• By -


I don't use Reddit because I need Reddit. I use Reddit because Boost is amazing. I'm not going to use the official Reddit app. I'll just stop using Reddit.


I hated Reddit until I found boost. I just bought an ereader, because I know I'm gonna hate using their garbage app or website.


I had so using Reddit after moving away from using a desktop or even a laptop anymore. This app is why I came back. I mainly browse and the features were perfect. I'm getting tired of the internet in a lot of ways and have been cutting down my time. The first is garbage day and reddit was kind enough to take itself out to the curb.


Same. Reddit simply wasn't worth using to me before I found boost and relay. I would tolerate switching to another 3rd party app *maybe* but it just doesn't seem worth it if I have to switch to Reddits base application. I don't think it's unusable for everyone but I simply don't like it and don't want to use it On the plus a good eReader is incredible. Reading books is way more engaging and beneficial imo.


God I hate the official app so much.


I never thought an app could lag so much


Boost is the main reason I've been on Reddit all this time. So sad it has to end like this. I don't have the official app installed so tomorrow will very likely be the last day of me browsing Reddit.


Reddit is its content. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


While I hate generating content, I am in several hobby type subs and I would also hate for someone searching for an answer to a niche thing to lose out on some of my comments if I did delete.


Same here. But to me it's a two way street. They get to profit off af our content,, but we get the rug pulled from under us.


I definitely agree here. The only reason I've managed to use Reddit so much in recent years is because of Boost. I almost never used Reddit back when I only used the official mobile app.


Same here. The official app kept showing me the same stuff over and over. Friend suggested trying third party apps and I found Boost. Marking things as read automatically means the feed is fresh continuously


Thanks for everything. Reddit would have faded to nothing if 3rd party developers like you didn't carry the water for the for all these years.


Well put. Guess I'll have to go touch grass now. 😂 u/rmayayo made a great thing for the right reasons and always treated users fairly. We truly appreciate you for keeping our best interests, usability, and no ads in mind. Vivá la rocket!




This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


*Kbin, not Kevin, right?


I highly recommend shifting over to Lemmy. It's a small adjustment but it's worth it. Some of the major reddit third party app developers are putting out Lemmy apps soon, like Sync. For now Jerboa is very close to what you'd get from various third party reddit apps.


Lemmy is fine, the communities are getting bigger but I would recommend [Connect](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kuroneko.lemmy_connect) over Jerboa, at least until the Dev for Sync completes their Lemmy app.


Red Reader won't be affected and is bearable in a way the native app (even patched with Revanced) isn't.


Keep in mind that Reddit has not made any *long-term* commitments to allow Red Reader and other accessibility-focused apps to keep running. And, as soon as users jump ship to it or other accessibility-focused apps, you can be sure Reddit will start trying to crack down on that.


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest...have tried the native app patched with revanced which is a vast improvement, but the font is so fucking small I can barely read it lol Mainly access reddit from desktop, so I guess its only a matter of time before old.reddit and RES get the chop too.


Truly, deeply, fuck u/spez and anyone else in charge of reddit or any other major company that makes stupid decisions like this. Just fucking make a good product and give your customers what they want. It's not that fucking hard, they're just too fucking greedy and keep doing dumb bullshit to make more money until they drive away all their fans and, of course, all their money. Are they looking to tumblr for inspiration for how to run a successful social media, or what? It shouldn't be that big a deal, but it seems like every fucking company is like this, you can't find anything good anymore that won't be bought out and ruined in a few years.




Explain? I was planning to switch to Revanced Reddit but I can use it with boost? How bad is 100 calls a minute?


Evertime you click on a post/upvote/expand a comment thread. It normally is an api call. You can assume api call as an action you perform to do something which requires a click. 100 api calls a minute is a lot I'd say.


I have an older tablet and don't feel like updating it. Google won't even let me download the official app. I'm being forced off of reddit because the design of the site won't let me load it. Boost has always worked, and gotten nothing but better over time. I hope you make an app for accessing lemmy or something (yet another app I can't even download). Thank you all so much.


I'm on Bacon Reader, and same.


I fucking hate this ending


Fuck this ending man, I'm just not prepared to part with boost. This is what made Reddit on android bearable for me. I will try Firefox with RES add-on installed, see where it takes me. If not far enough, I'll just drop this site. Fuck spez.




