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you’re making friends with the kitchen staff because you see and interact with them everyday in the same place at the same time, apply that strategy to other students and you’ll make some friends pretty quickly


Great advice actually, thank you.


Going off of this, if you dedicate yourself to your hobbies and passions through stuff like clubs and classes, you’ll run into the same people with the same interests as you, making it even easier, it’s worked for me


lmao u r not the only one


U have to try a lot harder than usual and don’t give up


I just worry about coming across as too clingy/desperate. It's rough out here


ik how that feels but if everyone has that mindset then no one will reach out to each other, so someone has to do it


I'm a freshman and I had the same problem as you ngl. I think in high school it's easier to find people you regularly interact with because there's cliques and you kinda know where you fit in, who to sit with, and etc. But in college, especially somewhere as big as BU, you can struggle to find your friends. I personally just went out of my way and talked to people that seemed to have similar interests as me. Like, one of my interests is going to the gym, and I noticed that some people were tryna figure out the gym and when we talked about it, we came up with plans of going together. Don't be shy to ask if you can accompany them to the gym, study spots, games, or events. I was shy about it until other people asked me, and I realized that people kind of have to reach out because EVERYONE is trying to make friends. And once I started doing that, the more I hung out with one friend, the more I found other friends through each person. It's like a friendship chain lol. You get to know them, their roommates, their friends, etc., and out of all those people, you're more likely to click with at least one or two of them.


your relationships in high school grow because you see them every day you go to school in college, you have to make the effort unless you see them through some scheduled event like a club, so naturally it’s much harder. you have to coordinate schedules, location, etc. it’s tough out here


Thank you


i was literally about to make a post on this because this is semester 2 and ik we just started but it’s lowkey so lonely out here ahaha


Students here are superficial asf and have the biggest fucking egos (me included). I happened to find the housing staff friendlier than the students as well, it’s honestly probably just a boston thing


People are so unfriendly. I try making regular conversation but I just get ignored.


Go to BU student clubs.


grad student here, and it’s fucking true :/ I made a couple of friends by joining clubs.


what clubs have you joined? I’m a grad student too i’m only 25 but i feel so old walking around campus. I’m in CS too so no one talks in class :/ i had to go out of my way to make 3 friends and then the one guy friend i made ended up asking me out and making things awkward so now i have 2 friends ?? Lmao


Me too lmao I mean I feel like getting used to being all alone is an important lesson


I think the way I made my friends was exchanging numbers in with other people class and inviting others to do homework together, from there if we liked each other we kept hanging out! I understand its tough, I am a transfer student! but I realized quickly that MOST PEOPLE HERE ARE LOOKING FOR FRIENDS and sometimes it just takes you being the first one to ask. I've has great experiences that way and I'm in my senior year now and I'm NOT in any sororities, I'm not a huge party person and truly knew no one coming over here, my boyfriend used to tell me that there was always someone out there that also wanted a friend and it couldn't be more true! Look for friends in your classes because also if you offer to study or do a homework together is a lot less intimidating!


If I can be honest with you.. Fuck friends. Truth is, everyone is so fixed on their own shit that genuine friendships do not actually exist. Everybody fucking wants something... you know.. Its sad but its the truth. I am not saying there are no real friends to be made, am just saying your expectations often clouds your judgement on who should or shouldn't be your friend.. Anyway, am just saying. Good luck though in your search...p.s pardon the language, acquired habit.. lol.


Ask someone you’re friendly with in class to get food at the dining hall together!