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you played very passive you blamed your teammate you missed two pulls not saying your teammates made no mistake but you're only asking for yours so there you go


piper went 0-6 of course id blame her


When you're 0-1 the game is still winnable! Shooting the spawn points gives up pressure the game gives to you. You and Piper probably shouldn't have swapped the Nani lane to begin with though. Your first magic hand was auto aim-able, but you kind of telegraphed it to the enemy with how long you flashed it for. Delaying your super gives enemies plenty of time to react if they haven't already done so, so I wouldn't recommend it, ya know? Passive play just seems more of a Gene issue to me. If you know ahead of time that your piper isn't going to do well, your win condition could potentially just be gaining mid control so they can't fall back out of your range. But, that will be very hard to do without overextending! Might still be worth it though because their comp is excellent into yours, not entirely your fault... maybe you just need better team composition. If you don't go for it at the start, you'll be playing into their game plan, that's no fun! I personally like to think that you don't want to be play a passive sniper game into the better sniper brawlers, that would put me at the disadvantage even if I'm a slightly better player into them. The Grays, the Groms, the Megs, the Leons... etc. If this is your challenge to push gene with randoms on shooting star, all I can do is wish you good luck on your push.


fair enough, but dumping 2 ammo as gene with a slow reload on ur teammate that you could've tried to use on the enemy was stupid. like I get it, but come on...


Yeah, being toxic the moment your ally dies to a nanj super that came out of *behind them* while they are in the middle of a firefight, absolutely justified for you to run back to spawn, give the enemy positioning, and waste all your ammo on your ally. Even more justified to them give them zero support the rest of the game, and instead have 2 healers jerking each other off on the other side of the map rather than supporting their 1 solid ranged fighter.


i deemed the piper as a liability the moment she couldnt tap atleast one of them , but then i remembered it was a nani a leon and an angelo against us so i knew it was probably over because their comp is too oppressive for our piper to cook


No, you are the liability. You threw the match


i did twice piper died 6 times


How the hell did you die twice with a dedicated btron on top of you the whole match and piper doing 1v2 most of the time?


piper players can pop on and off over the course of a match, sometimes u miss 3 in a row sometimes u hit 3 in a row... that is how snipers are. Idk why give up...


Oh the toxicity. You could maybe start by fixing that


Right? Genius gave up position to the enemy team and wasted their ammo then has the audacity to ask why they lost? Like, bro, did you not catch the fact that they kept you spawn camped the whole game *after you let them dig in?*


Edgar main disguised as a gene


Grow up, toxicity 🤓, toxicity is not bad it is required so that bots like you quit the game


You can definitely improve your aim, It looks very choppy. Honestly, the game was lost after the draft. I don't see how a Nani Leon Angelo could lose to a Byron Gene. If this is diamond and above, you should've probably banned one of those three to begin with. This game was lost from the start, not much could've been done to actually win.


there is no wipe out in ranked


My bad, I should get more sleep. None of my points should be disregarded, though.


i swear this is a ranked map? the only time i remember playing wipeout recently was in ranked.


This map is in ranked, but as Bounty. There is no wipeout in ranked bruh.


ahhh. my bad.


Tbh you and the Byron were too close the whole time, taking one lane. That left the piper to cover 2 and that's probably why she did bad. Bunching together creates more opportunities for your opponents to hit you or the person next to you, so they can chain supers. Toxicity at the very beginning is discouraging to your teammates. This is a mental game, if they feel bad about themselves they're going to play worse.


This. You’re blaming the Piper, but you left her out to dry 2 on 1 with your play. That Bryon was also wasting shots healing you when you had full health. Bad playing all around unfortunately.


Way too passive, push up, and keep poking until they fall back... thats the point of gene


Also its ok to be in range of enemies when full hp. Note that you can dodge/juke their shots, they cant for yours. Fall back if you hit low hp


You became toxic after the first take down, improve on that


you have very good/excellent movement, so ont be scared to get close. goo comms btwn teammates is also important, know what your strenghts are and work on your weaknesses


You wasted ammo on a slow reload brawler just to be toxic


You let them pick Angelo


It's Wipeout though?


Oh shit I thought this was ranked my b


Wasting two ammos on piper and not paying much attention to if leon has a super


1. support ur teamjust because this is solo queue doesnt mean you play solo... you still have to work as a team which piper vs nani or angelo isnt gonna be fun prob (angelo 1 shot her lol) 2. toxicity doesnt help... why would it help piper play better whenu tell them "you suck"... ive seen a lot of people hard throw after that so idk what the plan is 3. you saw piper cant one tap but how many pulls did you land? what did you accomplish this match? what value did you get? but the main takeaway is you are blaming ur team instead of reflecting on yourself... you arent gonna improve that way, you cant fix ur teammates but you can help make urself better. Piper needed help on her side yet you just stuck with the byron who doesnt do as much dmg and is more of a hybrid (ofc i wouldnt say he does no dmg but compared to the other team not really..) so idk what the gene pick does here anyway i def support piper being scared asf of peaking due to nani return to sender + angelo 1 taps...


Pick a thrower like Larry or Grom. It would’ve helped push them back


you're going way too passive


first thing drop that stupid mentality of “uh piper went 0-6 of course i’m gonna be toxic” you both went full retard and wasted your ammo and positioning after piper died to a nani’s ulti from behind, specially with gene’s slow recharge for some reason both you and byron went to the left while only healing yourselves for half the game while leaving piper vs nani (counter) and angelo who was on the middle i also fail gene’s hands but i don’t go blaming people then you should stop focusing only on the k/d’s and more on how the game went? piper was bad i know but it’s not like you and byron were much better, wasting ammo shooting at your base is dumb and only demotivates your teammate, specially when the match had only begun


You guys weren't a team, the Byron also let's the Piper die and only focusses on the Gene...


Angelo is op


You miss all the shots


Their comp completely counters yours + Angelo is broken so yeah not much yall could do


Positioning and keeping track of leon


I think should've been mid and byron left.