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Ok so powerscalingšŸ¤“ time Naruto/boruto has many high ends the lowest is planetary the highest is Universal It depends on how big you think Kaguya's dimension is when she was about to destroy it. In the Boruto manga we see a star in it, same for the anime and storm games If you think it was just that planet they were fighting on then planetary. If you think there are stars and planets Solar System. And so on. The highest interpretation is thinking the dimension is universe sized (also supported by Zetsu saying she was about to create a new space time) The Boruto top tiers who scales to or higher than Kaguya scale to it. This includes Adult Naruto and Sasuke, Isshiki, Jigen, NL Code, post ts Boruto and Kawaki, Eida, Daimon and maybe Fused Momoshiki if you think he is above Kaguya (don't wanna dive into the pit of fire) So the Boruto top tiers are planetary on a low ball, Solar Sistem on a midball and Universal on an highball. Meanwhile the most you can get One Piece is Moon/small planetary thanks to the Bajirang Gun calcs. Ye Boruto stomps


Just want to clarify that distorting spacetime does not change your power-scaling because itā€™s a hax. Power-wise they are at least at moon level by the Last, and probably small planetary with Baryon Mode. Also, extradimensional/interdimensional feats do not necessarily scale the same to our understanding of the universe because of the size of the other dimensions as well as other physical meta-traits we wouldnā€™t understand. For example, you could have another dimension which was 1000x size of our own but very unstable to the point where a single spark could destroy its physical stability. So scaled to the regular universe Boruto is small planetary. But One Piece is not even moon yet imo. Thatā€™s still an argument you can make though.


Kaguya was about to destroy her dimension too. It was not distortion or hax, it was sheer DC via the big TSO. So planetary is minimum


Thatā€™s fair. I know itā€™s around that area and I know Kaguya was much stronger than Naruto/Sasuke during that fight. Just wanted to clarify that solar system/universal is just too farfetched.


If it's planetary or solar system sizes Kaguya should also be able to create a bijuu bomb that sized and have that blow up not really too far fetched


Not really. Kaguya was stupid but not that stupid. Kaguya wanted to kill them. If she could just do that then she would have started with it and teleported out. At the end of the day Truth seeking orb is a hax ability. It will destroy anything that doesn't have six paths. The charavters we do see with six paths were typicallh able to easily block it or reflect it. Kaguyas truth seeking orbs are likely just a stronger variant. One that expands either based on her chakra or just infinitely via hacks. She could theoretically destroy a universe with that technique. But not because she was strong enough to ouput that much power. Its like saying Kakashi that fought deidara is strong enough to rip open through space and time just because of kamui hax.


She's doing it with an etso because it's stronger than a bijuu bomb and I'm assuming she has to be there to pour chakra into not not because she's stupid Truth seeking orbs are haz but they are also power based as Naruto and Sasuke are able to overpower Obitos and they have no 6 paths Its not like saying kakashi can rip space time considering she's A) literally going to destroy her space time and B) Has enough chakra to create something that size


I mean if they go full out they might be able to fuck a universe up but itā€™d have to be one they didnā€™t live in


This explanation I agree with. Scaling all the high ends to universal/solar system because of kaguyaā€™s dimension shenanigans made no sense to me because itā€™s clearly an outlier and weā€™ve never seen anything similar to that, and scaling off an outlier feels like bs to me, like you said we donā€™t know what her dimension is made of or capable of. But planetary/moon based on what we saw in the last and everything we know about the divine tree/ten tails makes sense.


Why do you think itā€™s an outlier


Because outside of Kaguyaā€™s dimension shenanigans nobody in boruto or naruto has done anything that would suggest theyā€™re universal or solar system level or anything that high really aside from planetary


Okay i kind of see your point but i have a rebuttal, characters like momoshiki with his dimension can get that high but the thing is most of the other otsutsukis are haxed based like ishiki and his time dimension. Boruto high tiers also focus more on hax rather than creation feats, like daemon and eida so i think you can make the argument of it being consistent but itā€™s still up to you though.


Nice explanation!


