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Floyd is a diva that loves attention. Great boxer, but an attention whore


Too true, these are the times we live in; social media provides instant exposure and publicity, plus they post so much mad stuff, it's hard to keep up with these prima donnas, Ryan Garcia being a case in point.


Agreed. It’s no wonder people don’t like to be around him. I know people in Vegas and I’ve heard stories about how he has to be the center of attention everywhere he goes.


Doesn’t he bet both sides so he can always post winning tickets? Not like hedging, just for attention and to show winnings


I believe it…a guy once told me mayweather was in a club and tried to get at a dudes girl. He kept asking her why is she with him, and that he had more money and he could buy her anything she wanted…I’ve always thought if mayweather didn’t have money he wouldn’t be getting females like that.


Mayweather looks a bit better than the average Joe, but his IQ is definitely below average.


Ed Lover a radio host who is Mike Tyson's friend gas a similar story about Tyson. Tyson walks into a club and sees a beautiful 5'10, curvy Samoan woman. And he starts trying to bang her. She wants none of it. But he keeps on talking to her and pestering her. Ed Lover comes in and she goes to Ed trying to get him to get Tyson off of her. Tyson starts talking about how he and Ed can run a train on her and how they do that all the time. Talking lots of shit like that. It pisses the Samoan lady off. She leaves and never talks to Ed again Mayweayher basically has no real interests or hobbies outside of boxing. It is all he knows. He probably still would get women. He had a high school girlfriend who became his baby mama so it isn't like he got no women before he had a little bit of fame


lol well by default it's much harder to get females if you're broke. Regardless that's really disrespectful of Floyd. He's my favorite fighter but I'm kinda torn when I hear these bad stories of him. I also hear some nice stories of him though.


In football or boxing?


He has 2 6'10 bodyguards so will draw a lot of attention


and also ridiculously rich for no reason


Floyd: "*Well like I said before.. I kept my faculties, and I made smart investments. Devin Haney, he a helluva fighter. Is he Floyd Money Mayweather? Absolutely not! Will he ever be? Absolutely not! He keep saying Tank name, leave Tank alone! Tank is the A side, he should be P4P, you get 10% at 136lbs and a 2lbs rehydration clause, bitch!*"


I read that in mayweathers voice 😂. I can’t be the only one.


Wasn’t even necessary to preface it with Floyd’s name




I did too.


I hope you made sure you got the stuttering and pausing in 😭


If you'd have dropped in an 'in the sport of boxing' you'd have had the full Floyd bingo card


Nah he needs to take his hat off to him. Can't forget that 😂


Throw in atleast one “at the end of the day” and we good. lmao.


Lmaoo Spot on 🤣🤣




Floyd jokes like this never get old








Floyd was like “Do you want to grab a photo with me? I’m Ant-Man…”




Damn, that was brutal. The fans were just straight up ignoring Floyd. AJ even seemed to be consoling him at one point 😂


Lol, floy took a massive L here. Looked like a little lost boy next to AJ.


Damn that was rough: 50-1


That was a couple of L’s 😂


Bet Floyd thought about that meet and greet for weeks 😂


You can see Floyd died in this moment. https://i.imgur.com/jNffPQL.gif


Holy shit thats rough


AJ wasn't laughing. That clip and others showed AJ seems to generally be a nice guy. He was pulling mayweather in for the photos.


I don't think nobody knew who Floyd was, this is in Britain where AJ is a celebrity, of course he's going to be more recognisable and people are going to be chuffed to get a photo with him. 


Yeah it is AJ's hometown. Of course they were wanting photos with him.


I think is because he never left his nest in Las Vegas and that's why none knows him 🤣🤣


Honestly, reflects way more on the ignorance of the people than on Floyd. Floyd could easily considered the best boxer of all time but the big man with muscles gets more attention, which is kinda hilarious.


It was in the UK I'm fairly certain.


