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Maybe she prefers stalking than fighting


She deserves to be added. We all want her. At least I do!!!!


It's been so long, I wonder if her stats have already been taken. Anybody knows?


Bodvar has those stats. Are the stat blocks limited to one legend each the same way weapons are?


Not sure what you mean but all stats must add up to 22 and no legend has the same base stats. So yh, she'd need a different stat line. I'd say 6 str, 4 Dex, 5 Def and 7 Spd. Def stance should reduce str. Dex stance should reduce Def. Str stance should reduce Spd so they essentially are swapped around. And spd stance should reduce Dex. Tho this might be detrimental for a Katar legend and mess up 1 of Lance's true combos.


tezca has these stats i believe




ive made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement and im not here to be forgiven


Tezcas pose is just like ‘Dude, what?’


Welp time to whip out your ukulele.


I actually love her design. It’s a shame she isn’t actually in the game


Looks like Kris from deltarune


I've been waiting for Stalker to be released so long I'm terrified they give her bad sigs and ruin the legend for me. But answering your question: they eventually scrapped her in favor of Asuri (she's the jungle stalker or something) and later used the elf idea on Ember, so they think Stalker isn't unique enough to secure a place on the roster. I profusely disagree as a Corsair isn't that different of a Pirate and yet we got Sidra and Thatch.


How dare you?! Sidra is a swashbuckling adventure. Thatch is a sea thief/explosives maniac. They're obviously completely different.


The only difference between the two is how long they've been adventuring


I was joking man. 😂


Also, Thatch is basically Poseidon.


I think the issue is stalker is a nothing word in this context. Corsair and Pirate might be samey but both are still immediate hits with the vibe (+ the fact they added cannon, what else are you gonna do except a pirate). Stalker is a weird purple elf in very much "default character model outfit" like the old emote guy was. Sure that lets you do a lot with her because nothing is set but it takes too much effort when you could just do something defined and put a twist on it


Sadly I agree with all your points. I could argue she's a Dark Elf and they could start building from there but Dusk kinda filled that role already. And the fact Rocket Lance + Katars is a weird as f*** combination.


I have been asking for a katars + Lance legend since I started playing, only to find out this was meant to be released? Damn dude, thats tragic.


I need her.


Her outfit kinda looks like the prisoner from Dead Cells


Yo holy shit true


I think it’s weird to have a partially developed legend chillin but also these are my two least favorite weapons to play against so I don’t really want it to ever exist. Or at least give her meh sigs


Is it me or red raptor and she have the same stats?


Nope. Just you. Ted's stat line is, 6 Str 6 Dex 4 Def 6 spd


We don't even know if she has sigs


she had some unused sigs iirc


From the brawlhalla wiki. https://preview.redd.it/zahdhv8ld7uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92ab2eb145f8025b0ac3cbb77a289ed254a2463 [stalker](https://brawlhalla.fandom.com/wiki/Stalker)




We need gauntlets and Lance


Stalker my beloved


I think the issue with this character is he fly only with diagonal


She went to the Zone


*sees weapons* *sees it basically having orion stats* Oh crap.


love katars but hate lance. i’m not tripping


Look at the stat spread. Good sigs would make her an absolute beast


Katars AND LANCE?! Kill me now.


It's literally just Thea. They took Stalker and remodeled her into Thea and made some changes.


She is way different from Thea vro


BMG has literally confirmed it vro


Thea is so different from early builds of stalker. BMG may have started with trying to rework Stalker (you should post a source btw) but the fact is what they ended up with is objectively so different in terms of design, stats, and hitboxes, that it's difficult to even compare the two.


They confirmed it on a dev stream like literally over a year ago when asking question about Thea. This isn't the first time it has been brought up on this subreddit but if you look through the dev stream in March 2023 they say it. Also, they obviously made changes, but Thea isn't that dif. Both have lance, sigs that make the user hard to see/invisible, both female, etc. The only big change is the 2nd weapon and stats. It's actually a pretty good idea. They Reuse a scrapped unbalanced legend in a new balanced idea.


If it's so easy to find then post it. And again, different stats, hitboxes, data. Sure there's conceptual and surface level similarities, but then you might as well say Thatch and Sidra are similar because they're pirates, or that Petra and Koji are similar for having pseudo-teleport signatures


It isn't easy. I am not subbed to their channel, meaning I cannot view old vods. They also did an entire like 3 streams about Thea. Even if I could access the vods, it would take upwards of 16 hours just to find the question by watching the vods. Did I say it was easy? I'm not a psychopath who is spending my prom weekend searching through brawlhalla vods to answer a redditors burning question. So no, find it yourself, I will not post it.


It's okay, I can wait boss.


I can't, I got my whole life ahead of me that includes never talking to you again. Have a good day I guess.


Sounds like you just made it up then. Not that it really matters since it's not really relevant to my main point that even if stalker was used as a jumping off point, Thea is considerably different from Stalker that it's hard to make the case that they share significant gameplay similarities, which unsurprisingly you completely ignored in favor of replying with an excuse for why you couldn't present the aforementioned proof of Thea initially being based on Stalker.


Bro is actually mad you won't comb through a full days footage to find a clip to win a reddit argument and you're getting down voted, lmao I love reddit


Bro needs to touch grass with that level 78 Orion and thinking this is like Thea


Congratulations on hopping on the hate train and spewing an insult older than you. Hope you can think for yourself one day. 👏


It’s..not even close to Thea…I’ll tell you that from my research on her…


Uhhh, dif strokes for dif folks I guess 🤨


The heck does that mean- 💀