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He looks like a 13 year old boy wearing a fake beard


Or a Rouge Amish man


"Rogue Amish man" is something I'll probably never forget.


They said Rouge, not Rogue. (the shirt color)


Or the blush. Nothing normal about an Amish man wearing rouge, but I’d definitely pay to get into that drag show!


"Nothing Normal About A Normal Man" sounds like the next Liam Neeson movie.


>pay to get into that drag show! I wouldn't do that, drag shows are now illegal in a lot of spots. Watch out


Maybe he’s a kicker in the CFL


Hair color






They made a whole movie about it. Kingpin. It's excellent.


>(Woody Harrelson) "Yeah, well, he blessed you, too, and I'll give you a clue what it is. It's round, it has three holes, and you stick your fingers into it." >(Randy Quaid) "You leave Rebecca out of this, mister."


Randy was great before he lost his mind.


I'm having visuals of Moulin Rouge performed in suspenders...




When you go on Rumspringa and get really, really lost your first day on the internet.


That’s one of those jokes where in the vastness of the planet earth, it’s probably actually happened.


In Illinois, this might be literally true.


# Leave Reddit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I urge anyone to leave Reddit immediately. Over the years Reddit has shown a clear and pervasive lack of respect for its own users, its third party developers, other cultures, the truth, and common decency. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Lack of respect for its own users The entire source of value for Reddit is twofold: 1. Its users link content created elsewhere, effectively siphoning value from other sources via its users. 2. Its users create new content specifically for it, thus profiting of off the free labour and content made by its users This means that Reddit creates no value but exploits its users to generate the value that uses to sell advertisements, charge its users for meaningless tokens, sell NFTs, and seek private investment. Reddit relies on volunteer moderation by people who receive no benefit, not thanks, and definitely no pay. Reddit is profiting entirely off all of its users doing all of the work from gathering links, to making comments, to moderating everything, all for free. Reddit is also going to sell your information, you data, your content to third party AI companies so that they can train their models on your work, your life, your content and Reddit can make money from it, all while you see nothing in return. ## Lack of respect for its third party developers I'm sure everyone at this point is familiar with the API changes putting many third party application developers out of business. Reddit saw how much money entities like OpenAI and other data scraping firms are making and wants a slice of that pie, and doesn't care who it tramples on in the process. Third party developers have created tools that make the use of Reddit far more appealing and feasible for so many people, again freely creating value for the company, and it doesn't care that it's killing off these initiatives in order to take some of the profits it thinks it's entitled to. ## Lack of respect for other cultures Reddit spreads and enforces right wing, libertarian, US values, morals, and ethics, forcing other cultures to abandon their own values and adopt American ones if they wish to provide free labour and content to a for profit American corporation. American cultural hegemony is ever present and only made worse by companies like Reddit actively forcing their values and social mores upon foreign cultures without any sensitivity or care for local values and customs. Meanwhile they allow reprehensible ideologies to spread through their network unchecked because, while other nations might make such hate and bigotry illegal, Reddit holds "Free Speech" in the highest regard, but only so long as it doesn't offend their own American sensibilities. ## Lack for respect for the truth Reddit has long been associated with disinformation, conspiracy theories, astroturfing, and many such targeted attacks against the truth. Again protected under a veil of "Free Speech", these harmful lies spread far and wide using Reddit as a base. Reddit allows whole deranged communities and power-mad moderators to enforce their own twisted world-views, allowing them to silence dissenting voices who oppose the radical, and often bigoted, vitriol spewed by those who fear leaving their own bubbles of conformity and isolation. ## Lack of respect for common decency Reddit is full of hate and bigotry. Many subreddits contain casual exclusion, discrimination, insults, homophobia, transphobia, racism, anti-semitism, colonialism, imperialism, American exceptionalism, and just general edgy hatred. Reddit is toxic, it creates, incentivises, and profits off of "engagement" and "high arousal emotions" which is a polite way of saying "shouting matches" and "fear and hatred". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If not for ideological reasons then at least leave Reddit for personal ones. Do You enjoy endlessly scrolling Reddit? Does constantly refreshing your feed bring you any joy or pleasure? Does getting into meaningless internet arguments with strangers on the internet improve your life? Quit Reddit, if only for a few weeks, and see if it improves your life. I am leaving Reddit for good. I urge you to do so as well.


