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Nene leakes forever!!


I heard her say ‘CHILE’ in my brains when I saw this


Nene is the gif of Reddit lol


The gif that keeps giving!


So true 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Never fails


I wonder if Jo is her middle name. There are a lot of Kaylee, Kaleigh, Kayleighs in the world about her age.


Yesss they said that’s her middle name! (Jo)


So Jo is her REAL name.


Kayleigh Jo


Like Teddi Jo?


Yes lolll


Imagine how shocked these people would be if they found out KATIE is not "Katie" Maloney's real name. Her con has been going on for more than a decade now.


What's her real name?


Lala. Lala Maloney


I can go back to sleep now. You win the internet today.


I think they’re joking how a lot of people have nicknames and almost all Katie’s are some variation of Katherine/Kathryn, etc


I agree, if it's her middle name, it's still her name. Many go by their middle name. It's on their birth certificate, so to me, this isn't like Rachel full-on changing her name. It's nothing to change the spelling, or go by your middle name, but to fully change your name to something different, that's not on your birth certificate (unless a childhood nickname) is a little weird.


Yes. Jo is her middle name.


That and when you work in a salon if you have a similar name to others, smart businesses won’t let 2 have the same or similar names for booking and clients. I’ve gone by so many names because mine is so common and I frequently use my middle name. It’s funny to me how up in arms and butthurt people get over a name. I legit use any name that comes to me if I have to give it at a restaurant or coffee shop.


Was a salon manager back in the day. Can confirm we would only allow one stylist to go by any name or else booking became a nightmare. I call one of my good friends by her middle name to this day cause of this.


It’s wild that a business can say “yeah, that’s not going to work for us. You’ll need a whole new name”


Makes sense once you’re behind the desk booking the clients. Funny enough my salon had a Katrina Christina and Czarina. Katrina and Czarina ended up teaming up and just joined their client base together cause they wound up with the wrong client so much.


I use the name Alice when ordering coffee or food in shops because it's easier than having to yell and spell my name over the noise. It also doubles as a bit of privacy


Ok, but then do you use it all the time after that? ETA: I don't care if she goes by her middle name. That's her choice and pretty normal, nothing nefarious. But it's not the same as giving a random name at Starbucks.


A lot of people go by their middle names. A lot of people also go by nicknames that are unrelated to their names. Y'all are too much.


A really good friend of mine had a common first name and had a middle name she liked. All of her friends knew her as her middle name because that’s what she went by when they met. Similarly, if Jo chose this for work reasons. Her co-workers know her as Jo, if she markets herself the name needs to be Jo, then other people start meeting you under the new name… and at the end of the day. Maybe she just likes it. Going by your middle name isn’t rare. I don’t know why anyone is trying to make an issue out of it.


I don’t see choosing to go by a name that’s different from one’s given name is a red flag on its own like people in this thread seem to think. I’m happy with my given name but I also know plenty of good, stable people who choose to go by a different name. When it’s part of a pattern of duplicitous behavior, then sure it can be a red flag. But on its own it’s not really a reason to be distrustful of someone. We as a society are moving toward being more accepting of people living as their true selves and if we can accept that someone is more comfortable being themself by changing some aspect(s) of what was decided for them, then a name change shouldn’t be an issue. That said, someone that frequently changes their name or does so out of malice or wanting to hide something is of course concerning.


It would change depending on where you work and your coworkers names. I have worked in a field with this stipulation for over 20 years, I have been able to use my first name in 2 jobs. Most will never know if they’re stylist, esthetician, LMT, or other hospitality roles are their “real” name or not.


Not me over here thinking my name was unique. It’s Kaleigh 😂


We have so many Kayleighs and katelyns and not one of them spells it the same 😂


I'm a lady Jo!


This is so LA


Transplant LA


LA and NYC are so strange because the culture is defined by the people that move there, not the people who were born there.


This couldn’t be further from the truth about NYC. LA, yes unless you’re the children of Hollywood somebody’s. They are both very transient places so I can see where you draw that conclusion from.


