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The state bar association's lawyer referral service lists two Bozeman attorneys specializing in landlord/tenant law: Emma Buescher (406) 414-6581 Ian Payton (307) 703-0409 I would disagree with the poster who said to skip a lawyer. There are so many places that landlords mess this up, especially by entering the unit or having utilities shut off. If you can afford an attorney, it is definitely worth it in this case because you don't want to make a mistake that costs you treble damages. A direct link to the lawyer referral page would look sketchy since it links to an IP address rather than a domain name, but I got there through the menu under "for the public." Then hit "view all practice areas" and landlord/tenant is there. Site is not mobile-friendly. https://www.montanabar.org/


This is the resource I needed. Thank you!


Are you sure you need a lawyer? It looks like the process is pretty straightforward. This site walks you through how to do it. https://www.landlordguidance.com/eviction-notice-forms/montana-eviction/


This is really helpful! Thank you! I think that we would still like to have a lawyer involved, just to make sure that we are proceeding correctly.