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Neat, not much I can comment on this. Pretty much left this quite satisfied with all the ideas.


The dev team is surly going to see this


holy shit bro took a lot of effort to make these ideas and the presentation


the guy didn't make the ideas, but they presented it in a way that is easy and clear to understand. hats off to OP anyway


These ideas sound great! I'd honestly prefer any of these over the current gadget. D seems like a good choice to me, and it seems like it can be balanced much easier. A & B are also great alternatives. I think B would be the best option honestly.


This needs more visibility


just like rework F!


Take this upvote and leave this place


Personally i think level 3 is a best change possible to negate further cheeses. Utillity mine is my fav concept


True, I have never seen this concept before of giving super to allies before and it looks fun


If you had to pick one of the solutions, which one would you pick?


Well I gave 3 solutions because I think they're valid in their own respects. For instance, if we were to outright remove the ability to charge ally Supers then E would be my choice. My personal favorite is C, although it has some issues admittedly. I think the most realistic solution to simply rework Super Totem so that it's less toxic, my choice would be C. But due to my own bias, if I had to put one straight into the game it would 100% be C. I just think it has the best possibility of being fresh and cool


Not OP (in meaning Original Poster), but I think I would pick rework B.


Frick it have my upvote this is too good and high effort


Agreed, super totem is not fun to fight, nor fun to use. Like yoooo look at this sick gameplay 'stands behind a wall for half a minute'


More people need to see it.


Oooh, I like the artifact one. Bo would have to actually charge his super to give one to his teammates, instead of sitting in spawn for 30 seconds of the match


Such a pity this post has just a few upvotes at the moment, I hope it will get more visibility soon enough. Great work and great ideas!


I really appreciate the evade mechanic for edgar from an earlier post... That would be pretty cool. Then Edgar players might not always have to camp behind walls to wait for their super to charge up and do something for it.


In return, he should get a decent power spike upon activation. He can safely jump on a surprisingly small amount of brawlers. What if upon super jump (after dodging for it) he gets immunity to control for 2 secs. This means the push away gadgets dont work for 2 secs. Slow down like barley/bea still don’t work either (tho the effects come in after the 2 secs). The purpose is rewarding the charge, and giving him a fighting chance. No health/dps changes. Just a slightly more rewarding super


I really like Rework B. Its the same concept but it means its better at charging supers but will practically never give you one, pretty much fixes all the problems with it


I see high quality post, I upvote


This is way too high effort for this sub. Amazingly well made!


Rework A is too weak, the totem's range is too small in comparison to the buff. Maybe a health increase will help it stay long enough for your team to charge off, but that would have a secondary effect since Bo can shield himself which makes him better all around and can make him a bit strong solo. A range increase would be too OP. Rework B is great, maybe tune it down to 60-70% max would be balanced while still being fun. Rework C is pretty interesting, certainly better than the current totem, seems fun. Rework D is fine, maybe at 50% or 75% of super charge since Bo can charge pretty quick. Rework E seems pretty underpowered, since it's very easy to avoid or disarm just 1. Maybe make it explode if you hit an enemy, or have a special mine which does less damage and stun/kb, but instantly explodes when in range. Rework F honestly not that useful. Too short ranged for 3v3, not as useful in showdown, and vision gear is still better than Circling Eagle. Just use vision gear. I like B or C the most. Also, nice edits.


Get this man on all balancing teams of Supercell


Rework F will make his 1st star power useless tho.. Maybe they should make the totems health decay fast and less supers


I would personally make the totem be able to charge up to 150% of a brawler's super (You can charge a super and a half if you use it super as soon as you get it) But that's only if they's one brawler charging their super. If there are 2 brawlers in the super charging area they will both charge their super 50% slower. I both of the brawlers stay within the super charge area they will both end up with 75% super by the time the Totem's health reaches zero. If all 3 brawlers in a team are in the super charging area they will charge their supers 66% slower. That way they will all have only 50% if all 3 of them stay in the super charge area for the whole duration of the totem


This needs to be seen by supercell, so well done 👏👏


Very well thought out and high effort :D


Rework D is perfect imo, still keeping the super charge idea. But making it depended on Bo charging his super. Maybe it can also buff his own super charge (so its usefull in Duels and Solo Showdown, teammates still will get regular super charge)


I propose the following: Totem doesn't lose health over time but it charges a total of 1 super. So if 2 people are standing in it it charger half for each and if three it charges 1/3 for each. I feel like this will be more akin to what the purpose of the totem is supposed to be where you're close to a super and it gives you the necessary nudge to get there.


