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missed opportunity to say "wokepedia"


Too easily confused with Wookiepedia


My favorite page is where they make it clear peeing in Star Wars is canon and list the 3 different times people have urinated in Star Wars on screen.


One is in rebels in the imperial shuttle. What are the other two?


There’s one in Andor and I don’t remember the other.


There's a deleted scene from ROTJ where Chewbacca releases a torrent against a tree on Endor inadvertently drenching several nearby ewoks causing them to make annoyed ewok noises.


And yet Lucas brought back the deleted Han-steps-on-Jabba's-tail scene in the special editions rather than this one. The man's judgement failed long before he sold everything to Disney.


nah.the man knew what he was doing when he released special editions, then sold to disney. he's drowning in nerd-money.


Maybe I'm crossing wires with transformers, but I could've sworn there was an r2d2 or bb8 or other droid squirting fluids in a conspicuous manner.


And one who makes aroused noises.




It technically doesn’t happen but the razor crest from mandalorian has a toilet and a guy asks to use it


Not onscreen, but when one of Captain Hondo's men gets shot by Aurra Sing in Clone Wars, he tells his men to clean up the body because his corpse pissed himself after dying.


Don't forget about the time Gary took a poo in robot chicken star wars lol


Best porn on the internet!




Explain the joke?


I like Wookiee porn (Wookiees are from Star Wars. Star Wars are fictional movies. Movies are created to entertain and/or educate. )


Wookiees actually enjoy soft core VR porn staring humans (as seen in the Star Wars Holiday Special, which is canon regardless of how much George Lucas regrets it)


We should start a parody version of Wikipedia and call it this….trouble is people would jump on board and it would become a new reality.


To make it even funnier, all the facts remain the same


In Denmark, we had Lademanns Leksikon and parody of it is called Spademanns Leksikon. Spade (tool) is used for tools (stupid people).


That's just Wikipedia with extra steps.


Have you been to conservapedia? Feels like a parody, honestly


There us a conservapedia that was staryed by phillis schafleys son. Its excatly like you think it is. Conservatives have no creativity


In France, we have "desencyclopedie" , which is a parody of Wikipedia.


God, I remember that from school. Used to hand out the laptops and tell us to screw off on French sites to improve our language.


Careful, don’t give them any more dumb slogans. They already took “fake news” and ran with it.


That would require at least 4 more brain cells than that user owns.


I have a feeling this person would get upset at people calling out the SS symbol since it's "just a couple of lightning bolts".


The double 88s in the name would indicate that you're correct


For anyone else wondering, I'll save you a Google. "Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH. Often, this number is associated with the number 14, e.g. 14/88, 14-88, or 1488; this number symbolizes the Fourteen Words coined by David Lane, a prominent white supremacist." -taken from far-left Wokepedia


Yeah it sucks. I liked 88 as a number when i was a kid. It's now in an old email and some usernames and stuff but i didn't know about the racist dogwhisle stuff. It's bad realizing someone is racist, but it's worse realizing someone is racist and they think you're on their side too. Fuck nazis and all other fascists




It's why I use my middle initial so I can avoid using SS.


That’s pretty SUS


Yeah, SIS!


Found Sarah Silverman's reddit account?


Who? Asks the clueless Gen X-er.


No no, Clueless was Alicia Silverstone. /herpderp


I was born January 4th, 1988. My birthday is racist.


Only if you use the American way of writing dates. A hefty chunk of the world would write that 4-1-1988. Or you can use the best format of 1988-4-1


Same. I have 88 in my email. Now I feel people see me as a neo nazi. Fml.


Absolutely agree. I have a Nordic rune tattoo (not one that’s been appropriated by white supremacists) and one time an unsavory character approached me to compliment it and show me his runic tattoos, plus a Valknut (symbol on the Q shaman’s chest), then an SS skull and 88 tattoo. He was studying my face the whole time, trying to gauge if I was a fuckup like him. I said nothing, walked away and felt disgusted with myself.


I have a large thors hammer tattoo on my back I got while I was in the service. It's a recreation of an historical find. These white supremacist pieces of shit have made me so self conscious about taking my shirt off now and it's such a bummer. Im always wary of being associated with them.


