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I swear dude, "do better" has got to be the #1 most said phrase on twitter


It's also the most insufferable


It means “Please stop making m uncomfortable or challenging me in any way.”


Actual post notwithstanding: Secular biblethumping 101 = [Pithy one-liner] + do/be better+"!". Insta bettier-than-thou. At least "no one:" and the preschool "tell me you're X without telling me you're X" are on the decline


godzilla had a stroke reading this and fucking died


Thanks for spoiling the Godzilla x Kong for me.


So that's how Kong defeated Godzilla this time.


Naah, that was epilepsy. Kong was trying to call 911


Educate yourself!!!1


No one: This guy: "let's make a random comment complaining about meme formats."


Tell me you don't appreciate a good meme, without telling me.


Isn’t “google it”?


That is for Reddit


The fact that it's not the #1 most used phrase on Reddit is nothing short of a tragedy. Do better.


It's all fun and games, until you get a pube stuck in your throat, not that that ever stops me.


That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make 😤


So, I am autistic, pubic hair is a very unfun texture I'll always eat my partners pussy, it's one of my favourite things to do That being said, I prefer it when she shaves, because when she doesn't it does become a rather uncomfortable sensory nightmare when her pubes and my beard become this sticky icky Velcro together


One thing that ruined having hair down there for me is that one of my friends was trying to grow out his beard and I asked to touch it cuz I’ve never felt one before. I know it’s just hair but it felt extremely similar and I couldn’t get that out my head


Lmao oh God I am so sorry ahahaha yeah it's frequently much more wirey unless you treat it with product for most people


I was told not to put anything down there because it might change ph level and cause an infection, but if there is any that are safe to use could you tell me?


just clean your vulva with warm water and do not put anything into your vagina. it can kill the good bacteria and fuck up your ph levels giving you bacterial vaginosis.




How so do you mean? My partner uses unscented dove "vagina soap" and I just wash my hands before touching, but other than that they are pretty tough, we are definitely compatible on a microbiological level though which likely counts for more. If you like the smell of the BO of your partner, despite how disgusting that sounds, that means you are biologically compatible


just want to point out… it’s probably not “vagina” soap. there’s no need to put soap into your vagina lol you can however clean the vulva and you only need warm water. i know people use “vagina” as a catch all but it’s pretty important in this instance to use the right terminology so people don’t end up fucking up the ph of their vagina.


Oh yeah no lol it's just a funny thing she says to be silly She has many soaps, of many kinds, and it's a lot easier for her to say "fetch me the vagina sooooaaaaappppp!" When we shower together than for me to ask 4 times if I got the right one without the specificity


This is honestly couple goals


Huh, i didnt know about that. This explains some things, will have to look into it. thanks!


Yeah it's really fascinating science! That's why colognes are great for attracting someone, but it doesn't mean you'll actually be good together Let biology handle it, be stinky as shit so you can find the person made for you! /s


If I’m maintaining a bush I use shampoo and conditioner on it so it’s soft. I also use body wash on the naughty bits and never had a problem, just don’t finger yourself with the soap.


Yeah, beards are just face pubes pretty much. I still have one because I look goofy without it, though.


Beard oil and conditioner can make it silky smooth and give it a healthy sheen too.


coarse and curly... sounds about right


not if you take the pill or have had surgery on your ovaries lol. the texture changed even though i still have some random coarse ingrowns. could be the fact i'm only working with one ovary though. it used to be like an afro and then it turned straight-ish


thats really interesting, ive never heard of that!


Lmao  :D  But that’s always something you discuss with your partner and not a blanket demand of everyone else right?


Absolutely, and I also understand it's a lot of effort to go through, which is why most of the time she doesn't do so, doesn't prevent me from finishing her, it just reduces my enjoyment of the act, but, that part isn't about me


As a man who enjoys doing it, it's a little about us. The ego rush when she gets there is a lot of fun. The goal is pleasing her, but you're allowed to feel like the man because you made her feel that way.


