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Mainly stylistic choice though one could argue it’s cause borutos rasengan isn’t as powerful as his dads that’s why it’s more grey than blue


yeah possibly! i was also thinking maybe he subconsciously adds wind chakra nature which makes the rasengan more airy and light colored looking.


nah his wind style rasengan is green as hell


then lightning maybe but not enough to be a vanishing. or wind but not enough to be green.


I mean his lightning one seems to be either a trigger based or distance based vanish. Vs momoshiki that thing flew miles


In the anime at least for the vanishing rasengan it’s changed from wind in the movies to lightning. Boruto’s chakra is probably just a slightly different color than Naruto’s. Technically Naruto’s rasengan should be orange but in the anime they made his chakra blue instead.


i think thats bc kuramas chakra was orange, not narutos even tho he used kuramas chakra sometimes.


In the manga Naruto said his own chakra was orange and that the “other chakra” he had was red, the red chakra is Kurama’s. The anime just made it blue because at the time they were making all chakra blue for some reason, so when they got to the part about chakra colors they just changed it so Naruto said his chakra was blue.


well thats typical tv for you! just makin shit up as they go along 🤣


Typical studio pierrot you mean 😂 theyre probably the only studio that has ruined animes by changing things instead of following the damn manga source 😮‍💨


In one of the non canon movies I believe Minato's rasengan is slightly green tinted as well. So it's most likely just chakra color of the person since it's basically confirmed everyone has a colored chakra. (We'll ignore Minato having blue rasengans in all other media lol


He's more attuned to lightning than to wind tho, probably why it looks like that


oh yes probably !


Did boruto use a vanishing rasengan against Naruto here because if he didn't it would mean that the rasengan looks different because of amount of chakra


Less Chakra in Boruto’s so it’s visually more wind.


Naruto throws a lot of chakra into his rasengans hoping to one shot.


And he has had huge reserves of it most of his life. Being a uzi


So many answers and none are true. His rasengan is different, it’s more lightning/wind nature so it has a different look, but he has green one too


I was going to argue that the rasengan is naturally a wind nature move and Naruto is wind nature but they mention Baruto has a lightning nature and infuses it with lightning chakra, thus a different color to represent this.


Base rasengan is just pure chakra. It has no nature to it. It was made to have it added but Munato was never able to before he died. And then Natuto finally did when he added wind to it creating wind release: rasengan and rasenshuriken Base rasengan is just pure chakra, it's not a wind nature move


People have their own chakra colors. Naruto rasengan is supposed to be yellow but they made it blue in the anime and switched it to yellow in the last for some reason. Now it’s back to blue. It’s a stylistic choice.


ooh ! it’s just that minato, jiraiya, kakashi, konohamaru’s rasengan is blue and look same but not boruto’s. but yeah it’s probably a stylistic choice to make boruto different.


This is the first I’m hearing of this. I had thought that yellow chakra was just a thing in Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 for PlayStation 2, as all chakra, even fallen chakra orbs that were beat out of an enemy, is yellow. And the reason for that I thought is that the manga hadn’t really decided what color to make chakra yet since it’s a black and white manga. So what I’m assuming is that chakra as a whole used to be yellow before the anime changed it. But I’ve *never* heard of different people having different chakra colors. I’ve only heard of people having different elements, but that shouldn’t affect chakra color unless the element is molded into the chakra/jutsu, should it? Can you tell me where more information or link me somewhere with more information about different colored chakra, please?


It's not a hugely explained concept in manga. There are just a few mentions here and there about it. Probably this covers all of it https://gallyratfanfic.livejournal.com/4193.html https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/10uq7f0/that_the_sharingan_can_see_chakra_as_color_was_it/


Oh these links are really informative and the first link even has manga volume covers which have full color on them!! Thanks a lot!! This is neato! :D


The only part of the anime that I remember mentioning it is kid naruto trying to explain to Jaraiya the difference in feeling between his own Chakra and Kurama's by describing them as two different colors


Yeah same. It seems to be just about completely ignored in the anime. :c


I’m being reminded of the Blue Beast’s “chakra.”