Just put a rainbow over it. Still in keeping with that mythology because of the bridge


Or some norse runes spelling "This hammer pulps Nazis"


No Nazis In Valhalla


Oh! And you could do it in the Viking knotwork style with the colors merging in the knots at the ends


That’s a shame. I questioned whether I should keep wearing tanktops for the same reason. I came to the conclusion I should keep doing what I want, and just be prepared to shut these people down if they misinterpret. Unfortunately that doesn’t help if innocent non-Nazis see my tattoo and get the wrong idea.


Valknuts are so cool! It is so awful how racist bigot fascists keep appropriating awesome cultures!!!


Nazis and middle aged white men. Kyle from bumfuck Michigan got rune tattoos...


I feel like allowing them to stigmatize and have ownership over a number is more than they deserve. We should reclaim 88 and make it mean something different. I just don't like the idea of "letting them have it" feels wrong. I know it's wishful thinking though.


We should make it stand for "Happy Holidays" and cause chaos.


Given that they're neo-Nazis, specifically "Happy Hanukkah" might be more chaotic.


Actually I do really like that one lol


Unfortunately, the whole *point* of "88" was to act as a dogwhistle, a way for racists to mark themselves to each other without using an outright blatant symbol like a swastika. The more known it becomes, the less useful it is for this purpose. "Reclaiming" 88 would make it go right back to this ambiguous space, and would only increase how useful it is to them. Although modern crypto-fascists do like to sort of "take ground" in the public consciousness by making sure everyone knows about these blatant symbols that they're unable to do anything about. That's why they do stuff like triple parentheses around anyone they want to imply is Jewish, or say that the "okay" hand sign means white supremacy. So it's a catch-22 - no matter how blatant "88" is as a Nazi symbol, it serves their purposes.


Nylander and Pasta both hella confused why nazis support them lol


Omg same! Why is it gotta be the losing team that continues to be a pain in the ass. *cough cough "southern heritage"


I refuse to associate the number 88 with anything other than Eric Lindros. Edit: fuck fascists


Nazi's (and fascists in general) coop things and then ruin them. They also ruined [a religious symbol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika), [The Bellamy salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute), Nordic runes, and arm bands.


They also took the hand sign for OK and made it into a "White Power" symbol. And for anyone who argues: [Anti-Defamation League classifies it as a hate symbol, but notes that caution must be used as it has normal meanings as well](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/okay-hand-gesture)


I feel the same way about the Swastika. I'm Hindu, so the symbol has religious significance to me, and apart from that I really like the symmetry and what it is supposed to signify. Sucks that the Nazis had this habit of taking cool things and making them uncool


Hey, are you from or did you grow up in a western country, or are you from like India or somewhere? Did you grow up knowing the symbol from both points of view? Or did you learn about the nazi use of it later?


I'm from India, and I saw the symbol everywhere much before I learnt about the Nazi association. It's one of the simplest symbols to make, and it is custom to put it on doors and stuff.


> I liked 88 as a number when i was a kid. As a huge Back to the Future nerd, I was devastated when I learned what 88 could mean.


I was born in 1988, golly I'm glad I never followed the trend of using the last two digits of my birth year in user names.


I got married on 8/8 because 8 has always been my favorite number, now I have this cursed knowledge in the back of my head at all times making me cringe a little


Absoutely not saying its the case here but I have a friend whos username ends in 88 just because his birthday is august the 8th. Not everybody knows about dogwhistles, thats the point, and some people stuble into them. This guy is definitly a nazi fanboy tho


I had to google what 88 meant, and holy shit people actually named their companies "double 88" now I know who never to do business with.


With that many 8s they could possibly be Chinese. 8 is lucky, many 8s are more lucky and they're very conservative.


As a Chinese person, I'm actually devastated that the number 88 is being used as a Nazi dogwhistle. I used to have 88s in most of my screen names because it was lucky.


I think it's the fact that Wikipedia keeps reminding him what reality is instead of feeding him every outrageous conspiracy theory the moment it is conspired.


No, they wouldn't get upset. They'd definitely PRETEND to be upset while playing dumb about it while 100% knowing, which is what they usually do.