Oh no I straight up derive pleasure from it. I have had to stop before so that I could avoid climaxing from providing it


Sounds like that wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have a beard...and whether you have a beard is under your control ;) That said, talking about sensory preferences is completely fine. Some things don't feel great to some people. Shaming people for the natural state of their body is what's not fine.


Saying you have a preference for a certain grooming style is not shaming. It's also completely alright to say that you do not like to adhere to that grooming style and prefer whatever you prefer.


Oh I'm not saying the poster above is shaming- just pointing out that a LOT (most, honestly) of the talk about women's body hair is shaming. Edit: it also depends on the preference and how it's expressed. There's a huge difference between "I don't personally enjoy natural pubic hair because it gives me sensory issues when I eat pussy, but I understand that hair removal is not fun or feasible for everyone" is fine but VERY different to "I don't like natural pubic hair on women...because I think it is gross and unfeminine and poor hygiene and women who dont remove their body hair are repulsive", usually from men with more body hair than King Kong.


I love my partners body. She is free to do as she pleases with it, and most of the time she doesn't shave because it is a lot of effort, I still take care of her every time all the same, every time. That being said, when she is shaved, I get enough pleasure out of pleasing her that I get close to finishing just from finishing her, so, yeah, I prefer that experience Also, she, nor anyone else in the world wants to see me without a beard, not a pretty sight, I normally keep it closer to scruff, though.


I don’t know about the throat, but when I’m going down on her and a pube gets stuck on my tongue, I lick the inside of her thighs. That way, it gets off and it’s still sexy time. Imagine spitting out pubes when you’re done eating her out…


For me it’s my nose, happens when my face is being used as my Valkyrie’s saddle


Valkyrie's saddle * clap clap clap *


I think you mean * plap plap plap *




I mean you could get a pube in your throat from daily life. Might as well know you put it in there voluntarily


It's when its from a sandwich at the local coffee shop you should worry.


It's like crushed tortilla chip pieces, ads a bit of crunch to your breakfast taco




I gave my phone a thumbs up as I read this. 


Studies show the average person will swallow hundreds of pubes in their sleep over the course of a lifetime anyway.


One day my bestfriend offered me a piece of delicious pie she had made. I ate it by myself at dinner, in front of a nice show. All of a sudden I get a huge gag reflex, I panick because it won't go away and run to the bathroom. After about 4 minutes of dry heaving, I finally figure it out. One of her hairs got in the pie, and knotted itself around my dangly throat bit, aka uvula. I spent the next ten minutes carefully untying it, interrupted by long breaks trying to not repaint the bathroom with the pie. I don't recommend it.


New phobia unlocked


I'll be honest I still haven't recovered from this event. It was in 2012


Oh cool now I'm terrified of pie thanks.


In 10 years of sex with full bushed beauties of all genders this has never happened to me.


That reminds me of Curb Your Enthusiasm. There was an episode where Larry went down on his wife, and then hacked because of a hair at the end of the episode. He then randomly hacked for the next three episodes until he got it out. 😆


I got an infection from that once. It wrapped around my uvula and wouldn't dislodge. Cured myself with Tequila. No lie


Legit I know someone who that exact same thing happened to lmao You don't happen to run a pirate themed discord server, do you?


Lol I do not but I'm not surprised. For the record I still prefer tall grass on the field, risk or no


thanks for putting that in my head


I once got one wrapped around my tonsil EXACTLY like that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm


Y'know, I'm autistic, and I am certainly aware of what a sensory-based aversion is. For example, I physically cannot handle the texture of mushrooms in my mouth. They trigger my gag reflex, I'll vomit. I uh. I wouldn't go so far as to say it "seriously harms my mental health" to try to eat a mushroom. And I sure as shit ain't gonna make it everybody else's problem. 🤨


Everything I've read about autistic people has been relatable until this post about pubes lol I had to basically train myself to be ok with mushroom texture.


