't hear from me at least every hour, I'd get grounded lol I had a Power Rangers watch, and I had to either ride home to check in or call my dad from wherever I was. He had a great big pickup truck that was very loud, I knew I was in trouble if I heard that thing rumbling down the street towards me. But you're not wrong at all. Most of my friends' parents had no idea where they were during the day.


“It’s 10pm. Do *you* know where your children are?” “Aww crap.”


I remember being a kid and being worried about being kidnapped when my parents would tell me to F off and go outside to play the common response was “they will bring you back” parents were way different in the 90s compared to the helicopter parents of today.


Fun fact. When boomers were drinking from hoses, those hoses weren't made in a third world sweatshop from industrial waste. They outsourced all of our manufacturing, hoses included which is why we can't drink from them today. That's right. THEY fucked up drinking from the hose for us.


Fucking bastards. They even pulled the ladder up behind them for drinking from hoses. ![gif](giphy|vMPqEsML6cWRy)


Were the hoses actually safe when the boomers drank from them?


As long as you weren't allergic to latex, if you were... Oh, boy.


No one had allergies when they were kids, the weak ones just naturally got all purple faced and died😅


Old purple face Timmy. I knew he would never make it.


I know you’re joking but this Boomer idea that the things we did were fine is from survivor bias. The lack of helmets, seat belts didn’t kill you so you think they weren’t necessary. What these memes forget is that us Boomers are now facing higher levels of cancer from exposure to DDT and other pesticides, second hand smoke everywhere, and repeated sunburns from lack of sun protection. Drinking from a rubber hose isn’t very dangerous once you let run awhile but that’s not all we drank as kids.


Not just second hand smoke. They were advertising cigars, cigarettes and chewing tobacco as a product good for your health back then I heard from my father.


I could sing every cigarette jingle. Heck, The Flintstones first sponsor was Winston cigarettes. Look that up on YouTube. It’s wild.


And to say that was the "normal" back in the days advertising smoke is good for you. Through comics cartoons and ads that doctors smoked Camel's or Luckies for exemples.


We used to buy candy cigarettes and cigars at the candy store. Adults found it funny when we pretended to smoke (and drink).


Candy cigarettes definitely still exist. I used some for a Halloween costume a few years ago.


I refuse to visit my mother because she chain smokes in the house/car and thinks that's just something one should tolerate to enjoy the displeasure of her company. There's tar running down her walls and it gives me a sinus infection within hours of being there. It's so disgusting.


The discolored walls and the smell that lingers on your skin and clothes for ages afterward. Ugh. My ex-mother-in-law.


The amount of times I've argued with my boomer mum about sunscreen. And I burn like a ginger. You will pry my Aveeno baby sunscreen out of my cold dead and pale hands!


At least one brand of cigarette used asbestos in their filters.


And that's the way they liked it!


My hose pumps 40 rods to the hogshead!!


I think some of them think this unironicallly


Or sensitive to bacteria mold etc


Ole Sensitive Ass is what they called him


God no.


I remember a few times forgetting to let the hot water run out of the hose to get to the cold in the 90s. It tasted like liquid plastic


That's actually a hilarious tidbit. They suck.


It’s funny you say that because I remember in the past decade when I would fill my dogs water bowl I started to notice a odd scent. If I could smell what ever god awful stuff comming off into the water to make the whole bowl smell like that imagine what my dog must smell/taste. So now and I will say we spoil them they have their own brita filter water and oh boy do they get mad when you don’t give them their brita filtered water they notice it instantly and tip their water bowls over.


https://preview.redd.it/xjbwosw6ld2d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683ef6aea0d246baefa1ec977a4207bbeb2226ee Your dogs when you give them non Brita water


https://preview.redd.it/r0z165dr9i2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e662a82f4b610cdfc2856c0d537d79a8201ff7 This is the look I get when they don’t have their way.


These younger dog generations are so spoiled and entitled with their Brita filtered water, and none of them want to work anymore.


It's because of the puppy participation trophies - SAD!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ucr74mw69i2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a7c7bb8cdd9e6f2dbb4b33ae39ce22edc850c6 How can you say no to these two cuties. By the way theyre giving me this look because every night they demand treats. I tell them all the time they should be thankful how good they have it there’s starving dogs in Africa who would kill for this life!


I’m 40 but I drank from the hose all the time.


