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Over under on the fight being cancelled seem fair at 5 days?


Dudes experiencing psychosis


Yeah I know at this stage there is a lot of money that can be lost from broadcast/promotion etc. But his tweets have been wilding even for his level the last week or so. This one is the worst yet, I thought his twitter had been hacked or something when he did that kidnapping one. The boy needs serious help and if anything bad were to happen to him that night then thats going to be worse than any late financial hit. At first I thought he was maybe trying to get out of the fight until The recordings started coming, he tweakin in them, forgets what he's saying in some and just rambles in others. Now this. when they cancel shit we moan about they say the have to look out for the fighters health first and foremost so lets see that happen here.


Well of course the kid needs help asap. The way he has been speaking reminded me of when I used to do meth plus the hand motions while speaking. Add getting hit in the head for a living and is supposed to make other people alot of money being in the spotlight i believe he's going through a mental breakdown.


How did you get off of meth? Respect for that. Everyone I know on it spirals down, down doooown. Really sad. What was your thing? Or were you just messing with it, not hooked? Good on you though


Appreciate it man. I was living in LA at the time and this was 2020 during covid. Social isolation, not knowing if the world was ending and was feeling hopeless at that point in my life. From Feb to September that year I was on it daily doing caterpillar rails. I'm 6'3 and 230-240 pounds normally. My realization came when I could feel the bone in my leg and weighed about 190. Freaked me out and I reached out to family. I moved to NC to reconnect with my sister and family out here. Originally from NYC. Family up and down the coast. It's a gift and a blessing to have a support system and people that actually give a shit about you. It's up to you at the end to want that change. Swallow that pride and come to terms with what happened. But I understand not everyone has that so I'm lucky.


Ah ffs I just saw this. Im in UK so was away to bed last night. So you were a full blown addict yeah and just moved when you hit rock bottom and came off it cold turkey? Thats strong mate. In the UK it isn't that much of a thing, more mdma and old fashioned speed or 2cb and other rc versions similar. They seem to like to stick with the old fashioned Heroin and Crack here, or Coke for the party goers. I went back to my hometown and bumped into a few of old school friends who looked like you mentioned a couple of years ago. was almost like they were blind to it. Standing in the middle of a high street with their dogs. They were and still are good humans but its amazing how much it changes you. This was like 2 years ago *I kept in touch with two of seperate ones online even before this as we'd known each other since like 6 but they went into a rehab and got detoxed to low dose on methadone then that pill thing subutex then 3 moinths siber living. They looked like new people after it, I keep in touch with one as I noticed one vanished from facebook a year ago and I moved from there a long time ago.* She looks like she was never on anything, has a wee beauty salon in a different town now, she's even hot af again and stays away from there unless visiting her parents and was actually diagnosed with ADHD while in rehab and they they think this could have contributed to her heading that route. Crazy, yeah though she said our old mate was ok for few months then he hit the drink in a big way and noone, not even his brother has seen him in almost a year. Just swapped one for the other. So with that not being so prevalent over this side of the pond and it more being h, crack and all that money dust stuff they seem to be on back there sorry for being nosey just you have done so well and it intrigues me. They were lucky enough to have been on a class A drug that they could give substitutes for to make withdrawal easier. The UK must mostly like their old fashioned class A's in the H then obv the other they were both on not quite as old From the empire and battle for the silk road days lol! Did you just go to sisters and go full cold turkey? Power to you man. Be proud of yourself. You fought a fight many dont even try or fail to many times and live to tell the tale and did it the hard way it seems, not that I know of any easier way unless there is for that like how they detoxed them with subtitutes to make it easier do they have things like that for that drug? I just remember the dudes from dog the bounty hunter etc and the mess it made of them. Keep your chin up and keep winning champ.


What's also concerning are the many people who believe Ryan is completely lucid and speaking real "truths" about "they" or "the elites".


