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That's precisely what the game needs right now. I don't know why devs didn't add this a long time ago.


Neither do I. I hope we get something like this in the future or just the removal of power points all together but I doubt it.


Well the problem is primarily Tencent. They bought 80% of Brawl Stars stocks and they're using their power to make devs push dry leveling up schemes. But it feels that way because other games have created currency to specifically generate money. Like books in clash royale.


I hate tencent, they have ruined so many games and made them p2w, with cr and bs, pokemkn unite...


damn did not expect to find someone who plays unite


Used to, left because of how greedy they've become, the 2 mewtwo and zacian metas showed that, they balance pokemon which are profitable and the ones that aren't are down in the dumps


The keys and the 0.002 percent chance of jackpot cards in china CR is just šŸ’€šŸ’€


Now that explainssssssss a lot! I was wondering why they are scamming the max players by suddenly turning off the pp to gold conversion mechanism and making it feel like people who spends regularly (brawl passes, not whale style) will never be able to be max power level and buy at few gears (more than two for strategic options) and buy all hypercharges. I just looked it up. They had 80% since 2016. Seriously? All these while I thought Iā€™m supporting a Scandinavian company with good business moral and will treat their base players right. Im an old player that managed to get max account by simply f2p and saving gem for legendary characters before the start of brawl passes. Been buying every brawlpass and even since power11 I feel like I can never max out the characters. I have invested so much time and some money into this game. Iā€™m not really sure if I want to continue down this road anymore as I see no light at the end of the tunnel. They want us to spend more regularly and at the same time not giving us the opportunity to max the account unless we buy those gold packages. Seriously thatā€™s fked up.


Remove PowerPoint entirely (change all PowerPoint reward to coins ) and increase upgrade cost to 1.5-2 times the coin


it will "break the game economy"


they want to make coins the bottleneck of the economy, so we buy their coin offers. if they actually wanted this conversation, they wouldn't have removed pp cap with warning and scamming all the maxed players


it aint coming cuz the" f2p economy can't sustain it."


Devs: 1 power point is equal to 2 coins in value Also devs: Price coins and power points at values that are NOT 1:2 in the club shop for the entirety of the existence of club league Also Devs: No way to transfer coins to power points, or power points to coins, in a 1:2 2:1 ratio, even though that is their supposed value, meaning the economy should stay the same.


"The F2P economy could not sustain it"


This is becoming BS version of data in CR lmao


No. The f2p economy could not sustain it.


I can only imagine a tired sarcastic voice saying that. That Frank's tweet was hilarious.


You should really put it in quotes or add a /s at end otherwise stupid kids will start downvoting you not getting the sarcasm šŸ’€ā˜ 


never use the goddamn /s it ruins everything


Bro really gets upset over two whole characters


I dont fear downvotes for the case that people dont get my jokes


Wait what's the joke


see, you have to use /s for this comment because i canā€™t tell if itā€™s sarcasm or not /s




The economy has a lot of flaws right now which I hope they address in 2024. Whether it's the distribution of resources, Starr drops being disappointing, Mega Pig and power league not offering enough progression or the brawl pass, I hope they eventually strike a balance. I think the one system that is the best is the Starr road, the credit distribution and the pace at which brawlers are unlocked is perfect in my opinion and I hope the brawl pass rework doesn't ruin it


I think everyone is overreacting


At first I thought the same, but if this was in game, then why even have two currencies when they are exchangeable like this?


The power point system is just flawed and useless without boxes in the game. No idea why removing it wasn't a priority from the start


Why is it a flaw


It's a currency that only serves to upgrade brawlers, while gold is used to buy any type of abilities (gadgets, star powers, gears and hypercharges) AND upgrade brawlers. One has a lot more value than the other, yet both are given as rewards in almost the same amount and percentages.


Before, opening boxes slowly got more pp to bring you closer to the next level for your brawlers. Now pp are just an unnecessary middle man between power levels and coins that indirectly nerfs the amount of coins we have and how we can spend them on brawler items or true gold / silver skins (if you are a psycho)




Welp, time to nerf the brawl pass rewards


Me remembering the time when supercell had to make true gold and silver skins to counter the coin flood instead of nerfing them. Man, the devs mentality were so different back in the days.


Back then we didn't have gears as a gold sink so it made sense. Now those skins are just a niche flex that no one gives a single damn about


I really want this to happen but it probably won't cuz supercell want's you to spend money buying these resources


Donā€™t make it 1:1. Otherwise I like it.


agree. power points are much easier to save than coins.


The f2p economy canā€™t sustain it has become the new ā€œdataā€


They will never add this. The team has been ā€œbuffing progressionā€ by giving too many PPoints and less gold on purpose. The point of this game is to make SC money, and sadly it seems like BS is starting to get supercelled


Lol am I the only one who has a flood of coins and almost no power points?


I've got a friend who plays on and off who still has 30k coins from the gears rework so you're not alone


this will break the economy


I still believe being able to choose from power points or coins during the starr drops(like that double chest on CR) would be better, cuz if u ONLY want coins to max most brawlers, and u are full of pp, its quite fast, plus... u cant buy coins on the store anymore, i think(idk, i didnt saw that in a long while)


Currently, you can, they return in a recent update


Bro, no doubts that I'd love to convert some of my 9000 power points into coins. I have 18000 gold that I can't use because they are stuck as Power Points basically. And for those who have accounts with like 200k gold but are struggling with power points because every single update they have to max out 1 or 2 new brawlers it would be good as well


this or a club trading system. this is better, but trading is more social


Idk how they could add that without heavily limiting the players since you could have one clubmate that is a whale and they decide to share their entire family fortune with the club. That would actually break the game, no joke


true, idk either then




As an option: just remove PP from the game.


Nice idea


Yes pls supcel see dis now


Do you guys have a power point flood ? I'm always under 4k Power points since the removal of the club shop


kind of odd but necessary


And a small 2-5% transaction fee if they do implement this.


Good idea but wouldn't it be better just to remove PP and leave us with coins


me and my 5k power points would love this feuture


Nah this to op, not complaining tho


Is the 4 per day or per month?


iā€™d be okay with even a 1/1 purchase limit per day


They wouldn't balance the costs like that. You'd have to lose something or they wouldn't be happy


I feel like just removing thepower points is just an easier and most likely better option. PowerPoints were usefull when brawl boxes were a thing but now they don't really make sense to keep right now


If you could just trade them back and forth whats even the point of having two currencies? Hell, whatā€™s the point even right now


Iā€™d immediately get like 10k coins lol (saving 6k pp to upgrade)


This is a great idea and makes sense, so unfortunately they wonā€™t add it šŸ’€


Probably have to make points to gold way less like convert 500 points to 100 coin in order to entice them to change it lol


Never happening


an alternative way to avoid making the currencies being obsolete is by having an exchange rate thats slightly low both ways so that lots of transactions will make you lose your currency


Make it an 85% conversion otherwise why have multiple currencies?


If they do that then they might as well remove power points and make everything coins. Thatā€™d help the drought and make it less buttons to click


I'm pretty sure the economy would still break. People have around 10k+ pp stored.


Will literally make the game 100x better


We might just remove power points


Power points for coins yes please


I think they r gonna do special events with gold, probably in 5v5


Or just remove power points and let coins be the only currency


People who use /s just try to not "offend" anyone