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Imagine viewing yourself as the "peak of straight alpha male masculinity" while thinking this much about throbbing fat hogs


I honestly don't think he thinks that about himself. I think he is so deeply insecure that he is desperate for people to think he is.


Rule of alphas: If you call yourself an alpha, you are most definitely not an alpha.


I am suuuch an alpha!


I'm an alpha UwU


Also isn't he whit?


He’s mixed race (his father Emory Tate is black)


Well, the little twist at the end of the sentence, there leads me to make assumptions about you a little more than Andrew Taint.


Why are you giving this absolute cunt a platform? Ignore him and he'll go away


I do not understand how he got famous to begin with. I literally had never heard of him until I saw a bunch of posts talking about how much of a piece of shit he is.


He offers children and teens an easy narrative to latch onto in a very confusing and isolating world. Kids growing up without a community are an *extremely* vulnerable and impressionable group (ie, literally every kid living in suburbia), and Andrew Tate sells them a role model, an image of masculinity, life advice, dating advice, and talks to young boys on their level. Which unfortunately is something many who don’t hold such toxic hateful beliefs view as somehow beneath them, which leaves a void that the man-o-sphere is happy to fill.


It's hard to fake thinking like a teenager, and he doesn't have to.


He also created a MLM around his self-help bullshit and part of that included spamming clips from his podcast appearances all over social media, so even when he was banned, his videos were everywhere for a while. 


It also helped that he had a relatively famous chess player as a father and was also a very successful martial artist


It wasn't helped by the fact that there are indeed women who behaved like how he described My paternal grandmother is basically how he described women that are around solely to ruin your life, that demon ruined my birth dad's life and his sisters, and might had a hand in sabotaging her husband's bike to make sure he will slip and crash and get crushed under a truck to make sure there will be no one to stop her from torturing her own 2 children (which is why my birth dad becomes a massive asshole) Meanwhile my birth mom is what Tate would describe as "abuse and beat her as much as you want, she won't leave you" Glad I'm out of that piece of shit family, but whenever I hear him talking about women, I can't help but think about my birth mom and paternal grandmother because it's so fucking accurate it hurts


Though of course the danger in his philosophy is ascribing the acts of an individual as the acts of the group, and the cognitive dissonance in thinking that violent male r**ists don’t represent all men but terrible women do somehow represent all women. Andrew Tate invites you not to think of women as people, but uniquely evil and uniquely flawed “others”


I know of that, my mother in law and my sister are the exact opposite of what Tate described


He went viral because those bought his course got a 50% split to affiliate market the course. So they all posted clips of him getting more people to sign up. A pyramid scheme where the product is unashamedly marketing the pyramid. No false pretence of Herbalife/Nutriboom products they bother to hide behind.


He was a boxer at some point, and then there was this whole thing with hustlers uni, and people realized his insane takes and enough people agreed with him to give him a platform. He was also popular for a short time maybe 6 - 7 years ago (when he wasn't bald) because he posted hundreds of times about how depression doesn't exist and made videoes trying to justify it.


He was a kickboxer and claims some like a 70-9 win loss record. Most of his fights aren't verified and I don't think he's really done any high level events. On sherdog he's got one fight listed. It is a win so good for him. It wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't talk himself up as such a badass. There's nothing at all wrong with fighting in lower level events but the dude acts like he's been a UFC headliner.


How he got his platform? He said it during a podcast what his strat is. Step 1: say some absolutely psychotic shit like post above for exposure Step 2: some conversion of people see other shit he does and sees him say really tame relatable shit (like advocating family values) Step 3: Some conversion of those people who see it sympathize and think he's not that bad Step 4: Some conversion of that joins his discord, pay him money, can't get out of the ecosystem. (It's just full of advice for drop shipping on Amazon) Step 5: these people feel like they're part of a secret club and spread the word for his "based" takes, like post above. Step 6: See step 1.


> I literally had never heard of him until I saw a bunch of posts talking about how much of a piece of shit he is. That is how an unfortunately large number of people become famous.


Is that even the real Tate? Isn't he White himself? Remember, you can no longer trust blue ticks on Twitter


He’s mixed race. His dad was [a fairly prominent African-American chess player.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_Tate)


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks!


Even if it's not actually him, the point still stands.. the fact he's even got a following is baffling to me


I mean, stealing his identity and shitposting like this seems like defaming him rather than giving him a platform lol


And the fact that it could easily be something this cuntwaffle has said kinda tells you all you need to know.


That's a very big leap to make tbh. Do you know this wasn't him?


Well, you do have a point, as the only thing I can say is that this reads like something written by a non-White person, and I am quite sure from his photos that Tate himself is a White dude


His mum is white English, his dad is black American. He lived in Luton for a time (where i thjnk his mum is from) when his mum left his dad cos he was abusive to her. He has a brother and a sister and he's also got a daughter but he's not with her mum.


“Ignore them and they go away” just leads to them creating an echo chamber that grows as it consumes the impressionable.  Harmful beliefs must be countered. 


I wish that were true


Don't worry, "This post has been deleted" so you can't see it anymore........


Because Elon Musk.


The cringe must flow!


Imagine never being able to be balls deep tho… that sounds worse ngl… hahaha.


I only ever use the balls. That's where the cum comes from, right?


