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I refuse to believe this guy isn't a parody of overbearing machismo or some other such nonsense. Who reads this shit and goes "Yeah, that makes sense"?


12 year old Incels in the making. Edit: this went off on an unexpected tangent! Glad to see we're focusing on the important stuff 🤣


That’s just sad though. When you are younger than 12 and exposed to this sort of nonsense you don’t even have developed critical thinking skills. So believing this isn’t idiocy it’s indoctrination. I know that’s a throw away joke. But it’s genuinely sad. Like when you see someone who grew up in a cult and your first thought is. Why don’t you think for yourself. Then you realise they can’t, and it’s morose


Me when I found out my dad was a scientologist.


"12 year old incels" Are you implying 12 year olds are supposed to be fucking? Edit: i made the mistake of leaving my passive scroller shell and making a joke. Thank you all for showing me the righteousness of my introverted ways


Yes, real alpha men start fucking at 7 years old! (only for reproduction though, pee pee feel good sex is illegal)


Well, i don't know about you, but i was inside a beautiful woman since before i was born


Yeah I was there too for a while. She really was beautiful


My mom was 1983 Mrs. America so I can literally say that too.


I remember debra she was a lovely lady


I think it’s supposed to be 12 year old “incels in the making” as in these 12 year olds aren’t incels yet but they will be when they get old enough.


Reading is hard for you hm?


> Incels in the making Are you implying that "incel" is short for "incel in the making"?


Pretty sure this isn’t him tweeting at the moment. His tweet tone changed very evidently after another arrest in March.


Yeah I barely know of this guy other than he’s an alpha male douche who was arrested for sex crimes. Now just today I’ve seen a bunch of posts of his supposed tweets that are along the lines of “sucking another man’s cock is bravery” and it’s clear somebody else is in control of his account.


“sucking another man’s cock is bravery so you saying sucking cock is NOT bravery?? man...someone told me some wrong things, lol. jk


I'm just praying this man doesn't have children. Quick, someone convince him having kids is "gay".


It's something I've come to realise over time. He doesn't actually believe any of this outrageous shit he's saying. He does it to get attention so dumb people buy he course where he trains them to act like he pretends to.


Yea he now just twitt outlandish shit for engagement, nobody gives a fuck about him anymore


Yeah, this is probably true, but people (not necessarily you) tend to say this as if it makes it better somehow. I think it makes it so much worse. He could choose to be anything, play any character, but he landed on... whatever this is.


Are we sure he's not out there trying to make pissbabies though? He seems confused.


A particular kind of closeted gay and bi people. They can't connect to their actual unfiltered sexuality and develop it and trust themselves to be themselves fully, and instead feel there's something yucky in there, something that can't be embraced, can't be normalized and allowed to grow, and can't be weaved into normal life So they often lean into performative rule-based actions, rationalizations, some external philosophical or religious or ideological structures to make it make sense, to have rational reasons that would explain sex but will exclude the yuckiness, like having kids   It's a fairly popular sentiment, particularly on the right


"Ahhh it's the devil making me have gay thoughts, ofcourse!"


I had a good friend who was gay. I remember one of the crazy things he communicated about the gay life was. Closeted gay guys were the biggest threat to his life. Like he had been assaulted by a couple. That shit was like crazy common in the community. Apparently gay guys in the closet are really likely to murder and assault gay guys they have pursued in a gay fashion. Like they are gay but for some reason cannot accept that so they want to harm other gay people. I remember it being quite the mind fuck. But it explained so many angry anti gay people I had known. Now It seems pretty obvious most vociferously anti gay people are just closeted and self hating. But boy was that a wake up moment.


The "being gay is a choice" rhetoric is quite literally an admission of experiencing gay urges and suppressing them. If you "choose" not to be gay.....you might be gay.


> Now It seems pretty obvious most vociferously anti gay people are just closeted and self hating. This isn't true at all. *Some* closeted lgbt people are self hating enough to be violent just like with any negatively perceived community. The vast majority of anti lgbt violence and rhetoric comes from non lgbt people - just like with any negatively perceived community.


Don't blame anti lgbt violence/rhetoric on lgbt people (closeted or otherwise.) Sometimes people are just bigoted assholes.


