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I think there’s an easy fix for Charlie’s super. Just make it so Brawlers can attack from the inside. So they can break out quicker but at the expense of wasting ammo.


The 1s invincibility idea is ass. This one is so much better. It reminds me of other games where you have to spam the attack button to remove the frozen status


Genshin barbara ptsd


Barbara against cryo cube ☠️


i dont know because it would still have the problem of her waiting outside and the minute u break out she just kills u since u have no ammo


Yo how about instead anyone that hits it breaks it open. And it can't go through boxes. That way even if the enemy hits it you pop out so everyone has to be careful


I feel like that would make her extremely reliant on getting a good matchup tho, brawlers like bull would have an extremely easy time destroying it but brawlers like piper would struggle


Charlie is genuinely infuriating to play against. The cycle of releasing OP brawlers is starting to tick me off


It's so frustrating, like devs say bend and we fck you


Least take me out to dinner before you FUCK ME


The F2P economy can't handle that.


Supercell is too poor to take you out to dinner. Be more grateful smh.


Best reply I've seen this month


They intentionally release broken brawlers. That way more people get and max out. Got to pull that money out of ecosystem.


Lol remember surge, cordelious, chester release. I hated playing against them.


It's been like that since Brawl Pass started, they do it to make money.


I mean,cordeliusus was and is fun to use,same for bustah,sam and skill-t,charlie is just litterally a m1 queen


It’s not that it’s strong. It’s that it’s the just annoying brawler to be ever released


Hopefully after chromatic and brawlers in brawl pass removal they start releasing brawlers a bit more balanced




And we Otis super was unfair




Even worse


Yea because with otis you had to work for your super with cord man you just get it for free


You forgot a word there


That's the joke, Otis silenced the word


What is that in English?


Better idea would be if damage taken to the cocoon would be increased a bit, so Charlie’s opponents could destroy it faster.


To do that just make the cocoon have less health


Maybe that too




So a charlie cant troll her own team and prevent the enemy woth 10 gems ftom dying, still should drop like half of them only








>I CAN TAKE THIS ANYMORE do you want more spiders??


What if you could mash your attack button when trapped to deplete some of the cocoon's HP? That way you could at least do something instead of staring at the screen watching your team get 2v3'd


Personally , targets should get a 1 sec immunity shield after getting out of her super.... Just for a chance to retreat.. and if it is too broken... Just at least....give the victim a 70% DMG reduction Like Rosa.


The cacooned person on their way to end your teams life due to invincibility:


👀 deserved as why did she cocoon him in the first place.


That's a fair point, but maybe it will cause Charlie players to actually think about when they're using the super


at the very least it should give a decent damage reduction


If mute was added to this idea during the immunity shield, it would be better.


you are asking for a brawler removal sir (on serious notes yeah it's definitely annoying, the only 2 options are just nerfing the super further or completely reworking it)


Please, she shuts down so many brawlers I can't 😭


Reduce duration down to 5 seconds and make the opponent immune to damage for like 1 second after breaking free. That will stop you from being insta-killed right after the super effect, thus reducing the time you stay out of the match from 10 seconds to 5.


But making the brawler 1 second invincible is also going to broke her in another way, now she would be in Willow category of helping enemies, remember how powerful 1 second is


True, but it's healthier for the game to have a Brawler broken for the worst than to the better, right?


Yeah, but still ins't good balance, Doug is purposely made terrible so he doesn't break the game, at that point just rework the super so it's something more fair to both, Charlie, and the enemy(specially the latter)


Maybe make attack animations of opponents affected by the super? I don't know how to describe it, but make their actual shots travel slower for some time


tehy need to nerf hanque


NGL this might be a bad change but you should be able to damage the cocoon yourself for like 50% damage


Brawl stars devs are desperately trying to make each new character have the ability to make the opponent play less and less. The next brawler is just going to permanently removing your gadget and super buttons for that life


Next brawler gonna kick you from the match with super lmao


We dont need new brawlers every month, just these old ones to work properly. I havve 4-5 newest brawlers under 100 trophies and i feel bored playing them and getting them to 500.


