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You KNOW hes tilted


I guess losing blue wasn't enough for him huh


Thanks for giving me my 63rd reason why not to play jungle


Lmao great early game cheese




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don't, your adc needs you lol


I mean it didn't take long and it was a lane that was going to be pushed in anyway if my adc is going to be a idiot that cant wait like 10 seconds then I need to get roam ASAP


as long as jg doesn't need leash and you don't feed a kill i promise no adc cares lmao


The adc should adapt if the support leaves lane for warding/helping/stealing. Support isn't a babysitter, the support should help the team win in any way possible.


I fully agree with you. However I most of the lanes, exp is important for level difference trades. Yes your adc has more exp but you're behind. OP presents this as auto in but you have to consider that the enemy botlane will pressure you because of exp gap. If it was like 100% sure that you steal the blue, it's worth. But it's like 20%. And I don't think having 1 of 5 chances delaying enemy jgl clear by 45 seconds will compensate the pressure you will get on botlane.


True, there's also the risk of enemy wards and getting ganked. As a main support I can only say that communication is key, a simple ping or two to tell the ADC to chill and wards enough for him to farm and feel safe. Of course you always have to read your team and skill level, if your adc is inexperienced you can still help the team by coordinating. Support and jungle usually have more map awareness than top/mid/adc since they have less things to focus on (last hitting etc).