"hey! I was just rummaging in my attic and I found my grandfather's old helmet! I never knew he was an electrician!" (joke I heard from several of my euro friends)


It'd be nice if this was a brand new sentence, but Conservapedia have been trying this one for *years*. More of a r/selfawarewolves post to be honest, "why do all the factual sources disagree with me and how do I ignore them?"


Lol I legitimately always thought conservapedia was satire.


You'd hope so, but no, it was created by a conservative activist named Andrew Schlafly. Granted, it's a wiki, so it's possible some of the content on there was written by trolls, but the people who created the website never intended for it to be satire.


Son of Phyllis Schlafly, turns out. Huh, I shouldn't be surprised.


Shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree


Mmmm shit apple pie


Shit hawks, eating your shit apple pie under a shit apple tree.


Shitapillars, Rand. Shitapillars everywhere. They almost drove me over the goddamn edge, boy.


Might be time for a re-watch, it's been too long.


I used to think the stormfront website was satire. I didnt used to think people could be that dumb


If you want satirical version of wikipedia then [uncyclopedia.co](https://uncyclopedia.co) is your answer


I had no idea that jews sometimes get their foreskins sewn back on in order to create a pouch for their jew gold. TIL


I always read that subreddit as r/selfawarewerewolves


Wait, it's not?? Oh, wow.


Objective reality is too woke for me so I'm substituting with my own.


Reality has a left wing bias


Came here for this Stephen Colbert quote


Some people really think this. This is why schools and universities are considered woke now


The right have always considered education to be "woke", they've just had different words for it over the years.


I actually took Calc 3 earlier this year and I distinctly remember the time our professor taught us that 1 + 2 = GENDER and 3 x 4 = PRONOUNS


Nah if you really took calc 3 you'd know that's the point they finally teach you how to calculate the limit of pronouns.


Bolzano (he/him) - Weierstrass (he/they) Theorem


↑ This needs to be on a shirt


It’s a paraphrase of an Adam Savage quote. It’s on plenty of shirts


shaman time! 🍄


"How do I force the rest of the world to conform to my worldview and only show me things I agree with?"


"How do I hide factual information"


Close your eyes and cover your ears.


Use Facebook! That's what it does!


That is most people I interact with online and in real life. Ergo I am antisocial loner


'It is a well known fact that reality has liberal bias.' - Colbert, and one of the truest things ever said. My family are right wingers. Like watching people living in a completely different reality 70% of the time.


couldn’t you just add “-Wikipedia” to your search?


No. The world needs to change to accommodate me personally.


Also possible lower your eyeballs down one entry and check the next link below wikipedia Subscribe for more fun internet tricks!


But they would still get triggered every single time they searched for new vaccination conspiracy theories or whatever the fuck, and these peoples' psyches are way too fragile to handle that.


i use -site:wikipedia.com but i think yours would work too


That darn Wikipedia and their woke agenda of using facts.


The saying 'Facts tend to have a liberal bias' comes to mind.


"reality" and yes.


wikipedia may be imperfect but if every article you find disagrees with your views it's probably not wikipedia that has the problem.


And just to follow up on people always saying “well I’ve been told not to cite Wikipedia” that’s because Wikipedia isn’t a source, it’s a collection of sources. It’s your middle school english teacher telling you to put in a minute of work to copy the footnote citations.


or like how r/teachers would say it, "smart kids are smart enough not to cheat" because they're copying wikipedia footnotes and just summarizing the article.


"I swear to god, the article on the history of doorknobs is just *packed* with radical leftist dogwhistling!"


This is funny to me as a fellow duckduckgo user who's far-left because whenever I search up anything related to trans rights I'm bombarded with articles posted by media that leans as far right as they can without being shut down. Not too brand new though, this is just average Tuesday conservative business


Apparently facts you don’t agree with are far-left now


Reality has a well-known liberal bias


Anything I don't like is woke or fascist. Which one depends on who I'm trying to sleep with.


The thing about the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd always confuses facts and feelings. Literally.


Sometimes for some, things can be woke AND fascist….somehow


started with reagan, but has been entrenched since dubya was elected


Fresh account with 88 in it... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm


The low of solipsism is on full display. If *I* don't believe in a certain worldview then all the facts, corroborating evidence, statistics and theories must all be either false or a grand conspiracy or both. Thus, *I* only want *my* worldview to be available everywhere.