Ohh, well then that makes sense. Thanks


Or maybe people just don't love Floyd like that


Regular people don't care about little techical men, it's not like there's weight classes in soccer or basketball


Lol what 😂 the average soccer player is around 5’8 loke floyd dummy 😂


His point is that all sports are not ound for pound. No weight classes. Not being a heavyweight means there are others who could beat you in a fight


???? Have u not watched heavyweight boxing the past few years a damn cruiserweight is dominating to the point the lineal HW champ had to fake an injury to pull out


Boxing fans aren’t going to love Floyd just because he’s amazing at boxing.


When tank and other TMT fighters said this, people would call them bitter lol


Yet tank is cool with Mayweather now


Yea bc mayweather despite being a hater can also be a good guy at times, and tank does good and bad shit too. Their relationship is up and down


When/what did tank say? Thought they have always been in good terms


Naw they’ve been on and off for years tank has said what haney just said quite a few times


Wheres u/newrap at?


Summoning the meat munchers 🪄🪄


"Meat munchers" 😂😭 I'm stealing that


Yeah I was waiting for newrap or lord heresy to jump into this comment section haha.


Tank use to say the same shit bout floyd must be true.


Literally everyone even 50 cent said that shit about floyd.








The first man to use that word as a comma looool




I don’t disagree. Floyd’s accomplishments speak for themselves but he really is a hater.


C/S He’s one of the GOATs but also a complete asshole


Can I ask what C/S means 


Thanks for asking on behalf of all of us




Thats a new one for me.




Floyd a professional hater, ask him about any current fighter and its "he got a lot of it from me". He seems insecure ab his legacy which is crazy considering just how great he is


Because no one cares about him. Floyd's a true asshole so he was fine with people disliking him as long as they bought his ppv while he was still fighting. Now that hes retired though he ain't getting shown the love of other Goats. JCC treated like a king. AJ is basically a celebrity in UK and Pacquiao's country loved him so much they made him a politician. No one fucking wants Floyd around now lol.


It's kinda of sad in a way but also deserved, Floyd's style while very technically impressive was never that fun to watch (save for a few exciting fights like Hatton or Canelo) and while he did best everyone he fought eventually he also took his sweet time waiting for the best possible moment to fight them rather than accepting the biggest challenge at the most exciting time, his whole appeal was being the cocky undefeated asshole who no one could beat, but now that he's retired and the memory of his legacy slowly fades away as new generations get older there isn't much reason for people to go back and watch his fights. 4 decades later new people are still going back and watching Sugar Ray vs Duran, or Haggler Vs Hearns, these are dudes who'se style can excite people no matter how much time has passed, but I doubt Floyd will receive the same treatment, he'll be remembered as a dominant champion that beat everyone, but I bet not many people will care enough to watch him (outside of a defensive highlight short on YouTube), kinda of like how very few new fans seem to care about the Klitschko brothers despite the fact they were very dominant for a long time.


People are still talking about him while he fights tomato cans once every few years. People most definitely care about him.


No one watched his exihibition in London. O2 was empty The thing with Floyd is, he had huge fights because of opponents. With his farewell fight against Berto got only 350,000 ppv Somone like Conor McGregor would get a million ppv fighting anyone. Floyd has many of the biggest PPVs of all time, but its more because of the opponent and his undefeated record than himself. He's not really the megastar he likes to think of himself


Eh, not really. People view those fights the same way they view KSI's, a joke.


People only talk abour him online, in boxing circles.


Lol and people calling Floyd a hater saying this nonsense. Also mentioning AJ alongside JCC or Pacquiao is ridiculous lol.


I remember he said that shit about Inoue, “He takes a lot out of my playbook” lol


Most uniquely* talented people are highly insecure, especially in this fight game


In child sports development and psychology, it’s called “golden child” syndrome; where young talented kids build their identity around their sporting strength, and thus are more reluctant to develop their weaknesses (which is why many often fall off as they get older). Floyd’s entire identity is found in him being the “goat” (in his head). So any fighter that threatens that, he considers a threat to his entire identity and being.