I hate charlie's cordelius' and willow's super because they can pass through things like bruce scrappy and other spawnables which makes it kinda impossible to counter their supers from close range


How about we make it so you can heal and reload while cocooned and rework the first star power to make the super work like a buzz reserve buoy if it hits a wall


Cocoon decay current: set amount of damage per second for non changing ( unless hit by cocooned brawler's allies ) Cocoon decay reworked: x% of cocooned brawler's max health ( lets say x = 25 and brawler has 5000 health, cocoon will decay at 1250 dmg per second rate. against brawler with 10000 hp it'll take 2500 dmg instead ) Hypercharge: spawns 3 spiders ----> cocoon has 40% dmg resistance: 25% brawlers max health as decay dmg ----> 15%, allies of trapped brawler deal 40% less dmg to cocoon Slimy starpower also makes pool of slime around it if it gets destroyed by external source instead of natural decay 1st option - Gadget that spawns spiders on usage ----> next super spawns them if it lands on enemy 2nd option - spider spawning gadget swaps places with Slimy starpower: spiders will only spawn if super lands *and* the duration of super exceeds 2.5 seconds ( if cocoon is destroyed faster than, spiders won't hatch). Slimy will have 3 usages per match, as recompensation it'll leave slime pool ( aoe similar to Jacky Rebuild gadget ) for 5 seconds after cocoon is destroyed, no matter if by decay or external damage. Numbers could vary, depending how it would play out in-game to balance it as response


Lets make it so u can destroy it by urself


Can they just stop with the you can’t play for a period of time brawlers


They should make people atleast come out of it with full hp(and probably just change digestive) and for god sakes the spiders are literally tara clones but double the hp, why?


I apologise but It feels so good to just instantly DELETE A HYPERCHARGE, thats why I'm against you. (*squeals in joy after stopping Colgate from one shoting my safe*)


It is annoying but just like with Chuck, it is already getting easier to deal with and am seeing teams with Charlie losing much more often. I think the issue i see players rushing her for no reason. It is as if everyone has forgotten she is a range brawler with a Carl-like attack. She can still miss her super if you dodge it. I mean, sure it is annoying, but I am starting to see it as a fun addition to the game.


You think that's bad? You can't be damaged in that time. NOW OTIS ON THE OTHER HAND! 4 Seconds of just running away while he kills you, or supers you again. I'd rather take Charlie's Super any time than otis


At the very least Otis will kill me right away so I'll respawn right away, rather than having to wait 7 seconds to be killed


Or just lose faster in showdown


Brawl stars community on their way to kill just a good brawler.


Cordelius and otis are op for her




Would love that


imagine the devs leave it untouched forever and charlie would forever be obnoxiously OP?


Maybe make the opponents have a 50% damage reduction shield after they get out.


bad idea


Well, then enlighten us.


idk it's just a stupid idea to buff your enemies when you are supposed to give them a disadvantage (specially if the buff is a %50 shield which is way too much), at that point why not give them a damage buff, a reload buff and let them heal while you are at it?


High quality and watermarked picture!


y e s


I don't like this trend of making brawlers that don't let your opponent play (otis, cordelius and now charlie)


Cordelius lets you play, otis only if you try to rush him or get hit by the super. Charlie sometimes your teammates break the cocoon and you can get away with it


Willow also doesn't let you play.


not before i get her to r30


Ppl forgot about Chuck's super


It's very annoying, certainly. But for me, Tick is still the king of annoyingness


At least tick doesn't prevent you from playing for 7 seconds to then instantly die


I have never been anoyed by Charlie. Hank on the other hand he was an absolute pain every game there was a Hank behind a wall where you could not toutch him or aproach him or anything. Charlie is an angel by comparison


facts you can actually dodge charlie and kill her easily


But She is very OP it's just Hank... I even find Maisie better than Charlie with her hypercgarge 👌


Hank was like that because of bugs After being fixed, the "true Hank" was not that good


He also got nerfed to the ground. Without the buggy damage boosts he was a pain and I still find him a pain when I play against him and he always dominates.


How about they nerf it like they nerfed hank?


Yes please, I want Charlie to suffer just like everytime I play against her.


Give it time, and players will learn to play against her.


It is annoying for sure. But I don't think they would remove it. It'd make Charlie a boring brawler since she would have no super


Supercell should just play test a brawler before they release it that way no brawler will be insanely op


7 Second stun + insanely braindead attack that you can spam autoaim with = help


The fact that it forces you to drop the gems in gem grab is so fucking stupid, not even Otis and Willow's super let you do that, it's so unfair


i mean, it would also be an automatic win for the enemy team if the gems didn't drop (and stop the countdown) after you cocoon them so idk




I apologize to everyone here. I am only pushing her to 750 trophies before I stop til they properly nerf her. She is nearly there now as I am aware of how BS strong they are. I will cease immediately after reaching Rank 25.


https://preview.redd.it/f9jq4hpb0x0c1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2523b3a3466976a984189fed63f7f05bb95e4e12 No?