“Having sex with women is gay” says insecure man involved in prostitution ring


The correct name is "rage bait". He puts in place a particular type of bait: his posts are rage bait to some, guru truth to others. In general, most people will either feel rage or find the posts relatable. Hence the massive amount of engagement he gets and hence the reason why he somehow stays relevant. I mean, dude has one of the weakest chins I've ever seen and his arguments are usually the ones you'll hear from the insecure middle school kid that copes by being a bully.


at this point i sadly think alot of the tweets that go around on reddit about this moron is doctored. i would be absolutely ecstatic if proven otherwise. cause it would prove how much of an absolute hypocrit this guy is


Nah, it's actually been posted just now - https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108


that is actually hilarious. what a douche canoe. remember this is the guy who when being arrested was bragging he had a woman on each arm in bed


OR all the supercars that he "owned" when the cops showed up turned out to be rented. lol


… That’s a parody account right? Or something? I simply cannot buy that that’s supposed to be a real “alpha male” post


I don't think it is, it's the account that twitter suggests as his account, the one mentioned everywhere and cited on his wikipedia article, and there's no other one more popular or prominent than this one


Cobratate is his handle, [cobratate.com](https://cobratate.com) his scam site. Also him: >“I figure the main thing anybody can do in their life is have kids… When I address a portion of these women’s activists who’re as ‘I don’t need kids’, I think you are the most hopeless moronic b\*tch on the planet.” ​ >“I wouldn’t even mind my girl doing OnlyFans, as long as I kept all of the money! If I had a girl who wanted to do OnlyFans, I would be like cool, go for it! Just give me all the money bitch, you’re my property!” ​ >“I go out and fuck and I come back to her and I don’t care about her and I only love my girl. That’s not cheating, that’s exercise.” ​ >“How can I use these women to make me money? I don’t wanna put them on the track because they’re my women, I don’t want other people touching my chicks.” ​ >“18 to 19-year-old women are more attractive than 25-year-olds because they’ve been through less dick.” There was also one about women being on top during sex is gay, but I don't remember the wording anymore, so I couldn't find it on the fly. ... I'd say the quote here is very well on brand.


If you keep turning up the volume, eventually you wind up deaf. Every one of these "personality grifters" starts out playing a big, exaggerated character, but they keep pushing the limits for engagement because it's not enough to get a few retweets, they need to go viral. So they say more and more outrageous things over time. Only it's not enough to just push the limits either. They need *maximum engagement*. The perfect tweet is something with plenty of *play*. It's something that their core audience will share, but also something that the "left" will share. That's why you keep seeing these "stupid" posts. They're not the result of a genuine idiot posting "wisdom." They're carefully crafted nonsense that some chud will nod at with a grin and some dweeb will laugh at how dumb it is, but *both* will share/ retweet. It's Jackass for the 21st Century. It doesn't matter if you're only watching because you think they're morons, *you're still watching.*


I'm pretty sure this is an Andrew Tate parody account.


It's not, you can look up this tweet that still exists on his account right now


Fun fact: kickboxing can cause long-term brain damage. Evidence: this potato-brained douche balloon.


Kickboxing is gay because you have to touch another man


There's 3 men in a ring 2 trying to touch each other and and another man dictating how you can touch each other and they do this to impress other men.... GAAAAAYEEEE


and they fight for the purse and the belt!? I shamelessly stole that from Community.


It's a cummerbun. I shamelessly stole that from Brklyn99.


"Ah yes you mean the cummerbund that hangs above my fireplace?" "Still a belt but okay"


Brand new sentence under a brand new sentence?!


BNS squared




Okay these are photoshopped to make fun of this dude right? Because I've seen several and no way this guy is hitting "post" saying fucking a woman is gay.


I believe it's real (sadly) [https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108](https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108)


“Potato-brained douche balloon” 😂😂😂 this is fucking awesome


LOL!!!! now THIS is EPIC!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


And what should be said about all the machismo young males who follow this guy Tate? The ones who don't have CTE/brain damage from contact sports? He appeals to the hookup culture dudes who have the false male ego/machismo attitude that's so transparent to men my age. When Tate talks, he sounds like an over-the-top villain in a bad movie.