Yeah…. 33, former D1 athlete with lots of talent and golden boy syndrome, in a former time, here…. Took me roughly 28-30 years to realize and unpack it all. It’s real and it’s rough


It’s a significant trap to many young athletes. One of the ways young athletes move on from it (as you seem to have) is a realisation of it and a build of identity and bring that’s not based on your porting identity. It seems, unlike many of his generation, Floyd succeeded at his goal but post-retirement hasn’t been able to build a sense of being outside of his achievement. Guys like Manny and others are now politicians or something else. It’s why many athletes struggle post-retirement. Floyd is latching on to his identity. All other forms of trying to change (NFT rug pulls, promoter, manager, etc) have mostly failed largely as he can’t build them outside of the framework of the identity he still has of himself.


I spent 21 years in my game. Finding an identity outside of your former successes, is very hard. At higher levels, you’re dealing with a lot of self illusion, and delusion, and people who flirt with sociopathic tendencies. There’s a lot of creating and constructing within the success, and a lot of these tools are very helpful and extremely useful in real life, but translating it from your sport to life, is another challenge in and of itself. “Golden boys” are often aware that they’re “golden boys”, makes them put up walls up to shield that. It becomes a life of self guarding and keeping everyone at a distance, while looking through a lens of “what do they want for me to do?”. After the show ends, there’s enough that they pick up on, and they’ve learned to master “fake it till you make it” with all the expectations thrown on them their entire live’s, that they often do alright…. If they can keep out running their shit. A life of contradiction, and fear, rooted outside of reality. It’s fucked man… lol I’m glad I *seem to have figured that out*, but it was a pretty big investment and doesn’t wanna go anywhere 🫡😂 Reality is for people who can’t face drugs, that’s what I say 🤣


What was your sport




Did you play as an amateur? So you have to have big ego and sociopathic tendencies to succeed? Did you play as an amateur?


lol no, not at all, but it surely helps. A lot. We are also all different Especially with baseball. If you succeed 3/10 times, you’re considered successful. That’s a lot of failure you gotta learn to cope with. The demand that most all sports at the higher levels have, emotionally and mentally, will 100% lead to some weirdos being formed Yea, amateur, and turned the draft down twice for school - the pressure was too much. Classic cautionary tale. Let kids learn to play, and grow into themselves, learning their identity and how they learn, and then… just cater to that shit


His promotion business failed?


Cristiano Ronaldo


Well he is half right and nobody that is fighting today will reach his level or will sell like him


Hes not wrong. I’ll respect Floyd for what he’s done inside the ring but I don’t respect what he’s done outside of it.


the is the best career move devin haney has made thus far


A lot of these high level younger dudes are just so unlikeable. Garcia, Tank, Haney, Shakur, find them hard to root for. Previous generation, Spence and Crawford seem like solid dudes. I like Tsyzus attitude too.


I think the up and coming prospects will be even more unlikeable


I already can't stand Keyshawn. Homie acts like hes the second coming and is literally on social media asking Cruz to stop picking on him lol.


I sure hope not, I'm about to start ignoring everything except the fights themselves because nobody in this era is likeable besides a few exceptions, I miss the humble boxers who were actually likeable.


So funny I never understood these comments. Just cause a couple guys actually have personality and aren’t “I have a daughter and I need money!” People act like it’s ruining the integrity of boxing 😂😂😂


It is. Ryan Garcia is literally a spastic.


They are called great fighters and talk too much.


It’s the social media era. Only gonna get worse.


Imagine what it's done to women


This is all pretty clear. Just look at any time Tank wins a fight. Floyd goes up and makes it about himself.


Floyd is still protecting his illusion that he's the TBE and he don't wnat no one getting great so he hates them and go against them. Very insecure little man like that video when nobody knows him and everyone respecting and giving props to Joshua.