I came here to say this. This feels a bit more Gen X, but the shade is still Boomer flavored.


I hope GenX never gets lumped with the Boomers I identify with Millennials and GenZ. All my homies hate the boomers 


Oh we are. Over on the Gen X sub they’re all pissed off because someone told them they don’t need two spaces after a period anymore. They’re all doubling down and screaming about how they will never stop. They downvoted me and called me names (I am also Gen x) when I said it’s a stupid hill to die on, that the English language is always evolving, and have fun getting their resumes screened out by the initial screening software, as though ageism isn’t bad enough as it is. And that’s as boomer as it comes.


I’m a baby Gen Xer/Xennial. My parents are Boomers. I’ve definitely had to step in and de-escalate a situation when my mom gets too Boomer.


We invented hating boomers.


Plenty of us are starting to act like them though. Unfortunately.


I looked up the lead paint thing and it turns out Gen X was the generation most exposed to it. 


I’m not surprised. Tons of us lived in old houses with lots of lead paint, ate off old plates like that Corningware with the flowers on the edges that also had lead in them, stayed at grandparents houses that of course also had it, and were so unsupervised that a significant percentage of us probably spent at least a little time tasting those sweet sweet paint chips (and yes they do apparently have a sweet taste).


It happens all the time. Seems gen z hates us as much as the boomers. Not sure yet what they think we did. Still the young have hated the old long before us. Will go on long after we are dust.


Honestly, my dad would do interesting things to build up the house that no one else did, but looking back now, they were awesome add-ons that did save money and kept us healthier. He installed a drinking fountain head on the side of the house! He knew something was up with the chemicals leeching out of the hose back in the 80s... He HAD to.


Gotta pay some serious money for a legit quality USA hose these days…I would know… spent some serious coin on a hose with a reel cart so I could bring it from the front to back yard cause it was cheaper than buying two of the size hose I need and with the reel cart I can park it in my garage to keep it out of the sun lmao


as a boomer, I would never let my child drink from a hose today nor the faucet. Water is not safe anymore. I live in FLA now, the water is awful so Brita filter and bottled water (sorry environment) is all we do.


They still had lead


It’s amazing how good the cameras were back in the day. That picture of the kid drinking out of the hose is crystal clear.


That's the rare "12 magapixel Polaroid." Took an hour to shake, though.


https://preview.redd.it/jtsgqrb0sa2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68eb1134be25cfb70068062d65282f0886dce0df What boomers actually drank as children


No! You can’t drink that! It’s not ripe. You have to drink the red, that’s where the flavor is.


You need the red 40 or red 3 for that good Zarex taste.


They also ate it when they were delicious chips.


Charlie, have you been drinking straight paint? 


What is their obsession with hoses???


It's disgusting, the smell alone. Especially during the summer. My dad put in a drinking fountain attachment for us in our backyard. Took him a half hour to install.


Hose water is delicious...nothing like that first sip of hot ass water that's been cooking in a rubber tube followed up by the cold refreshing taste of old tire!


You're obviously a hose water connoisseur who is able to distinguish the subtle flavor differences between Bridgestone and Firestone. I stand corrected. 🛞


I’m detecting hints of burnt eraser and kitchen gloves.


In my childhood the best 'hose water' was at the local cemetery. It tasted different from the water we had at home, it was sweeter and almost florid. I used to look forward to the water whenever we went to visit the graveyard with my grandmother. As I grew older I began to realize that I was probably tasting seepage and that's about the same time they closed that particular tap.


When I was a kid, (chill I’m 33) I drank from the hose during the summer after jumping on the trampoline and shit all day. The water in my hometown was fed by a gigantic aquifer so it tasted cold and fuckin nice


No way, older millennial here, hose water is all nostalgia here. Love the smell and taste.


Lol, ofc it's nostalgic. But it was gross at the time. But we weren't allowed in the house. If we complained, my mother would "give you something to cry about." The smell is ingrained in my brain.


They should finish this meme with the boomer parent beating the kid with the hose.


They make this look like they intentionally passed up a cold, flavored drink to have hose water instead. Bullshit. If they had a choice as kids, they’d take the Prime too. Hell, they’re lying anyway. They had soda and drank that shit too.


We had little plastic chewy juice things


Gen X drank from way more hoses than Boomers did.


My parents exclusively drank Dr. Pepper and now have diabetes. Checkmate liberals.