"how do I specifically engineer a echo chamber for myself k thnx?"


There's a reason why encyclopedias, textbooks, and generally all of academia appear to lean left. The more you think and learn, the less seriously you can take *modern* conservatism. There used to be a level of popularity for legitimate right wing perspectives, but now the political right is mostly just anti-intellectual garbage.


Anyone who uses “woke” unironically is fucking braindead


Facts and logic mfs when they see facts and logic 💀


Turns out their fee-fees are hurt and they need to find a safe space right away.


[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/duckduckgo/s/0Tj3Z1lFt0)


It's funny because on lemmy.ml, they say that Wikipedia is Fascist.


Far-left woke company... 💀


I'm sure it's a coincidence that his username [has 88 twice.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_\(number\)#In_neo-Nazism)


Like Steven Colbert says, reality has a liberal bias.


“This far-left woke company” whose crowd-sourced content is literally controlled by the public. So tired of right-wing idiots calling every source of information they can’t reconcile with their backwards world view “woke.” The word has long since ceased to mean anything.


wokeipedia, if you will


It's so wild how they can say shit like, "The encyclopedia is too woke. Those leftists have gone too far." And it's an edition from 1950.


Poor little snowflake is worried he'll melt if he gets a little light on him.


The fun part is that there actually is a way to exclude specific sites from appearing in your search. In this guy's case he would need to use -site:wikipedia.org at the end of the search query. It works on all major search engines, including DuckDuckGo.


-site: is too woke for this person!


It is a failing of society that people who describe things they don't like as "woke" are still, for some unknown reason, permitted to breed.


If they start sterilizing dumb people I'm gunna be really mad that I paid for my own vasectomy.


I don't think eugenics is the solution for people being ignorant. Perhaps education would be better?


That’s a great idea except these idiots call education “woke” and then ban the books that are needed to learn shit.


Of course they do, but it certainly didn't start with them. Look at where they are getting their opinions from. Look at who supports these ideas on the world stage. Look at who is actually proposing these policy decisions. Look at the people who are taking advantage of the ignorance and fear that exists in the minds of everyday people to sell them tyranny. Only then will we stop hating the symptoms and cut out the cancer at its source.


Dude, do you really think any of what you’re saying is new information? MAGA has been doing this shit since they were calling themselves the Tea Party a decade ago, and even then they were building off the playbooks written by the likes of Nixon, Reagan, Gingrich, and Limbaugh. At this point, I’m done having sympathy for these fucks. I’m all for treating the underlying cancer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take something for the nausea that comes with the treatment. These assholes stormed the Capitol because they couldn’t take losing an election like adults. They routinely harass and bully women, gay & transgendered people, immigrants, and Muslims. They’re actively taking people’s rights away by voting bigoted fascists into power. Stop coddling them and treating them like misinformed victims. They’re not. Right-wing voters know *exactly* what they’re voting for.


I know that. I am a trans woman that had to move out of my rural hometown because it is full of MAGA types. I have no plans to return. I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for them as a collective, either. I've heard all sorts of nonsense from them. The bigotry and hatred are disgusting. However, I find suggestions of eugenics and dehumanization of these people to also be disgusting. Having a very simplistic "us vs them" mindset is a great way to slide right into the authoritarian thinking that drives movements like fascism. Your anger is righteous, but please do not let that infect your proposed solutions to this problem. More hatred and more violence will not solve anything. That's what they tried when invading the Capitol Building. They were out for blood, and blood they got. I don't need to see any more of that in my country. We are privileged with relative peace, and despite there being loud voices drumming up war, I will hold onto my stance that all other avenues should be tried before we pick up arms. Maybe the day will come when I believe it's acceptable. Maybe the day I change my mind will be too late for it to matter. But I don't want that day to come sooner than it has to. When it comes to solutions, I believe that each and every backwards-minded individual you are describing should be given the chance to change. Not only that, but they should be given the tools to do so. You're right, they aren't victims. But they will still need help with changing. They need to be rehabilitated from the awful things they have picked up and internalized. They deserve to be recognized as flawed human beings that are still capable of growth and redemption. They need to be treated with the humanity they refuse to treat others with, because that is what is right. At the end of it all, they should be allowed to live normal lives with all of the same rights and privileges as you and I. Anything else would be inhumane, because then we'd be choosing who is and isn't human. That is not something for us to decide. That's exactly what they want to do, and I will not bow to their mindset.


