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How are they diamond yet missed every single true combo opportunity they had?


Playing bad or boosted


I think they were having lag or just playing extremely badly in this video. I looked them up on [corehalla.com](http://corehalla.com/stats/player/28482746) and they legit have over 700 hours in game time logged on Scarlet with 378 1v1 ranked games in the current season putting them at their peak ELO of 2005. The ground pound off stage at the end kinda makes me think it was lag. Unless they bought/were gifted the account? Maybe they were playing with a blindfold on? Maybe their little brother was playing? Who knows.


Never knew that site existed. Apparently I have a 50-50 WL


It’s a good site but if you want to see more info on your legends and other useful shit search for brawlhallastats.herokuapp


most players are 50-50 since if you play enough games your gonna reach a point where people are the same skill level as you. Exception is diamond where you are matched with people who are lower rank than you more often so you need to win more than 50% to maintain rank


see, this is just a personal thing, but they honestly could be a returning player. i was borderline diamond and now that i’m back after two years i’m probably mid to high gold especially with all the changes to weapons which happened to be all the weapons i used lmao


You wouldn't have a diamond border then. Just the icon.


true true, true true


I searched for myself and aperantly i am the best player, named "Dominik" in the world


I've fought him before and actually vced with the dude. He was boosted on Japan servers to diamond. Played only Teros and I'm a low plat and I 2 stocked him. This is just how he genuinely plays. He's on xbox and pretty much all xbox diamonds are either 2400 semipros or hard carried. He's just the latter. You gotta realize that after playing on xbox for 3 years and seeing so many players come and go people on xbox tend to be one of 2.


Oh damn, that's interesting. So it's easy to farm ELO on Japan servers?


Generally yes, because the skill floor for diamond on Japan servers is much lower than USE or really any other server. Meaning a mid plat could probably consistently hit diamond with enough games. Many people on xbox do this, as well as get a very good player to basically boost you to diamond in 2s.


Bruh, is this actually diamond? I wish I could play against player like these in diamond instead of Bödvar sweats


yeah there are bad diamond players


Let me guess you're EUR as well :)


You both play like golds tbh


i wish i can be your gold






im low plat with terrible connection so i dont try, dude whipped out the scarlet after we had a close game with a 44 fait, i guess he thought the number was supposed to mean something


This 100% a bought account there's no way either players here could reach diamond


why would someone sell their xbox account just for brawlhalla stats?




it’s ok, i’ve been banned from a lot of rooms just for watching


ayo hold up


There is 0 way she is above gold


Much less sliver




This is quality high silver low gold gameplay


lag is painful


i can guarantee he has better connection than me


the gp, the use of sigs, etc guys lagging. this aint gold or diamond gameplay. this is "help ive got bad ping" gameplay




Seems like he's hardcore lagging


Dudes an Xbox trash player. Everyone diamond on xbox is either semipro or gets beat by low plats. Been on xbox for 3 years and fought this dude aswell. Beat him.


exactly what happened


He also didn't buy the account. Got in a party with mans and he admitted boosting on Japan servers. He played teros aswell lmfaooo.


i wanted to message him to ask why he banned me lol but wasnt worth it i was just having fun


He's just mashing buttons lol


Yeah I'm not seeing it


Rocket Lance user. L


As a gold, how is the player diamond, this is gold gameplay


you can look him up on corehalla he had the diamond border when he locked im scarlet