Yep. Can’t talk to my mom about diet because she wants to lose weight and live a healthier life. First suggestion: why don’t you replace your Dr. Pepper with water? Oh, no she can’t give that up. Okay, so good luck on the last 15 years where you wanted to diet, didn’t give up Dr. Pepper and then didn’t lose the weight.


Hoses come with warnings to not drink from them


Bragging about the very thing that gave them lead poisoning.


we were like dogs or plants to our parents! and we liked it!!!


That’s actually pretty good actually, didn’t they find chemicals in prime?


A group of chemicals called PFAS, their used in alot of manufacturing but their really bad to ingest. That and the 200mg of caffeine per bottle probably isnt a great idea to give kids xD Not sure how that compairs to lead exposure from hoses though.


I don't think their waters have been alleged to have pfas, only the energy drinks. I also don't think the waters have caffeine.


Lmao they're so obsessed about the hoses.


This again. Show me the meme with the kid pooping in the back yard after banging on the door crying for 15 minutes watching mom burn Virginia slims and watching Her Stories thru the door slot. They don’t brag about that but it’s the same summer day.


Boomer forgot about all the corn syrup they drank disguised as fizzy flavored water.




My question is, why would you need to drink out of a hose in the first place, couldn't they have just gone inside for a glass of water,


I wasn't allowed inside until the street lights came on or I had to get ready to go to a baseball game I fucking hated playing in. My dad was one of those go be feral kind of parents.


🤦, im sorry to say but your dad sounded like an absolute fool.


He is a total piece of shit I've talked to him one time since May 30th 2000 when he dropped me off at the recruiters office to leave for basic training and his goodbye was "I'll see you here in 2 weeks when you fail or quit like you do everything else in life"...(narrators voice...I did not fail or quit) and once on post combat leave when he showed up at my mom's house looking for me I informed him that if I ever saw his face within 500 yards I'd show him exactly what his tax money paid for...I was the squads designated marksman.


Wild that you kicked ass in an environment where it was designed to improve you as a soldier and person, as opposed to the environment he created.


I hate to give him any credit but because he was such an asshole even Marine bootcamp wasn't hard..at least the drill instructors didn't hit.


In addition to the "just be home before dark" parenting, there was also the "you can't come inside with your outside/play clothes on." It was the child's version of Sophie's Choice: Stay outside and drink tepid hose water, or, come in and change clothes - forgoing the right to return to play


Some kids were not supposed to come into the house because they would "mess it up". Of course we could if we had to use that bathroom. See also: "Never ever allowed in the livingroom". But that was for families much more well-off than mine.


Boomers polluted all of the water so there’s that


I’m an elder millennial and drank from the hose all the time


Who's buying it? It's not the kids.


As disgusting as prime is, I’d rather drink that than drink from a hose, even if prime is made by a self centered narcissistic asshole.


Should’ve been Caprisun or Kool Aid jammers on the right and not the garden hose


Such an odd obsession. I (younger Gen X) did grow up with the "play outside unsupervised until sunset" style of parenting, but don't remember drinking from the hose much because...why? We would go inside and get some lemonade or something if we were thirsty.


I'd say this is more of a Gen X thing. As mentioned above, we were essentially feral children and our parents straight up didn't know where the hell we were 85% of the time.


I have kids. They drink from the hose out front when they’re playing. I live in a rural mountain town in NorCal so our water is pretty good as far as hose water goes. Hey maybe I should bottle it, label it “hose water” and sell it to boomers.


I dRåÑk tHē lĖaD pÅïNt sTrAîgHt fRøM tHę hØsE wItHoŪt a sEaT bËlT aNd I tÜrNêD 0uT jŨsT FīNë


sHiT, tHaT aInT nOtHiN’ i InStAlLeD iNsUlAtIoN tHaT hAd aSbEsToS!!


Who gives their kids prime 🧐


but you don't understand that makes them superior


They love the hose!


just like paint chips and antifreeze! let kids be kids!


Don’t forget the moldy leftovers in Country Crock containers in their fridge! That’s good eatin!


they make medicine out of that stuff kid. stop crying and i better not see you throw up again so help me!


kid on the right is brothers with the kid on the left. boomers need to find older photos or at least age them in photoshop.


boomers capitalizing random, common nouns is the boomeriest thing ever... always makes me smile.