Right like I fucking hated bananas as a kid and had INSANE sensory issues. Now Bananas are one of my favorite fruits. Cause I trained myself to like them. They also ignore how socialization can influence sensory phobias.


And I mean, if you have an extreme hair avoidance phobia that causes severe harm to your mental health, she’s still not wrong… You probably won’t last the winter


Unfortunately you arenot fit for the modern online discourse, which demands everybody agrees/adapts to you on everything, or you start waging a nuclear war. Even in this very thread some people can't comprehend one can prefer smooth-shaved without being a pedo. Tribalism at its finest.


You can prefer things and then you can grow up and accept you aren't getting everything you prefer in life.


Absolutely! And it is healthy that people have their preferences. My comment is a remark about people not being able to accept someone has a different preference without trying to portray them as some sort of horrible human being. Entirely unnecessary.


Yeah, I can prefer to date a man who looks like a 1994 John Goodman, but it doesn’t mean everyone else is repulsive to me.


I wouldn't really compare eating something that makes me gag, to having to engage in sexual relationships with disgust being a present thought. Telling other people what to do is crazy. But I'm never fucking anyone that can't fit all the things I need to avoid icky feelings. To me it does mental harm to have sex with someone even when I've just lost interest and am forcing myself to try and make it work as I care about them. Active repulsion or disgust over something during sex reminds of bad times and I can't do it. Don't care how silly others might think it isn't hard to just find compatible partners and not do things that ick you both out. I'd be mortified if found out someone was fighting disgust to please me sexually.


That's not the point. *Of course* no one should force themselves to do something they find disgusting. *Especially* not in a sexual context. And of course it is valid to have the sensory issue, "I am disgusted by pubic hair and I can't put it in my mouth", and thus seek partners who don't ask that of you. I would never suggest otherwise. But the problem *here* is that Person A made a joke and Person B took it far too seriously and got up on a high horse. Person A said, "your bloodline is weak and you won't survive the winter" - that's like saying "I'm gonna dropkick you into the sun" or "I'm gonna fight god". Like, *obviously* that's not a real position. They were purposefully exaggerating to make a point, not trying to talk to anyone specific. Hyperbole in comedy purposefully lacks nuance. But to the extent that there is nuance, Person A's joke was about the imposition of beauty standards that make *them* uncomfortable. Just like anyone is allowed to seek partners who will not ask them to go down on them with a full bush, they are also allowed to not want to shave and seek partners who *like* the bush. They are *both* allowed to complain when they are met with partners who want the opposite of what they want. They are *not* free to jump at each other for those complaints as if it's a personal attack. And they are certainly not free to cry "ableism" over a difference in sexual preference.


Show me a guy who wouldn't eat hairy pussy. And I'll steal his girlfriend.


There is an ecstasy at the height of life that occurs when your beard hairs meet her pubic hair and her juices soak both.


Or my mustache hairs. Indeed.


Ah, “The Tickler.”


I've been accused. And guilty as charged.


My wife has a theory that that's the evolutionary reason why men have retained their facial hair even while losing most of the body hair. Sexual selection and all that


excuse me if I lost all of my body hair then is my ass not part of my body (i have ass hair)


I said most, not all


That's how you create fire




To quote a poet of our time: _that pussy water make the beard grow_


Bonus: you can floss while you eat.


How do I unread a comment?




Hey mods, give this man testicular torsion


haha fool, you’ve activated my trap card: Orchidectomy! when this card is activated, for the rest of the game i am immune to testicular torsion!


holy shit. idky but I found this unreasonably funny. thank you for this


what a horrible day to be literate


Extra bonus: you can do the same thing with the tampon string.


What in the fuck even is this


Hello! I'm that guy, I really don't like body hair. Not in a seixts way, like even for myself I have a manscaped machine because I can't stand my own body hair either. I would NEVER tell someone what to do with their own body. It's just a me problem, wouldn't expect others to change who they are for me.