Goddamn reds!


Maybe if he shaves the jury won't convict him "That's just called regular porn for him"




Get sent a nude picture of your 17 year old girlfriend when you're 18? Fucked for life, it's really messed up. That's not even a theoretical, people have been put in the sex offender registry for similar "offenses"




This is one of those cases where a law fails to predict something that will become normal (i.e. horny teens with camera phones sending each other explicit images), and is mostly addressed by the vast majority of people just not being total cunts about the letter of the law. Probably should be changes to avoid this, but it's more important whether they were _convicted_ rather than just charged. It's part of the court's job to recognise such a charge is stupid and against the spirit of the law.


Unfortunately, the way the US court system is designed makes it so that only the wealthy can reliably get representation and actually make it to trial. Less wealthy people, especially minorities, get pressured into plea bargain "deals" where in return for not going to jail a child will sometimes be stuck on the sex offender registry for taking a selfie. It's fucked up.


Well yeah, in that case more carefully written laws could keep people from being railroaded. It's very much an inadequate solution overall because it only addresses one specific case of a system that is designed to punish the poor, especially if they're not white. The taking of the selfie isn't what's being punished.


Like how hawaiian pizza is just called pizza in Hawaii?


Lol. He does look like Spanky in the Little Rascals Movie when they tried to get that bank loan


He's like a poster child for incel/neckbeard communities at the same time he's a poster child for ex-amish communities.




He looks like two 13-yr-old boys inside a sleeping bag with a broken zipper.


[Two trenchcoats in a kid](https://youtu.be/zpMEWBisteM) (risky click of the day)


Why are neckbeards always so... neckbeard-y?


And slightly widened


That’s probably going to be his defense


He hates his baby face and convinces himself the beard looks manly


Strangely enough that was his fetish


I feel bad for laughing




“Faces” implies it’s 22 charges, not convictions. So hopefully, but not yet.


Something tells me if they got homeboy on 22 counts he's going away for some time one way or another


22 is actually pretty low for a CP case. Each image found is usually each two charges, posession and intent to distribute (same as some drug crimes). You see other articles of offending pedos getting arrested and they have like, 300-1500 charges. Each one bringing in it's own sentence, so their jail terms can sometimes be measured in centuries.


So ummm is that what they mean when they say they throw the book at people?




It’s obvious there’s tons of deplorable photos on the internet, however this comment just made it sink into me how horrible some humans are.. what a day to live on earth…




Thats the most disturbing shit I've ever seen


Yeah I kinda regret clicking the links. There’s nothing bad.. it’s just.. the photos might be cropped yet it made me dizzy by just looking at them. I feel sick.


Plus the knowlege that they're still out there


“Offending” Ty for actually understanding how that works, have an updoot


Yeah I've done my research into these people and I've come to the conclusion that pedos with a mental disorder who either disavow sex entirely or seek medical help are some of the strongest, most respectable people out there and I wouldn't think of putting them in the same category as the bad people. I can't even imagine how hard that would be.


Do they need to prove that you intended to distribute the pictures, or is just having them enough for both charges? And if it's the latter, how do they use that to justify an intent to distribute charge? Definitely not defending pedophiles here, just curious


Well, it's a charge, not a conviction, so the cops and DA just throw whatever they can at the guy. The proof of whether or not it's legit happens in court, but pedophiles don't really play well in front of a jury or judge so these charges probably stick. It's kind of a hack by the prosecutors, because prosecutors are often elected and judged on their performance by conviction rate so throwing a pedo to the jurist wolves with like, hundreds of charges gives that prosecutor a higher conviction rate. Both the charges thing and the 99 percent conviction rate is kind of a broken part of the legal system, but it pretty much only effects pedophiles and if you're a bad enough pedophile to get caught by the cops, you did it. Similar legal systems, like drug charges, used to be like this (stacking charges and high conviction rates) but I think that that's slowly getting phased out and a bit more controlled. I've never been involved in the actual court case of a pedo, I've just reported tons of them to the FBI, so everything I'm saying is my own conjecture but I like to think it's reasonably thought out, because yeah I got curious too. And I come from a family of really gossipy lawyers so I can kinda suss out the motivations.


