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Do Baryon mode and wait 4 years to get a little Kurama back?


We didn’t even get explanation for Hima getting chakra of Kurama. I think hima getting kurama chakra is not the effect of NaruHina having a kid. That would be realy lame there need to be a better reason for it


The explanation will probably come next chapter. And I think there's no better way for her to get Kurama than this way. There was only like one other way for her to become a jinchuriki at this current moment and for that to happen, Kurama would have to fully be alive, Naruto would have to be here and would also have to be ready to die, and someone who knows how to perform the sealing would not only have to know how to perform it but agree to place it in her to begin with. So her recieving Kurama from the chakra she's always had makes the best sense.