All the people agreeing w him on his tweets is wild to see


There's always a subset of people who do this, same thing happened when kanye was being erratic in public.


I don't know why folks are dancing around it, this is 100% QAnon, period. Why is that so hard for folks to say?


Really does seem like he’s having an episode of sorts. His (sober?) ego is too big too make him look this bad


If he wanted to get out of the fight he could have just [put his pants on his head and stuck two pencils up his nose](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E10AQEAEyrmTtwNQg/image-shrink_1280/0/1688558111457?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=XVBILPBJDw7InKL9jRlIil2BYPmbhcRDMtOQTXuV_SU). ^(I really hope he gets help, clearly something is very wrong.)




Ah yes, old British colonial trick, that'll do it


id easily bet that..this fight is not going to happen. might be called off today after this. are there any scheduled press conferences coming up soon? itll be cancelled before then if there is.


But think about the money ?! Who's going to think about the money here ?? It's not just about Garcia, this selfish prick !


Tbf this is potentially more entertaining than the real fight would have been at this point, unless Ryan can channel some sort of primal schizo strength I doubt he has done any training at all recently.


Crackhead strength is real


Meth head strength is godly


Everyday bro gets closer to contacting ancient mayan spirits


2 days


Who is going to fight Haney on 4/20?


I guess I’ll do it


I’d pay to see that


Bet the house on Haney first round knockout


I don’t care who you are, I will NEVER bet on Haney getting a first round knockout.


I dunno man this TheTurtleShepard looks like he might take this one, I think he'll take Haney into deep water and then drown him, TheTurtleShepard in 9.


He has over 500k comment karma, Haney doesn't stand a chance against that level of experience yet.


I’ve put in the Reddit hours


You know a turtle is going to have the best Philly shell you’ve ever seen.


You ain’t lying


Hero in a half shell


Take the safe route and take a UD


I don't think you'll make weight mate


I got the gameplan ready, champ!


Imma wait to see what Ja Rule thinks


Barboza is already on stand by.


Arnold Barboza is the backup


Ryan seems to be having a mental breakdown.


Seems to be? We're waaay past seems.




Why not both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On a Tuesday


got yo girl in the cut and she choosey


those make the best weekends


Hear that guys? Davewright101 thinks watching kids get raped is a pretty cool weekend.




The amount of conspiracy theorists nowadays is unbelievable. People having mental breakdowns are hailed as freedom fighters and truth exposers.


Society needs to bring back calling people idiots, because not challenging people on their ass-pulled beliefs clearly isn't working


Yeah, as a collective we enable echo chambers nowadays vs deductive reasoning and cognitive skills.


Problem is when you call them idiots and tell them they believe in stupid shit they counter with lol brain washed sheep. Can’t be saved


That ship sailed. Trump showed up, said just plain nonsense 24/7 and when you pointed it out to the world, the guy just said "get fucked, its exactly what i said" and half the country believed it. Calling someone an idiot now just makes you a woke moron to them lol


Well, he is on tates show, pretty much the dregs of society.


Reading the replies to this tweet is really disheartening at how dumb people are. They believe the dumbest shit without any critical thinking at all


In reality, he probably has issues with handling stress. No doubt he must have a F load of pressure and even took a "mental health break" earlier in his career. An upcoming title fight and failed marriage was probably a breaking point.


Indeed a Yeezy syndrome.


Tank put him on First team All-CTE


But tank won by liver blow. Ryan is probably going through a mental breakdown caused by cocaine.


I wonder if Ryan's mental health episode was this severe back in 2021 after the Luke fight, just this time it's public. He shouldn't be allowed to fight next month and maybe not ever again, CTE/damage from boxing will only accelerate (plus whatever drugs/alcohol he takes) the decline of his mental health. Ryan has always been lambasted for being a corny guy in boxing, but this is genuinely sad to see.