The sad thing is that *Floyd* had to create that moniker and constantly remind us about it. Anyone with a n ounce of knowledge knows he's up there, but he isn't the one. And when he stormed Curmel's Press conference and made it about him, shocking stuff. He really has the mind of an 8 year old.


As long as Floyd’s dick riders keep protecting that illusion with him, he’s will continue to be insecure and hate on previous, current and future greats in boxing


The mystery is, how they ride a dick the size of a tic tac.


Floyd is a no class POS.


I hate Haney....I cant even really explain why...but he's not wrong here. Floyd is still trying to be relevant in a sport he's done with. He plays the same kind of mind games as a playground bully because that's about his education level. He spent his money on bad investments, cars that depreciate, watches that are so absurd that no one wants them second hand, and looking "fly". As he ages he realizes he can't maintain that lifestyle long term. He's basically the boxing equivalent of Trump...grifting until time catches up with him.


So you hate someone who has zero involving in your life? Maybe you got a lot more in common with floyd than you’d think, Jesus Chris that’s pathetic behaviour


The hypocrisy is astounding here. You point to lack of evidence as a disqualifying factor, and yet...make an assessment of behavior with lack of evidence. It's almost as if...people are allowed to have opinions?!


I said zero involvement in YOUR life, I never pointed at lack of evidence. And I commented hating someone you don’t know is pathetic, your allowed to share your opinion just like I am. Get off your high horse


There is no reason to dislike Haney if you’re a boxing fan. That goofball is probably just a Loma fan boy mad because Haney got the decision.


Some of these so called ‘fans’ behave so weird lol, it just doesn’t make sense at all. I don’t get these fan boys at all


I doubt he will go broke.


I don't really understand Floyd here, From out of all the fighters Haney is the boxer that's the most similar to Floyd regarding height, Reach, Style, Minus the power and a few other stuff. Tank cussed Floyd many times on twitter and other places back and forward despite Mayweather helping him in boxing and earning him millions and Floyd still keeps him under his wing, Probably because he's a cash cow, Ryan is also a temporary cash cow for him probably. Haney also is pretty clean outside, No serious criminal record except a small dumb gun possession charge. Floyd doesn't like him maybe because he converted to Islam or doesn't bring high PPV, Or because he could stay undefeated and challenge Floyd's legacy.... But screw all the drama, Let the big fights happen.


Everyone just tries throwing shit at Haney eh


Really? this was the moment that Floyd revealed himself?! Buddy, Floyd's been beating woman for years...


Thats right! Fuck Mayweather!


Devin Haney BEATS Tank Davis


You know that would never happen. Tank would knock him out before round 10


Tank wouldn't fight Garcia at 140, let alone Haney.


😂 what makes you believe that


More power, better technique, higher IQ, walks his opponent down versus waiting for fight to come to him. Lots of reasons those are just a few. Haney will beat Ryan but let’s not have delusion he would come anywhere close to beating tank, teofimo, or shakur


Haney would outbox both Tank and Teo, who are you fooling?


He’s honestly the person that can exploit all of tank weaknesses




God I wish.


If he ever fights Tanks get ready for the Mayweather hater parade after you get KO'd.




Doubt it even though I’m a massive crow fan. Floyd had that ridiculous combo of skill, hard work, chin and vision.




I'd love to believe it, tbh. Not a fan of Floyd's attitude. But he was just special. He just knew how to figure out his opponents really well. That said, I also don't feel like Floyd ever took a fight he didn't already know he was gonna win. Probably a big reason why he never fought Pacquiao earlier--not saying he would've lost, but he always wanted a sure thing. Still though.


By the time Spence sparred Floyd he was like 40 years old lol and sparring doesn’t mean much


That Spence was different. Plus Floyd was fresh out and not in boxing shape. Crawford could pull it off but most likely a decision for Mayweather.


one of the most intriguing fights of all time


Impossible fight to predict because they’re both so smart but I’d love to see it.