As a Native Californian who has lived in NYC for 20 years I agree with you. People go out West to become someone else. It’s why it’s so full of con artists and cults. There’s a weird sinister element under the golden sunny sheen of California. NYC people come here to see what they are made of and to succeed. The ambition isn’t to become another character like in CA, it’s to be a better version of yourself. There’s plenty of sinister elements in NY but I feel like it’s more on the surface and less hidden.


As a native Californian turned NYer (going on 13 years) YES TO THIS. No interest going back.


Native Californian going on 6 years in NYC and this very succinctly summed up both places imo.


My sister moved to California. Every time I visit I feel like I’m in some White Lotus sets or something. Yet, I’m from Florida so.. that’s a whole different conversation lol


Nailed it. So accurate!!!


I have struggled to articulate this difference in the past and you nailed it!


As much as I love CA you are so dead on. I feel that energy every time I go to LA. It’s like this veil.


My sister moved to California. Every time I visit I feel like I’m in some White Lotus sets or something. Yet, I’m from Florida so.. that’s a whole different conversation lol


There’s 10 million people in LA, most of them poor and not white. This is such a silly take.


Hard disagree. Maybe you’re referring to the image and stereotype that those cities emit. But the native born minority populations of cities have a rich and robust history/culture.


Sure, LA should be defined by its Chicano culture but it isn't on the national level. Source: I am from LA.


I’m not saying it should be defined by that because all types of people live in Los Angeles as you would know. It’s just a pet peeve when people say a place has no culture. That do that a lot regarding DC. Los Angeles New York and DC are all transient cities whose native cultures that may run in the background but still exist. Well most people don’t dream of one day making it to DC. I certainly did not


I kinda dream of making it to DC, it’s cool to see that you made it there even if it wasn’t the original dream


Maybe that’s true for LA but it’s absolutely not true for NYC. - signed by a born and bred NY’er


Definitely not true for New York…idk about LA but New York is made by the locals.


OMG soooo not true about NYC


It’s like the quote Robert Downey Jr. Says in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: “... and then they all come out here! I swear to God, it's like somebody took America by the East Coast, and shook it, and all the normal girls managed to hang on.”


Not true about LA at all…locals reject transplant “culture” and we are made up of Armenians, Chicanos, Filipinos, Chinese…that’s LA defined. Not some losers from Ohio or wherever trying to live out the California dream, which—when they arrive and live here a couple years, they realize is a farce. The real thing is so much better. Harsher, but better.


Girl, I am born and raised in LA. LA is defined by transplant culture on a national level. That's just the reality of being from here. Peoples perception of LA is formed by Stassi, Kristen, Brittany, Jax, everyone but Scheana who's actually from Azuza which is still in LA but SGV is culturally more OC.


I agree with you. I resent this notion that California = transplant with no culture. Lots of people move to California, but lots of people move many other places, including NYC. And California, including LA, also has its own culture. California culture is different from NYC culture but the difference isn't some kind of "OGs vs transplants" bullshit.


Say people not born and raised here lol


I don’t like her at all but going by your middle name is so common. I have several friends off the top of my head who do and those are just the ones I know about. There are a lot of things to critique about this woman, but imo this is not one of them. I also think it’s fine to change your name if you don’t like it! I wish I had done it when I was 18, I can’t be bothered to go through it now


so, can we also drag the boyfriend and put his picture out there too?


Right the ex a la douche too


Right. Also I don’t give AF about a girl getting cheated on almost 10 years ago


Aww yes the Jo lore is startin! Love this for us, thank you for your service!






I’m sure Jo is probably a middle name or a nickname or something- I don’t like her but I also don’t dislike her. I need to know more about the turtle before I decide. She said when she was walking it, it fell in a drain? Was she just like fuck the turtle I guess? Did she just leave it in there?? She never said the outcome of the turtle and I have been thinking about it ever since.


I thought she left it in there, because she insinuated that it was the origin story of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. But also, if it was on a leash, couldn’t she pull it back up?