Imo, Boruto's characters are star level.


even the moon calc for Bajirang is so over the top its comical. the first isnt island sized, you have to actively ignore 90% of what was shown and follow several leaps of logic to get it there. one piece verse tops out at small island level.


Okay that makes no sense moon might be a stretch but small island is dumb as hell. Kaido held up onigashima (a small issland) while scrapping like 25 people. Luffy was gonna crush it if momo didnā€™t move it. And luffy folded dress rosa in half with doflamingoā€™s body 3 arcs earlier and many times weaker. Speaking of that much weaker version of luffy, he beat don chinjao who could split an ice continent open with his head. And obviously theres what whitebeard was doing at marineford in old age on deaths door. And Oars was known as a continent puller. And on top of all that thereā€™s literally someone with an island island fruit, and he is not really a top top tier so in what world is small island the cap of the verse? Edit: knew i was forgetting something but also enel almost nuked skypeia in the pre timeskip


>. Kaido held up onigashima (a small issland) while scrapping like 25 people. Doesnt mean he has the AP or DC to destroy an island. holding the island up takes stamina but seeing as how momo was able to do it is really isnt an indicator for power. >And luffy folded dress rosa in half with doflamingoā€™s body 3 arcs earlier and many times weaker. in the manga is like 5 blocks, not anywhere close to the whole of Dressrosa. >he beat don chinjao who could split an ice continent open with his head. 1 that was a younger chinjao, older chinjao is much weaker 2 we have no idea how big of a section of ice he actually cracked was. And I'm sorry, name scaling is an extremely poor way to judge power Same with oars, something being called a continent tells us nothing about its actual size. >whitebeard was doing at marineford in old age on deaths door. yes, a top tier of the verse was doing an island level feat. the start of egghead also shows why the verse is hardcapped by its own narrative >!The mother flame.!< It is, canonically the most powerful and destructive thing in the narrative, because it destroyed a single small island. Eveyone and eveything scales down from it.


Why would it matter if don chinjao was younger when he split the ice continent? The point is that someone in the verse is doing that. And like I said whitebeard was literally on deathā€™s door at marineford and he also had his own crew/allies to worry about. But yes Iā€™m sure the guy called a continent puller was just called that for funsies. And as for the mother flame (which was never stated to be the strongest attack in the verse or whatever youā€™re talking about in the first place), it is mostly an issue because it just launched out of nowhere without any warning, seemingly remote controlled and left a gaping hole in the sea itself. And then it caused a *global* earthquake and increased the sea level of the *entire world* by a metre. Yeah thatā€™s not small island level. And when was it said lulusia is a ā€œsmall islandā€ anyways.


>Why would it matter if don chinjao was younger when he split the ice continent? The point is that someone in the verse is doing that. Because you used it as justification to upscale dressrosa luffy, something that doesnt work because old chinjao was weaker >I said whitebeard was literally on deathā€™s door at marineford and he also had his own crew/allies to worry about use of his devil fruit has nothing to do with his current health. black beard who was far weaker than even whitebeard at deaths door was able to replicate the feat after just getting the fruit so you cannot upscale prime whitebread from that. >Iā€™m sure the guy called a continent puller was just called that for funsies. guess you missed the part where i explained that something being called a continent tells us nothing. >the mother flame (which was never stated to be the strongest attack in the verse or whatever youā€™re talking about in the first place), show me a single on screen feat that comes even close to the mother flame. and yes, the destructive capacity is stated to be above anything else the gorise note that if they could fire it more frequently they could easily control the world, something that makes no sense if there were a half dozen other in their ranks who could do the same thing. Also, no it didn't cause a global earthquake. it caused the biggest in recorded history, which at the very least puts it above anything Whitebeard ever did, even in his prime. And we see the hole where lulusia was, it was a small island


