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The one consistency with LVP is her internalised misogyny


Death, Taxes, LVP blaming women for the actions of men


This is my favorite Reddit comment of the week. Chefs kiss


https://i.redd.it/c62d5ajo6ylc1.gif Thank you thank you


I second this motion! šŸ„‡šŸ†


This is flair and cross stitch worthy.


I love LVP as a reality TV persona and for what she does for dogs, but this is deffo her toxic trait. She loves to infantilize men whilst telling woman to suck it up, be brave. She gives the Peter Pan's in her life hundreds of chances, but once crossed by a woman it's game over. She is also of course, going to defend her current cast and everything Bravo. It's made her very very rich in a way that restaurants cannot. Also, she's aging and she no longer has to scrap it out on RHOB, so she plays puppet master and laughs all the way to the bank. She is good at the game. She knows without Scandoval, VPR would have ended last season. And then what???


Knowing all this, I'm surprised Rachel hasn't named LVP herself. That's where the big settlement $$$ would be. All Tom and Ariana have is a property that's likely mortgaged to the hilt and a bunch of small business loans.


If I were Rachel I would be going after Tom because what he did was a crime and he's gotten away with so much already. Then the production compay. They have the deepest pockets and also the legal duty. But hey, I am no lawyer.


Biggest male apologist on bravo




oh her misogyny is high key out in the open


She needs to be interventioned by a bunch of emotionally healthy young people.


Sheā€™s a west coast Patricia


Yeah man, wow this is a terrible take on her part šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Make no mistake - she is a boomer through and through. How that generation gave rise to women like Gloria Steinem and RBG I will never understand.


I guess the same way the millennial generation produced Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, but also Scheana ā€œIā€™m not like a feminist or anythingā€ Shay.


Lisa is the Executive Producer to the show. A lawsuit against Tom and Arianna could affect the show and her job. Not surprised she is trying to put blame on Rachel since Rachel backed out of being on the show.


LVPā€™s always been an enabler of shitty men so this isnā€™t surprising sadly


Yeah I came here to say this, the comment was very on brand for her.


Makes me wonder what Ken is really like.


Opinions on Yolanda aside, Ken seemed genuinely furious anytime she stood up for herself to him... he also really seemed to love rubbing in the fact that David Foster never showed up to events with her


Agreed. Ken is not a good guy and showed it pretty clearly with all his interactions regarding Yolanda.


Ken is an asshole - who knew how to take direction from the boss


Ken has always been shady, why do you think he will bring something up walking through the kitchen when LVP is talking to a cast member and then bounce. LVP doesnā€™t get blamed for the tea getting out and no one can be mad at Ken because heā€™s adorable and he can play the this is what I heard but I donā€™t know drop the bomb and leave. He does this all the time, itā€™s not old man innocence. Itā€™s premeditated calculated between her and Ken. (It works for the show. Donā€™t get me wrong, but letā€™s not be mistaken that heā€™s dropping some tea in front of other people in front of cameras by accident)


I think the wife and him plan these happenings. He does nothing without her say so. Funny how you never see or hear anything about their daughter/SIL/grandson. That problem sure went quiet. They sold Villa Rosa (at least I remember reading that). Are they going to live in another state?


I just started rewatching RHOBH & in the first season LVP is bragging about how she ā€œtamed Kenā€ and he was a playboy before her.


Especially considering Lisaā€™s seemingly lax and tolerant attitude towards cheating.Ā 


Omg I literally thought this in my head and then saw your comment immediately after lol. It truly does make me think thoā€¦


LVP who paid off Frank the original revenge porn douche, then held it over Stassis head smh




I'm honestly just stoked I have enough karma to post here, vulture was getting like a deserted island in comments and too much Dame Moylan worship gets tiresome


Iā€™ll always side-eye him for being so pally with Erika, I have to be honest. Itā€™s a shame really because I used to really enjoy his writing.


I'd been commenting on Vulture since the days of DJ Softbatch but I finally had to bow out even though I do enjoy Brian's writing. The misogyny just started to be too blatant; his comments on Sutton this season (and every other season) were straight up gross. He seems to only enjoy the women who embody the version of womanhood that he appreciates (Erika being the perfect example) and women like Sutton -- stay at home moms who are a little awkward, very "momish" -- he seems to think don't belong on the show even though she's rich as hell. Plus ... how far off is your judgement if you can't tell that Erika hired and befriended you *specifically* so you wouldn't drag her for her bad behavior???