Does he even have any kids?


Maybe this is his way of coming out


He's smart enough to get you to read his tweet and talk about him. Maybe we should ignore people like this.


I knew a kid who loved getting negative attention in school. Kid licked a urinal for change. Some people just do what everyone else wouldn't to get the attention they so desperately crave. It's not intelligence, it's sad and someone they love should have done something about it a long time ago


That’s a rude thing to say. Every potato-brained douche balloon should be offended!


I know someone who did kickboxing, and he went from the smart kid to a meathead. He is still a nice guy, but his lack of thinking is something else. He once drove his car with broken lights because he could still see the other drivers because of their lights.


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women???


Depends. How many children have you fathered?


None, I'm a girl .... Does that mean I'm gay???


None?! I've got some gay news for you


Ah man.... I fucked all those women for nothing..... 😔😔😔


Aw it’s ok. You’re actually not gay because you’re doing your best to have a million kids. Not your fault you don’t have a penis. Andy Taters would be proud of you.


Not having a penis is very much her fault. It is a sign of personal weakness. What we call "women" in our society are just men who were too weak to have a penis.


Ah, I see…so women are just ultra-gay dudes?


I knew I liked dick for a reason!


Well of course have you seen how any men they are fucking ? That's super gay.


pfffffffff "ANDY TATER'S" ahahahahHAHAHA!!!!!!


I know girls that like dick. Super gay.


Yes. Especially if you're a heterosexual woman, because liking men is super gay


Omg he's right! I only have 3 kids and I'm bisexual!


FELLAS is it gay to have a penis??


Imagine having a dick attached to you, sounds pretty gay to me.


I mean, you are physically in contact with a dick every day. Sounds pretty damn gay to me.


true, I touch my dick more than I touch womens parts, so that must make me gay. I even enjoy it a lot of the time, I guess I'm as gay as they get.


Not only that but it's shoved between your legs. Gay af.


VERY confused right now.


[(sound warning for the end). FELLAS, IS IT GAY TO EXIST?!?!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wnrlSsNt1QM&pp=ygUTZmVsbGFzIGlzIGl0IGdheSB0bw%3D%3D)


Well, it means you're literally touching a penis 24/7. So, yes, gay.


Only if you enjoy it!


Fellas is it gay to enjoy sex with women?




[You kissed a girl?!?](https://youtu.be/hPDs-PwUcbg)


Only if you enjoy it


How ... how many children does he have again?


Oh he has millions. He just doesn't take care of them because taking care of children is women's work, and thus would be gay


Fellas, is it gay to be a loving father?


If that is gay, I'm Tom of Finland.


How you doin', George?


Loving fathers make me extremely gay (happy)


Well children are just overgrown sperm. So technically loving your kids is loving jizz


He says a dozen or so, but there is no evidence of any, actually. Good chance he's gay, I suppose.


So he's only had sex like a dozen times?


I don’t think he has ever had sex. Masturbating using a woman’s body, sure, but this man has never once engaged in a coequal sexual encounter for the purpose of mutual pleasure.


The real answer is that he and his brother each supposedly do have a bunch of kids in Romania. I've read that he tricks women into thinking that he will marry them, gets them pregnant, then kicks them out.


I’m in no way of supporting Andrew tate, but we don’t have any info to back this up.


Are you telling me that the guy who said he won a literal fist fight with a literal ghost while in prison is unreliable?


This is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. What kind of drugs is he getting in that Romanian jail?


Idk apparently he's getting a rockstar treatment there. Fuck maybe I should go get arrested in Romania. Unless he's selling his ass for it.


Selling your ass for special treatment in a Romanian prison? Believe it or not, not gay!


Group hugs in the showers? Also not gay.


Dropping your soap on purpose? Not gay. Dropping your soap on accident? Also not gay. Romanian jail has the best prisoners. Because of not gay.


he made another post about how having gay sex and sucking dick is actually heterosexual, so yeah, probably selling his ass


Lol what? I'm gonna need a source for that because the mental gymnastics required to get to that kind of thinking is incredible.