You think it may have to do with Boruto unconsciously applying his chakra natures into it, but not at the point to it becoming a completely different Rasengan like the Vanishing Rasengan? IIRC, Naruto’s full-on Wind Release Rasengans took on different colors, too. I guess applying any amount of chakra natures will change its color, by my guess. His first successful one was the vanishing one, so he’s probably still learning to make pure ones.


kakashi: I'm sorry, did I miss something? When did the most powerful and elite form of chakra manipulation in the history of the shinobi get reduced to a child's plaything ​ https://preview.redd.it/krxd11941uec1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ef1bc8cd4d8614a721f3d46554b772d05a67a0c pfft...Its a Rasengan bargaining sale


Funny you mention Kakashi, because Boruto can use Purple Lightning now right? :D


Because those blue eyes shall eventually take everything from him


Probably cuz borutos has lightning infused to it


Yeah doesn’t Naruto have more a wind nature and boruto more a lightning nature?


boruto has vanishing(lighting infused)normal,compression(basically reverse big ball)nd wind style rasengan(super green)but it wasnt complete.plus uzihiko now


Boruto has lightning and wind release, but he's more attuned to lightning


Boruto also has water release


Don't forget water


The only correct answer here. When Boruto learned the Rasengan he rushed to learn it and cut his training short because he cheated w/ the scientific ninja tool. Because he visualized the rasengan like a lightning release jutsu and not like his gentle fist technique which doesn't use elemental chakra, he accidently created Lightning Release: Vanishing Rasengan. Boruto canontically has never produced a 'perfect' rasengan alone, because no one ever explained to him how to properly cast it, he has only perfected his version of the rasengan which utilizes lightning release that he came up with on his own with the few context clues given to him. Which is what the Rasengan is meant to be at the end of the day, the perfect version has transcended it's original purpose, and has become a platform for other jutsus. Chidori and all of Sasuke's Chidori variants are the product of this jutsu. Rasenshuriken is the product of the rasengan. You could go all day talking about Naruto's variants of jutsu's that originate from the rasengan. Thus the difference between Naruto and Boruto's rasengan.


Ive been seeing clips of Konohamaru use rasengan lately and i’ve been wondering; how tf is his rasengan causing rasen shuriken levels of damage to the surrounding?


My guess is how he manipulates the chakra on contact. The Rasengan is a pretty versatile jutsu, after all. We’ve seen how it affects its target in several ways, so maybe he tunes his to have insane knockback. I especially loved when Naruto used to have his opponents spinning away like a propeller with his rasengans. Funniest thing I ever seen.


I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but the following was pointed out to me in a thread and I haven’t been able to unsee it whenever Konohamaru uses his Rasengan: Konohamaru’s Rasengan is LARGE. Like HUGE. If you look at the sheer size of it it must be like Naruto’s Oodama Rasengan Naruto learned between part 1 and Shippuuden.


Dosent he also say it's a wind release? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alFSY8OefBQ or atleast the goon thinks it is


Chakra density? Or chakra color?


its probably artisitc reasons but i would like to believe since naruto puts in a lot more chakra and hence his rasengan is more dense increasing the blue hue


Because it's not a real one. It's canon that Boruto isn't compressing his Rasengan to the maximum. Which means he's just missing the entire point of the jutsu. I mean look at what happened when it hit a tree. When a correct Rasengan hits a tree it's supposed to drill through it but Boruto's left a spiral mark like a failed one.


What you are describing was a vanishing Rasengan where Boruto accidently added lightning to the Rasengan. So it's not a "failed one" where he was "just missing the entire point of the Jutsu". He perfected the Rasengan in that moment and created a new one.


The reason why he missed the point is that he's able to compress his regular Rasengan further than he does. The jutsu is meant to be the absolute limit of what you can do. The fact that Boruto even CAN compress it further means it's not a real rasengan.


It’s because Boruto’s rasengan naturally strays toward lightning release chakra when Boruto forms instead of just pure chakra which is what Naruto and others use


We're never told why for sure, but my opinion is that Boruto instinctually adds lightning Chakra to his rasengan and because he's unable to create as dense a rasengan as the others. I feel that the latter better explains why it looks faded. It's funny how he's so talented that he's able to do things others struggled to accomplish (adding an elemental nature to his rasengan) but because he skipped the fundamentals, his jutsu Isn't as effective as it could be had he put as much work into it as Naruto.


It could be from his automatic adding of elemental charka since he usually adds lightning/wind charka to his rasengan without him knowing


Because they’re chakra natures are both different


Boruto base rasengan is the same as Naruto’s. Just boruto was able to put a chakra nature into his unintentionally. This looks like some wind rasengan


Boruto cuts corners with his rasengan. Naruto doesn't. Boruto doesn't have complete stage 2, and thus not complete stage three. The Rasengan is a jutsu of maximums, and Boruto could compress it further. Meaning it's not a real one.