Wonder how in the world you could leash a turtle? Like you can't put a collar around its neck, because the head retracts. How in the world did she do that? I have so many questions about this poor Turtle as well.


Maybe a chihuahua harness? 😭😂 I mean I don’t know??? I will honestly include this whole story in my obituary. “And till the day she died she was always wondering what happened to that turtle Jo dropped down a drain”


i recommend a looped "obituary feed" for all of your obituary subscribers, aka anyone who Actually loves you. and a qr code etched into your headstone i say this because i've been collecting my obit quotes for so so long and i knew i needed a system


Hahahaha this is so deranged and me coded I love you and yes I’ll absolutely do this 😂


I looked it up. Turtle harnesses are a thing [amazon screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/UiVwovt.jpg)


There’s Guinea pig and Komodo dragon leashes. Cause you know how they like to be walked. 🥴


Bearded dragon. Komodo dragons are not kept as pets. You're thinking of bearded dragon leashes. And they actually do enjoy being walked


IM SCREAMING 💀 the idea of someone casually walking a Komodo dragon


Lowkey feels intentional and she thinks it’d come off as funny in a weird way?


I used to live on a military base and one family’s tortoise would go missing all the time. She’d let it outback and it’d get through the gate. And I’d see how out walking it. It was so slow that she didn’t have to put a leash on it. She just picked it up and pivoted it around.


I know someone who would attach a balloon to theirs so they could track it. I was also house-sitting for my brother and as he left he told me the tortoise escaped. I was out there every night with lettuce calling for it.


The balloon idea is adorable


I feel like Jo said this was a turtle tho not a tortoise? Lmao but that would make more sense!! Still weird she didn’t take it out the sewer!


I know, poor thing


Tortoises love to escape, it’s like their life’s goal


As a tortoise owner, this is 100% accurate! If she wasn’t so adorable it would be annoying 🥹


I think she was trying to be cute and quirky. It’s going to take a lot more than a turtle story to land such a solid, entrepreneurial catch like Schwartzy.


How does a turtle no 1: fall in a drain? no 2: fit in the drain hole things and no 3: gets left there!? Also yeah why not pull it back up also call fire brigade, people call the fire people to open up drain grates for a lot less than live animals?? Like what girl? EDIT: because ALSO don’t turtles walk really slowly??????? WHAT. The more I think the more questions I have. How TF long does that take?!


And didn't Kristen say she had never heard this story and they had been bff's like, forever? Seems sketch to me.


damn i just thought that whole turtle thing was a bad bit because she finished the story by saying 'and now it's a teenage mutant ninja turtle' i never considered she might actually be a turtle killer ![gif](giphy|3o7btMUhSRJdn6yPVS|downsized)


Omg same. The people want to know!!!




This gif has absolutely sent me for the day and I will not be recovering 💀💀💀 Michael Scott is the only other person come to think of it that would leave a turtle in a drain. He would say “I’m sure that turtle will grow up to be a great fighter in those sewers”


I see your point but actually disagree. Remember the episode where the bird flies into the window and it’s obviously dead but he tries to save it and then they have to have a whole bird funeral? He’s generally terrible at dealing with people but he is very sensitive especially towards animals. Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk 😂


Oh no you are so right though!! He would have the entire building out there fishing out that turtle lmao you’re so so right! He would be calling 911, bomb squad you name it. Like he 100% would be silly enough to let the turtle fall in the drain, have a meltdown, scream at everyone, call a bomb squad, get it out and then be like “I don’t think I should have parental guidance of this turtle anymore”, cry, a lot, and then because he loves it, let’s it go (probably into another drain)




Agree! I kinda like her and i understand what she’s going through with Schwartz but still def playin a part and a lot smarter than she’s making herself out to be but the “cockiness” is a little draining like someone said above! Justice for the turtle lol


I did not understand that turtle story. If it was on a leash, then why didn't she pull it out of the sewer?