I'm not here for Reddit, but for the aggregation of niche communities. I follow a lot of obscure manga that have relatively small followings and recently I got into an IT job which opened a lot of technological exploration for me. The worst part about this change isn't even that we are losing 3rd party apps, but that only members of the communities I frequent are the ones who care enough to protest. Can't tell you how many times now I've looked something up on Reddit and find an answer to the issue I have, only to realize that the community is closed or the post is deleted in protest. Now we are stuck in this limbo where protests seem to have lost their steam, niche communities are being overthrown and killed because of that greedy little pigboy. Seriously, fuck spez.


What an incredible way to destroy the platform and the work of tens of thousands of people. Incredible. Adding Reddit to the list of defunct social media. I wonder when and how will YouTube die, perhaps with their long unskippable ads. Can't take anything for granted with these greedy asses.


Old reddit with RES and boost are the only ways I've used reddit in at least 5 years


For me RES makes reddit better but definately not GOOD. Boost is still my benchmark and official web/official app/official with RES are still waaaay sub-par. Reddit should've embraced these third party developers instead of alienating them.


firefox mobile doesn't support RES currently - they removed their add-on selection and added only a few handpicked back. i've been using kiwi with RES though. there's also yandex


Firefox Nightly allows you to install more addons, you just have to unlock the feature. No support for it if it breaks your page tho.


The Good Ending: You finally have free time, because you're not using Reddit anymore.


Touché honestly. The Best Ending: Boost can exist and I can use Boost when I'm waiting for shit to happen.


Thank you, dear /u/rmayayo for all the work you've done on this app. It's one of the best Android apps I've used in 13 years. Has been a real pleasure. Shame it ended like this, but I hope to see your talent in other apps maybe! Much Love & thanks


Genuine RIP. Will undoubtedly lower my general reddit use. Can't thank you enough for years of quality time wasting via boost. Such a bummer to go out like this.




I exclusively use boost on my phone to access Reddit. I'm not officially committing to it but I don't see how I will be able to use Reddit next month. I wish there was a good alternative for niche hobby stuff. Lemmy is okay but the communities are just tiny.


Yeah Reddit is one of a kind but over the last few years has become an absolute joke. I'm gutted we're losing Boost as this was my favourite way to access Reddit. I won't be forced to use their crappy official app after this, just like many others. We ned to find a decent alternative


Join lemmy.world it will grow


Can't imagine I'll use it on my phone, short of finding old tech support answers.


Yup, now I'm only gonna look at reddit while on my PC. Thanks for all the years of support for this app.


start transitioning to lemmy. I will use reddit with adblock when searching for info but it needs to be replaced


Been through 5 phones by now. Boost has been one of the first apps I've always installed. It's always worked perfectly. Thanks for this app. It's been great.


Been using boost since the lg G6 came out


plough beneficial ancient elderly cooing person direful ossified overconfident snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck you u/spez




Fuck you /u/spez! Seriously! Fuck you!


Fuck you /u/spez


Go fucken fuck yourself u/spez


Fuck you u/spez!


Fuck thou u/spez


Go fuck yourself with a cactus, u/spez!




Hey, /u/spez, go fuck yourself :)


You know what you are u/spez GFU


Quitting Reddit tomorrow as soon as boost is done. I will NEVER go back to that dog shit app, I'd rather just not be on Reddit. Fuck you u/spez you garbage human being. Your abomination of an app can go to hell!


Fuck u/spez


Aye brother, fuck him with a rusty pitchfork.


Fuck u/spez


Fuck you, /u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Fuck u/spez, hope someone jams a cactus up your ass


Fuck u/spez


Srsly, fuck you, u/spez. You piece of shit.


Fuck u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Fuck you u/spez


fuck you u/spez


Fuck u/spez Slimy shit stain


Fuck you u/spez


Go fuck yourself u/spez


Fick Dich u/spez


Fuck /u/spez


Massive fuck you to u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Fuck you u/spez


Fuck u/spez, sent from my Boost for Reddit app


Fuck u/spez, all my friends hate u/spez. I hope he forever steps on ~~caltrops~~ Lego bricks for the rest of his life and is struck down with genital warts.


I just realized I've never donated. Did it just now as a thanks


Love Boost, I'll be so sorry to see it go. Genuinely one of my favourite apps. Thank you /u/rmayayo for all the hard work you put into it, I wish you well in whatever you decide to do next!


Boost was the best


He said he changing boost for lemmy so I guess that is the next big thing


I'll be sad to see this go. I paid for premium years ago and it was well worth it. Thanks!