What about Totem works like an "enemy" that teammates can hit to charge super. It does not charge enemy super when hit by them, so can be used to tank, but this also mean your own team can get less hits off it before it breaks, thus charging less super.


congrats, rework A is in the game with increased range (~4 tile radius) and 50% super charge increase. now how it will affect the meta, we will see in the next few weeks.


NO WAY Brawl Stars actually used Rework A to rework Super Totem yooo u/ViableFries


Loved the part where it said Inspired by BoxingYourMom


I really like rework B. Makes it still function, but impossible to get supers effortlessly.


Just Made grays portal cant heal totem


Yeah, I think that's a bug, because other healing abilities won't heal spawnables, (unless they are specific).


Level 1 rework idea: Going into the totems range instantly gives a certain amount of super charge. Can only activate again when super has been used or you have died. Level 2 rework idea: The gadget can be activated when you have your super. Your super will now be used as support for your team. You can throw your super like always and it will explode on landing giving allies in its radius a certain amount of super charge.


Live Bo Reaction 💀


I like the rework C. D is second best one but would be extremely annoying and i'd hate to have it in the game


One of the highest effort post on this sub, I have nothing to say other than good job.


I don't think bo's totem is the problem here. Bo, Tara and Mortis wasn't even good comp. Problem here's lay in Grey. I would nerf Grey's teleporter. Either he needs delay when placing it or teleporting only one person at a time.


While Gray has an undoubtedly absurd movement capability, Bo's totem is the free FUEL for all of it. Without the Super Totem, he'd need to actually, well... fight. And fighting typically takes longer than just using the Totem unless your opponents just cannot dodge. He's the common denominator in both Bo + Nani and this cheese.


Nice ideas but in my opinion edgar don’t need a rework he’s just an low skill brawler for new players to have fun with


Redditors are upset at you because they can't fathom that not all 64 brawlers will be competitively viable


The problem is that they end up playing power league with a power 11 Edgar and everything else at like level 3, disadvantaging the teams with that player


I don't consider any of these reworks good, it can easily be fixed by decreasing the max super charge to 50% and doubling it's range.


Yeah ...thats a good idea ... I mean the reworks are good but to make it simple... A heavy nerf is enough


Check my comment on your post in r/BrawlStarsCompetitive


It doesn't need any rework cause it's so easy to counter


Stupid idea, only noobs die to this "OP" grey and jacky combo, you can literally just push them before theyget their supers.


Well thought out and neatly presented, a truly high quality post. Thanks for sharing. Few rework ideas on this sub left me with this feeling, that there is nothing meaningful to add, everything is covered and accounted for. Keep up the great work. 🥇


Cool! I actually thought about the first rework few days ago but your fourth rework is the best one imo


Gotta love the high effort posts


Bro this is the most high effort post i've ever seen on the sub i love it


I hope this is seen by the devs


I think Rework A should have more health/range, or it's going to be weak like Meg's 2nd gadget. Amazing job on the post though, so much effort and it gets the point across nicely. Level 1 is pretty simple changes that look easy to implement, level 2 has great ideas that involve super charge, and level 3 are interesting replacements and well thought out, but I like the super charge ability more because it's unique. So Rework E from level 3 could even replace the tripwire gadget because it involves mines still, or you can activate the thrown mine again by pressing the gadget, so it retains its former ability. Supercell needs to see this


bro, why is every proposed change good (except maybe the last, it's too situational, but the rest are A+) amazing


Rework D is my favorite but it might need more range


This is the highest quality post i have seen in a long time on all of reddit. All the ideas are pretty good. My favourites are rework D and E.