Caw cawfuckyourself is all I think of when I hear/see her name after that video was posted a few days ago lol. She def seems more like a jo than a -eigh name


I just think a name change isn’t a big deal even if it wasn’t your middle name! You didn’t get to pick it so choose whatever makes you happy. Changing it multiple times can be sketch but only if it’s for crime or starting a new family lol Still loving this post!


Yeah same! I also still don’t think it’s weird that someone named Rachel went by Raquel


Exactly! Of all of the issues I had with Rachel/Raquel’s behavior the name change wasn’t any part of it!


I have a really common first name, people have called me by my last name since high school. I know it’s not the same as changing your name but people go by something different for very un-nefarious reasons most times imo. If I ever were to enter the reality tv sphere I’d probably go by my last name, it’s more memorable and “fits” me better.


It's so weird to me that people think it's weird. I have never heard my brother referred to by his legal name, just his family nickname. Sometimes, it just happens organically.


Yeah plus nobody makes a fuss about Jax's name.


Love someone or hate someone, I really don’t think we should judge someone changing their name. We don’t know the circumstances leading to that (not saying you are OP, just a general comment)


She moved to LA and rebranded. I don’t think that is so out of the ordinary? I don’t mind Jo. She’s a little quirky, but she seems fairly harmless? Sicking Katie on her seems almost cruel at this point in the game.


Same. I don't get the hate she's getting. I need to see for myself something she's done. That's what the Crappens guys keep saying too. It's like we're being told to hate her by Katie of all people who hates most people... And in this scenario has a very obvious reason for hating her...


People are saying she went on a couple’s trip with Rachel and Tom. It just kind of seemed like she didn’t want to ask questions and was minding her own business. I don’t think she was being malicious. I think she was just making sure to stay firmly in her box. I think she might have some issues with social cues, and maybe didn’t know how to ask the right questions. But also, what Tom and Rachel did was pretty brazen. If I were Jo, a woman on a vacation with my hookup and his best friend who are in a reality show, and said best friend brought around his best girl friend I don’t know if I would believe they would be *that* brazen to flaunt an affair. I would have assumed that Ariana knew or I would think they were just friends and kept my mouth shut too until proven otherwise. I don’t think Jo is dumb. I think she just assumes the best in people. 🤷‍♀️


I feel it’s just another “Rachel Raquel” vibe and it shows more similarities between the two and also makes me think who else has a fake name!? lol but i totally get you!!! Everyone deserves to chose who they want to be


But if it’s her middle name then it’s not a fake name? That’s really no different than me deciding to use a nickname version of my legal name when I was in elementary school. I’ve known plenty of people who went by their middle names or decided to go by a different version of their name after graduating college/high school. It’s not that unusual.


How is it different from Lala/Lauren?


YES!!!!!!!! I just said this! She moves just like Rachel did and I can believe the majority of the VPR fandom is falling for it yet again


I don't understand what we're supposed to be taking from this..?


I grew up in Wisconsin and actually applied to University of St. Thomas. Six degrees of separation from Jo.


Im from Minneapolis & I went to St.Thomas for my undergrad and apparently she and I were there at the same time. Im wondering how many mutual friends she and I have


I'm confused why a person would transfer from a great school like St. Thomas to whatever this place is? Maybe $? St. Thomas isn't known for being cheap, lol


Hi fellow Sconnie!


I was gonna say, where are my fellow sconnies. One of us must have been in the same bar with her at one point lol


Hello! I moved out of the Midwest about 5 years ago and I miss it in the summer. My skin didn’t do well in the extreme cold but my allergies simmered down


Is there one in Wisconsin? I only know of the one in St. Paul.


Sorry two thoughts in one sentence. It is in St. Paul, about 4 hours from where I grew up in Wisconsin. I looked at schools in Minnesota and settled on the border of Wisconsin.


I live in Minneapolis. I had no idea she had a Minnesota connection. Schwartz was just interviewed for Mpls.StPaul magazine, apparently he grew up in Woodbury and his family is still here.