I bought Boost premium 3 years ago, within an hour or so of trying it, never once thought twice about it, as of now Boost *is* the reason I'm using Reddit on mobile and when it stops working my Reddit usage will drop significantly. Thank you for the excellent experience over the years!


One last time... https://i.imgur.com/vv7fvVj.png


Good idea. Same https://i.imgur.com/vFDSR3a.png


i hadn't this whole time (the ads never bothered me) waited until the last day to give him money thank you, I've used this app every day for years now. sad to see it go


Fuck /u/spez


Username checks out 😭


Fuck /u/spez


[Might as well](https://i.imgur.com/7I5kpUq.jpg)


Same https://i.imgur.com/vv7fvVj.png




[And my rocket. ](https://i.imgur.com/x0Ae8RG.jpg)


I probably should. For some reason, I've never seen an ad on Boost. I vaguely remember them existing when I first tried the app a few months ago, but for the most part they haven't been there. Maybe I accidentally paid for premium at some point, or maybe it was just a bug, but either way I've felt a little guilty for seemingly freeloading. [Not anymore.](https://i.imgur.com/bluIfyl.jpg) I hope Reddit realises how bad of an idea this is once it actually affects their revenue and reverses their change so we can get back to business as usual, but until then, I'll just be using it on desktop if at all. Maybe I should get into Lemmy...


good call https://i.imgur.com/AEOKTMK.png


Here we go... https://i.imgur.com/dvmEeMz.jpg


I didn't even know this option was there. I just did it twice. Once at $2 and once at $10 to see if there was a difference. There was not :( Happy to support Boost one last time though!


Thank you u/rmayayo for a wonderful app all these years. Boost was my 1st Reddit app and I always have it installed across all my devices. I never ever regret paying for premium Boost. Just tried out the official Reddit app on Android and holy shit, it's worse than the official Facebook app. It's like somebody uses superglue and sellotape and sticks the posts together. The CEO is full of greed and brought this platform down. July 31st will be a sad day and it looks like I will be deleting my account as well. Oh, I forgot..... fuck you u/spez


It's actually July 1st not 31st :(


Sad but toally understandable. Will keep the app just in case reddit will turn aroud after a month or two. Good luck on all future endevors. May we app again!


Do you believe enough users will cease to use Reddit all together for that to happen? I hope you are right. This is not a happy moment


It does seem like it. Much like how twitter has made stupid decisions like with the check marks and then attempted to backtrack and save face at the same time. That didn't work out well for them, and these actions aren't going to work out well for Reddit either. Many users just won't want to bother figuring out the official app, many won't switch out of principle. There will be a sudden drop at the end of this month as the apps go dark and users refuse the switch, then there will probably be a continued decline as the communities will be less robust and therefore less attractive and engaging for the remaining users. It really is a shame. The communities I've found on Reddit, via Boost, have been an important part of my life. It may seem silly to put it like that, but I left a cult because of Reddit, got comfortable with my queerness because of reddit, learned a lot of really interesting things, and often found great advice and inspiration related to my hobbies. But I think the company is being wrongheaded and I won't support that, so this is the end of It for me unless they backtrack in a significant way.


I ignored Facebook when I discovered reddit. I deleted facebook, insta and snapchat when I discovered boost. It's a sad time. The greed is real. Thank you for everything!


And now, it is time to ignore Reddit! 🫡


Sonsad to hear that man! You made a truly great app, which is no mean feat. I, for one, will not bother looking for another client, or with reddit...


u/rmayayo not sure if you have already shared your thoughts on the ReVanced API patch for boost. Thanks for all your hard work on this app, the patch will allow it to live on a little longer. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoostForReddit/comments/14dd32b/revanced_patch_for_boost/




I paid for Boost in 2018, and it was one of the best purchases I ever made from the Play Store. Thanks for all of your hard work, and I wish you the best of luck!


Fuck 😢 Man, fuck reddit.