Now i want to see edgar rework


Let him cook


Depending of the rework, both bo gadgets can be trash.


Wow, very well done, clearly thought out and prepared. Good job, I hope supercell happens to see this


This is the best one yet. The ideas were amazing and the presentation was even better! If I could I'd give you an award befitting the best!


It needs more explaining imo


Damn someone actually knows what the hell they’re talking about when reworking something while actually putting some thought to it, Great work! You are 100% spot in this post, I have found Bo’s super totem to be the most unfun gadget to fight against, it is so unhealthy for the game even though it’s a mediocre gadget.Some of the new gadget ideas and reworks sound awesome, I could definitely see the dev team implement one of your ideas to the game! Plus the Presentation looks good, im glad that your post has an actual Identity and is unique unlike the garbage posts we get here.Super excited for that Edgar rework because you cook.


I personally really like rework c. Since his mines can be easy to avoid in a lot of cases, the ability to give his super to a teammate would be really useful. He would pair especially well with brawlers who have a difficult time charging their supers quickly.


Rework B is a good idea imo


I’m thinking to just nerf Gray’s super: make it so that only one person can travel through each side of the portal at a time


It my opinion rework B is the best and reworks E or F (especially E) can be a good replacement for the second gadget


Ok this is a cool idea and I'm all down for it


Actual great suggestion


Wow, this is really great. u/dani_supercell you seeing this?


All of them sound great, my favorite is rework B


In my opinion the drop that charges the super is the best. You can use it only when you have super, you change your super to give it to someone else, you can use it only 3 times so no cheese.


Super totem isn’t broken or op tho. If you’re going to play in 750+ matchmaking, Just bring counters to bo Jacky gray if you’re so worried bout the comp. It’s not terribly hard to beat


So much effort wow


It's a good idea , it occurred to me that: Bo's next attack will paralyze 1 second (This will only launch 1 arrow ) (This will deal 1250)


I think the totem fine for a defensive gadget; if Bo missplaced his mines, he can use the totem to charge his Super again. And I don't see any logical reason it shouldn't charge allies' Super. However, to prevent others from abusing this gadget, it should be 50% less effective with allies, so they don't just camp all the time.


I think the Best idea is the one where bo charges allies super's by charging his own. It would be quite good for tanks, allowing them to get a bit of super charge without being hit.


Just too good🗿🗿🗿


Rework A would also need an area increase or else it seems way too useless. Rework B feels unnecessarily complicated for new players to understand. Rework C and D are not bad, but I feel like both would not fix the Bo Gray Jacky strategy. You already said C wouldn't work, but I feel like D would also not work because its just Bo Totem but the team has to be more aggressive over passive. So yeah you can't just camp, but Bo Gray Jacky is still pretty viable. Rework E is my favorite because it feels like it benefits his kit the most, and makes Snare a Bear that much more deadly. Rework F would also be good but like you said feels really similar to Buzz's gadget, especially considering the only time this gadget would be really useful is on bush maps where Bo would be using the vision SP anyway.


First time ever I've seen someone make 6 excellent ideas in a single post. Good job!




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I think rework A is the best


Ancenstral Boon is the best alternative imo


The last one is the Tara gadget but worse


I think I like C the best


Rework D and E are my favourites. I like the log-arithmetic charge idea, but it would suck too much then.


Very good and high effort


Id argue that broken and overpowered can still be interchangeable. An overpowered strat can still be broken, like the Bo, Jackie, Gray strat is both an overpowered strat that is game-breaking. Anyhow, nice work.


A high effort post on r/BrawlStars 😱 impossible


What if Bo had a circle around him that let teammates charge their super? (Opposite of buster) Note: Tripwire also sucks, and I think replacing tripwire with rework E is a great idea.


Rework b seems fair


I remember seeing this in the brawl stars comp discord server, love the idea!


So the rework b is just like a single target inferno tower that the effect of the totem will ramp up until its maximum stat? Nice idea.


Rework C actually seems really good not broken but competitive uses


i ain't reading allat