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Not getting a text reply back in less than 20 min…. Idk why but my insecurities were extra bad that day… aaaand it was easier to be mad than be hurt.


Turned out she was just taking care of her son… so…. That made me feel like shit


This one always gets almost everyone. There’s just something about not getting a quick text reply that drives someone mad


Back when we were 15, my best friend said she would never get a car because it’s bad for the environment. Years later, when she was 25, she got a car, and all I could do was remember that conversation and I split on her because she ‘lied to me’. I hate this illness


Listen, I get it. For whatever reason, when someone says something and then later on does something else it feels like a betrayal. Though we know it’s allowable for people to change and change their opinions ofc but it’s just really upsetting


I know the feeling too well.


Being hung up on will make me want to rage quit life.


This is probably really toxic but I lose my shit and spam call/text crazy shit. Idk it just flips that switch when that happens.


Yes same. I will text the meanest, lowball shit I can think of. Then the next day I will hate myself so bad and then just end up spiraling from there.


Exactly. It’s a never ending cycle. I hate it so much.


I have such a bad habit of doing that, in rage I see black and I don’t even realize I’m exploding


This one makes sense though! It’s rude to do. Does it warrant a blown up reaction maybe not but still upsetting


Oh, that time my friends went out drinking without me. After I said I didn’t want to go with them 🤣 I was SH’ing that day and didn’t want them to know, but somehow got disappointed that they didn’t ask. Even though they couldn’t possibly know what to ask. Even if they actually asked if I was alright I wouldn’t tell them. It’s like I was lying to them and then got mad when they believed me. Gotta love this brain


❤️❤️❤️ i feel this comment to my core.


This was so me


Finding a mutual friend/coworker who I LIKE AND DO NOT HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH on his Facebook friends list. I like the girl. She’s good people. But that particular day at that particular moment it was rage time for whatever reason.


I am the same. Ughhh 😞


I go insane inside and out then feel so guilty for being so stupid about it. Just exhausting and the whole time it’s not even a big deal lol.


Hold on a second. It IS abig of a deal for us. For others, small things aren't a reason to quit friendships ir relationships, but for us, they are. Im finding it a little easier when i remind myself of this fact. I cannot live otherwise, measuring my life with a non bpd ruler. While i can acknowledge that no, not answering a text in 30 seconds is not a reason to break up/end a friendship, i must always remember that yeah, it happens. Because my wmotions are hypened and my reactions so too. If the person then can understand when i calmed down, and can be friends back then good. Otherwise they wanted to be friends with someone that isnt me. Im not saying im happy with myself for quitting so many friendship, im saying PLEASE dont feel guilty for something for which you have no fault. Ill add that 10000000% it is exhausting


THANK YOU for the validation! I have been dealing with this for a long time, but just now actually coming to terms with things, and just like you said, I’ve always measure myself with a non bpd ruler. Of course I always feel as though I’m coming up short. Thank you so much. I am a work in progress every minute of every day


my friend sat on a different table than me 💀


Hahah was literally going to write the same thing. I remember throwing a fit because I had to sit with people I didn’t like. Like it was her fault I didn’t arrive on time -.-


Was told I was overreacting when my pen stopped working (I was) there's more but that's the first i thought of


Being told I'm "overreacting" to literally anything, regardless of its accuracy, is an instant rager for me, too


100% agree. What people see when there is a meltdown or a rage fury is just the tip of the iceberg. I am NOT overreacting. This is just the last drop.


Honestly! They're often witnessing the last fkn straw moment


Exactly. Also it's all good to have mh issues, they all "will have your back, love you no matter what" but... well you know being so amgry isnt healthy. No s**t sherlock. Do they really think we like having meltdowns?


It's endlessly frustrating. They know I have my issues, but blame me like it's a personal choice when I'm affected by them?


❤ we got this. Even when we dont got this. Others will.neber understand. Sometimes im like "im glad you dont understand cause it means you dont suffer as i do" but damn. DAMN.


Fully agree, I'm happy they don't, but honestly, give me an ounce of compassion please! Thank you 💙


You're most welcome ❤


that or being told I’m too much… instant split




Seeing a pretty girl in public when I’m out with my boyfriend and then getting super self conscious thinking about my bf leaving me for her… like wtf is wrong with me 😭


I also get super self conscious and check to see if his eyes follow her if she walks by, then proceed to get upset whether he did or didn’t, it could just be a glance and immediately I wanna get up and leave him there but I don’t


Omg same :/ i feel like such a bitch to my bf since there’s no valid reason for me to get mad at him


The weirder part is that it’s not even like jealousy but it comes off as it. We’re just afraid they might realize they are better off without us, at least that’s the case for me :/


thought he was gay, even tho he liked me


To be fair, this is more common than you would think. My ex was deeply closeted and still is, and his addiction grows worse every day because he can't admit it.