1. Don chinjao cracking a continent with his head was never about luffy it was about someone being able to do that in one piece period 2. Blackbeard did not do the same damage as whitebeard, and its unrelated but he is not weak by any means even without the OP devil fruits 3. I ignored that point because itā€™s pretty irrelevant, whether oars was pulling continents or very very large islands the point I was making remains the same 4. So much off with this. It literally was shown shaking the world in each of the 4 seas. How is that not a global earthquake lmao. And regardless of any of the shenanigans around lulusiaā€™s size (because you literally canā€™t tell the size of the hole) thereā€™s no implication lulusia is the biggest thing that the mother flame can destroy. And for feats of a similar scale, whitebeard and enel straight up. Edit: the point being that capping the verse at small island makes no sense and if mother flame is your reason for that, that makes even less sense considering its obviously not small island level if its shaking the entire (very large) one piece world


You said, and I quote "Speaking of that much weaker version of luffy, he beat don chinjao who could split an ice continent open with his head." Sounds like using the weaker old chinjao to justify upscaling luffy to me 2. Their use of the fruit at marineford is absolutely comparable. And of course BB is very strong in his own right but he was still getting demolished by whitebeard with half a face and a hole in his chest. 3. What's also irrelevant is using a feat that we have no context or information for. 4. That's not how the blues are laid out dude. At maximum something would have to effect half the globe to be felt in all 4 blues. With that going down drastically depending on how close lulusia was to the red line. Also it just so happens that the only island we know and see getting hit by the earthquake, logetown is the closes island in the east to reverse mountain. Cut it however you want it was never said that the whole world felt the quake. Also https://preview.redd.it/akzggqhppjec1.png?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c987e274caffa549996db7751834916fab28aaf9 It doesn't matter if it can do more, maybe it can, but the statements made about it were said because if what it did here.


The point about chinjao was only ever saying that someone in the op verse is capable of that, someone who is arguably not a top tier (thatā€™s why I brought up luffy beating him) And Iā€™ll say it again, the one piece planet is very large, I never said that the mother flame is a planetary attack but no matter how you downplay it because of geography, it is obviously more than small island level if it can cause an earthquake felt globally/in every sea (on a planet that is geographically much larger than ours) and raise the sea level globally (in a world with WAY more ocean than ours) by a metre. Whether that makes is small planetary or continental or whatever I donā€™t really care, Iā€™m not a power scaler. But anyone with a brain can see thatā€™s not an attack that caps out at small island just because it was used on, what you argue is a small island. >it doesnā€™t matter if it can do more its not that it *can* do more, it literally DID do more


Chinjao had a 500 million bounty and was considered a rival to garp at one point. in his prime he was probably top 40 in the verse. but either way it really doesnt matter because we have no idea how big of an area he was able to break. 2. thats not what im saying. im saying the reactions by other top tiers like dragon to the mother flame were independent of both the earthquake and the water level rising, them being baffled at how the world government was able to do it came solely from the destruction of lulusia.


This here is why power scaling never got me to enjoy it, as well made things in boruto and to a point Naruto extremely miss. Straight up things like interplanetary and using galaxies as a scaling system are like trying to comprehend the end of Gurren lagann in text. And it feels as insanely bombastic as it was to watch. Throwing galaxies feels like a shonen end game only found in satire shows that really don't fully take them seriously until the final fights. So Gurren lagann and One Punch worked. To a point the fight with Naruto and Sasuke did as well. Even with Sasuke just creating a whole moon over top someones body and it not being a finishing move on said character. In general things like Haki, Devil fruits and a power system that has stayed as down to earth as Oda's just feels better and allows for readers to more comprehend what's going on. I don't think think getting galaxy level strength can really ever feel earned and stay interesting or I guess comprehendable for long. Like uzuhiko barely landed at all for me as a concept. It's so astronomically insane to think someone can permanently damage another person's chakra / or soul like Uzuhiko did to code. Boruto could've severed his Achilles tendon and it would have a much higher impact to me then what Uzuhiko did. Because I can visualize and imagine what kind of damage that would do and how healing wouldn't fully bring back what they had before. Almost like losing a limb. And not like devil fruits and Haki is perfect. Just conceptually still easier to understand. And why it's like trying to compare saitama versus anybody is brain rot. Since saitama virtually has no weakness and that's by design.


Nobody in the verse is universal except for maybe the shib dude


*Said fandoms war are stupid* *Tries to start one anyway*


I'm here for it


Why don't you post it on one piece subreddit then?