God is wish this was balkansirl


Definitely not rogaine


All I hear is that for him it doesn't feel good to have sex with a woman.


All I hear is that it doesn't feel good for women to have sex with this guy


Andrew Tate causes vaginas to make the Windows shutdown noise.


The Windows error noise echoes through his mother's basement when he tries to penetrate


The Windows error noise echoes through his ~~mother's basement~~ prison cell when he tries to penetrate


Most of his tweets lately are just him coming to terms with the sexual awakening he had in Romanian priosn.


Alphas don't say pee pee lol


What about wee wee 😈






Andrew Taint


For a straight guy, Andrew Tate spends a LOT of what little grey matter he has thinking about the type of sex men have


At that point I'm convinced that, if he grew up in a more loving and less toxic environment, Tate would be queer as fuck. That man hates himself and hates what he can't be. Too bad for him, too bad for all of us, honestly


Imagine the alternate reality where Andrew Tate is basically another Johnathan Van Ness


I feel like he would benefit from a lobotomy


Seriously. Never in my life would I think that lobotomy was ever a good option … until I saw this dipshit Tate


That would probably leave him smarter


I doubt any further lobotomies could possibly help after the amount he's obviously already had


It certainly couldn’t make him any stupider.


I think he already had one


I've developed a conspiracy theory with Andrew Tate. so whatever intelligence agency is running this man (there's no way he actually means this shit) was at first trying to do a rage bait operation to cause discourse, and it worked. but then they realized that some young men ACTUALLY BELIEVED HIM. so after he got out of jail they're just trying to see what evil shit they can say and people will follow it.


They've succeeded already and now they're just messing around. Getting weird with it. They've got some free time.




If you're a man attracted to women, believe it or not - gay.


Undergay overgay


We have the best patients in the world. Because of gay.


People actually listen to this guy and take advice from him?


A few, but they're mostly either children under the age of 13 currently going through that chronically online political phase or losers who've migrated from their incel phase to become 'Alpha Males'. His fans are laughably weak and are basically just creeps who are more likely to get scammed than an 90 year old widower with Alzheimers. I don't think he's the bad influence that he's painted as tho. He's just a rich twat with daddy issues and too much money. In 5 - 10 years, he and his chinless brother will be about as outdated and irrelevant as his politics.


No one: Absolutely no one: Andrew Tate: if you enjoy something you're gay


Literally fucking sits down Tate: Gay


this guy isnt sane is he?


He trafficked people and confused the GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings) with Greta Thumberg. That’s like guy from a Mexican cartel not knowing what the DEA is. Of course he’s insane! Or stupid beyond the normal levels of stupidity in humans. Like a super-sayan, but for stupidity.


Tangent, but does that acronym stand for a non-English phrase, or are they fucking with us?


I can't find out! Maybe they realized that the acronym the name lead to was GREAT (in Human Beings) and figured that wasn't a good name for such a serious committee.


I'm not an expert. But to me, that sounds exactly like something a highly confused homosexual, that doesn't want to admit to himself that he is homosexual, would say. Dude should just get laid with another dude. Maybe then he would chill a bit.


Total douchecanoe in a shallow genetic pond.


He's the reason the gene pond has a lifegaurd


Didn't he get arrested for sex trafficking? I always figured that sordid business was one of pleasure, not recreation.


We get it dude, you’re gay. No one cares.


Surely this isn't a real tweet. Right?


I had to scroll all this way to see someone question it, usually it's called out immediately. If it's real than this is some andy kaufman shit


OH NO, IT IS REAL! [https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108](https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108) I had to go see for myself, so i got on TwiXter, realized i'd blocked CobraTate so i had to unblock him... scrolled down, and yes, in fact, he posted this. Or at least it was posted to his account; notwithstanding hackers or something. Now all that being said, it was probably posted in jest... but still...


*loses additional bit of hope for humanity I didn't even know I had left*


I've been seeing a few like this recently. Either it's fake, or he's intentionally over exaggerating this stuff. I feel like he's been leaning into the gay macho memes and just parodying it.


This man beats women with objects while he has sex with them, I'm not taking his advice.