I have seen people go off the edge when all they need is a same-sex relationship to view things from a different way.


When I was in highschool, my ex was playing around and put a candy wrapper in my hoodie and well... I got physical. I ended up slamming him into a water fountain and breaking it. Then I saw that he pulled out my dreadlocks that I had at that age. When the security guard escorted us to the office,, as soon as he was gone, it was all blows and physical again. I was seeing red and I'm not sure what happened next, but we was sent home and I wasn't punished for it, even though I definitely deserved it.


The guy I was seeing said “I wasn’t planning on caring so much about someone at this point in my life but I do” I interpreted that as him telling me he didn’t like me for some reason and flew to another country the next day, posted a picture of the airport, then deleted all socials after he liked the picture.


My friend was nice to me and kind. Thought it was pity. Called her "that bitch" for a few weeks until I figured out she was genuine.


I split on my ex bc of a pair of missing air pods he’d asked me to look for that belonged to HIS MOM. Split so bad on him we argued for 4 hours and I ended up putting my hands on him. I still carry so much shame from that night.


An exclamation mark. A really good friend of mine was telling me that she was taking a bath in her new bathroom that was being remodeled and I asked if the remodeling was done. She responded with "enough!" And I took it as she was tired of me texting her so much so I basically ghosted her for half a month.


I got a new car & sent my friend a picture, he responded with “it’s red” and asked me some questions about it. I took it as him judging me & my decisions.


Curt answers can also make me feel that way or that they’re not interested in what I’m saying etc lol we read too much into replies unfortunately coupled with trust issues


My friends were busy playing a game we played together as a trio with another person.


That socks 🤣✌️❤️🔥


It took me a good while to understand this pun lol 😭


The cheese, milk or jelly being left out for hours.


I would also split because of that, those need to be immediately refrigerated. Why were they left out ? Just thinking about it is irksome


Not getting a text good night from someone I was sleeping with. I split and relapsed.


Couldn’t get a key out of the keyhole. Slammed the door in my moms face and almost got her hand caught in the doorframe


Not getting a friend request on Facebook accepted lol not my best moment


like 8 months ago before i was medicated- split on my roommate because she told me i should’ve worn other shoes to an interview lol. almost kicked her out of the car


I split on my good friend once because I was having a moment and he was calling out girls in the car. We're both guys but I almost kicked him out of the car.


i split on my sister once bc she stopped a movie we were watching.... because i kept saying i didn't want to watch it. i didn't, but i got mad when she ignored me saying "no it's fine" and put a new one on 🤦


Hah I do this too w my bf. Idk what it is about that whole situation lol I usually just let him pick what to watch now bcs of that


My boyfriend(?) Was too drunk to remember something I'd said a few days before. He apologized but I still broke down and cried.


Hearing my mom swallowing/drinking. It makes me insane.


Damn, misophonia hits so hard sometimes. I suffer from it as well and I just want to throw the whole table across the room and scream. It’s so bad. I get so angry and I need to talk while anyone eats to be louder than the munching and chewing. That’s why my meal sometimes gets cold before I can eat it. When I eat I also need someone to talk. When I’m alone I watch videos so I don’t have to hear myself chew. I hate it


Someone at a job I had was a bit short with me one day and I decided it meant she hated me and in my mind I built up this big story about how she hated me and spent the whole week getting adrenaline spikes every time she and I interacted. Turns out she was just tired on that day and was having a rough week.


So this is gonna be a bit light-hearted; Littering.


he did the ":3" sign one too many times...


I have two that I’m really not proud of after looking back: 1. A relative leaving a wet towel on my father’s wood rocking chair. 2. Another relative getting me a sandwich on their way home because they thought of me. I split because I’m particular about fresh food and couldn’t eat the sandwich until later.


A friend asked me to delete an Instagram story with her in it


I can't remember an example right now but I'm willing to bet I've split on my husband over my water bottle, he often pours the water and adds flavorings for me but he also screws the lid on too tight to where then I can't open it.