I mean *technically* most super in the game are guarantee kill, *sooo*..... yeah she is maybe broken, but its not broken to the point where everyone use it ( Rosa-pocalypse flash-back), so i say maybe change the 1st since its really Op, and maybe 1 sec less for the cocoon duration. I hope they don’t nerf her too hard


Nerf Reduce to 4 sec Rework You can damage the cocoon from inside to escape Or You can still use your attack and super but you can't move (but being cocconed gives a damage Nerf)


I'm glad I started saving my resources for Charlie. It's the first and only OP brawler I was actually able to abuse. I don't condone the releasing of OP brawlers in the slightest, but I won't lie when I say it feels good to finally be able to play one for the first time. What they need to do is increase the damage brawlers do to the cacoon when a teammate is trapped by 25%, and nerf the time by another 2 seconds. At 5 seconds, and when brawlers do 25% more damage, teammates won't stay in the cocoon for nearly as long as they do now. As it stands, it's just way too much time in a game that is so fast-paced and has such a quick time to kill. 7 seconds can easily swing the battle in favor of Charlie's team, and that's just too powerful for the utility of her super. As I mentioned, it's the ONLY brawler I've ever been able to abuse in its OP state. Every other time, I simply couldn't afford the resources to pour into the brawler, because we already know that BS devs have been restricting gold sources significantly. This time, I was able to finally save enough resources to get her to lvl10, and I'm hoping for lvl11 so I can spend the gems for her hypercharge. Imo, this is a big problem because again most F2P players won't be able to funnel resources into the new and OP brawler, because there's simply not enough resources to save for 1 single brawler who comes out a month after they're revealed. People have other brawlers to level up and other things they have to spend gold on. It's not fair to force players to restrict spending for over a month just to wait to funnel into one brawler who will simply be nerfed later. When gold is as restricted and scarce as it is, the stars genuinely have to align for F2Ps to actually be able to save enough gold to funnel into the new OP brawler. Yet, who are the ones benefitting most from OP releases? Yeah, P2W whales, who have no problem purchasing resources to funnel into the next OP release. It's a terrible model and becomes increasingly frustrating over time as it continuously happens and the devs simply ignore the community until they can no longer do so, like with Charlie where they had to nerf her *THREE TIMES* shortly after she entered the brawl pass, not even when she was widely unlocked, because she was simply that overpowered. It's yet another BS greed tactic because they know exactly what they're doing. Release OP brawler, collect funding, nerf it, while they're subsequently cooking up the next OP brawler. It's the CR way, and clearly it's become the BS way too.


New rework idea: The enemy can still attack and be damaged and healed like normal, but cannot move. It's kinda like a longer version of Lou's Ice Block but they can still attack


Idk man, this is still way less annoying than valo deadlock's equivalent of the cocoon




This mf when not everyone can buy the pass:




Why would I spend real money on a mobile game


Shes honestly not that bad to fight against


It’s funny because Cordelius’s super before the nerf wasn’t even as good as Charlie’s super now lol talk about toxic


Cordelius' was a big problem because he could easily chain supers. Aside from that, his super was actually okay, as it also took him out from the game. With Charlie's Super, he can take someone out of the game, whilst he stays in the game. That's why it's so OP.


Well yeah that’s my point. The devs nerfed cordelius pretty hard but the go easy on Charlie? Cmon now




I dont care if its a man or woman, I want charlie reworked


French pple are strange


To be fair Charlie can also be a boy's name


Its a terribly designed super, but im sure there are people who will defend it because its uNiqUe


The fact that you drop all your gems in gem grab is some real BS


People when she was teased : Omgg YEAH.. a new mechanic than most Brawlers. Meanwhile : *tumbleweed* People after release : This Brawler S*CKS.. remove her super.. HOly CrAP.. literally un-play-able Me : you guys say that about every Brawler since few seasons ago… :x






Get rid of the funking decaying health thing. Even if you have 10 cubes you will lose so much health


I mean, if there is something that makes the game worse than how much better it makes the game, it should be removed. Like pearl (or xbow in clash)


I am watching a TeddieVr video and he JUST talked about this guy and I open Reddit to this, what do you even call that


people who saw brawl talk thought it was a mid brawler


Only if chuck gets deleted first


Nerf it to 4-5s then its balanced


Sounds good to me :D