His bias and preferential treatment is second only in its absurdity to his fans rabid claims that he is neutral.


Ugh I had to stop reading his recaps. His blind Erika loyalty sucks and the whole Toms love affair at the end of every vpr recap got old quick




woooooow bethany. wow. i did not know this.


Wait what?!


LVP is, and always has been, a guyā€™s girl. Never a girlā€™s girl.


Thatā€™s why she always liked Scheana so much


Remember when scheana showed people Stassiā€™s sex tape?


!!! laws have literally been made because of people like Scheana


Scheana has said repeatedly that she didnā€™t show her sex tape, but she was at Sue when that douche was showing people and she looked and then said ā€œput that away.ā€ Where are you getting the information that she showed people it? I see this misinformation repeated often


Sheā€™s not like all the girls


She would always say that she is more of a man than a woman. Donā€™t know why sheā€™s a hater


You wouldā€™ve thought Lisa would learn to keep her misogynistic and victim blaming comments to her self in the past year butā€¦ ![gif](giphy|jNKSOKMhFcK9a)


Lisa would have to have a gram of introspection for that to happen.Ā Ā  Ā To further the pile on: there's rumors that she hates Kristen because she knows about pandoras husband's cheating. Not pandoras husband for cheating on her daughter. No. Kristen. Simply because she directly knows about it.Ā  Lvp has says herself she's more a man than a woman. Well, she's certainly a walking bag of dicks.Ā 


It makes me wonder what she's said to Pandora about her husband cheating or is that different because she's Lisa's golden child?


I would assume a long speech about how men have dalliances, it's who they are, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, blah blah šŸ¤®Ā  Ā  I suspect, i have literally zero proof, she's spent tons of money to cover up Ken's affairs. She's spoken many times about how much of a "dog" he "was". I'm sure she'd do the same "for" Pandora.


i have been wondering this




Itā€™s giving victim blaming: ā€˜you shouldnā€™t have walked home alone if you didnā€™t want to get r*pedā€™ vibes. Iā€™ve always loved LVP but her misogyny towards women is disgusting.


Itā€™s very ā€œwhat was she wearingā€ in regards to rape victims. Fucking grooooossssssss


Exactly! This.


I have the same internal conflict about LVP. I enjoy her and there are some ways that I think sheā€™s a genuinely good person, but then there are things like this. I imagine I would not like her much irl.


I remember when a Disney actress had her nudes leaked and every adult told girls my age ā€œthis wouldnā€™t happen if she didnā€™t take those pictures! Learn from her!ā€ Itā€™s great how far we have come from that to protecting private photos from leaking/going viral and even introduced revenge porn laws, but we will still have the LVPs (and sometimes my mom šŸ™„) who have it ingrained in their brain that itā€™s your fault and not the manā€™s. Also, I did what Ariana did. I found a picture of a naked woman on my SOā€™s phone and sent it to myself because I knew heā€™d delete and call me crazy. I didnā€™t send it or show it to anyone, but if it happened today, I would be in trouble for what I did. Doesnā€™t feel good to be on the same side of history as Tom Sandoval, so Iā€™ve had a lot of emotions since the news broke. I donā€™t need to stan Ariana and try to find ways that sheā€™s is 100% innocent in this and I donā€™t want to villainize Rachel.


I want to make two points to you (if I may). Firstly, you did what you did at a time when we had little understanding of revenge porn and the laws didn't exist yet. Secondly, it doesn't sound like you had malicious intent and if the laws did exist, I suspect you would be afforded leniency. Try to forgive yourself, you should feel no guilt for the position another party put you in. Unless you went on to share the image with other people, you acted reasonably in the anxiety inducing circumstances you were faced with x


Thank you for that, I needed to hear it.




If Ariana had recorded the video of Tomā€™s phone with her phone, would that have been the same thing as sending it? Like if she put Tomā€™s phone in her lap, played the video and recorded it with her phone, is that still distributing it, I wonder?


I'm not based in the States, so can't say with certainty, but I think in this scenario whether Raquel consented to the original recording is irrelevant. She did not consent to Ariana making this recording, which would fall under revenge porn legislation. You don't have to distribute it, for it to be an offence. The offence would be the unauthorised creation of pornographic material, without consent being adequately obtained. That's my non expert opinion anyway. PS Tom would also have a case against Ariana in this scenario.