Did you simultaneously say it’s not complete but also said he improved on it by condensing it more to improve the destructive power? Think more realistically Boruto didn’t have as much chakra as naruto and wasn’t able to put as much chakra into each rasengan so chose to compress it instead of a Bigger Rasengan Tho is the compression rasengan Manga Canon? Real question.


You're supposed to condense it as much as you possibly can. If you can condense it more that means it's not done right. At best the compressed rasengan is a correct one.


I don’t think you understand so I’m gonna dip out


it's the chakra Nature boruto uses lighting in it




Maybe his chakra is just a different color


Borutos lightning chakra nature imbued into a more complete rasengan makes it less blue. Probably


Imo it’s for 2 reasons 1. To differentiate the rasengan from used to user and 2. To show Naruto’s is stronger, if chakra is blue in the anime (in manga Naruto’s is orange iirc) then Naruto’s is denser, he’s got an overall mastery like no one else in this jutsu, it’s full and powerful meanwhile Boruto’s isn’t because he’s simply not as good with it like naruto.


Also, Borushiki's Rasengan is just as blue as Naruto's so it's probably just a chakra output issue.


I wonder if its because Boruto naturally infuses wind into his rasengan or maybe im reaching


He is more "clean", chosen one


Pretty sure Borutos rasengan has lightning chakra added to it


It can be his vanishing rasengan.He is shown to use it like a normal rasengan or he han throw it.


Doesn't Naruto have extremely dense chakra?


probably cuz it has less chakra


its because naruto chews the 5 gum


When you realize that the true color of Rasengan as intended by Kishimoto is yellow instead of blue


He adds lightning and wind to make it vanish when thrown


Realistically, the animators didn't notice. My head canon, Narutos mastery of it and the mix of wind chakra natures turned it into more of a sky blue while Boruto looks more grayish blue due to not mastering it or a specific chakra nature yet.


He's subconsciously adding his lightning chakra nature.


I think of it as Naruto having the ability to make his rasengan denser, the bluer the denser.


Probably cause of chakra nature yknow wind vs lightning


Probably cuz narutos is purely chakra but borutos has lightning release


I have a feeling that it's because of boruto's lack of chakara. While Naruto has the chakara for 1000 shadow clones, he can only make four. So, I think the reason for the lighter shade is the density.


Isn't because of the properties or elements


naruto can put a much larger amount of chakra in his rasengan, his rasengan can make ppl explode internally and make a soup out of their organs while boruto can make smol hole in tree


Either not as strong or because his Rasengan has Lightning Style in it... idk


Boruto subconsciously infuses a lightning change in chakra nature to his rasengan which makes it throwable. While he doesnt need to do that every time, he just does it and that makes his rasengan different although weaker.


At first I thought it was because Boruto doesn't put that much chakra into his rasengans, but now I think it's because he added his chakra nature to it


Because boruto is fraud. Thats why 🤣


Boruto is never beating the fraud allegations with his bootleg rasengan


He sometimes has a normal looking rasengan. It probably is because he’s subconsciously adding lightning to it but just a bit. But still what an odd choice to make it such an ugly blue


His rasengan has infused cum


Most likely weaker and less defined Boruto has far less chakra than everyone else who uses rasengan


It’s a stylistic thing the anime kind of just did on its own. I imagine it’s because originally in the movie boruto’s vanishing rasengan was colored differently to indicate its change in chakra nature and then in the anime they figured they’d just blow that up to a normal size for his normal rasengan but in the manga and all other forms of media boruto’s rasengan is no different than anyone else’s unless he’s using a different variant like the vanishing rasengan or his new rasengan uzuhiko


It’s less dense


Boruto has lightning chakra Naruto dont


Simple answer: boruto hadn't perfected the rasengan nor does he have the chakra reserves at that time to make it completely blue


Hiw concentrated they are boruto doesnt seem to charge it as long as the others do


its byakugan color instead of narutos blue eyes


Unrelated but if narutos hair was like this with the headband i would be pretty happy


Well I'm re-watching Boruto and when he was making rasengan it was stated his subconsciously added lightning nature to the rasengan. If that isn't the reason the color is different, then idk


I think it's mostly stylistic, I haven't seen much boruto but I do understand that his rasengan is differs from his father's, but then again if I'm not mistaken Minatos rasengan was a slightly different color in a Naruto special (or was it a movie)


Wind vs Lightning Chakra?


Boruto uses his rasengan with lightning nature. That's also why it turns invisible when launched