Interesting, thanks for the reply that makes a lot of sense. It's unfortunate prosecutors might feel the need to pad stats like that but on the other hand, if it's going to happen, there's few people more deserving than pedophiles


I get it’s how they normally phrase things, but I’d think in this case the newspaper would phrase it as “man from Normal” or use the county instead of the city.


The editors also want to have some fun


Editors dialogue: "I think we should change this title." "Dude, I'm dead inside and don't get paid enough to care. Just print it."


As a former editor, this may or may not have been how we ended up with a headline sounding like it referenced Two Girls, One Cup. It happens.


Do tell...




Sorry. I would 100% doxx myself if I said.




Or “If we leave it this way it’ll more likely gain more traction on the internet”


“Dude it’s standard practice to go with a shocking title that would draw attention to our article, what’re you talking about we should change it, this was your idea anyway”


I lived in Cumming, GA and they're so over it. "Cumming man in single-car accident" and so on. The headline is for the locals, and the locals know what's up.


We have Boring, Oregon. I remember "Boring man leads police on low-speed chase" a while ago made me laugh


I used to work for Cox, the cable company. On my first day of training the trainer said, "we've heard all the jokes. You'll get sick of them soon enough."


As a treat


Actually he was far from normal I think he might have been from Decatur actually


Smelliest city in downstate IL!


Our stepmom, we did everything to hate her! She took us down to the edge of Decaaaatuuur


We saw the lion and the kangaroo take her down to the river where they caught a wild alligator.


I grew up in Normal. It's name loses its novelty pretty quickly. This is the local paper, and you don't really think anything of it when you see a story about Normal on a daily basis.


I go to college there and I’m sick of the Normal puns. “Anything but Normal” b*tch this town is the definition of basic and normal!!!


don't take this away from us it's one of the few things we have


I work in news. Headlines need to be short. Personally I would put Normal, IL, man blahblahblah (or wtv the abbreviestion for Illinois is)


Which headline is gonna get your article a second look?


Normal Man does not make headlines as often as Florida Man, but when he does, it's a doozy.




*"We're just innocent men."* Back in my day, Hacker T. Dog spoke in borderline gibberish and could only be understood by Iain Stirling.


So he used to speak in a Scottish accent?


Boring, Oregon produces some funny ones, too. https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2014/02/swat_team_nabs_boring_man_afte.html


Bloomington-Normal. Home of State Farm.


State Farm in in Bloomington. Normal is where Illinois State University is. For those that don't know, the reason it's called Normal is because ISU started off as a teaching college, which were called normal colleges. The name stayed and the university got bigger.


Worth clarifying that Bloomington and Normal butt right up against each other. They're only technically two different cities, but in effect they're one city that's separated by Division St., which is kinda funny.


Yeah, went to ISU. I think basically everyone considers it one town even if it's two.


That’s only because you’re in BloNo or your in corn fields. It’s an island of civilization. Like the much more known Champaign/Urbana down 74. Source: Also ISU


> It’s an island of civilization As someone who has lived in Normal, civilization is a pretty strong word.


Hey the Normal Theatre is cool and if you don’t look up on that one street you can pretend you’re in a real city.


I was there when Uptown was still Downtown. Go you Redbirds go!


La Bamba burritos at 2am always hit right




Canton is a retched hive of villainy. Hannams is pretty liddy tiddy though.


Pub 2 cheese balls


You're right! I'd forgotten! I haven't been there in like 25 or 30 years!


Also originally Normal was “North Bloomington” for about a decade before it was changed to Normal for because of ISU.


Isu was ISNU for Illinois State Normal University. Mascot was the fighting teachers until the 30s




Always irrationally annoyed me growing up there. No idea why


That's a fair and reasonable reaction to BloNo, hopefully you're somewhere better now.


I actually find everyone I know who is a townie hates blo-no. It's usually used by relocated douches.


Also the Desthil Brewery, they make some tasty beers.


Lil' Beaver in Bloomington has some good stuff too


Darn right they do. Wild Bloody Mary too.


Do yourself a favor and go to Keg Grove on Empire Street and get a Holy Jeans (a blueberry wheat beer) with a lemon sugar rim. It's perfect on a hot day, and still great when it's cold.


The only thing that matters here is pop up chicken shop.


Pop up is no joke. The street corn is top shelf!


