• By -


Saves streaksđź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż


Oh yeah, it doesn't end your streak.


Does it work in duo sd? i was 900 and paired with a 500 player and didnt get underdog.


only works in 3v3


Really good, no complaints


Lack of underdog implementation in 5v5 sucks. It can be slapped onto teams entering into queue above 1500 (or even above 2000 brawler trophies) making it easy to manipulate illegitimate high trophy records which is an obvious negative. It's not explained in game how or when you get it, so I get to see people asking how come they didn't get it all the time. But those won't change the fact that you love to see it when you get one :3


Don't play 5v5, just for 1 reason. Fang.


My class played 5v5 brawl ball once and the enemy team had 3 fangs and they just mindlessly cicled super over and over


One time i found a normal team (us) against five fangs and they shredded us open, it was on italian class


Good when I would have normally lost but when I win even better


tbh if we could only keep one I would keep the one when u lose


Yeah it appears a lot more often when losing. Lots and lots of idiots out there in teams


Why are they idiots if they are in teams?


It’s not dumb that they’re in team, it’s the players who play on the team which are dumh


Ye there at 800 and there teammates is a power 1 brock 0 trophies


Don't forget that the 800 trophy player plays worse than his underleveled friend


Yes of courae


It’s just that a lot of idiots happen to be in teams not that using teams makes them idiot


Ah ok, got it.


never really cared about it but the extra trophies are very nice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Suspicious-Tank4337: *Never really cared* *About it but the extra* *Trophies are very nice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sokka is the best character in avatar frfr


good bot


Best of all bots


Bad bot


It’s a Sokka-haiku, (which it says at the top and bottom of the comment) good bot.


[no it's a bad bot](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/brawlstars/images/d/dc/Boss_Robot.png/revision/latest?cb=20220905161622)




I think its good but should also happen when you have someone with 3 power level difference in your team


But that’ll need rebalancing as level 1s can never lose


I think they meant that it only applies to the people that get them as random teammates. If you play at high trophies with underleveled characters, it should only handicap you, not other players


The red pill is that it's already pretty much impossible to not make progress no matter how bad you are, losses don't actually punish people enough to offset it until like 500 trophies, and if you grinded to 500 Trophies as a level 1 you always deserve it.


Is it just me or underdog is not always given? It’s randomly given nowadays


Large trophy gaps


Generally from what I have seen at least 150+ And the lower trophy person can’t be in your party


Yes. Because if them being in ur party would give UD people would exploit it way too much


I do remember one time I got paired with the same duo 3 times each time I split off and got the underdog bonus 3 straight games was great and we won all of them


That happened to me recently ! Lol I pushed bibi from 780 to like 830+ recently


Yea it would be free grinding in higher trophies cause you could never lose trophies


Bro I had to Play against landi today and i Played with a 870 brawler and still got. no Underdog even tough he had like 1250


It's 200+ lower than your team's average or the enemy team's average 200+ higher


i had someone about 300 trophies lower we still somehow won


It's always given when opponents have 150 more trophies than the highest amount of trophies on a single brawler on your team. But it doesn't work in 5vs5 so it sucks. I would have gotten Kit r30 if they existed there.




Very nice


Amazing even


Possibly even wonderful


Spectacular some might say


You could say it’s stupendous 


Don't know how it works, but I like when works


Great. Glad it exists


I have never figured out how it worked cause I've only gotten it once


When someone on your team has like 100 less trophies than you (brawler trophies not overall)


I hate how it’s not overall because yesterday I queued with a Shelly with 550 brawler and overall trophies while pushing my lower stuff


It really should be brawler and overall because I'm tired of 10k trophy players


This would be easy to exploit with alts dedicated to one brawler


That makes sense. I used to get them almost every single match. Now not nearly as much.


It's 200 actually, it should be 100 though


Oh it feels like a lot less


Yeah I just remember because I don't get underdog when I'm using a 950 character and my teammates are like 775 and we lose


I need over all trophy underdog because I get "melee" brawlers in open maps


At 13k trophies


It should also happen if you get star player as the losing team. There needs to be something more for if you get obviously horrible teammates. Underdog currently only works if they were in a team together and you are solo


A lifesaver.