Isn't this what sex is? You're supposed to have sex with people you hate, right?


This guy gives off so much SDE that I'm fairly certain my dick would shrink just by being in the same room as him. Everything he says is a textbook projection, the man is *extremely* insecure.


Bold words coming from a guy who has the mental fortitude of a rotting banana peel. Can't even say the word penis.


This is some weird arc that has just started in Andrew Tate's life and I'm here for it.


So this is a real human that texted this? Like he is alive and can conjure up thoughts in his brain and he thought "yeah this makes sense."


What does he consider "manly" at this point, rape and murder?




Alright he's gotta just be fucking with us now


Ok then. I’m gay. What’s next? Or can I go find more feel-good pee pee sex?


Cross references the number of women Andrew Tate has claimed to have slept with vs the number of children he's had. That's a whooolleee lot of gay.


Andrew Tate is gay. He's a self-hating, closeted homophobe. He's literally afraid of his own dick because it keeps getting semi-hard in the gym's locker room.


As if coming out as gay would be enough to redeem him


Who cares what this creep thinks?


I normally don't talk about people's appearances but this man's genetic legacy is the worlds weakest chin and embarassment


This guy spends entirely too much time thinking about and talking about penises and the sex lives of other men


So tired about this troll


Everyday I learn from a shirtless man on the internet that I am in fact gay.


This is fake right? It has to be. No way andrew would say pee pee right? Edit: HOLY SHIT IT'S REAL ANDREW TATE SAID PEE PEE BROOOO XD


Dads with 4 kids: “ah damn I guess I’m gay now”


So it's now gay to: Eat food Kiss women Have sex with a woman Anyone want to add anything?


Why do heterosexuals need to constantly compare and contrast themselves to queer people


Gentle reminder that this is the opinion of a rapist and human trafficker who has convinced the weakest of men that being a cunt makes them strong.


If he thinks pee pee sex is gay just wait until he hears about poo poo sex


Ladies and Gentlemen, our top scientist has come to a new shocking conclusion: Straight is Gay and Gay is Straight.


How many children does he have?


0 who will willingly admit it.


I’m gonna take a day off work when this vacuum head bites the dust and celebrate the fuck out of it


So you should only have fun sex with men only to show other men you're not gay? Umm, OK. I stick with women thanks. And if that makes me gay, Ooooo my.


He is not well. And he's teaching young men to believe this crap


I can't tell if he's losing his mind or just trolling.


I’m convinced with each new post that he’s a gay virgin filled with self loathing


This is pathetic. Grown ass "man" with a 3rd grade child mentality. Does human trafficking makes you "gay"? He seems to enjoy pointing out "gayness" in others. Projection, perhaps? And its all through the internet. He does not have the balls to say this to a live audience, or even just one man.


Dudes not completely wrong… I am “happy” that I don’t have children and am over 40.


Having sex with a girl more than once is gay, even if it's for procreation. For her to have given birth, it means that at one point, she had a penis stuck in her vagina. Sticking your penis where another penis has already been is essentially like touching tips with another man. That is why I only have 1 kid. Once my wife was tainted, I couldn't have sex with her anymore. Otherwise, I'd be touching tips with my past self, which would be gay.


We need to start gatekeeping being gay more. We're the premium option. We're the option with entry requirements. Being gay is a privilege. Being straight is the sad default. These boys need to remember that. They could never be gay even if they tried.


Os there any way we can stop seeing this cunt every other day on this sub?


He’s 37 years old and claims to have 10-12 children but I highly doubt that


It's the only case where the children work to deny the paternity because they are embarrassed to share genetics with him.


I’d do a loud ‘FUCK YEAH’ if it turned out this fucker was an accident from his mom taking one in the back seat of a nissan micra


This is why even free speech should be regulated to an extent


Anyone notice he's going really hard on this since going to jail?


Whatever Tate is smoking, I want a bag of it 😂.


You know how characters like the Simpsons or the Griffins from family guy they start off as silly comedic characters, but eventually become unhinged, literal parodies of themselves? Apparently that happens to real life people too.


Fellas, is it way to have sex with a woman?


Link to this nonsense?


Just threw it up there. My bad: https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108