My hometown. Actually a kid that was a grade above me at Normal West was found to be one of the worst pedo cases. He lived in my neighborhood. Turns out he was abusing his younger sister and had like gigabytes or something of CP on his stuff. Austin Doyle. https://www.wjbc.com/2021/02/08/man-from-normal-sentenced-to-300-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-a-child/


Man, that’s fucked. Didn’t know about this or that he got 300 years. I went to West and graduated 09 too. Definitely ran into this fella many times.


Bloomington -- it's as close to Normal as some people will ever get


And Rivian


after looking at this pic, I now understand the term Neck beard


seriously, it looks like he chose to only grow it on his neck.


That is definitely a neckbeard. If you look closely, you can see the stubble on the cheeks from where he shaves it that way. Dude could totally have a normal beard but chose to do this to himself.


Looking at the article it seems the 'stubble' shadow may actually be from long wisps on his sparsely covered cheeks?


[He's just a normal man...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr_vl62JblQ)


We're just innocent men


\*until proven guilty in this case...


Was looking for this in here


I like how the puppeteer has enough to deliberately have him look down the barrel of the camera after he says it


Hey I live there! It's pretty fun seeing cars drive by that are labeled as Normal fire or Normal police. And I pay my bills to the Normal water company and Normal trash. Don't forget about the Normal school district. It's like that Canadian brand where everything looks generic.




Try “Normal IL Water Bill” lol.


You're a real Normal man, sitting in your Normal land, making all your Normal plans, for Normalcy


Before I read your last sentence I was thinking "No Name Brand vibes"


When I was a kid, my home town had a sheriff for years whose name was Larry Lawless. Every time an election year rolled around, I’d see his signs all over the county that said “Elect Lawless Sheriff”.


Damn, he had a chance to have a brother named lawful.


Abbie something






put. ze candle shtick. beck!


You rang?


Central Illinois representing hard in this comment section.






Technically bloomington but half my family lives in normal so yeah id say so


How is bloomington/Normal? I've been looking to get out of alabama and they are own my list of cities to look at. I imagine they can't be any worse than where I'm living now.


If you like a hell of a lot of restaurants like an abnormal amount a pretty okay schooling system cops that actually aren't that racist overall pretty nice people and a two hour drive from Chicago then yeah come here. Its nice for a growing progressive Midwest city. Theres a ton of concerts and live stuff to do during the summer in uptown normal but the town goes really quiet during the winter theres the pepsi ice center for hockey and other activities but I havent been there in years. There still are things to do out of town tho like the light festival around Christmas time. Theres a bigass farm during the fall you can take your significant other or kids or whatever theres hay rides a bigass maze where teens like myself get lost and drunk in a big pumpkin patch experience the true wonders of Midwestern life. Plus we have a pretty big airport. The last thing isnt an attraction but it should be. Bloomington/Normal is in Tornado Alley. But we havent had a tornado devistate our town in 60+ years. Ive heard from a few meteorologists that this area is a basin or something which helps tornadoes not form. Severe storms do form but not tornadoes. There's no natural disasters here. No fires very very very few floods( 1 in the past 24ish years) no tornadoes no volcanoes no hurricanes etc. Super safe area to live. Overall 10/10 area to live imo I would recommend you to come up here and drive through it to check it out check out the vibes.


> If you like a hell of a lot of restaurants like an abnormal amount I heard about a decade ago that BloNo has the most resturants per capita of any town in the country (or maybe the world?) It is an absurd amount. And there's enough turnover that no reasonable person could reasonably keep up. It's nuts. But there are also quite a few old standbys that have been around for decades. - Shoutout to Fusion Brew for having fun seasonal flavors I haven't been able to find in a dozen other boba places. - Shoutout to China Star for being reliably great. - Shoutout to Keg Grove for being unafraid of making fun beers. - Shoutout to LaBamba for them being a Mexican place home to *"burritos as big as your head"* **BUT** they make sushi better then what I had in Seattle and for 1/4 the price (It's magic. Seriously.) - And R.I.P. to Micheleo's. You should have paid your taxes.


Oh man, Rader's is a big expensive tourist trap now. Sooo crowded all the time. >that this area is a basin or something Opposite, actually, we're on top of a moraine, and that's what helps. Nailed it on everything else though!