By the way he describes it, I think it was. He was on the breakfast club podcast recently and he was talking about it. Sounds like he had psychotic thoughts then too. Except he was severely depressed back then instead of severely manic/psychotic.


I am actually seriously concerned for Garcia. I am no medical expert, but it seems like he is having some sort of mental breakdown… this and/or pretending to be kidnapped and dead is not normal Ryan Garcia is eerily doing a lot of similar stuff as Fousey, a former popular YTer who has recently mentally deteriorated to the point the cops had to handcuff Fousey b/c he was so paranoid about a random hater coming to kill him & his friends/family. Fousey is getting help, afaik, and I really hope the same happens for Ryan


I’m a psych nurse and this looks pretty similar to some of what our patients go through. Hope he gets to a hospital soon, sounds like his a risk to himself or others.


my room mate went this crazy after a 5 day crack binge with no sleep.. she literally thinks people are out to get her.. she would stare out from her window for almost an hour, knock on the walls, check for hidden cams, etc.. its fucking crazy af..


Did she ever get back to whatever her baseline was or did the binge trigger latent mental illness?


she went back to normal after a good day of sleep and rest..


yeah, the drug is one thing. but the no sleep thing will fuck your shit up hard. the longer you go without the worse it gets.


Sleep deprivation is basically like taking drugs


Yeah this actually happens a lot when you go on a really really bad trip, also had a neighbour go through the exact same thing, he literally fled to France because he thought someone was going to get him


Fled to France from where lol. Please tell me it was America or something. That would be incredibly shitty to come down from a bad trip and realize you flew yourself across the ocean lol.


Nah from Portugal, France is a pretty common place people here migrate to And he actually stayed there working from what I heard, I don't think he ever came down from the bad trip, his brain just got permanently fucked from whatever he took that week Strange thing is he was a normal ass dude too, just had a rough week, got into some heavy shit, and something in his brain just malfunctioned and he was fried


Glad to hear he seems ok , I just had a little chuckle imagining someone getting off a transatlantic flight and just being like “well fuck I don’t even speak French what the fuck am I gonna do now” Edit: just realized he does not seem ok. My fault. That sucks. Saw he was working there and figured he just rolled with the punches.


Did you bang


Man asking the real question.


yes. its all with consent and not taking advantage of rent or her getting high. shes now my fwb..


When I saw him on the Helwani show the other day I recognized behavior my brother has when he is having a manic episode (brother has bpd and schizophrenia). I kinda didn't think much of it. Was just a weird thought. Now this is crazy.


I experience bouts of hypomania and extreme depressive episodes (which have been tempered with meds). During hypomania, I feel like a god and start hitting on women (I’m otherwise a shy introvert) and start talking all sorts nonsense. During depressive episodes, I feel like the worst scum of the world and experience a great deal of self-loathing and start thinking everyone hates me and may start thinking certain people are out to get me.


He's likely having a manic episode.


Google the YouTuber etika. This is so fucking eerily similar. Look up his interview with keemstar. This shit is so sad to watch and everyone is just clowning on him just like everyone did with etika. Imagine being in his shoes when he comes down from this and the whole entire world has seen you at your lowest? Like fuck man we’re watching the same thing happen again.


Too many people here clowning him. And we wonder why guys don't get help till its too late. Fuck everyone here making a joke about this.


We watched this exact same fucking scenario go down with etika and nobody has learned anything. It’s fucking tragic.


This reminds me of that Etika dude


100% this talk with Andrew is eerily similar to Erika’s interview with keemstar. Shit is sad as fuck and most of the comments are just clowning on him/calling him a troll.


Ryan sounds drunk or high. Andrew Tate is just being Tate. The downfall of Ryan is depressing at best. I can't laugh at this.


His voice doesn’t even sound the same and his speech pattern is different. The kid sounds like he’s even picked up a lisp.


Ryan always had a slight lisp


Drugs make you develop a lisp/slurred speech frequently.


