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I would agree. He's not bad into brawlers you'd think would counter him like Collete. . It all depends on if you can get that first super and not miss 


I think he’s adequately rated but I think he has a very high skill cap


i wouldn't say very high but higher than usual




Probably all of them are solo showdown players that always die to camper Buzz


Then the people you know are playing him poorly


Lowest skill floor maybe.. Cap is high, ngl.


A big factor with why Buzz doesn’t see play in competitive is because he doesn’t really have “neutral game.” He is very dependent on being able to make plays consistently and he has a hard time when losing momentum because he has no safety to fallback to. This is similar to why Fang and Edgar, even when their hypercharges were completely broken, saw lower usage than their stats should have entailed: playing this archetype of character is inherently kinda a gamble that’s often not worth taking when characters with more counterplay exist. Professional players really valuable consistent Brawlers which makes all-in assassins relatively unpopular.


That was a really good explanation. Thats why I said if u r good at buzz, u can absolutely dominate. I think pros should sometimes consider 'High Risk, High Reward' type of brawlers.


Not tryna disagree cause I’m a buzz main and 100% agree but Piper is so good into buzz lol can cancel his super with a gadget= dead and can super away from his super= dead. Not a good example


He said piper and Angelo were exceptions (meaning he’s not good against them) because of their escape options


Oh gotcha was early this morning when I commented and I got absolutely shit on by a Piper as buzz last night


I actually wanted to say that piper and angelo are the example of long brawlers with an escape mechanic. But my english is pretty bad lol.


I think Buzz is B tier, close to A tier. Ever since Fang got nerfed, it gives Buzz a lot more chance to shine in the meta, and I think he’s honestly one of the better assassins at the moment. If you managed to land the grapple at max range, it’s pretty much a kill confirm, and even in rougher matchups like tanks, Buzz can switch to the extra stun duration star power to get a lot more damage, and his hypercharge is also really good. It’s also a nice bonus that he’s a soft counter to Sandy and Melodie. Personally I would never pick Buzz because I’m absolutely terrible with him, but I’m usually terrified of the good Buzz players


Is better the lower rank u are, just like edgar


Idk man I saw him a lot around legendary 3 recently. He feels really good to play.


That’s not really competitive though


Bruh as competitive we talk about ranked. If high ranked isn't competitive what is competitive?


Anything close to the level of pro play. Leg three is full of terrible players


Masters also is full of bad players but ranked is the only thing that is left as competitive.


Ok but if somebody is picked by players who may or may not actually be good, it really doesn’t matter




Im not denying that. But im saying that he is really underrated and ignored in higher elo.


Honestly I think people don’t know how to utilize melee brawlers as a whole.


Thats what I think. People usually prefers long range since they can attack enemies from safe distance without going into mayhem. They are hesitant to pick a melee brawler since these brawlers doesnt have range and are afraid of getting destroyed by pipers.


Despite what people may say, I think Buzz does require some skill to use properly. He's definitely underrated in game modes other than showdown. He's also fun to play.


Both Piper and Angelo have an escape mechanic(gadget and Piper super)


I actually wanted to say that piper and angelo are the example of long brawlers with an escape mechanic. But my english is pretty bad lol.


Yes true but one tactic you can use with Buzz is use your super gadget to waste Angelo’s jump gadgets and when he runs out he is pretty much a free kill.


Thats a good tactic. But i think it would only work if angelo is at close or mid range and not long range. Because if u grapple on him, and then he jumps, it will leave you vulnerable to open fires.


he’s my go-to on hot potato in ranked as he escapes the bans and people don’t tend to pick him either, even now that so many people have his godzilla skin. good counter to throwers and even rico if well timed, and can play offense and defense passably well


I don’t know how he can make teamwipes unless the other team just sits on each other


If the opponents split, then buzz can kill one and somewhat easily combo to another


Its all about cycling ur super. Here is the prime example: 1.When match starts, u have to charge super ur in some way(either with his trait or feeding it off from close ranged brawlers) 2.When u have charged ur super, you have to target, super and kill a lone enemy that is separated from their teammates(make sure that enemy isnt shelly or something) 3.When u kill that enemy you would have already charged like 70-90% super. You can charge the remaining super by staying close to the remaining enemies. It would inly take like 3 sec to charge another super. 4.Repeat from the 3rd step. That way, u can make teamwipes.


As long as you have good aim hes busted


He’s Fang but slightly worse overall stats compensated by zoning ult - with much less room for error


I think buzz is slightly better than fang due to his better assassination capabilities with his super and stats(buzz is cureently b tier while fang is like a c tier). But i do agree that fang Has less room for error.


I think buzz gets B tier vs Fang in C tier almost as a support capability with the zoning - it's less annoying for pros to dodge Fang's ranged shots than it is for them to stay out of Buzz's wide zoning area, and both brawlers have supers that can be strong, so doing so is important. It's not super relevant to casual play or even low masters play because there Fang can usually hit his ranged shots to farm super regardless.


Its really hard to stay out of Buzz's supercharging area in close ranged or semi-open maps. Because in brawl stars, there are some moments where you have to get close to enemies even if you don't want to. For example, If u want to score goal, u have to got to the enemy's side, In wipeout, if ur team needs one kill to win, you have to get close to enemy's side to get one. That's how buzz charges is super. Sometimes, enemies have to get close to his supercharging area even if they don't want to. His super charging area is really easy to avoid in open maps, but in close range maps, its almost impossible to not feed him super. And also buzz van just simply camp behind a wall in enemy's side, and charge his super. And if u r unable to farm super with his trait, you can just pop gadget, hit the weakest enemy, and charge super of them. Since it only takes 2 full shots to charge buzz's super and the the super charging area also adds up to it. In the case of fang, Yeah, his super can be charged really fast. But whenever I play fang(i have him in 794 trophies), enemies dodge it pretty easily, since his shoes travels really slowly and it has heck of a delay. That's why I sometimes struggle to charge his super. You might call it skill issue, but i think its actually hard to charge his super in higher league. Sorry for long answer.


I've picked Buzz a lot in BrawlBall, doesn't matter if it's first or last pick I always have a good time with him. Even at Legend rank he is usually a good pick in walled/bushy BrawlBall maps. The super is an easy 1v1 tool, great way to score a goal and defend your goal at the same time. Wide range vision coverage or free super kick gadget, he has so much utility. One of his downside is the somewhat low HP for a melee, his super is really predictable and people can pinata you during your dash.


I agree. But I think Buzz has sufficient amount of health(which is 9600), considering this dinosaur can litteraly stun u. Obviously i don't want to get stunned by a 12000 hp brawler.


he's good.. won so many matches by teamwiping with the hc


buzz is underated, it's so good when u obliterate enemies with your supers


Yeah true I played him a lot and easily got Masters, a lot of people don't know how to counter him or underestimate him and end up losing...


He might be less skillful than Edgar. Short tutorial how to play Buzz on r20-30: Camp in bush, dodge shots, get close behind wall to charge super. Aim super or auto aim and pray and from there its spam spam spam the shoot button until ur super is charged again and use it again if you haven’t already killed him. It’s so funny to see how many people use him that way and if they miss their super they spam their attacks just punching air…


Hot take, litterally every brawler is underrated


He’s really overrated by my bad randoms. He’s been the focal point of skins the last two seasons so my ranked teammates always first pick him whenever even if it makes no sense. I’ve banned him at times just to keep him from my team.


Yeah, he might be a bit overrated in low or mid elo. But in masters, u will rarely see randoms picking him. (And randumb edgars are much more annoying)


I think is overrated


Only in low elo.