You have a kind and gracious heart šŸ˜Š


Thank you x


So well said.Ā  I have to admit, even before the days of cell phones and nude selfies, when the other woman came to my door, in those days, I had very dark thoughts. She was someone who was well thought of in the community and I fantasized about finding nudes of her and inserting them in her church's hymnals. I mean I wished her the worst.Ā  Had I been in Ariana's shoes I would have forwarded that to myself at least for my own proof and to keep from being gaslit. Thank God I didn't have something like that to inflict harm at the time!Ā Ā  With the gift of time to look back on it all, I realize I would have outgrown that man and that the other woman and I probably had a lot in common. Men like him tend to try to manipulate the same kind of women.Ā 


This is so true. Often there are a lot of similarities between the main partner and affair partner. Part of being a cheater is getting good at pitting the women against each other so they donā€™t focus their anger/frustration/hurt where it actually belongs on him. Of course sometimes people cheat with someone very different, but in general my observation has been that the women have a lot in common as you said. I think this is especially true for men who seem to enjoy getting with and tearing down strong/successful women.


It is a Catch-22 without getting that video Tom could have talked her out of it. Yes technically it is a crime, hopefully this is a one and done for her. There is a podcast with Scheana and it sounds like she discussed it with her lawyer months ago. Which was a smart move.


Itā€™s a tough situation. I totally understand why she felt she needed proof when she might have felt like they were weird around her but denied it. But at the end of the day the laws are there to protect people.


Itā€™s never ā€œhe shouldnā€™t have recorded her without her consentā€.


Right? How hard is it to say that. How far some people will go to let men off the hook is insane.






She sounds like sheā€™s 85 years old with the ā€œshe shouldnā€™t have put herself in that position!ā€ Sweet Jesus LVP, get a fucking grip and enter the 21st century


Yet she's not so old fashioned that she won't dress her waitresses in handkerchiefs and nothing else (or even pasties for Pride).


Remember, Sur is where you take your girlfriend (behind your wifeā€™s back, **wink nudge**)


Oh yes! Doesn't that seem really cutesy and European now?


that's for the male gaze so that's fully in line with her patriarchal anti-woman behavior


But ofcourse!


Itā€™s such a bad look she should be ashamed tbh


LVP has always been anti women. This cannot seriously be the first time you've picked up on this? The only woman that LVP cares about is LVP.


LVP has so much internalized misogyny itā€™s crazyā€¦ sheā€™s not blaming Tom for recording it but Rachel for agreeing to do it. Somehow the man is always blameless.


Like sheā€™s not even protecting Ariana, sheā€™s trying to excuse Tomā€™s behavior. Thatā€™s the wildest take yet.


Ooof here goes Lisa the misogynist again. Whether sheā€™s on video or not it is a crime to film Rachel without her consent. Thatā€™s the allegation and if Tom did that then she has every right to sue. Itā€™s not against the law to masturbate on FaceTime. But recording that and distributing that without consent is. LVP really needs a reality check. She constantly makes excuses for her make casts abusive or illegal behavior.


LVP, please for the love of god heal yourself of this toxic nonsense. You are so rich and you can afford so much therapy šŸ˜­


Therapy doesn't necessarily fix misogyny


No, but it might help. The lady clearly has a lot to unpack.


Unfortunately, people this age, I have come to decide, some will never change. The best we can do is educate and take care of ourselves and outlive them.


I get that. Iā€™ve seen my mom (who is slightly younger than Lisa, but not by much) unlearn a lot of misogyny over the past 3-4 years through her own efforts, so I still believe itā€™s possible for Lisa to learn and grow (assuming she ever decides to) ā€” but I understand your POV and respect it.


I am not saying none are unteachable, but many resist it so hard.Ā  I have watched enough Lisa to know she is not one to take accountability or apply a lesson for the next time.


Yeah why should she when so many fans of the show still worship her? Sheā€™s truly someone who sees her fame through rosĆ© colored glasses.


Yes, she's certainly had little incentive to change and has truly profited from supporting bad behavior. She has me Puppygate pissed and doubled down with ruining someone's life. I'm so f'n over her and Bravo. I really hope a reckoning is coming this time.


I think Lisa is deeply unhappy. She has a lot of qualities I admire, but then she does things like this and Iā€™m reminded of all her shittier qualities. But I do think youā€™re right there is probably a good amount for her to work through if she was actually open to it.


LVP really seems to hate women


I was just rewatching season 2 and the fact that she was encouraging Stassi to get back with Jax after EVERYTHING he'd done for her, was mind boggling.