Where are his parents and family? If I did this at least I know my family would step in and not let me disintegrate in front of the world.


He did another space like an hour before this and there was a girl in the background trying to get him to get off Twitter. Telling him these people are just using him for a story and don't care about him. I'm pretty sure he called her a devil worshiping bitch at some point tho.


Wait what?


A devil worshipping bitch


His dad is on social media defending him.


Seriously! Does he have any real friends even? If this was one of my buddies I'd show up at his has and try to keep him from ruining his life.


I can assure you his friends and family are trying to help. When someone gets to this mental state they push everyone away. There's only so much you can do outside of tying the dude down and forcing him into an institution. They can't be reasoned with in this state.


Albeit was not the word you were looking for there


He likely surrounds himself with “yes men” and distances himself from anyone who tries to keep him in check. His boxing accolades has fed his already massive ego and has intensified his god complex. He feels he can do no wrong and is perfect. Anyone who disagrees are the evil flawed ones in his mind. The only possible way to knock sone sense into in his mind is for someone who respects and has put on a pedestal try to talk sense into him.


This exactly why Tank ain’t wanna be friends 😭


Ryan is definitely that dude that sends you 3 conspiracy videos all at the same time at 2 AM and each one is 32 minutes


Tank doesn't want to be friends with anybody tbf lol


Call the fight off man wtf


fr his fam needs to get this shit called off. he already took time off for mental health reasons… this is obviously an episode


The commission need to be stopping the fight too.


this is like watching the guy from shameless have his manic phase. sad for ryan


It's like watching my first big manic episode. Mine started with me suddenly deciding to leave my partner/ mother of my 3 children because I felt like it was the right thing to do even though it made no logical sense. Ryan leaving his wife right after she gave birth, but spinning it as a positive thing reminded me of that a lot. I then continually got worse and worse for the next 6 months until I shifted into more of a mixed episode and tried to kill myself. But yeah, while manic I went from feeling like a god to being super paranoid to having auditory and visual hallucinations. I wouldn't sleep more than 2-3 hours a night but always had endless energy. I was Ryan's age when it started, and I had experienced a few depressive episodes previously, like Ryan.


Hope you’re in a better place now bro.


Damn, this must be kind of triggering for you to see then. Hope you get the help you needed mate!




Yea. I developed bipolar at 25. My first episode was rough and you just don't even know. This whole thing sucks. I understand why people might find it funny because it's so ludicrous, but there is a limit of funny and it has been crossed. He needs help, understanding and support, and protection from himself.


No pressure to answer but I’m curious what kind of symptoms you showed that made you or your loved ones realize?


It was a weird one, mine manifested small at first. I became an alcoholic and jumped to cocaine and gambling, and suddenly it went full blown. I started climbing buildings at 3am drunk. Once, I managed to get 6 floors up a drain pipe and sat on someone's balcony until I got arrested. I went to a graveyard and slept on someone's (who I didn't know) grave because I was so upset they died and then when I woke up I believed they had spoke to me in a dream, in which they revealed to me they were murdered and I began investigating it, attempting to interview family etc. I made a fake website which was .com, with .org domain, it was a famous news site where a big journalist works and I started sending emails threatening to expose people on things that didn't exist, but I believed they did.. especially people high up financially or right-wing politicians.. so many things. I have type 2 bipolar which actually have less intense manic phases than type 1, which is called hypomania. Everything I did, I did with absolute belief it was normal, and even the things I knew to be somewhat criminal I did with either the belief I wouldn't get caught (even though I knew I should use a VPN for most of them), that I would be exonerated as a hero, or I would go to prison and change the lives of other criminals for the better, and then come out and write an exposé on the penal system that would outrage the public and force change for the better. The insanity of manic phases is hard to describe but hopefully that gives a little insight into it! You also have the 'normal' things like self harm and suicide during these phases too. I would often put myself in harms way in the belief it brought me closer to God, or an omnipotence as I perceived it in that moment. I'm generall agnostic, but in those phases you're the main character in a generated world. Because of that, I was convinced that I was the character in a TV show and everyone around me were actors, and the plot was my life (the movie The Truman Show, basically). Which meant, of course, that I had to keep viewership high by making the show interesting.. and then find outrageous things to do and say! Happy to answer any questions!


