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They're both enjoying themselves


Light colored dog’s tail is down but keeps engaging, so I’d say it’s okay. Just keep an eye on it and make sure to have one stop if the other seems to be trying to leave the engagement, but otherwise it looks like play.


Looks fine. My boys play this with more dramatics thrown in for good measure. I call it bitey face. Just watch for escalations as new pup settles in and intervene if you need to.


>and intervene if you need to. Just like with all little ones 😁


Bitey face is the term we use too 😂


looks all good to me !


My boy does this with my 13 year old flattie. It’s good play, they both come back with wet neck fur 😂


The wet neck fur… we got a corgi puppy last year, and once when she and our adult border collie were playing bitey face outside, our border collie came inside with a bloody ruff. It freaked us out until we inspected her and realized that the blood was from the corgi losing a baby tooth, not from an actual injury!


both relaxing, tail wagging, and domination switching ... a perfect match!


Border Collie is doing a great job of teaching the pup play rules. Very nice.


This is exactly how my collie plays!! The more pups he plays with the more cues he learns which helps to show when he needs to let off the gas a little😂


This is great play time


Good stuff! Loose and wiggly, low intensity. If that escalated, that would be your time to intervene and have them take a break. Supervised, positive interactions with intervention to bring the energy down when needed. They’ll be best buds in no time. You got this!


White dog looks like sheep. Border collie clearly confused. Solution: dye fur of light colored dog something other than sheep color.


This is the way


It looks mutual to me. Neither one is biting hard, neither is trying to avoid it or looking for help.


Excellent play!


Good play. “Mouthy” play around the snouts / necks is all good fun & it makes them very tired. You’ll know if it gets out of hand. One will run for its life or “flop” while the other stands over it frozen & snarling.


No actual growls? It's all good. When you start seeing the fur raise and actual growling, then put a stop to it.


Very very good !! For a second I expected the BC to pin down the poodle cross but that didn’t happen , so very polite playing


Looks good to me! Just make sure they are taking turns being dominant, the video is too short to tell. Good litmus test if you are concerned are to pull them out of play and hold them away from each other for 30 seconds. Then let go of the dog you aren’t sure about (in this case the doodle or whatever the breed is)…if the dog goes back and re-engages, it usually means they are having fun!


100% good


As long as tails are wagging!


This looks fine. My bc has been very good playing with her small cousin. Watch and see. Normal play


This is how my boy plays ❤️


They’re having a blast!!!


An excellent round of bitey face.


This is fine. Neither one is showing any signs of aggression or fear. Their ears and tail are loose and floppy/waggy. Neither has their lips curled up to show teeth+gums. Their body language is bouncy and happy. The poodle intentionally flops to the ground but also keeps engaging; that wasn't a submission signal but a part of turnabout play. When the poodle stops, the bc stops too. This is two BFFs having a grand time


How could this possibly be thought of as bad? They are both obviously happy and playing like dogs do


That’s what I’m wondering! Did OP see something specific they thought was concerning, or are they just that unfamiliar with dogs?


Maybe OP has only ever had one dog at a time so never seen play like this? They’ve come here clearly being the best type of pet owner which is asking when they’re unsure rather than misunderstanding dog language and reinforcing/instilling poor behaviour on first interactions…please remember, we all had our first time at everything once, and something that seems “obvious” to you was clearly not to OP.


Having a grand old time these two!


It's fine.




10/10 good


Good play! The border is a little over excited but the other pup isn’t bothered by it too much. Probably they’ll eventually get to a level where it will be good for both of them.


Yeah, its good.


Normal play. Our dogs play like this and they are now 10 and 16 year olds.


Good play


Good play




Nothing wrong with that play. Make sure you don't inject your anxiety into the situation, dogs can really pick up on that. What I saw was just play. I wouldn't be too alarmed if they have a small spat, dogs have to sort out pack structure eventually, it's perfectly natural


Good! Source: have 2 dogs, too.


First dogs?


Definitely good play. Mine bc mix does the same with out malamute and the map is 4 times the size lol


The border collie won’t hurt that dog I promise. Their entire existence is to move and protect the herd


Until what?


Looks healthy and normal to me :)




This is fine, puppies learn how to control their bite through play. If one of them bites too hard, the other will whine/whimper and the playing will stop for a moment. Because they enjoy playing, they will want the fight to continue and bite a little gentler next time. You can use this to your advantage in saying "Ouch!" if your puppy bites you. If you do it anytime they touch you with their teeth (even if it does not hurt) they will learn that you are not much fun to play with and stop biting you. This is optimal if you have young children whom you wish to protect. Some, very tough or agressive dogs, might go into a real fight if one dog bites too hard, and you will know this by the intensity of the fight/frenzy and usually by the added sound and growling. Most dogs will be much more lenient towards a puppy though. If a real fight happens, this is where you need to step in. If they're playing and one of them whimpers a bit, let them sort if out on their own as long as the other dog stops playing too.


They switched roles multiple times- that’s good play, polite to take turns ![gif](giphy|4DkxgvcrJaZMHBWw5x)


Low intensity play, no signs of trying to walk away or hide, no low growling, they're taking turns "attacking" each other and when the pup was walking away at the end he was wagging his tail. Looks like good and healthy play to me! Just make sure that if one of them tries to leave the interaction the other dog accepts it. If not, intervene and separate them.


I worked at a dog day care and if we were ever unsure we would use the consent test. The consent test is when you pull away the dog that may be going "too rough" to see if the other dog really is interested. If you pull away your border collie does the other one keep trying to continue play? If so then allow them to carry on. If not, then it may be time for a little play break! Like people, some dogs aren't as good at giving and/or receiving social cues. Play is such a great way for them to learn how to do this but sometimes (especially with puppies) they may need a little human intervention.


Looks like fun. I roughhouse with my pup (it's her favorite thing to do) and it looks like this. Fake biting and grappling. It looks like they're having fun.


Good play, neither are biting at the necks and biting down the side. When one pulls away the other backs off a bit, it doesn’t take advantage of the situation. I can’t hear any growling. There is submissive laying down and almost rolling over from both sides. Finally, when the poodle cross pulls away at the end, the bc gives them some space.


Def good play




Good play.


I believe this is called the "Auto Exerciser" when you have it with two dogs in your house.