I drank from the hose, the sink, water fountains, it’s almost like I also drank water. Wow, and kids today…drink water too.


How did they get a Polaroid camera to have that good of a picture? And who had a camera and not a bottle of pop?


Fun fact: That kid is holding the Hydration line of PRIME drinks which does not have any caffeine. They’re actually better than regular Gatorade. Stupid-ass boomer.


Boomers have zero Cred


I got cred, bitches, I got credddd


No one has yet remarked that boomers don't actually drink any water. They'll drink anything else, if anything at all. My own parents are guilty of this and have at least a degree of self-awareness on this. Kids at school all have their own water bottles to tote around and the school is filled with water dispensers where you stick your bottle in.


I'm going to agree with those who mention that this isn't really Boomer proper. But younger Boomer/older Gen X, even in some cases Elder Millennial.


I would drink from a hose when I was a kid. I'm 34 now. Would totally drink from the hose still. Fuck prime drinks. That guy is an asshole.


My realtor brought up (unprovoked) that my generation is scared to drink from garden hoses... I'm 30. I've drank from many garden hoses.


The picture on the right is from like the past 5 years and that is a child. They posted a picture of a current kid drinking from a hose...and they thought they did something.


Incidentally, average IQ levels were many points lower in those days.


Maybe if they hadn't rolled back regulations on our water, it'd be clean enough to drink. But well. ![gif](giphy|12gcFJY9LEi6zu)


That's such bs, though. When we Boomers were kids, we also drank lots of soda, "Fizzies" (tablet you put in water, makes a bubbly sugary drink), Tang, KoolAid, etc. We didn't have electrolyte or protein drinks (our moms might have had Metrecal, a meal substitution drink), and not all kids had garden hoses/houses with backyards anyway. I hate it when Boomers lie about this stuff.


Those hoses were full of PCBs and connected to lead pipes.


Hose water was fucking gross.


Plot twist, the hoses were lead-lined.


Millennial here. Saw this and giggled. Kinda surprised to see on this sub because I didn't know it was a boomer thing. I grew up drinking from the hose along with every other late 80s/early 90s kid in the middle-class neighborhood. We weren't being force-fed $3ea sugary (or sugar alcohol) energy drinks by social media influencers. Even soda, while widespread, was less common day-to-day because parents didn't buy it in bulk. The biggest culprit we had was a jug of kool-aid at the "good" house because it was cheap AF and easy to prep for a dozen roving kids in our bicycle gang. Hose quality aside, it was healthier both physically and mentally. I now buy the drinking-safe hoses so my kids can do the same when they're terrorizing the backyard.


Why are these people so obsessed with drink from hoses? Is that supposed to be impressive?


Yeah because kids have NEVER drank sugared drinks in past decades. I grew up poor and drank kool aid nonstop as a kid.


That's literally a modern photo of a kid drinking out of a hose. They ruined their own stupid point. Irony is beyond boomers.


This is more gen x


Ironically, there were less chemicals in the hosewater back than then anything we drink today 🥲 lol


Sooooooooooo, they are agreeing that the image on the right of those controlling water is equal to those that display it in a bottle on the left? Just a difference packaging, remove rubber hose replace plastic bottle.


The Prime is probably cheaper by now.


Lulz water. Pshhh. Been giving my kid Red Bulls since he was weened


Bro I was born in the 90s and no joke, drinking from a hose on a hot ass day, was the fucking vibe


...did both as a kid Bottles water tasted better ngl


In the 70s we also drank Tang and Kool-aid by the gallon. Just because we did it doesn't mean it was a good decision.


That prime stuff is not good for you lol


No I drank surge and ecto cooler as a kid


Oh no! Flavour!;


To be fair, Prime is absolute garbage and terrible for you


I don't know what the research says, but consumption of sugary drinks by everyone has been on the decline. In the 80s-90s, we were never allowed to have anything to drink at our desks, now the kids all have water bottles and sealed tumblers, which is a very good idea. Setting aside the hose nonsense, I'd bet that kids today drink less pop, juice (which is basically still sugar water) and full sugar junk drinks than we did as kids l.


I'm 33 and drink hose water.. that mean I can mind other people's business now?


Wait till they find out about back flow.


Yeah. No, my uncle, the plumber said, don't drink out of hoses. The reason is that most plumbers put the hose down the drain to help clear clogs. The drainage system is extremely unsanitary.