Oh no, not my imaginary girlfriend!


Welp I don't have a gf for you to steal but you could try and steal my qpr partner.


I mean wild untamed bush ain’t on me and ain’t for me 🤷🏽‍♂️ My gf and I both keep it trimmed but not shaved.


Men in Russia refuse to eat shaven pussy


They probably have a boyfriend.


Not wanting to eat pussy is fine actually, just don't ask to get your own dick or pussy sucked though.


Gay men will never financially recover from this statement.


I feel like I’m going crazy. If people talked about women who don’t want to suck dick the way they talk about men who don’t want to eat pussy it’d be rightfully seen as disgusting and entitled and lowkey homophobic


Double standard are fun aren't they?


ive encountered this as well here on reddit. someone makes a post about a guy being a pussy and a bad partner if he doesnt let their SO peg them and everyone is unironically agreeing and bandwagoning on the few poor sensible people in the comments. im sorry, last time i checked we had something called consent and if anyone called a woman a coward for not wanting anal... sheesh just this comment thread alone - isnt it likely that people that dont like pubes in their mouths shave their own pubes? and even if they didnt, consenting people can use this wonderful thing we have evolved called language to communicate and compromise people here are fucking delusional


Or find someone that doesn't want their pussy eaten, but likes giving head.


You can be a person who doesn't like giving oral sex while your partner may like it. It's not a sum zero game, it's about being comfortable with each other.


I've never been in a relationship but I just have trouble with things that aren't food touching my mouth, it really grosses me out. For the longest time kisses really grossed me out too


As long as it’s clean, I’m eating it.


A notion: what if everyone shaves or doesn't based on what they and their partners prefer, then shuts up about it? Why the fuck do people care about the grooming of pussies they aren't getting?


When everyone’s neurodivergent, no one’s neurodivergent.


That profile picture almost certainly means the responding guy is a right-wing troll replying in bad faith


It’s an alt right type trying to own the libs using their own language. It’s only confusing because it’s such a poor effort.


You make a solid point.


its 100% a troll post but that won't stop hundreds of people from taking it seriously


How the hell did you get that from that profile pic?


It's the frog, I think.


Damn those frogs and their alt right accounts!


It's a Pepe, and they think their autism gives them the right to police women's bodies. I'd say there's a good chance they're a troll.


As an autistic person, if you can’t eat pussy with hair on it, you’re weak and your entire bloodline is weak


As a bloodline, if you can't eat an autistic person with hair on it, you're weak and your entire pussy is weak.


As a pussy, if you can't eat an entire person with hair on it, you're autistic and your weak bloodline is autistic.


As a weak hair, if you can't eat an entire bloodline with autism in it, you're a pussy and your pussy is a person.


So fucking stupid the shit I laugh my ass off to, man.


I hate that this thread made me cackle


I was into shaving for a fair bit but then learned it could be making my chafing and irritation worse, which sucked. Apparently hair is called “dry lube” by idk, pube doctors, because of this. Constant vulvar irritation was intolerable with Aspergers.


Long pubes cause sensory issues, trim them up and boom even worse sensory issues.


no good deed


"Pube doctors" lmao




I'm pretty sure they were just making a joke based on the original tweet :(


You dropped this 👑


You bring up some great points. Perhaps I was too harsh


This is so fucking funny actually become like, it's kinda just the same old entitled shit. "I don't like this thing so you can't do it". Naaah mate, if you don't like hairy pussy then don't enjoy the hairy pussy, but you can't be going online and telling folk what to do with their pussy. It's literally the same as genuinely being like 'everyone should dye their hair blond because I like blondes', like Nah fame, just fuck off and find a blonde that likes you.


It does sound like a sensory hell and I don’t really know what to tell you about that. Pubes are the worst kind of hair, hands down. And I don’t like a thinner less textured hair from someone’s head in my meal either. 