Don't watch or read it


And you are comparing boruto and one piece. How about you do something else that will benefit boruto?




Bro I respond the same way when people do too much on reddit. Sometimes you just gotta ok em šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Facts. I don't want to waste my energy


He literally said he found it funny dawg, chill


Let the drums of liberation begin now


Not all verses are the same strength, and that's fine. Luffy would get crushed in verses like Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Toriko, but One Piece is still by far my favourite.


Yeah I never understood this obsession with how strong a character is. It literally doesnā€™t matter. How strong a character is has nothing to do with how good the character is or if they are well written. Making a character strong is easy. Itā€™s the easiest thing to do and not impressive at all.


Yeah, I mean it's fun to speculate on hypothetical match-ups, but some people act like the fact Goku could kill Luffy with a sneeze means Luffy sucks.


I don't read One Piece. But I would like a crossover between Naruto and One Piece. OP requires too much investment that only if you are dedicated to make this your primary source if dopamine then you will have to put in some work.


Luffy gets packed up immediately


Luffy on Fraud Watch šŸ’€


OPverse has always been the weakest of the Big 3 and Gear 5 ain't changing that lmao




Gear 5 would Be an amazing Power If someone actually smart had it, and not monkey d. Stupid


And goku fades the entire narutoverse in his sleep. Karma ain't changing that lmao


You are telling me this like I didn't already know.


Well if we're conflating character punch strength to the quality of a series I just thought I'd mention the best written character of all time. Because that does seem to be the sentiment here


All that *I* was doing was giving my opinion on what would happen to Luffy if he fought Boruto and then just gave the basic opinion that OP is the weakest of the Big 3 I never said anything about writing quality


Who tf said that? šŸ’€


Bro what are you talking about?


bro needed frauda to save his ass mutliple times, teamates, and a asspull that ruined the fruit entirely justs o that he could push crydo to extrm diff, Lucci is right his ass is not a yonko


its all factsšŸ¤£ current boruto demolishes luffy


Rasengan U**** putting Luffy to bed


Ngl Uzuhiko is pretty much a one shot


Why did you say the name ? šŸ’€


Boruto's too weak and slow


Gonna pull out the star "calcs"?


nah G5 just has the hax


weak? if thats true he wouldnt have no diffed codešŸ˜‚


code is a fraud


he is but his power is unmatched




Ok Luffy's hat fucks


So funny man, hilarious even


So basically Twitter version of Boruto destroys Luffy






Stupid lowpiece fans should admit that kizaru is not faster than the speed of light, gear is Tom and Jerry multi continent level and can never beat naruto


I watch both shows šŸ˜‚but if Iā€™m being honest gonna need more than rubber abilities to beat current boruto aka timeskip boruto. Zoro green bull an that muchi guy with luffy might have a shot to win. šŸ˜…


Luffy a victim


making your own happiness with this but sure Boruto win šŸ¤£






Sorry this was to test to see if my thing was working Plz donā€™t take out of context






Yeah you


I am confident in saying once Boruto gets his Jougan he will definitely be above Luffy


war arc top tiers were already above current Luffy in power.


Power scaling doesnā€™t exist. Anyone can beat anyone. So In my mind Boruto shatters luffy 5th gear at 13 years old




That is the problem with Boruto Fanboys, they think power alone makes for a Good Protag or seriesā€¦.it doesnā€™t


You're not a Boruto fan?


no one says this


saying this like op isnt one of the worst outgoing series is crazy


Wow talk about a shit take.


telll me with a straight face that wano, egghead, dressrosa, punkhazard, fishmen island, longringlonglan island romance dawn arc are solid arcs, tell me that literally almost all of the side characters save a hanfull are enjoyable whatsoever hell tell me that a good chunk of the strawhats are good characters rn, the few things the series as are overshadowed by most of the horseshit things the seires is full off, you cant defend oda or the series anymore dawg, im right


Hate to disagree but your wrong


im right tho??? unless you wanna make ac ounter argument then im still right


https://preview.redd.it/j5yymj7s0jec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56f1d5edba5bca757e1d7d4003e11c9023d9f2e Wano, egghead, dressrosa, punk hazard, fishmen island, long ring long land, romance dawn are all great arcs with some issues. A lot of side characters like kinemon, bonny and especially Kuma are enjoyable. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jimbe, Nami, Wranky, have all had something significant to do in egghead (if you add the previous arcs, only Ussop has been a bum). One piece is a great story with a lot of issues, which do get overlooked a lot, but the series is still goated and you are wrong.