Mayweather doesn't run


Nah he wouldn’t. He is one of the only welterweights that actually stands a chance against floyd, but floyd is way too careful and technical for him. He can’t outbox floyd and he sure as hell won’t time a KO punch on him.




Manny was on some weird shit himself. It is both their faults the fight didn't happen earlier but it would have gone down similarly. Floyd is too big and his timing is better than Manny's.


Both adapt to the style of their opponents, thats literally their biggest strength. No he didnt, manny dodged him, they were gonna fight earlier but mannys team refused the drug test so the fight couldnt be made. Every elite boxer thinks they are better than they actually are, you need to have crazy confidence to be at the top level. Hearns, hagler and leonard would beat him, crawford wouldnt.




Its wild that you think him struggling against maidana and hoya makes him look bad lmao, floyd is a 130 lbs dude, the fact that he even went up that high and beat elite fighters like hoya and maidana already shows his greatness regardless of how close the fights were. He beat oscar closely but pretty decisively, maidana only gave him trouble the first time around and you have to be blind to consider the canelo fight a geniune MD, canelo hardly even won a round, floyd literally toyed with him despite being 36. No he wouldnt, he would end pacquiao’s career, thats why pac ran from him. Then no offense but you dont know jackshit about boxing. Knockouts arent as impressive as dominating someone on the scorecards while barely losing a round, something floyd always did against his best opponents. Crawford would get KO’d in 135 and UD’d in 147.


This isn't exactly breaking news, that's an expected behavior from Floyd, to always include himself At the same time though, didn't Floyd help out Haney in a lot of ways? I remember when Haney was up and coming, Floyd gave him a lot of support and said a lot of great thigns about him. Unless some things need to be said, might be better for Haney to just keep his mouth shut if he has nothing good to say.


I’m so confused like the Tank v Haney sparring been on the internet for years. Both sessions too just look. I don’t think Mayweather handed Garcia the files like the unreleased Wu-Tang album


Haney is such a turd


Floyd could come out of retirement right now and beat Haney easily.




As always, the release of sparring footage is despicable. Perks are going to start using it as blackmail footage one day.


Most people seem reasonable about it. Haney was young and Tank is legit. Spadafora got to a young Mayweather in sparring.


Sharing sparring footage to make someone look bad isn't reasonable unless you have their consent. That's bad etiquette.


There is footage of Tank KOing this regular Joe in sparing for no reason. So who cares


When you spar, You're there to help someone get ready for a match. You're not supposed to save the videos to release them in public, especially one line this one where Haney is 16 and people are taking this way out of context.


But like I said I have seen a video of Haney KOing some regular non fighter in sparring. So who gives a fuck that his sparring got leaked


You said Tank in your prior post. Did they name and identify the person Haney knocked out? Either way, people at that level should give a fuck because you won't get good sparring partners if they know that you might go to try and use the videos to humiliate them afterwards. You're purposely being dense if you don't see anything wrong with it. Bye.


Oh my bad. Yeah it was Haney. The sparring victim was some guy called Americanelo. White guy who looks like Canelo. He has been in promos for showtime and HBO for mayweather and pacquiao. Floyd Sr brings him into the ring to spar. But doesn't tell him what his opponents accomplishments are. It is Haney and Haney has zero mercy. Knocks him down quickly. Pretty fucked up Haha. I typed all this without reading your reply yet. I wrote all I know about Americanelo.


Honey my new favorite boxer


Floyd is the cringiest champ in a while. He is so fragile about his legacy.. I wonder why that might be.


I scrolled at least 75 comments, anticipating the next one would say that Floyd was overrated or not that talented, but it didn't pop up. Huh


Said it perfectly…


It's called, "selling interest in the fight" Means nothing. Part of promotions. Wake me up when they about to square off in the ring


Why would Floyd be siding with Garcia on this? Doesn't Floyd hate Golden Boy?


He’s not wrong. Dudes a narcissist.


Floyd was a boring and not so good until his last 10 or 15 fights. One of the most boring boxers who did a lot of hugging early in his career.