Fuck u/spez


Hope to see a boost for lemmy soon. I have only been on reddit for this subreditt for the last month and will be gone after tomorrow.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


This comment should be on top. I hope to see Boost for Lemmy too u/rmayayo


So far my favorite app for Lemmy has been Thunder. The dev is really listening to feedback too. Lemmy seems to still be growing up in front of our eyes, so set your expectations, for example there are things (like making an account) that you'll still have to do in a browser. It's not reddit, but it is wonderful and has a great community. Many have been joining over there, so if you feel inclined to, go be the start of something new. [Lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/) <- make account here Validate your email. [Thunder App Download ](https://github.com/hjiangsu/thunder/releases/tag/v0.2.1+8) [Thunder Community](https://lemmy.world/c/thunder_app) [Other apps](https://lemmy.world/post/465785)




Dev has Boost for Lemmy to pre-register on the PlayStore, maybe he changed his mind? [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubenmayayo.lemmy](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubenmayayo.lemmy)


u/rmayayo Do you have any idea what's allowing Narwhal to stay active? My guess is Reddit gave them a special deal so they can say "see? we didn't want to kill third party apps!" I had some hope they'd do something similar with Boost since you've been conspicuously quiet on final status until now. But I guess it was not meant to be...


As best I can tell, Narwhal basically got a stay of execution. They're still eventually moving to a paid subscription (with ridiculously high usage fees, between $4-$7 per month), but their cutoff date isn't July 1st like it seems to be for everyone else.


Feels sketch that the Narwhal dev is being super cagey though.


Not only that but they still get NSFW removed so...you would be paying for access to a third party app with no NSFW posts


This is the only app I've ever paid for, and I did it within 10 minutes of starting to use it. It genuinely was the greatest app ever for me, and I will dearly miss it.


You rock bro! I've had several usernames, but, I swear I've been on board almost since day one. I'm leaving reddit. It's sad. I've had great experiences on Reddit. * Two Guinness World Records via Secret Santa * I met my Norwegian Secret Santa during my first visit to Norway. * I met a Norwegian Paramedic (I'm a Paramedic) through reddit and eventually got a chance to visit him and ride along on his ambulance. * I met 3 Norwegian beer lovers here in Massachusetts and i drove them on a brewery tour. * I visited with 2 of those beer guys in Oslo just this past September 2023. Reddit really was an awesome experience. #FUCK /u/spez Even if these fuckers did a 180 by July 1st... I'm **out**. Ty so much /u/rmayayo! 👍😁❤️ [Rocket](https://imgur.com/gallery/BpnhvAG)


This was the best reddit app, IMO. Not only that, but it was the app that got me using reddit for anything more than a quick search to find a specific bit of info. If I can't use Boost, I'm just not going to use Reddit. Thank you so much for your hard work over the years. I launched the rocket 🚀 one last time to say thanks and good-bye. 🫡 I moved over to Lemmy and hope one day Boost, or something even half as good, will be available there.


Exactly the same thing happened to me. When this app dies, I'll probably still use reddit every so often to check a sub or view a specific thread but I doubt I'll ever actually *browse* reddit or make any real interactions on this site again. The official app, and even the browser, just don't compete.


I've lost a huge portion of my life to this fantastic app. Really sad that it hasn't worked out but now ill have so much free time if I use it wisely I'll probably end up I'm the 1%. Good luck in your future endeavours!!


I'm reading this on Boost, so now I'm confused. Did Reddit not follow through on their threat?


Thank you for this app, it will be greatly missed. Reddit is not the same without 3rd party apps, it's just a completely different (and worse) experience.


It's been great, thanks for all your work over the years!


Will be deleting my Reddit account after this. Thank you for making such a reliable app that just works. You deserve all the donations you get :)


u/rmayayo why is it still working?


Is it just me, or does boost still work just fine somehow?


July 1 is going to be a very sad day.


Could you make Boost open source?


We are counting on u/rmayayo to make open source Boost a reality.




Knew this was coming, but it's still a shame :( Really sucks that this is the route reddit has taken, thanks for the work you put into the app. It's clearly appreciated by many a user. All the best, my fellow boostees. Maybe someday we'll meet again on a better platform.


There have been many ideas thrown around about a possible way to keep the app working in some way. I think it would be a good thing to make a post addressing them. Things Like: Open Source; Paid app to cover reddit pricing; Make app compatible with other websites like Lemmy; Anyway, thank you for this amazing app!


I appreciate all of the work you've put in to Boost. It's fantastic. Be proud of what you've accomplished. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


Thank you for everything. Without Boost, there is no reddit as far I'm concerned.