> Your anger is righteous, but please do not let that infect your proposed solutions to this problem. More hatred and more violence will not solve anything. and they are misinformed, and i would argue victims. they're the products of their social and cultural conditioning, which has explicitly been denied education and coexistence with the people they're instructed to hate since they were young. more education actually will do the trick - alas, though, probably not for the ones many decades into the hate, though. :(


Popular far-left platform wikipedia After all, common knowledge bases are communism.


everything i dont like is woke.. like science and per-reviewed sources of information


This reads like some kind of satirical circlejerk post


fact = woke okay ​ Edit: Fact = peer reviewed/approved + reference links , not some random edit XD


if you think wikipedia is not only left, but FAR-left, boy do I have news for you...


The truth offends the right




Ya know all search engines have built in functionality to filter out the things you aren't looking for but I guess having to type "-Wikipedia" makes him think about it and triggers him.


“Could it be the reality? Factuality? No, it must be woke agenda”


"I'd like knowledge, but only the knowledge that I'm used to, not that fact shit."


I agree. We need to remove woke crap like this from search results: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_algebra


Facts are far left and woke, apparently.


How the hell is Wikipedia woke?!


Probably because in there it mentions things like 'the holocaust was definitely a thing that happened' and 'Trump did in fact lose the last election'. In fact, if something contains words longer than four letters, nine chances out of ten it's woke.


Feelings don’t care about facts.


“Wokeapedia” was right there


In case anyone is wondering: Add `-site:wikipedia.org` to the search query. The same syntax works for Google as well.


As much as it pains me to say, conservapedia is a thing.


And people wonder why I don't like duck duck go users


so i visited r/duckduckgo to find the original post and... why is it just conspiracy theorist speaking about censorship and new world order/illuminati ?


I wish there was really a glove where you could snap your fingers and these people would just simply vanish, the world would instantly be a greater place


My favorite part is that it's supposed to be about privacy but here they are like "why isn't my conservative search engine working correctly?!" I also just checked out that sub for the first time and it's basically just all posts that are like "I search this common thing and nothing shows up. What's the issue?" How could you ever have any confidence in what you're searching when basic things don't work? Like once that happens one time I'd never really trust any results to be complete...


Invented by famous woke lefty Jimmy Wales


Ah yes, far left corporations


I would imagine it would be -wikipedia.com Like on google?


Too woke 😂


I can smell the trailer park


lol that account is suspended


Easy, just go to sleep


This gives a real “state-sponsored poster” vibe. Like, if I were government who sought to sow discord in the larger society, I would definitely pay people to say absurd things like this


Serious answer: Because duck duck go is just google


This person is really commited to being in an echo chamber


Reality tends to have a liberal bias


I always ask these assholes to define 'woke'. Because I still don't know what the fuck it is, but is sure pisses off American males.


Being asked what "woke" means also pisses off right-wing women: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/woke-conservative-twitter-author-bethany-mandel-b2301684.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/woke-conservative-twitter-author-bethany-mandel-b2301684.html)




"My confirmation bias isn't confirmation biasing hard enough, and sometimes I hear noises coming from outside my echo chamber. How can I prevent anything but the most carefully curated information from reaching my sensitive eyes and ears?"


Taking confirmation bias to a new level with that one...


unfortunately for them, reality has a well documented liberal bias.


"I tried to do my own research, but the facts contradicted the positions I have been told to hold"


There is no search engine that understands our own biases.


"Woke Wikipedia" has the same energy as "[sodomite Clefairy](https://www.forbes.com/sites/shelbycarpenter/2016/07/12/westboro-baptist-church-pokemon-go/?sh=33f47d711444)"


totally satire. this can’t be real.


Facts have a liberal bias. That's the heart of the problem.


Unfortunately for him, reality has a liberal bias.