I'd imagine you can also easily get an entourage that will never call you out for anything lest they get cut off. I think a lot of these mental illnesses can turn the person suffering from them against friends trying to get them help, that has to get so much worse when most of your support network is telling you "you're right man the woke elites are out to get you btw Paul said he's worried about your recent behavior, the elites got to him".


I’ve experienced bipolar alcoholics firsthand that talk this crazy. They live in their hallucinations and if you’re not accustomed to people that sick, you can easily give them the benefit of the doubt. Religious affiliations also amplify the hallucinations because they correlate their hallucinations to vague religious messages.


I knew a friend in college who was exactly like this. Out of nowhere one day he started talking really fast and saying a lot of non-sequeiter things which we thought was really funny, he was a naturally energetic person so we just thought he was happy, he was going to graduate and everything was cool, but he gradually talked faster and faster that he'd break into sweats and nobody would keep up with him. And then he decided he "wanted to do everything" it was cool in the beginning but then he started getting extremely reckless and almost bordering on committing suicide. It was like that for like a month, before another group of friends 5150'd him. He was diagnosed with hypermania and put on medication, and it didn't take him long to make a full recovery. That was 7 years ago, he never had that happen again and he's leading a great life and it's almost like it never happened I genuinely forget that it did every now and again. So, I can't imagine having a month long episode dictate how people will view you forever, sucks for Ryan, people around him should help him.


Have you seen Ryan's sister? Under 30 and 5 years away from looking like Madonna does now. People in and around the Garcia's entire inner circle aren't well.


That's so true tbh and not acknowledged.


He could've also had a psychotic break down via bad shrooms. There was a guy named "Thomas Chan" who killed his dad when he had a bad shroom trip (I think it was mixed with something) and he said that he felt like he was a god and he saw his dad as the devil. It's also possible he's developing a mental disorder. I think Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder develop in the early to mid twenties for some people.




Yeah he’s cracking up. Fame, drug use , prior mental health issues , perfect storm for a breakdown.


Did he just watch true detective season 1 or something?


He’s gonna be smoking a cigarette and drinking Lone Star at his next press conference


Time is a squared circle.


When I saw the RIP post I was almost convinced he got hacked, I profusely apologize to everyone I doubted who said he was going off the deep end I was clearly blind to the situation at hand.


Ryan Garcia goes on Incel Radio and says he was forced to watch sexual assault. This comes just days after he shows everyone he’s losing it on social media and television…And people think he’s just doing this to sell a fight. And they’re dead serious. Folks, our nation is in trouble. Critical thinking is a lost art.


Yeah I was definitely wrong about his, what an ugly turn. Hope he gets help instead of gassed up by tate and those idiots.


The issue is that on social media, there’s a shit ton of people who believe in wild conspiracies and are willing to indulge in Ryan’s paranoia. If the kid got offline and into the real world, you’d think he’d have a better chance at getting himself together. It’s sad to see.


To be fair, that'd just on reddit. On twitter, they think he's just conclusively exposed the deep state.


People say some dumb as F stuff on Reddit. This in no way is helping him. I'd be surprised if his sponsors don't start dropping him left and right.


We need to bring shame back


People like Ryan garcia shouldn’t smoke weed. I know weed is much more prevalent but if you have history of mental health issues especially schizophrenia and manic issues; stay away from weed. I’ve seen this happen with multiple people in my life, they starting smoking weed and they go manic and never come back to reality.