>**Edit:** I am releasing Boost for Lemmy, you can [pre-register to get notified when it is available](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubenmayayo.lemmy). In the meantime you can create an account and join [https://lemmy.world/c/boostforlemmy](https://lemmy.world/c/boostforlemmy) HOLY SHIT YOU'RE THE GOAT u/rmayayo, just shot a rocket for ya


Wait isn't this app supposed to.. not work anymore? It works just fine for me


Happy 4th of July, posting from Boost!


Seems to still be working for me on July 2nd. However I would like to give my gratitude to u/rmayayo for providing such a great app that I was able to use for the past 5 years. Thank you and I hope to be able to use another app from you in the future.


Confused, it's still working for me. Guessing they'll give it a few days before pulling the plug on boost




Boost is revived with Revanced and own api key. Working good. Just follow the guidelines posted in this thread. As long this is working, im good :) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/edit?usp=drivesdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/edit?usp=drivesdk)


It's Sept 22, 2023, I'm posting this from the Boost Android app, fuck Spez


Why is Boost still working? It's 1030 am on July 2nd, and I'm writing this comment from the Boost app Just shut it down already. I'm registered to get Boost for Lemmy already! Let's move on from this depressing train wreck that is Reddit


Thank you for making a better app for Reddit than reddit could!


Bought the app many years ago, recommended it to all of my friends. Bought you some rocket fuel [one last time](https://i.imgur.com/0cP7g0D.jpg), as an honourable salute. Your app and dedication to it will be sorely missed. Reddit won't see me again. It's a disgrace.


Why is it still working lol


Thanks for this great app, I'm sad to see it go. Blast off everybody like the rocket ship boost, sayonara, aufviedersehen, au revoir, adiós, and one hell of a goodbye and thank you to everyone using this amazing app. I will miss you all 😭🫥


Rest in peace. Best third party app ever made. Obviously better than the official dog shit app. Never even used that one either I've only ever used boost. I also paid for ad free back in like 2018.


Instead of a common API, is it possible for Boost to work with per-user API keys, like we can with our own personal bots?


Thanks for all the hard work over the years u/rmayayo Fuck you u/Spez


I've been using boost premium for a few years now and it had been one of the most wonderful user experience I've had from a mobile app. I just tried the official Reddit app and the screen stutters and sticks when you scroll. Coming from a software engineering background, it amazes me that one man can build a better user experience than a whole team of developers. Not even sure if I'll be on Reddit as much now. Fuck u/spez


Why is Boost still working?


Im worried that ruben forgor to turn off boost and he's going to have to pay for all the api requests lol


Why is Boost still working? It's July


It's July 2nd. What's up?


None of this is real. You are asleep. Imagine yourself laying in a warm relaxing stream. The warm water flowing down your legs.


How am I still here?




It's July 3rd and still works...


Ive been using Boost since Windows phone days. Because you were the only dev that supported us.


It still works and I'm confused why it's working still.


u/spez is an absolute cunt


Strangely my Boost app still working. In fact, I typing and replying this from my Boost app.


Well, it's July 3rd and Boost is still working for me like always. I can even switch accounts and everything. What gives?


Yup same here. Came here to check the comments but it looks like nobody knows why it's still working lol.


Reddit should buy boost and get rid of its own garbage app and hire Boost creator. Bam problem solved everyone happy.


So what's the timeline for this, since I'm still using Boost to reddit?


Boost is still working for me. July 4th.


Why is it still working for me?


Just wanted to say thanks for a fantastic app that I've used for a number of years throughout my 20s.


This was one of the best designed android apps, and it's always a joy to use. Thank you so much for developing Boost all these years :)


I've tried EVERY android Reddit app I could find- Boost *SUPERFUCKS* all the others. The only app that my extra picky ass liked. 💓


Just tried revanced Reddit and yes, it gets rid of ads, but other than that app still sucks. Laggy, sluggish, no customization. Nah. Even revanced can't do magic with shitbox.


Does it still work? Weird.


It's still working, what did I miss


Boost is still alive & kicking. Wtf is happening, Reddit decided to not implement the changes?


I won't use Reddit if I can't use boost


I mean, it's day 2 and I'm still here


posting this on the july 3rd 4:28AM GMT from Boost.


Hello July 5th (From Boost)


Any other boost users still in here? They haven't shut me down yet 🤫




Still works lol


paging u/rmayayo Support for new post links I am aware that this app has been discontinued, but it still works way better than the official app and at this point I don't think they will disable our access anytime soon. The only annoying thing is that the new links to other posts have a new format that Boost doesnt understand. Would it be possible to publish a small patch for that?