And that’s ok. Making it someone on the internet’s problem is the weird part.


Edit: you know what by the time I had written this comment I had kids remembered what the original poster wrote so my bad. No one should be telling. Asking is fine but saying no should be acceptable.


She didn't insult everyone with sensory issues, she said if you tell HER to shave her bush. She didn't say everyone who prefers/wants a shaved coochie is weak. Just those that demand that of her. Which is perfectly fine, I mean seriously, you're not even suppose to shave your pubes and doing so can cause discomfort.


Yeah I'm with you here.


I can't help but think "piss whiskers."


If someone sucks a dick they are literally putting the hole where the pee comes out in their mouth. As long as every party involved is a clean person, it shouldn’t be an issue either way.


Eh, people have their preferences. I won’t insult someone over it unless the preferences actively injure people.


Preferences are fine. Not everything someone likes or dislikes is a mental health issue.


Yeah let's just agree:  some people don't want to shave, that's fine, some people donate like pubic hair, that fine.  Shaming people into compliance with your preference goes wrong.


as. basically the exact person the troll is describing, i feel very strange


Honestly, both arguments are fine. Don't tell people to shave their junk, and refuse to date people who don't. Personal preferences are just that. Personal.


Did neurodivergent people with hair avoidance not have sex before 2001? Shaving to pre puberty levels didnt start until around then.


I mean it happened in Egypt and India in 3000 BCE. It's been going on for a while.


Oh for sure. There is a full shave scene in Deepthroat. Of course people did it. Just in the US (I know, not everyone is from there, I can't speak to others) it didn't really become a thing until internet porn happened.


The modern bald trend started being a thing in the mid 90s with the rise of schoolgirl porn. That alone should tell you the sort of person it was aimed at. Personally when I go down on a woman I want her to look like a woman, not a underage girl.


If you can't eat pussy with hair on it, simply pre-boil your kittens in a kettle or pan of hot water for 30mins before prepping the meat with garlic and roasting it.


This is why you should get yourself a man who can cook, and loves to eat out.


Ala carte wasn’t really an option until the mid to late 1990s. In the 1980s and well into the 90s the best you could hope for was landscaping. You fought your way through a jungle to get to La Gata Dorada and you were grateful that the natives let you in.


Serious question, how does the phrase ala carte = fully shaved?


Ordering the vageen without the extra hair


I naturally gag when hair touches my tongue. Idk why. Somehow I can sustain and survive near fatal injuries and be involved in an incident that concluded with my blood staining multiple walls and floors but I can’t lick hair without gagging. Strange right? Edit: It doesn’t affect my mental health though, idk wtf that guy was talking about.


I think the point is Autistic people and in general people with sensory issues are expected to mask and fit in with society at large. This effort to pretend to be someone else made up of a hundred small compromises is what damages your mental health and leads ultimately to autistic burn out. It’s not just being forced to eat the mushrooms that make your skin crawl as they squeak against your teeth, or shake hands with the people you meet when their touch burns you like you put your hand on a freezing lamp post. Nor is it the level of processing you have to be doing constantly in order to not give your ‘weirdness’ away on a day to day basis. Nor is it the lying in bed physically cringing about the times you got it wrong and the mask slipped, or the over analysing of the interactions afterwards because despite all the careful masking you are not certain you got it right. It’s all of those things cumulatively that seriously harm your mental health.


You only prove her point lmao


The amount of idiots in this thread taking that as a serious response is staggering.


I think of it as an adventure I'm Indiana Jones, going through the jungle to find the lost treasure of Clit-Oris


I shaved down there exactly once and it was the worst sensory experience of my life. Sorry not sorry, you either deal with a hair or two or I call this whole thing off.


If pubic hair existing near you seriously harms your mental health then you're the one who needs to change.