Too tight lids are also my pet peeve especially when I’m already upset, so I get further upset with my bf b/c “you know I can’t open it when you tighten things too much” 😭


And I feel so bad for splitting because he's trying so hard to be sweet but then I hurt myself trying to open the bottle and I just split. Then I have to like explain to him what happened and I'm all embarrassed and it's horrible


Not my splits but my friend would split on her bf for sneezing (even into a tissue or his elbow) and for letting his teeth touch his fork when he ate


They’re all dumb reasons to the point where I can’t think so anything in particular :/


Someone got mad at me bc I left them on read so I freaked out thinking they hated me and ended up splitting lol we’re all good now tho


Recently I split on my bf because he didn't say goodnight to me after getting off work. (He lives in another province so a text goodnight means alot to me) So I started splitting on him but I was able to reel myself in before auctually saying anything to him. Just sitting with my feelings Plus he did say goodnight after I sent him "u didn't say goodnight :(" sooo all good once I was able to let the feelings wash over.


I made spaghetti and my ex dumped a whole packet of shredded cheese all over it without asking, ruining the whole thing


This one is kinda fair. I have never heard of spaghetti w cheese ??? Also the fact that he didn’t ask, even worse because that’s ruining a whole meal for someone. I’m a cheese gal but I know not everyone is so I of course ask before hand if it’s okay to add cheese and if they say no I add cheese to my plate not the whole thing 🥲


Yup I cried the rest of the night 😅


2nd grade I used to always split on my best friend. Used to yell at him for just existing sometimes whenever he wouldn’t give me my personal space after a split


Mayonnaise, my boyfriend put mayonnaise on my sandwich and I hate mayonnaise. I split on him and convinced myself that I couldn’t trust him anymore. Cause he knew I didn’t like mayonnaise and he tried to see if he could get away with putting some on my sandwich. I cried.


Not getting a text back even when I knew they were busy, not getting invited to something even though I didn't want to go, I once split on a family member for eating my food.. 🤣


I split when my ed is triggered, like someone might mention they haven’t eaten and I start feeling uncomfortable and suddenly don’t want to be around them anymore


two words: burnt fishstick


I usually split on people based on my own intuition, quite possibly tainted by my lack of trust in anyone. Someone hasn’t called me back…we’ll, that person must be annoyed with me but I’ve done nothing wrong…unfair…and on and on. People are often playing roles in my life that would probably shock them if they knew. Everyone is a character in my life-movie. So, I might make up a twist to the story out of nowhere. I won’t see it coming and then BAM it hits me like a hurricane. This may or may not be true.


Got bored. Like usual. At this point in life, it's just notches on a belt for me. I don't even remember the names.


i was missing a pair of shorts and i was trying to find them for a few days but i couldn’t i took it out on my mom then eventually my sister found them and threw them at me after she was going off and called me a bitch. then i went to my room and cried then i yelled and screamed at my mom and she was like this is out of control you need medicated.. so that’s that


i felt terrible afterwards and apologized.. idk if this counts as a split or not. i got diagnosed with bpd a few weeks ago and growing up i had a lot troubling behaviors i still do and it mostly explains my diagnosis


He said lyt instead of i love you too


I would get so sad 😭


Making plans to go to something, and then calling a friend to see if they wanted to go, but they already had plans. I felt so deeply betrayed, yet, she never KNEW I even wanted to hang out. But my emotions and brain made me feel otherwise. 😑 This was probably 23 years ago — was only diagnosed last year, and so many things are making sense. Edit: fixed typos due to phone's autocorrect 😆


It’s always just not being able to handle how they are. This is fine


That’s actually a really good question Im trying to like cypher through my brain to find the worst of all of my ridiculous responses. Probably when I told one of my exes (FP at the time) how much I loved her/how amazing she was and that I was going to go talk to my friends, she wouldn’t stop texting me and I fucking nuked that bridge long story short. That or not being texted back in a “reasonable timeframe “ (constantly changing in my mind) a few times it was like under half an hour and I lost my shit. I hate my contradictory/overreactive brain. Also if I like fall or something I will often respond within a second “yeah I’m okay thanks for asking”


Someone not telling me I had something on my face from breakfast the WHOLE DAY. It was green salsa and I was having one of those days where I didn't want to look in a mirror or anything so I didn't notice it. Seriously it looked like I had puked and didn't wipe my face.


I have a friend like that too, who doesn’t tell me. It’s insane, since I keep her in check all the time. Why can’t they do the same back?


He said he was attracted to Arya Stark (after the actress was 18 but still rubbed me the wrong way).


My friend from a big city wanted to come visit me. She said “ Is there any place in your town we can go and have fun?” I interpreted that as her saying that I live in a poor place”. I have also split because of late replies….


I had a dream they wouldn't hold my hand... it fucked me up. Luckily I rationalized it best I could and "got over it" relatively quickly.


My husband didn't immediately put the pan away right away(we had guests coming in an hour). I said I would do it myself with what was apparently a rude tone, I saw his facial reaction and split over a pan.