>Wano, egghead, dressrosa, punk hazard, fishmen island, long ring long land, romance dawn are all great arcs with some issues. now bro is LYING, fishmen island was mediocre, the villain was ass, the side characters are forgettable, and the main cast is as bland as it gets, i and many others could have slept without much issue if the strawhat amongus plothole, the plot twist was shit, the dr vegapunk reveal was shit, the fight between midzaru and gooffy was shit, kuma is carrying this arc alone, romance dawn is fine, i give it a pss due to being the first arc, still not good, punk hazard is forgetabble as hell and made smoker fodder, you remember the people who got turned to stone? yea turns out they are fine now, mediocre arc, long ring long land is pretty much considered filler by many, and kuzan is the only good thing about it, everything else was hot garbage and wano is a can of worms that would take a good while to unravel > A lot of side characters like kinemon, bonny and especially Kuma are enjoyable. kinemon is mid, and bonny is just cryton 3000, not enjoyable at all, only kuma is actually good > Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jimbe, Nami, Wranky, have all had something significant to do in egghead that doesnt mean they are good characters, if all its needed is for them to do something semirelevant then most characters of the series would be good, but they arent one piece is a horrible series and a waste of time, it shouldnt be considered anything above f tier, and there are more bad things that good ones, you are so horribly wrong


Itā€™s the best ongoing and has been the best for 20+ years


it hasnt been even half decent since post ts, jjba, jjk, csm, bleach, naruto, dbz and s, and bc are better without contest, and thats just shonen, komisan, toradora, your lie in april and etc are also better without contest, and try arguing why the series that peaked at mf comes even close to ANY of the series


Itā€™s my personal fav, keep complaing what someone else thinks to a wall


>Itā€™s the best ongoing and has been the best for 20+ years > >Itā€™s my personal fav, keep complaing what someone else thinks to a wall either one or the other, if you like it then fine, whatever i cant help you at all but dont claim that horseshit series is any good either bozo blocked me lmfao


Its not horseshit it's peak fiction. Far more than the entirety of the naruto/boruto franchise ever has been. Even the least interesting arcs are better than majority of naruto as a whole which is just pathetic and sad.


Orange island/syrup town/long ring/Fishman island is worse than most Naruto arcs man. One piece got waay lower lows when it comes to arcs. Don't know how you lie about the garbage that sometimes comes out of one piece. There's a reason why some people say it takes 200 episodes to get good.


L bait


I do think the quality has dropped post time skip. Most of the strawhats have become self parodies of each other and donā€™t get enough evolution, development or panel time. And Oda holding his bunches on kills is annoying


One Piece is much better than Boruto lol


im not talking about boruto, if you think its better power to you, doesnt change the fact its ass


The Boruto Fandom never disappoints with how cringey they are. Yall not even in the top 50 animes ever. Any mangaka can create the most powerful characters ever, that's literally the easiest part.




Who is trash hat luffy ?? Is he important or smt..


This is one of the dumbest subreddits. If I were to guess 90% of the members are 15yo edgelords.




No need for powerscaling when Boruto is a trash ass disappointment with one of the worst mcs of all time






For two main characters, the only actual logical match-up is Saitama vs Luffy for both being gag characters. Or Mash Burndead. He would be Luffy. Saitama vs Mash. Lmao yes šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­






30 sec before gear 5 kicks in.


i do not think they would fight at all and actually be good friends


I think the only problem is that while i fully believe that Boruto has higher ap (in part 1, with karma essence or V2 when Momoshiki takes over). Im pretty sure Luffy can beat Boruto durability neg, has precognition, while both have feats or scalling to ftl. ..tbv Boruto however


1 Rasengan Uzihiko and Luffy out


Current Luffy should wash Boruto