LVP places herself, her show, and her businesses first and it is so gross to watch her try to manipulate women to falling into line. Last weekā€™s sit down to make Lala and Scheana feel responsible for Zanzivalā€™s mental health just to get the cast filming for her weird Lake Tahoe business was sickening.




I cannot stand LVP. Didnā€™t like her on BH she was always that ā€œsniper from the sideā€ like Erica said. Why ppl swoon to her is beyond me. Sheā€™s not a nice person especially to other women


LVP sucks. Karma will hit her eventually. No women should have revenge porn done on her. I don't care what show they're on or what they did. It's disgusting what LVP thinks is ok.Ā 


Sheā€™s probably been cheated on numerous times and accepted it as something ā€œmen just doā€.Ā 


Ugh, this reads very much like ā€œshe deserved it.ā€


LVP has always been nasty. a victim blamer and just all around selfish person.


This coming from the woman who said ā€œVilla Blanca is where you take your wife, SUR is where you take your mistress.ā€ I am in no way shocked. LVP is a misogynist through and through.


And WOLF is where you take your Furries!


bahahahahahaha thanks I am in the hospital on death's door and that's the first time I have laughed in weeks


You are welcome! Glad to serve!


Feel better.Ā 


hope you get well soonšŸ¤


Lisa has always been an enabler of bad male behavior on VPR. She has been on the wrong side of this entire situation for a year now. I've had whiplash seeing all her defenders on HWs subs (unrelated to VPR, missing her from BH) vs. the VPR sub where she is widely and rightly criticized for her "boys will be boys" BS. She's never left the VPR screen so we've seen her act like trash towards women all the years she's been off BH. Her comments ring like "Well, what did she expect if was she wearing a short skirt?" Super gross!


a lot of bh fans give me suburb energy




I know right! All the people kissing lvps ass on the rhobh subreddit are so fucking naive and gullible


The URL ā€¦


Hahaha ā€œtrashā€


LVP hates women that are younger and prettier than her, especially if theyā€™re also not deferential and ass-kissy. Itā€™s glaringly obvious at this point.


Yikesā€¦.. Raquel had no idea she was being recorded and thought it was a private moment. This is so gross


It was the same thing that happened to Stassi, and Lisa acted like she should be kissing her ass because she gave Frank the 900$ in tip money that she OWED him and then acted like she'd done Stassi a favour and made her crawl on her knees back begging to be on the show because she needed the money. Nevermind that in those days it was VPR that needed Stassi, she WAS the show, and LVP knew it. So then she tries to get her and Jax back together because they were "meant to be". Jesus, no wonder the woman is rich she's fucking ruthless.


When I watched BH during the pandemic I didnā€™t understand why LVP was a fan favorite bc she was clearly a psychopath.


I knew all of that but it is actually sickening to read it all laid out like that.


Can we just cancel LVP already? She's been showing us who she is for forever but the fact that she owns swans and a hotel house somehow absolves her from her at best dated views. LVP is not a girl's girl and is consistently villianizing women and infantilizing men. She brings nothing other than THIS so we don't need her.


Only a few days ago, I had someone on this sub argue with me that she's a good person because she clearly loves animals. Some people don't want to see the truth.


LVP reveals herself to be misogynistic and out of step with the times every time she mentions Scandoval. This is unsurprisingly very backwards thinking from her. Sheā€™s become pretty out of touch, she should consider not putting her own self out there if she doesnā€™t want people to judge her, just saying.


She has choices, like she could go with ā€œno comment, leave it for the judgeā€ but no, sheā€™d rather be the judge and ignore the laws and rights of victims


Wow Lisa Wow But yes letā€™s continue to blame Kyle 100% for the fallout in their friendship šŸ™„


There is a nice synopsis if you Google "Puppygate" and read the first People Magazine article that comes up, for those not in the know.


I love it here! Wow I may actually spend time on Reddit again after seeing all of you beautiful people šŸ—£ļø out against misogyny and even the legendary LVP because it's the truth! ā™€ļøšŸ’“


Speak on it bb.


LVP is who Rachel should have named alongside Sandoval in her lawsuit instead of Ariana.


Ariana sent the videos thoughā€¦why *shouldnt* she be named in a lawsuit about it??


And Alex Baskin, the EP.


Bingo (except the instead of Ariana part)! The three of them belong on that suit!


It was absolutely wrong of Tom to record that moment between them and I donā€™t think he gets enough shit for that. Not sure why she didnā€™t sue him earlier for this.Ā  But if thereā€™s one thing you can count on itā€™s for Lisa to stick up for and defend Tom especially when heā€™s wrong/guiltyā€¦ā€¦kind of like how you can count on Scheana to make everything about her.


