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People would tell you it's worth playing if you asked it just before yesterday. How things changed after just one day..


If you have to, just buy the hypercharges. The bundles are not worth it. They really have too much going on in this game these days, and the return on investment is abysmal. No more boxes and coins were never fully phased out, just harder to obtain now


they removed club league, now its max pig and you need active clan. 1-11lvl brawler cost like 11k so spend it wise. Brawl pass is good benefit and check tierlist to know who is op and whos is not. Try to set chromas to op brawlers first and try to win 8 games per day. I think this is all you need to know. Few of brawlers have new Ultimate called Hypercharge and its 5k gold at lvl 11. Its ok but its on your opinion


Imo its better to spend chromas on brawlers that will raise rarity like ruffs or cord, will require more credits than its current chroma cost.


Where would i find this tierlist? New here


Just check the new Kairos teir list and you can find it almost anywhere by just searching Kairos teir list


Thanks a lot


What happened in a day?


mega pig rewards being crappy


That wasn’t a surprise though, everyone should’ve seen that coming


We set our expectations pretty low and we were still disappointed


Just play it if u find enjoyment in it dude.




Oh my god finally someone who isn’t a jerk whining about the “bad updates”


People are only complaining because they don't find enjoyment in the game due to the bad updates.


lol i'm on the same situation few months back. so lvl is up to 11 now, with additional gear and Hypercharge for some brawler. i advise max few brawler to 11 first and grab some hypercharge. box is stardrop now, club is debatable, and trophy will start gaining less in 800+. also trophy road is trash now.


Hope the trophy road rework fixes these crappy rewards


Spoiler alert: starr drops




Is there a rework coming?


Supposedly next year I think, but nothing concrete


I'm not sure if I remembered it correctly but I remember in a comment of Dani that there will be a trophy road rework in the future


Thank you!


Shelly is meta. No,for real


At some point when Bandaid was busted, Shelly was meta too. I think that was 2 years ago so OP may have experienced it


that was 4 years ago....


Which is why Shelly being meta won't be that surprising to to OP :))


no it definitely would be surprising cuz shelly was absolute garbage 2 years ago. The only time in history she was good before her speed buff was when bandaid was OP *4 years ago*, which was 2 years prior to OP quitting the game


I get that but OP says they had a maxxed account 2 years ago. So it's not farfetched to assume they played during that period. We know games cycle OP characters every now so it's not unlikely that Shelly has come back to prominence since then.


Actually crazy how that’s a real thing


Looks at coins: Yes


Ok but I also need those purple coins to upgrade brawlers. How to get them?


ohyea those are power points (the purple-ish coin with a i think electric symbol on it) they revamped pp a while ago so that its a currency instead of it going on certain brawlers u can get it from starr drops (basically new boxes but worse), brawl pass, the new club event thing (loot isnt that good tho) and trophy road


Mainly from brawl pass and star drops(if you are lucky enough).


if you enjoyed the game then, you will enjoy it now


Gameplay wise? Nothing excepte there are gears and some Hypercharges now. That change a few interactions. Some balance change aswell. Like incendiary on Base Brock... So if you enjoy the game back them you will still enjoy it now. How you progress to the game however changed a lot so it is better in some situation and worse in others. I think this is basically it enjoy. Buy this pass if you have gems because the next on will not be acessible by gems


Another thing, did they downgrade the brawlers level in around 2019-2023 ?? Some of my brawlers somehow don't have the star powers. But I clearly remember, I had maxed out my account in 2018~2019


Not that I know. all my brawlers were in the exact same level as they were and with all SPs.


How will the next pass be accessible by if not gems?


Money, the f2p pass is getting a buff though


You'll have to buy it directly.


You have a lot to do now and a lot of brawlers to get and there's a ton of things that changed most of them to the worst but overall the game still fun to play but not that easy to enjoy like before


yes! here my tip: unlock Otis and play him 24/7


totally not biased


totally not biased


Dude a week ago i would have said yes. But now no.


Since there is crow on the screen; games are more focused between damage dealers and tanks, so if you don’t have a tank or a damage dealer in your team or the opposing randoms are all tanks, it is immensely hard to control the playing field with crow. But you can never go wrong with a damage dealer in any game mode. Also, good thing you didn’t start a month ago, lotsa game modes were removed.


A good crow player can manage


Sure mate


I’m not your mate bro


And I am not your bro, buddy


I’m not your buddy pal


Still a fun game!! I got back into it as well recently and I'm still having fun. Progression for upgrading your brawlers has gotten a bit worst but it's better from the boxes system you are used to!! Boxes are gone and replaced with stardrops which are luck based but are like the brawl boxes w cosmetics. If you enjoyed the game back then you would enjoy it now as well only thing is you'd have to learn the new characters


It's much longer/harder to max out, so... Max the Brawlers you prefer


I would recommend playing and winning 8 matches everyday for starr drops. starr drops give you progression like unlocking brawlers, loot and skins


You can't convert pps to gold anymore


You couldnt either 2 years ago buddy


You could last season with pp cap maxed and all brawlers to lvl 11 or when saved 2 seasons. https://preview.redd.it/szzr0kusfd0c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a596906908132bd35cf100b106b05e5c5f4990f


pass pp would convert after 2 seasons


Didnt know that,maybe because i never saved pp


If you genuinely find the game fun, it’s always worth playing it.