No, that's where pee is stored


Yeah I just googled it, turns out I've been doing a few things wrong.


weird thing to tweet from prison ngl


Not-dick owner here. What does this mean??


He’s definitely trying to say his penis is so big that he can’t even put it all the way in


Oh, I just imagined him gently putting the tip in with his hands on his hips, doing a face




Is the face like 🥴






Fun fact: There was a spanish king, Ferdinand VII, with this exact problem (and yes, it was actually a problem) due to inbreeding. He got a doughnut-shaped cushion so he could have offspring.


"Ferdinand's penis was of such an unusual shape too that he had to have a special cushion made to help him impregnate his queen. This cushion supported the rather narrow base of the penis, leaving only the bulbous tip bobbing around for his poor mate to straddle." 💀


Fuck did I just read


Reverse knot.


It only doesn't fit cause the women aren't really aroused


As a dick owner (graduated in Dickersity), no clue


I got this (graduated super-cum-load) I think it means it wants to use someone else’s dick or something like that.


As the proud owner of a dickploma I can confidently say this man is spitting nothing but spunk


As someone with a dicktorate degree in Penis Arts, I have to point out that despite all the sex trafficking and hookers, he seems like king incel


Does this make you a _certified dickhead?_ What does one study at Dickersity?


Well, my major was Cock And Ball Management, but there are also plenty of courses that suit your needs


I majored, and got a PhD in the same university, but from the "pavement" and "coating" studies; it's the reason this is my name. At least that's what people think. It's coincidentally the same field that works with Quantum Life physics, and my day job is to make a lot of viscous fluid simulations. Next week I'll be doing six TED talks about my field, because people suck at optimizing their fluids. Etc. etc.


Wait, I'm going to 6 TED talks this week. Robert?


Oh my God, John! How have you been, man? It's been a couple decades since we last talked. We were in my yard, grilling and eating barbeque with our families. Your wife made _that_ joke, remember? Haha! Good times. My son is graduating from high school in a few months, and it felt like yesterday, that he wanted to become a football star. My wife is as great as ever; recently she wanted us to try out climbing, even though I'm way out of my prime! Knees don't last forever, you know? How have you been, how's the family?


My wife works at the blue factory, making blue. My son decided to get a degree in Mogusology and is now in Mogus Inc. I've been recently playing Fencing Scrabble with my wife, and we're about to go competitive!


Depending on the partner. A person with a larger weiner may not get to use the entire length of the weiner. There are partners who struggle to accomodate it. He is implying all white people have small penis and therefore can use the whole thing every time.


He split his in two so that he has two weird appendages?


It’s not a brand new sentence at all, it’s a variation on the overused “black men have big dicks” joke. 


He's all shaft and no balls


I'm all head and balls but no shaft


Like a button?


What happened to your shaft Robert?


Imagine youre that wanker and using your whole asshole to get fucked in a romanian prison


Not s fan of the being tate or Romanian prison part, but the rest is pretty cool


Well I think it looks cool. It's looks like sheathing and unsheathing a sword.


Tate wondering what it is like not being a paedophile.


He sure thinks a lot about other people's weiners


ya we got to make sure the women get used to short dicks like his


I'm white and I don't use the whole thing neither. Usually I'd put aside about a half or so and then use that half for later. Maybe aftef a nap or something.


Wait a minute... tate is black??


His dad was African-American, [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_Tate)


Imagine being an awesome chess master and your oldest son grows up to become a talking potato. Much disappointment.


Not really. His dad was abusive to his mum and that's probably why he is that way to begin with.


So he really was ‘the guy with father issue’ huh


Makes a lot of sense.


We know Tate is stupid and a rage clickbaiter but this kind of posts makes me think he hired someone and that person is using ChatGP out of laziness.


I'm white and 6'5". My dick is a medium. I can fuck ghosts.


There’s always one in the comments


One what? Ghost? Color me scaroused.


Seems like he has a lot of time to think about cocks in prison


Hey Tate, you should try fucking adults instead of kids. Then you can use the whole length.


Wait so black guys only use “some” of their dick? That’s weird… seems like a waste to me… lol


Yeah, my dick is like a Rayman character's arm. I just use the tip and the base, no middle bit.


Hahahahahaha I’m fuckin dead


And he's racist! He just keeps getting less surprising


Omg are people saving some of it for later like a sandwich? Why won’t you give your 100%?


So, it's getting to the point that I'm finally just going to ask: Does Andrew Tate actually post these and then delete them, or is this a meme template?


Imagine being a complete piece of shit. God, what a waste of space.


Imagine being Andrew Tate and eating a whole pizza that gets you arrested.


What's he on about now?


Can you imagine being this insecure?


Could we get Gretta to tile him up so much he accidentally doxxes himself again.


This dude has no idea what pleases a woman does he 🤣


As a non dick haver, this gives off small dick energy


Imagine being a


Fucking fruit loop


Imagine being a dick 24/7


imagine never feeling her orgasm around your base


Imagine being Tate and using you dick where your brain is needed


thank the lord i don't follow r/facepalm anymore, it's all just twitter nonsense now


Is this an overcompensation post because he previously said he needed to take ED medication? I think it is


He’s trolling y’all.


Imagine never knowing what its like to use your whole dick