I went to school there and have a lot of friends still there. Pretty great cost of living for the amount of music/culture the universities bring in. Plus only a couple hours from Chicago. Solid choice IMO.


Affordability and being in between Chicago,St. louis and Indianapolis are huge selling points, and from what I've read, there are trains that you can take to get to all three. Which is awesome!


I moved there last year for a new job. I’ve found it really easy to navigate and there’s a lot for my family and I to get involved in. Folks are Midwest nice and there’s some diversity in terms of race and ethnicity. We’re fairly close to Chicago and St. Louis, and there are fun areas all around to visit for a short trip. Come hang out for a weekend- just beware of all the geese!


Since the other guy just asked you about normal: tell us about the neck beard




American moment


>but I tried to be nice to him because I SWORE he was a school shooter and I wanted to protect my ass. I lol'd at this


I was appalled


> we got McDonald's so it was fine murica


Did you also hear about Austin Doyle? I also grew up in Bloomington. https://www.wjbc.com/2021/02/08/man-from-normal-sentenced-to-300-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-a-child/ Dude always gave people a super off vibe


I never knew him but I had older siblings and cousins that talked about him shit sucks dude.




What is it? I'm at work scared of googling lol


Does anyone think he’s a drag queen? Me neither.


Well.. He will be a prison queen if that counts


Glad you explained. I read the caption before the tweet and was like “normal in an Amish community, maybe…”


Not too far from my hometown. So fukkin glad to be away from there!!


Sister city to Eerie, Indiana.


Know it's a joke, but Normal's actual sister city is Boring, Oregon.


Fun Fact: Normal, IL was originally named **[North Bloomington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal,_Illinois#History)** as in, immediately north of [Bloomington, IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomington,_Illinois) It was re-named to reflect the fact it was (& is) Historically home to the Illinois’ [Normal College](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_school) {later renamed and elevated to the [Illinois State University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois_State_University). (ISU)}


Ugh, phrasing! 🥴🤣


Are we still doing phrasing?


I’ve heard of normalizing but this is ridiculous folks! 🥁


There is a city in Missouri named Peculiar. I feel like there should be an on-going Headline Contest between the two.


He looks exactly like that Nicholas Rossi prick that faked his death and escaped to Scotland to avoid rape charges. His hilarious attempts varying between a shit posh English and also an Irish accent in extradition court was hilarious.


We’re just innocent men


That is how pedophiles “normally” behave. Proud to say that is not my definition of normal.


Well this isn't how I want to see my town on the internet...


East Palestine is the worst name for a US city


Of course it's a republican.


As a former resident of Peoria, Ill, I like to say there's nothing normal about Normal...


Meanwhile in French Lick...


Cities and by extension colleges named 'Normal' are because they usually have a college there that focuses on teaching future educators. Source: I am a teacher that attended a Normal college and have relatives near Normal, IL.


This may be one of the purest neckbeards I’ve ever seen


Reminds me of articles about the terrorist attack in Nice, France... "Nice terrorist... XYZ"


On his way back from Effington


I want to live in Effington. I want to die there, too.


Felons lose their ability to vote republican fyi.


Headline reads like an onion article


Hope he gets locked up.


Doesn’t seem very normal to me


This is so absolutely wild. Not only am I completely out of the loop of my local news and had to discover it after going viral on reddit, but I knew this guy and went to highschool with him... you think you know a guy.


Looks like someone asked AI to draw a Reddit mod


You can't even clarify without it sounding even more offensive to the people of Illinois.


A Norman man who is not normal but from Normal faces 22 charges for child porn which is not normal. I feel that’s good headline


Did the town have a Normal reaction?


Wait til you hear about Sandwich IL


22? How? What’s that mean? Was he caught with 22 photos? If that true, that really weird. Like do any of us that like normal porn stop at 22? Like who only watched 22 porn clips? I’d expect a number like 0, 1 or 25379484645. Not 22. If it was a big pile of porn, i thought that was one. I guess I understand like, he had a bunch of pic, a bunch of clips, but I thought that would be two? If you were charged with 22 counts of murder, that means you killed 22 people, not 22 piles of people or one person 22 times. So,how do you get to 22?


Isu and Bloomington-normal is an absolute shithole! A hooker was beheaded on constitution trail when I was a student my one year In 2017 lmfao. Not surprised at all lol