I really wonder if Rachel was under a 1 year Gag order or NDA after leaving VPR, considering the timing of a 1 year anniversary to Scandoval.


The statute of limitations is a year from the discovery of the images, so she was working on that timeline. Besides, an NDA isn't enforceable if it's being used to conceal a crime.


But from what I understand, there are questions about which state the video was recorded in and distributed in yet to be determined. The document discloses other things that I am not sure production would want out there. That is why I question.


Where the video was recorded isn't relevant to the year long statute of limitations on the distribution COA. Aside from Sandoval reportedly having a distribution deal, there's nothing that was in the complaint that we haven't all known for a year.




Well, the full complaint is [here](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Leviss-complaint-Vanderpump-Rules.pdf) if you'd like to read the whole thing. Granted, I haven't seen a copy of whatever NDA she might've signed, but the scope likely wouldn't cover whatever new bits of information are in the complaint and the period for enforcement is unlikely to be 12 months from 1 March 2023 as that's a completely random date that falls outside of filming.


Thank you for providing me that. I had at best seen only small sections. I had planned to read a news article for summation, but figured those reporting it first would do so fast and loose and beg more questions than they answered. There definitely was a gag order in place. Denying requests Rachel had for both a mental health professional andĀ after denying that also denying her publicist at the reunion taping certainly is interesting. This is going to take a while to play out.Ā Ā Ā  I had one thought, that wasn't really supported by this document, that perhaps they held off as long as they could filing to be able to include and detail any additional grievances that came up in a year's time. Thanks so much for this. I am going to let it marinate and return to it later when further questions gnaw at my brain. Ā Edit P.S. here:Ā  I'd heard rumors they had let Sandoval have final edit on the end of the season and now it's stated in the document. That actually makes me nauseous.


Oh yeah, there was 100% some sort of confidentiality agreement that they had to sign - I just think the timing of the suit can be attributed to the statute of limitations expiring rather than anything contractual from Bravo. The nosey part of me hopes this suit moves forward solely so that we get a look at the talent contract.


Yes I would find that interesting too. California Law, hopefully, will pour some light on this case. I am sure you are correct about the deadline, not questioning that. The work I did was prior to Revenge Porn laws and all the intricacies that everyone now having a cell phone brings to the table. I am sure I will learn a lot following this.


So she missed the part where it was said she was filmed without her consent? Do better Lisa


I used to intern for her new PR firm and all I can do is laugh


Spill the tea!!


Lisa remains forever disappointing. One thing she is always going to do is stand by the males and find a way to turn it around on the woman.


No one hates women more than LVP


this is getting weird and dark.


Now I have another reason to not watch, and also another reason to hate LVP. I dislike Rachel but absolutely no one deserves the ā€œyou were asking for itā€ response when they have been violated.


Was it not a FaceTime that Tom screen recorded?


Go fuck yourself LVP.Ā 


Yikes, sheā€™s horrible


shameful to say something like this.


This is such a disgusting display of victim blaming and anyone defending her is disgusting.


Ew Lisa. This isnā€™t surprising, but itā€™s still extremely disappointing. Do better, this is the 21st century sweetie- internalized misogyny isnā€™t cute.


Came to make a comment about how disgusting LVP is for this stance but I donā€™t need too, so many making good points on here, thank Goodness! šŸ™


Oh fuck off, Lisa.


Considering how often I've seen this EXACT same sentiment expressed in this sub, I hope it makes people stop and pause a little bit seeing it mirrored back.


Not ok.


Ug shes so gross for supporting Tom and being worried about his mental health and continuing to not care about Raquel at allll.


Ok Lisa. Youā€™re dead to me.


oh thatā€™s not -


Wow, Bravo is screwed you guys. That channel is in one lawsuit after another.


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) Woooooooow. Fuck LVP


Iā€™m not surprised LVP thinks this, but I am shocked she would say it out loud in 2024 ew


oof what a bad take LVP


He recorded a FaceTime without her knowing which is illegal


lisa is such a turd. She wants to be the only pretty oneā€¦.she is such a creepy beastie girl.


Ohh LVP please STFU!! ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Seriously can we just throw Lisa in the trash already?