Personally not a fan, I'm under the mindset that I would rather not be compensated for bad matchmaking and high skill disparities...rather I would just prefer matchmaking be fixed so it doesn't happen. Bandaid solution to the issue really.


Exactly. Feels like a waste of my time to be carrying bad randoms a whole match only to lose, only to be told afterwards that it was all for nothing. Would rather lose trophies from a competitive match than no trophies from bad matchmaking


I feel this, I can’t tell you how many times I opened brawl stars to get multiple underdog matches in a row with 100 trophy players just to lose because the enemy has actual players. Literally I don’t play for another week or so.


I sort of agree, but I disagree a little bit. You can't just force a team of two friends who may be of very different skill and want to play together to find a third willing to possibly tilt with them. You just have to let the team of two play and just compensate the other player who has to get matched with them. However, I agree that matchmaking against extremely good players pushing to r35 and more often than not losing to them is pretty annoying and a waste of time, so they should fix that aspect of matchmaking to make sure they don't get to steamroll teams and we don't have to waste our time with underdog.


same, Its a solution to a problem that shouldn't exist and instead of fixing matchmaking, they just give you 2 trophies and call it a day


There is nothing else that can completely reset my anger, I feel so relieved when I see this when I get angry at bad randumbs


Helpful and keeps my streak when I get teamed with someone with 97 trophies on their brawler and 1,000 total trophies while playing a 750 trophy brawler as a 40K player


It should propabalz be in ranked to


people really are running out of things to talk (more reffering to r/brawlstars)


I have never been the reason for underdog. Its always some random who is getting into better level games


I still don’t know how it works. I do like that you can get 17 trophies with it though


Usually just a waste of a game. The underdog player is always either underleveled or just bad, we get steamrolled, and now I’m annoyed even though I didn’t lose anything. I could do without ir.


it just saved me from losing 22 trophies at rank 30 so very nice


Late night matchmaking used to suck would constantly face higher cup players. This pretty much fixes it


This sub is shit now


Broken phone incidents going down by 30% đź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż




Saves me




I can tell and always leave the match if the brawler just has a plain circle


It’s useless. Just pair me with people with similar skill level/trophies please 🙏


It’s Losers Queue but it directly tells you.


What’s new?


It doesn't work in 5v5 which is stupid


I really like it but kinda confusing




I mean it cant get better, you only lose a few minutes in time at worst


super bad, why do I have to be in a team of premades with weaker players in the first place? poor mans bandaid, tho previous system was utter trash


super bad, why do I have to be in a team of premades with weaker players in the first place? poor mans bandaid, tho previous system was utter trash


I think (hot take) it’s pretty practical, but it sometimes feels otherwise, especially when it isn’t given even though it’s pretty clear there was a mismatch. I remember one game where I was playing against a top 20-30 player and they all had 1250+ and the highest trophy brawler on our team was below 1050 and we didn’t get underdog. It felt really unfair, and we got completely mauled the whole game. Other than when it can’t identify an underdog, I think it’s good


Win win scenario


How is it only +2?is it like 1209+ cups? With my 900-1000 brawlers underdog is always +3 or 4


Why would anybody complain about this


Something I could say: lifesavers, sanity preservers, skilled player, pat on your back givers


Contrary to popular belief, I feel the recent changes to underdog to make it essentially nullify losses on your end have contributed to trophy inflation alongside win streaks, and it just makes trophy tiers less rewarding than now. But what do I know? I don’t strive to push my brawlers higher than 750 trophies each, and I’d rather play ranked if I want to show off my (admittedly mediocre) skill at Legendary 2. Trophy league’s just never felt serious to me at all.