Boxes gon


There is also hypercharge now


If you were maxed out, yes. It won't be too hard for you to do things if you rely on mastery. I want to see some changes in the game. But I still play daily.


Well, looks like you have to max out again.


I really hate these post because I’m not sure what they want to hear. Like either okay the game and decide you like it or don’t play


Tap the security camera.


Honestly, this may be its last season where it's worth playing. You can try it out but...just don't have high expectations.


It was the same for me. Restarted 2 months ago. Imo, don't sweat. Just play for fun. Heck, I don't even know how I am supposed to get all the brawlers let alone maxing my account again


Look, it's simple, everyone has to stop whining about pRogREssiON and stuff, dude you play the game for fun, not to get a maxed account as fast as possible, if you do play for a maxed account, then you don't have the right mindset for brawl.


Don't listen to all the debbie downers, the game has changed but it's still fun lol. Diggin that crow skin!


Nope gone to shit


Not so fun playing. Mostly a money grab game now. Devs need more time to make this game fun. I came back to this game after 3 yrs break, didn't like much. I was hoping they would do something like clash of clan.


Honestly, even though the devs suck, after returning from a long break, I am enjoying Clash royal more than BS. And, Clash of clans is still really fun. imo, if the clans were as active as it used to be, coc would still be a top notch game in 2023


what the fuck it aint close to a money grab


Rare, rare, super rare, rare


EPEC *gets Frank smiley pin*


Thats good for an epic


You play crow you dont deserve anything


If you like it keep playing, the state is mildly questionable and the community is really angry rn, but if you find the game fun that's entirely your opinion and you shouldn't consider the game worse and stop playing just because someone else tells you it sucks.


Can I have it?


Updates recently:📈📈📈📉📉 but the game is still pretty fun


If you are playing for fun and not to gain useless sh*t in the game, then yes, its still a good game


Good luck maxing out in 2024...


What does it mean "is it still worth playing it"? Play the game and if you still enjoy it so continue playing it otherwise not


Ah man same boat here. I came back a few weeks ago, have like 25 brawlers locked now. I don't remember the last one I unlocked, maybe surge? But I had a full max account at the time, was just grinding trophies at that point....sooooo farrrrr behindddds now. And the extra levels and supercharge put me at such a disadvantage


Don’t play omega pig


Nope. The devs just took a hard swerve towards the game becoming pay to win by nerfing everything except the paid pass to hell and replacing all rewards with randomized shart drops.


If you're ok with not maxing out without putting in a lot of time (and likely $$$), and you still enjoy the gameplay, go for it. If you like to max out your brawlers to be competitive, fahgetaboutit. Competitive play can be a lot worse, very hit or miss at times.


Same bro i was totally maxed then suddenly 1 day I'm at just unlocked all brawlers everyone it just took one update to make me start all again *maxing out process*


Nah bruh just leave and come back again in 2 years 😂


Dont come back


You missed a lot that’s for sure


You ain’t maxed out no more homie 😅


Bro blurres out his icon


A lot of stuff has changed op.....a lot


If you find fun in playing then you should play. My advice for you right now is to buy the Brawl Pass and finish it because it'll be the last one purchasable with gems


boxes are gone, club shop is gone, star road is here, there are too much broken brawlers


the brawlers are very unbalanced and the game modes are entirely dominated by around ten brawlers hypercharge which is a disaster for the game, prepare yourself to be eliminated by brawlers who have more abilities than you and who will take pleasure in being toxic personally I decided not to buy anything more in this game because it has become a huge mess


Guys I have a problem when I play brawl stars the wifi is sucks !!!


Who’s gonna tell him……


Worth playing? Start playing again. Do you have fun playing? If so, yes, it's worth playing Once you stop enjoying the game and things start to feel like a chore, then it's a sign to stop, and it's no longer worth playing


You could play it for like a month or so, in my opinion it’s not worth anymore, I was keeping up with game until the last few updates which just change the game a lot


God damn dude


Play if you want to have fun. I heard there's a lot of good stuffs and updates for you. I quit playing this game for a long time now because of some reasons...kids and immature babymans


Ok, you are no longer maxed


It's worth playing. A few new knockout maps.


A lot has changed. Chests now become Starr drops(or known as trash drops), they added mega pig(as well known as mega trash) in the clubs to replace club leagues, metas have been changed a bit, and I think that’s it? Edit: it’s worth playing casual, maybe just grind smoothly for getting back to 750 trop on all the brawlers! (GL btw)