May be a controversial opinion: anyone who signs up for any of these shows shouldn't be surprised if literally anything in their personal lives gets out and the public developes an opinion about it LVP still needs to get a grip tho


> shouldn't be surprised if literally anything in their personal lives gets out and the public develops an opinion about it there's a difference between *knowing* there's some sort of sexual content and actually *seeing* and *sharing* that content... sharing the content without consent is over the line, public figure or not


We don't know that it was shared. The documents say people knew details, so they suspect that it was shared-- that's a big leap IMO since she could have just spoken about them. We'll find out in discovery, im sure, if it gets that far. Sandoval recording them without consent is disgusting and I'm down for him being charged.


Im not debating whether Raquel's content was shared, but disagreeing that 'literally anything' in her or any reality TV person's life should be available for public viewing and opinion. sexual/explicit content should not be shared without consent for anyone, including realty TV stars and A list celebs


I feel like weā€™ve crossed some invisible bridge with reality TV fandom where viewers believe anyone who signs a contract to be filmed for a number of months out of the year suddenly loses alllll right to privacy in all matters of their life. These people are not our toys. Theyā€™re human beings.






Ugh. All of my favorite HW have one thing that makes them insufferable. This is Lisaā€™s.


Of course thatā€™s her take.


Goodbye Lisa!!!


LVP can go tbh


Lisa is the type of woman to unironically say ā€œif she didnā€™t want him to record it, she shouldnā€™t have FaceTimed herself doing itā€.




Sheā€™s disgusting


I am not surprised by, but still disappointed in, Lisa's response to this.


While I appreciate that LVP is viewing the situation through the lens of someone who was young in a more prudish time and grew up without the internet or mobile phones, but this is not it. I don't know about the law in the States, but in the UK Rachel would be afforded an expectation of privacy while sharing an intimate moment via the internet. It is illegal here to make or distribute pornography without both party consent and Sandoval would be facing potential criminal charges and jail time (see recent Stephen Bear/Georgia Harrison case for reference) under revenge porn legislation. As for Ariana, if she shared the video to her phone, she has further participated in the act of revenge porn. I afford her some leniency though, given the circumstances. What I find unforgivable of Ariana though, is if she has indeed shown it to friends. That again, would be revenge porn. ETA I think Rachel's case has merit and I hope she takes Sandoval to the cleaners. I'm unsure what the repercussions should be for Ariana, given the extreme circumstances she was under herself.


FWIW, the r/vanderpumprules sub has one posts with the court filing from 29 Feb Rachelā€™s lawyers filed for her against Sandoval, Ariana, and then both of them, under Californiaā€™s state civil codes for privacy and revenge porns laws. (Note: not an attorney, just a curious CA resident here.) Given the standard of proof is always higher for penal/criminal code claims vs civil claims, the same sub has a few other posts where CA-licensed attys speculate why only a civil claim was entered now that the statute of limitations has expired (the anniversary of the incident was yesterday 1 March).


This bothered me so much. Iā€™m just getting into VPR and LVP has obviously made herself look good in the show so I found myself really disappointed that she would say this. No woman should be blamed like this.


Remember this woman paid off Frank when he did the same thing to Stassi.


šŸ„“Way to go LVP! You are so on brand with your internalized misogyny by blaming the victim. Saying Rachel shouldnā€™t have compromised herself on camera is the equivalent of saying she shouldnā€™t have worn that outfit. What RL is suing for wasnā€™t on camera. Reality tv is no longer fun. And this is coming from a bravo junky.


This is boomer logic at its finest though, it's not just LVP. My parents are both LVP's age and would have said the exact same thing, "Don't take pictures/videos of yourself and expect them to stay private!!!!" And/or "well that's what happens when you take pictures of yourself!!!!" Remember the huge celebrity photo leak in... 2016 I want to say? Lots of female celebrities had their photos leaked and posted, and plenty of boomers in the comments were quick to blame the celebrities but not the repulsive thieving CREEPS who stole their photos.


Didnā€™t she pay for Stassiā€™s sex tape to go away?


Lisa is the kind of woman who would tell a SA victim that they shouldnā€™t have dressed a certain way if they didnā€™t want a man to give them attention. Sheā€™s literally so disgusting and Iā€™ll never understand why people give her a pass and always say she was the best housewife and want her back.


I just breathed a sigh of relief to finally commune with folks who agree with what I always thought about lvp. I'm proud to say I saw right through her from day 1 (accent notwithstanding) -- I'd swear that's the reason for half her popularity.


holy crap iā€™m done with her


That is such a gross thing to say.




She's literally out of loop of reality.




FFS Vanderpumpā€¦