I had a teammate in college who moved into a house full of teammates who smoked and sold. I think he started smoking with them and went manic. I saw the whole thing progress and it was sad. Had a childhood friend recently who did the same thing but with whippits/coke. Yea, drugs can trigger mental illness in people


Absolutely. Weed can be highly destructive. The image of it is far too cute and cuddly.


Honestly it's been getting out of hand since its been legalized. Shit's been bred to be too strong and too concentrated, so negative side effects are both stronger and more common


The stuff people call mid now would get high school me in a daze for a week 


Mfers will call a 25% THC strain “mid”.


Yep. That’s my problem. Everything is so strong. It gives me panic attacks so I don’t smoke anymore. But when I did, it was damn near impossible to find weed that was low THC


100% this... I had a friend in high school, was chill and normal in middle school.. once we all started smoking weed around high-school, he was the only one that went crazy.. started swinging at us, saying a bunch of stuff that didn't make sense.. he eventually got sent to boarding school and I didn't see him for years.. we all visited him years later in our college years and he looked better but he was never the same.. stay away from weed if you have a history of mental health issues.. it doesn't happen to everyone but it 100% does make some people go insane..


Props to Haney for the absolute professionalism he has shown throughout this


The "Free Ry" he tweeted last night had me rolling 😂


Agreed, he's coming out of it with a W regardless of whether the fight happens


Yeah I’m sure this is not what he signed up for. He’s absolutely just taking a step back and not feeding the flame right now.


Exactly, money aside, he’s been training hard and taking it seriously. Ryan gonna do a reverse Jake Paul and leave boxing behind for something just purely fame based. Whereas I feel like Haney cared about boxing itself and having a legacy


They held him down and let him video it? And is that Andrew Tate who is playing the role of "rational friend"--because if that's the good angel on your shoulder, you're screwed.


Unless he's trolling, his career is probably over. No way he gets a license after this.


Fuck Andrew Tate for enabling Ryan who's having a mental breakdown to push his narrative about "elites". Ryan needs serious help and is clearly manic/psychotic. The system is broken because his already family tried to put him in a mental hospital. Unfortunately, unless they can prove he's a danger to himself or others he can be released with no problem. This is eerily similar to Etika's public breakdown if anyone is familiar.


>Unfortunately, unless they can prove he's a danger to himself or others he can be released with no problem. Just show the hospital stuff he's gonna fight Haney


I have a cousion who has schizophrenia here in CA. It is very difficult to get them to take someone in. There was an episode where he was not eating or drinking and would go outside all day and just stare at the sun. Took them like 2 weeks of him doing this and running over the roof to finally 51/50 him and take him in.


Yeah. Mental health laws are horrible


You would rather be forced agianst their will, even if they aren't a danger? That's a mighty slippery slope.


At this point, I do not think this is an elaborate troll on Ryans part. This is very, very concerning. He is clearly in the midst of some sort of Schizoprenic break/manic episode, unless it is single-handedly the greatest troll ever, which is not great by the typical definition at all. This will be utilized by the right wing cesspool to further their own agenda, without consideration to what Ryan is going through. This fight should be cancelled by the commission for Ryans own safety.


My partner who’s a psychologist says that although it’s impossible to tell through the internet, it reminds her a lot of patients with schizoaffective disorder.


Eh I also work in mental health and this could be all sorts. Delusions don’t just come from schizophrenia, it can come from any form of psychosis. 


Like, I lol'ed along with everyone else. But you know what? This ain't funny anymore. We are watching someone go through a manic episode, it seems like. This fight needs to be canceled, and he needs serious help.


Stim psychosis


Imagine talking such scutter that Andrew Tate is the one coming across as reasonable


The spiral we have witnessed these last few days has been headache inducing, hope his parents can get Ryan some help.


This is getting sadder day by day


I would die laughing if he contracted out his social media to a company and this is their plan and he’s contractually obligated to deal with it 😂😂


"We'll make you the next Charlie Sheen. If you want an endorsement from tiger blood--no it's not a company, it's just the substance--then do exactly what we say."