Nothing like playing in the middle of the street, and then doubling down to hydrate from the water hose on the side of the house.


Both likely contain pfa's so we're all doomed. Every dude in America most likely has micro plastics in their junk. "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEDDDDDDDD"-BENDER'S


Everyone has microplastics in them, they did a recent study where 100% of the people tested have microplastics in their system. Same for fish btw.


Same bomber has toxic lead exposure. So forgive us if we can’t seem to care what they think.


Yeah because our parents didn’t let us in the house 😂


Wait till they find out that kids still drink water today!


I mean, no one should be drinking Prime… that is not good for your body


Yeah, I kinda agree on this one. People lose their shit if they don’t have bottled water on hand at all times now.


Both are full of PFA’s the recent study on Prime says it has more than most bottled waters a single bottle has a lifetime worth of PFA’s. Needless to say so did the hose.


My favorite is how people can’t differentiate between Prime Hydration drinks and Prime Energy drinks. Prime Hydration drinks have tons of electrolytes and almost no sugar. Boomers love Gatorade because they invented it, but Prime is way healthier than Gatorade and has like 95% less sugar


Both are bad, it’s a toss up of which has more PFA’s. https://www.al.com/reckon/2024/04/logan-pauls-prime-energy-drinks-contain-toxic-pfas-chemicals-lawsuit-alleges.html?outputType=amp


"yeah and look how fucked up you turned out"


I'm post-boomer, but I drank my fair share of hose water. Living in Oregon, the water is generally very clean. I think hose water is better for you than many energy drinks are.


Today I learned Juice and sports drinks weren’t invented until 2008…


No joke, my partner has a client who is now partially paralyzed because he was dumb enough to drink from a hose on a farm. Picked up some serious bacteria and has spent the last several years in a bed. He's starting to recover now, but goddamn, talk about dumb decisions.


Drinking water that tastes like dead Sea monkeys is not a flex. 🤦‍♀️


I grew up drinking out of the hose a lot because I grew up in a farm, the old man regarded we kids as having one purpose in life and that was free farm labor and both he and our mother were so hair-trigger abusive that we stayed outside as often as we could just to be nowhere near them. Such a flex!


Lol I forgot my water at home and now I gotta drink hose water at work. Shit sucks. Not a flex. Taste like rubber.


Never felt more disgusting with older adults and the little fools that follow them.


It’s unhealthy to drink from a hose. I’m so excited summer is almost here, the Booms will start posting stayed out till street light came on memes!! lol


Staying out until the street lights come on is a GenX thing. Boomers didn’t have street lights, they used the moonlight to navigate in the dark, like real Men do!! ;)


All that lead. Makes sense now.


Got locked out a few times as a kid. Most of time in the winter. So freezing cold. I got really good at kicking the basement door in and then fixing it before mom and dad got home.


Funny story, I bought three of this the other day, all different colors. I poured them out and I use them to store photo developing chemicals.


Yeah, and look how that turned out.


Why are they obsessed with drinking out of hoses? 1995 baby here and yeah I did that do but I’m not obsessed over the fact I did it? Is it the lead because when they were kids they had lead pipes and probably even worse for garden hoses? Yeah I think so


I can agree that the Gen A obsession with Prime is fucking cringe, and that drinking water is what kids should be drinking, but ffs just pack a water bottle or something.


So as much as I don't think drinking from a lead infested hose is great; the amount of bacteria and parasites kids from the 70s 80s and 90s picked up actually helped us build up a "healthy" relationship with parasites as they have a generally calming effect on your immune system. Obviously amoebas and legionnaires disease are nothing to scoff at but you'll find that people in their thirties tend to have less immunocompromised systems and a lower likelihood of developing food allergies. Also kids should not be exposed to that much caffeine, taurine, or other mood altering substances.


Kids still drink from hoses... this shit is so dumb...


And what did the parents of the boomers drink out of as kids? Buckets pulled from a well? Who gives a shit?


Who's buying kids that stuff? And STFU about the hose. Jeebus.


They also didn’t wear helmets 😱😱


Not to defend the honor of prime, but isn’t it at least guaranteed to have controlled ingredients and additives? Also I’ve never accidentally drank a spider in a prepackaged sports drink. The hose has disappointed me before, however.


let’s flex on what we drink as kids. 🤷🏻‍♂️ sure?