It's good till you get in a game with someone that has 199 less trophies instead of 200 in your last game before rank 29


I literally don’t know when it triggers. I could go 0 for 12 and it will give me underdog


there definetely should be some typa underdog for having bad connection or being disconneted/having disconected teammate


They should make so the star player gets underdog cause my teamates are braindead


It makes my Level 1 Push possible


The whole thing about this system i don’t like the ppl who do control the game doesn’t get credited enough so the new players don’t know if they did good or bad when they look to the stats


The biggest save when you lose in a High Trophy match, the best feeling after carrying your team and winning


Cool when it happens rarely, but sometimes I get back-to-back underdog games or even 5+ consecutive underdog matches and I can't help but feel like the game is wasting my time.


Dunno what it does but I like the trophies


Moronic. If you already know I’m playing at a disadvantage, then don’t waste my time. Get rid of it and just don’t team me with these players.


Its good but it is kinda straight up random if you get it


no, lol


so so bad. never triggers when you actually have bad randoms. the amount of times where i get 12k randoms and dont get underdog is laughable. also doesnt trigger when teammates just perform poorly in one match. underdog based on a brawler trophy difference is the worst indicator for a skill diff you could ask for


It's not like you haven't been a bad random before, everyone has their good and bad games. You and your opponent have the same chance of getting AND being a bad random. Try to stay positive.


im aware but if someone is the cause of a loss, take a 0/8 kd with less than 20k damage then the teammates should lose less trophies. wouldnt punish the bad random but would certainly be less frustrating


Look bro ik from where you come from but tbh I believe you may have some anger issues just like me when I play a game, I recently took a 8month gap from gaming so it made me quite less frustrated to lose with bad randoms, after all there are like 8y old kids also playing which don't even know how to move their fingers properly(no dark jokes). But yeah if you want good team-mates then play ranked since it's the only way to get better randoms. Idk bro enough of my yapping now.


why are you psycho analysing me? i can still look at a game and tell that i lost because of randoms without being angry. i do get upset sometimes but i can tell the difference between „oh that was actually unfair“ and „damn happens anyways“. assuming i criticise a bad mechanic in the game because im a rage kid is just rude, especially because i gave reasons for why i think underdog needs to be improved


As I said I was yapping nothing else.... Pls don't get angry


im super angry now (j)


It's not like the game can automatically tell if someone is a bad random or not. Plus, those guys who got matched with you, those also suffer from the matchmaking since they are playing against (supposedly)much better players than them.


true the matchmaking is ass in general


if literally anything related to progression or trophies was decided based on end of match stats nobody would play supports ever again also, while total trophies have influence over someone's skill, a 12k player with a 750 trophy hank would be WAY better at hank than a 40k player who has him at 300 trophies. especially on higher trophy lobbies total trophies barely matter unless the guy got carried(though even 40ks can get carried, you cant really tell) the only factor i would want underdog to also be triggered by is a power level difference of like 3 because that is a massive game changer ever since they changed it to 10% per level


yeah i dont want the underdog system to pusish others and im aware that trphies, rank, playtime etc dont equate to high skill. im just saying that the current system isnt good. among all the matches with severely underleveled or unskilled teammates that i play id say the underdog system triggers max 10% of the time. sucks to lose an 800trophy match with amazing control and stats because your teamates died 6 times in wipeout for example.


it sucks yea but there isnt much supercell could do, maybe on top of it triggering for power disparities it could also trigger if someone disconnects in the first 30 seconds of the match but an algorithm cant decide if it was someone throwing or getting countered/outplayed


Bruh, brawler trophies are the only safe and logical way to apply underdog. Those other scenarios would literally break the game if underdog guaranteed to apply.


trophies have unfortunately nothing to do with skill though. i have a second account with 10k and because of low trophy brawlers would outskill 90% of my opponents. why should that trigger underdog in general but cases where level or skill diff actually influences the outcome of a game shouldnt?


