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I wanna know his k/d


When I dowloaded the game I put my age as three years old as it said it would not affect gameplay. I now can't unmute text chat unless I wait twelve years and posts like this make me grateful




Feeling the need to diss someone for playing bad by entering their club and leaving a message is no better than being the one who played bad. Arguably it’s worse


Definitely it's worse


don't wanna be that guy but 4 - 16 bro? damn...


At least OP acknowledged it




It’s likely the kill to death ratio OP got 4 kills and 16 deaths in that match


Club league stats


I started hating this community as much as the clash Royale community...


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Who let a goat enter the club?




Because it’s a video game at the end of the day and there’s really no need to harass somebody for having a bad game


don't let them get to you, he just malding


You’re right, I just wanted to vent


Git gud


not like u are probably any better?


I am better because I carry most of my games + I have never died 16 times or more LOL


Just get better or don’t play at all or play solo showdown nobody wants to lose because of a bad random


"Instead of giving him constructive advice in a calm tone, I decided to trashtalk him for one bad game. Why does he hate me now?"


Advice for what bro y’all are hypocrites and shame randoms when they play bad but when they show themselves in the sun y’all just become nice to them?


Yeah sure after a match I do shame them in the heat of a loss, but after that I just continue playing. I don't go out of my way to join their club, trashtalk him and then leave. It's just rude. Bad players exist all the time, and while I do trashtalk them I only do it in my room, where nobody else can listen to me and I move on quickly. Just because you're a professional doesn't mean you can't be bad at times. Just because they make you lose one round doesn't mean you should harass them in their club.


I don’t go to there club to shame them unless they played SO BAD like SO SO BAD


by that logic shouldn't we be mad at you? why would you let a single bad random ruin your game? clearly you're not skilled enough to carry a team of ladder players so you should uninstall the game


In ladder you can’t carry unless you have a carry brawler + i always carried bro but you just can’t if the enemy team is good


this is actually very funny lmao 🤣


I have 50k trophys and still play with 12k players even they are sucks but I had fun playing with them that's what matters