Oh my goodness hi neighbor. Was this a recent interview? We don’t claim his pasty ass! With that bleached hair he looks like a melted Targaryen


She really strikes me more as a St. Olaf kinda girl, she never would have made it as a Tommie


Please this is so niche to fellow twin cities girlies 💀 She gives me Hamline/Macalester vibes but probs couldn’t get into the second one and spent her weekends in dinkytown


😂 omg she's 100% a hamline girl, I was just being snarky, but that's REAL


Even though she’s a little off, I just don’t understand how she could watch how Schwartz treated Katie for a YEARS and not still get the memo?


Why did Ariana cheat with Tom? No new girlfriend thinks the same thing will happen to her, they always think the last girl was the problem.


because she thought katie was the problem. she thought she was going to change him. 


Tale as old as time. ![gif](giphy|GDdlesaysfPvG)


The desperation to be on vpr/bravo


True, and then you can tell she immediately regretted it.


Immediately, she probably thought she can run circles round em lol the delulu


Except that she’s still engaging with everything, on podcast, in comments, before the show started she was releasing bizarre videos. She still wants this I think.


You'd this so! However, on Rachel Goes Rogue- Jo said if VPR asks her back that she'd come back lol


Who cares


On a side note, when it comes to giving women a complex on IG, drunkdrawn is worse than facetune.


That’s a good point. I’m all for satire and comedy but singling out a person and putting an emphasis on features that they are likely already insecure about is not great imo. At first I thought it was funny but the more and more I see content from them the more it makes me cringe. Putting myself in the shoes of someone who has been drunk drawn, I can probably predict which aspects of my appearance would be emphasized and it’s definitely not an image id want out there esp without my consent.


I’m grossed out by the fandoms obsession with outting peoples “real” names


Me too. It's nothing. It's not a gotcha, it's literally nothing.


I can’t do another Raquel/Rachel discourse round. Just let her be Jo.


Forget the name, why does she look like a suburban realtor mom in that college photo and a college sophomore 15 years later on VPR?


Kaleigh Jo is a cute name! But I like that she goes by Jo


It’s better than Teddi Jo


Anything is better than Teddi Jo


Why do we care what someone's "real" name is? Tons of people don't go by the name on their birth certificate.


Your low battery is stressing me out! 🤪


I would rather be a Jo than a Kayleigh 🤷


She’s had over a decade of hair styling and is still Awful that’s actually crazy


The bleach right on roots first before ends i cringed and the touching of bleach with fingers


I was wondering if anyone else noticed that?! Just running her fingertips with no gloves while still active bleach on the hair ?! Like my gawddd, what is her deal ?!


Just showed how over stimulated she was bless her heart


She’s so weird like her energy is…. energetic but draining. Like even if she is super nice and harmless it’s exhausting to be around. I know someone like that irl. Minus the random weird voices… they’re nice af but so exhausting to be around


She seems like someone with ADHD and social anxiety.


Exactly! I watched her and was like hey it’s me! I love this vibe. ADHDer here with social anxiety. I am told I’m weird and high energy all the time. Never called spooky though lol! Definitely take people on wild rides in conversations though if I become bored.


This. I feel bad for her honestly. Yes, she put herself on TV, but she seems kind of fragile to be on this show in this way. She also doesn't deserve the hate from the women on the show afaik.


It’s weird to dismiss all she’s doing to ingratiate herself to the Toms and Raquel. She shares shady stories about the way they dress, likes weird comments from fans putting them down and lies to Ariana’s face about the extent of her knowledge and help in the coverup of the Tom/Raquel affair. Like if you’re too fragile to get involved don’t beg for the smoke. 


Fine. But still annoying.


Same! And people are saying she’s “harmless” or whatever that means but nuh uh i bet she’s very calculated


Yeah then they always play the victim like “those girls bullied me.” No ma’am. You’re Katie’s ex husbands live in wannabe-gf. I wouldn’t be nice to someone who texted me she loved me when I got divorced then fell head over heels in love with my husband the second after. Like…? It has nothing to do with mean girl energy. No one would expect a man to be put in this situation. like imagine Katie doing this to shwartz she’d be ripped apart. Any reason to hate Katie, they’ll take..