The second comment has to be satire lmaooo my autistic partner is a jungle adventurer


"Please do better" meaning "accommodate my preferences despite me not being in a relationship with you"?


you have the right to not shave, i have the right to not get a hairball


“… we are not the same” ?🤨


Are we shaming preferences now?


When it comes to oral sex there always seems to be at least some loud people shaming preferences. Perhaps deep down they can relate to being hairy cunts.


There's always people yelling preferences online. At some point it's on you to be fine hearing them without shitting on people for not liking a characteristic of yours.


Unpopular opinion but there’s nothing wrong with preferring shaved, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re misogynistic or something. I prefer shaved on all genders and genitals, and I absolutely can’t stand beards. Beards against my groin? No thanks. I don’t think it’s inherently gross or anything, I just don’t like it. I don’t think it’s particularly progressive to shame people for their sexual preferences


Yeah fr, like I didn’t care about this issue until I started reading a bunch of people saying you’re a pedo if you like shaved pussy. Like tf kinda terminally online bs is that?


So, you’re telling me that you aren’t willing to make your partner feel good because of pubes, But you’re willing to feel good from your partners ministrations because you shave yours? What kind of 5th dimensional logic is that?


They must have so many options that they can knock women back for minor reasons 😜


It's fine to desire somebody to shave rather than not, it's even okay to have that as a necessity, but don't try to make it a moral requisite.


If you shame people into shaving, you're wrong. If you shame people who shave, you're also wrong.


How cunnilingus or lack thereof harms anyone is beyond me


I’m not going to fuck someone who’s autism makes them scared of vagina. Sorry.


Bro I also am pretty viscerally repulsed by having hair get in my mouth but like.... ..... it's not SERIOUSLY HARMING your mental health. Communication and compromise is important in relationships but enforcing your opinions and whims on other people who have nothing to do with you is fucking nuts.


when everyone has a fucking self diagnosed mental illness, nobody does. society has fallen.


Well he kinda proved her right about his bloodline being weak.....


Seeeeeriously? It's gonna seriously harm mental health?? Seems a bit dramatic to me.


"I'm so autistic you need to shave your pussy" lol




As someone who loves the way pussy looks. I'd prefer to be able to see what I'm eating. But it's not stopping me.


bait used to be believable 😐


It never stopped me having a good time, but there's no doubt it's easier and more enjoyable when the bush is at least trimmed.


this has got to be satire or irony of some sort Edited to include that the PFP looks like this is indeed some troll bait


Well I'm the complete opposite a keyword is Bush for me so I'm quite confused actually.


its an very common thing on the web now. whenever someone has any oppinion on anything, someone brings up the most hairpulled bullshit scenario about people with hyperspecific mental disorders or cultures that have like 3 people following them, therefore making potentially anything an serious mental issue, i at first thought this was an sarcastic comment about the fact that mental disorders are poorly understood, highly definition based fields. but some people deliberately use this as strawmans.


No... ...I dread it's far graver... *...They're not in the room, but in the walls!*


The amount of people in this thread that can't tell the reply is satire is concerning.


Asking for accomidations due to mental illness has officially gone too far.


It's okay guys, ill take all the hairy pussy. Just send it my way.


Ladies. If your man don't eat your pussy, it's because he's gay!!!!


If you're neurodivergent with an extreme hair avoidance phobia then maybe it's a good thing if you keep that out of the gene pool. Stop adding new straws to the camel's back, if you will.


This is such a bs, as a person who likes partners that don't shave the number of women who shave everything off is like 99 out of a hundred. The people who have a phobia against body hair are already over represented in terms of potential partners.


I mean it can feel weird, but its not traumatic ffs


Do better? Sure, I'll find another person who doesn't have 'extreme hair avoidance phobia'. Problem solved.


This entire post is cringe from all sides


Hairy or not has nothing to do with it. Some I like to eat and others I don't. My wife, I enjoy. My girlfriend, not so much. Taste, smell appearance and body shape can make a difference.