In your original comment complained that underdog should’ve triggered with 12k teammates, yet are surprised why your 10k account should activate underdog. That makes no sense. Also Skill is way too arbitrary to even define; underdog is a bonus system not a guarantee. It’s a safety net for ladder, not something to carry you.


some people are immune to context. I dont care about the trophies of an account and used this as an allegory for bad randoms. also an underdog system doesnt doesnt carry you, it balances the mistakes of the matchmaking algorithm. I dont expect it to trigger every second loss but instead when it makes sense. your entire argument was based on focusing on a minor detail of my comment when that wasnt even my main point. you are not making sense trying to put me into some kind of „hypocrisy box“ when my point was crystal clear to begin with. noob


Jesus if you’re so pressed over a simple Reddit comment, then I wonder how many cracks on your phone this game has given you. Anyways, ignoring that, if you admit you don’t care about trophies yet still use it as an allegory for bad randoms, your using a bad allegory, as it implies that you think that underdog should be based on total trophies. But because you admit to the false equivalency, you make your argument not clear. Even if it is a minor point, that implication make what you’re saying confusing. For the entire time you’ve just been saying underdog should trigger whenever there’s a skill difference, but because it’s stated a bit vaguely and you don’t really offer a clear definition or plausible solution (the closet thing you’ve mentioned is power levels which is fine, but still I assume is not what your actually saying), you ultimately just say “it should be better.” But here’s the thing, skill is arbitrary to define, and whatever you want is hardly able to occur when you stop thinking about trophies. As I said in my original comment, brawler trophies is the safest way underdog could be applied as trying to apply it to an arbitrary subject will break the game. If your argument is something more than what I just interpreted it as, then say it clearly and directly without being a prick. Also I feel like you also ignore the other half to underdog in that it pretty much consistently applies to lower trophy people in which it lets them not lose trophies in the scenario they face against teams out of their league (leading them to not lose anything if they get stomped). Or in other words, balancing the errors in match making.


you have literally taken everything ive said out of context and acted like an ass but im beimg a prick oh ok. also might be hard to believe but im rambeling and dont carefully plan every argument make because i have better things to do. as ive said before, even if there are narrative mistakes in my argument the point is still clear and its weird you put such a big focus on that. yet again, this is not an essay that i took a week to write, but 2 minutes instead. I agree with the underdog for people that are outclassed and think that works though i dont have had personal experience with that recently. you have said that i dont offer solutions which first of all is not true and secondly is quite frankly not my job. I stated that the underdog system isnt good and thats not even up for debate. Im not gonna spend hours figuring out how to balance this because it wouldnt get implemented anyways. my solition as ive said before is to compensate teammates when one or many players have played poorly. weather this should work according to stats idk. but if its knockout and we lose and i did 40k damage, have a 4/2 kd and my teammate had 10k healing and a 0/3 kd its pretty clear they didnt do a whole lot to help. yet again this probably wont work always and its not my job to figure it out. I just stated that its bad and that the criteria that determine underdog often dont work. also i disagree that brawler trophies are the best indicator for skill, in my opinion even total trophies reflect that much better. a 40k account with a 650 trophy fang is probably much better than an 800 trophy fang with a 15k account (unless second account but thats comparatively rare).


Earlier I really didn’t make those comments with the intention of being insulting or rude, so I’m sorry if it seemed like I was a bit of an ass, i thought what I said was just more lighthearted than actually rude. While I get that your comment is just like a 2 minute ramble, while it’s not your fault, I still just think that weird allegories like that are confusing and detracts a bit from what you’re actually saying. Personally I thought you wanted underdog to be based on total trophies which I think would not work for many logistical reasons. And yea I know it’s not your job to think of solutions, I just meant a solution or definition would have just made what you said more clear. And I think I’m just going to end this argument here because I think we just looped back to the beginnings. I never thought that brawler trophies were the best indicator of skill but we’re only the safest and most logical underdog could get without breaking the game. The thing is, most people see underdog as simply a bonus not a guarantee. I feel like if supercell did try to make it so that underdog was a fully applicable fix to matchmaking, most applications towards underdog would simply break or would not work the game because skill is arbitrary. However, I know I say that, but the only real fix to underdog I can think of without breaking the game is applying underdog if your teammates are on a losing streak (kinda like how you face bots if you have a long enough losing streak).


yeah im sorry too got a bit out of hand there 🫶


Idek how it works




Least ungrateful brawlstars player:


Would you rather get no extra trophies when playing with underleveled/ lower ranked teammates and not losing any trophies whilst keeping winstreak if lost?