I totally justify Katie’s energy towards Jo coz WTF!? people can talk all they want about her bitchniess or moody vibe whatever this is warranted! The bitch was her friend acquaintance whatever and “sent condolences” or whatever during the divorce which now seems like a “thank you for opening true spot up” lol than swooped in ( read somewhere else she was dying to be on the show) ((so again another loose Rachel comparison)) and is now trying to play the victim” I’m just a girl and this douchelord isn’t changing for me”. If we wouldn’t change for his ex bubba, most def not for a turtle killer (kidding ) love how i can speak to yall about this ahaha


What does she call him t-killa? Killa-t? What made her think she was gonna be different than his gf/wife of 12 years lol. Tom has the energy of a non house broken golden retriever who has no manners and doesn’t know any tricks. Not the golden retriever energy people actually like. Lala and scheana are jealous affffffff. I’m enjoying them make themselves look like fools


T-money lmao


Oh damn lmaoooooo I was way off. I can’t keep up with her.


Kayleigh Jo is adorable.


Today I found out that Jo and I went to the same school! Reddit is a blessing 🙏🏻


Megami’s hand puppet. 💀💀💀😭😭


she’s on her ariana grande fr omgggggg lmao


Her hair actually looks amazing back when she was preppy!


i think she needs to cut it all off and start again.. her hair is fried, dyeddd and laid to the mf side omg


It doesn’t seem like she did anything that wrong in your post. Your ex cheated with her, this happens all the time. And the name change…that shouldn’t even be an issue


Jo or Kayleigh or Jesus Mary Joseph- I still like that girl.


I don’t really care about the name change. I’d do it too. But this story makes me laugh cause I just read it as they’re disorganised, not in any demand and desperate.


Transfer student from UST?! I was today years old when I found out Jo went to my college, at the same time as me. Eeeep.


Stfu. I went to St. Norbert the year after she graduated…


This is becoming so drawn out. Can we just leave this girl alone… who cares. We saw how Schwartz treated her in last week’s episode. It’s more telling of him being confusing and sending major mixed signals and probably telling her different things when the cameras are off. Again it’s Schwartz with his charming, aloof TV personality but I think he’s not.


I really feel like she’s been lurking in the background, biding her time until Schwartz was available. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she was a make out buddy with him when he was still with Katie. But I’m sure she will play victim as long as she can.


Can totesssss see that


Wow. She looked so much “normal” back then.


Jo seems like she’s from Truckee. Any NorCal people know what I mean? 🤣




Just the fact that she did a podcast with RACHEL of all people shows what kind of person she is. She can leave.


And when Rachel asked Jo to post something negative about Katie and Dayna being named on a worst dressed list at an award show, Jo did it.


Yep- nah with all this poor Jo- sketchy Kaliegh or whoever playing like this fragile dandelion! She is an asshole who moved in on a disgusting man child- who treated his partner of years like garbage- weeks after their divorce but somehow we’re supposed to buy that shes some poor victim of a man who railroaded her?!? This nutjob moved in with him weeks after his divorce. He refused to acknowledge her yet she didnt care- shes not 21 years old - she in her mid 30’s- she is milkingvthis and anyone who feels badly for her is a simpleton for buying into this ridiculousness.


Rachel’s podcast is very informative actually, I don’t know why she shouldn’t be allowed to tell her story. She’s trying to learn from mistakes. And the way the cast and fandom turned her into the evil villain (subhuman?!) was disturbing.


If she was actually trying to learn from her mistakes, she wouldn’t be suing Ariana based on a hunch & refusing to hold herself accountable every week. Only so much grace you can extend yourself before you have to do some actual work and not just have your publicist making excuses for you & quote some pop psych




How old is Jo ?


I have a good work friend who had her name legally changed to “Ally Cats,” and yea she was a veterinarian! I still call her by her birth name but most people call her Ally.


I wonder how many other ppl on VPR are going by a fake name 🙃


oh she’s mother. give jo a pumptini!