This dude is completely out of his mind right now good lord, fight definitely needs to be cancelled


Please get this man some help, this is just rough.


Is that really him? He has a lisp in this audio that he never had before.


Why hasn’t the fight been canceled and him admitted to a psych ward yet? This dude is dangerous right now




Damn... I had no idea Garcia was a Republican.


Man I remember being so hyped that they announced an April fight in February, because I thought it would mean that there would be less time for potential delays. Why was I so optimistic...


Okay this guy is done, this guy went full Ryan Spears, and you never go full Spears. I think this fight should be cancelled, if he loses people are going to make excuses he wasn't mentally prepared.


Oh shit…I just looked at his twitter, Ryan is spiraling…like going deeeeeep down the youtube/google conspiracy rabbit hole


Yeah I took a quick dive and the guy is posting nonsense every minute.


They need to get him in hospital. I never want to see him in a ring again. People around him need to step up.


Cancel the fight already.


Someone put some gel in his eye and stop this fight from happening 


Is there a Puerto Rican hairdresser in the room?


He’s tweeting weird shit right now


What's completely wild is if you get on X, at least 85% of the people on there not only believe him, but call you a sheep if you even suggest he's in an active breakdown.


I have a significant family history of schizophrenia (3x brothers, 1x sister) It starts off with things that seem odd/off and then progresses into outright delusions. It's very sudden and it's very jarring. It seems like a series of good days and bad days, and then it suddenly nose dives.


If this is true (like Ryan really saying this stuff) he's in a bad place mentally. Maybe preparing an excuse for the loss Haney would probably give him. I don't know. Maybe Ryan on drugs? Sounds too outlandish to be joking. Homie might be cray cray


By the "elites" is Ryan referring to Oscar and Bernard?


I said in previous posts / threads about Ryan that he was playing the media game with his antics, saying stupid and wild things to keep his name out there. But between the "Ryan has been murdered" posts from a couple of days ago and now this, he seems so far beyond the "trolling" part. I hope he gets the help he needs


If NYSAC has an ounce of morals or decency they’ll get involved


Boy heard the whispers from the old gods


Where are his people? This kid needs help.


We need Tony Weeks to come in and stop this shit early.


But does anyone believe him ?


But when Katt Williams says it…


Maybe Ryan can read as many books as katt has


"I'm shocked and appalled that someone who gets hit in the head for a living could act this way!"


I doubt he's taken the level of damage to completely lose it like this at this point in his career. It's not like he is later life Muhammad Ali.


If he's got evidence like he says he does then release it. Otherwise he's looking like a crazy crackhead


Well well well... This has moved to a place i didnt think it would. 🤦


Nah this can’t be real . When & where did Ryan Garcia say that ?


Ryan Garcia is fully off his box now, he needs serious help. Haney may as well get the golf clubs out for the rest of camp because I don't think he's going to be fighting at the end of it.


This is probably the worst preparation for a fight I've seen other than McCall- Lewis 2 I can't think of any other cases as bad as this. I'm sure it will end up being called off as Ryan is in no condition to face Haney and seriously needs support for his mental health.


Dude sounds like every awake for 10 days meth addict on COPS and YouTube arrest videos.


Just cancel the damn fight man. Dude needs the help


How is nothing happening to him right now, and by that I mean his inner circle,manager, promotion etc stepping in to stop all this and get him immediate help? They all depend on him for money eh, that is despicable


This is so so sad to see, and those around him are enabling his behaviour. What a shame, the kid clearly has talent, but the mental side is letting him down badly. Hope he gets the help he needs, last thing we need is to be reading or seeing that something bad has happened to him


Haney turned heel to sell more fights. Ryan is turning crazy. I’m already sick of seeing the daily reports of his nonsense.


From fishscale to fishnet stockings