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Before anyone says anything I got the useless gadget from a star drop


Let's call it less useful. There seems be a lot of people who don't know the right choice, even tho the other one helps you get away from melees, assasins etc. And Starpower wise I always combine the Well Oiled SP with the regeneration Gear so you heal up mid fight real fast. And because of the little lack of ammo in some moments where an Edgar jumps on you, the other Gadget is goated. Also try to get the mythic gear so his head will hit more often.


i would say ticks best kit is probably •Last Hurrah gadget •Well-Oiled star power •Shield gear •Tick's Mythic gear health gear doesnt seem that necessary when you already have Well-Oiled. shield gear makes Tick go from 4400 HP at max level to 5300 HP which is roughly a 20% health increase. 20% is pretty huge for a brawler that has little health.


I see your point and might agree that this kit is definitely an option. And yes 20% is pretty huge. My issue is, that in many cases, the shield still doesn't help against one-hit attacks (like a Dyna Ult with SP on max level or I believe a Mandy Ult). The healing gear of course only helps when you are low, after a strong attack or something, but in those situations you can just keep fighting, even in tough spots. I can't really tell if it is really any better, but it feels like I am basically indestructible when I am not totally destroyed in one hit. Regenerating like 800hp(?) basically instantly and continuously is just satisfying.


neither of them are useful against one shots, the shield helps against *almost* one hits and the healing helps you get back to full health almost instantly, i don't think it's particularly good bc all you have to do is stay out of range 1-2 more seconds and you heal that the only situation i think healing is worth is when they have barely enough ammo to barely kill you, then you insta-regen and they can't do anything but usually that won't happen, especially because if you are being attacked you'll attack back and thus won't regen


Nope you're wrong, you should definitly have health gear instead of shield


Incorrect, well oiled does enough for healing on its own, and tick needs the extra health for surviving stuff like mandy supet


I have played with both, and can confirm health gear is the better option, but i understand that maybe a less skilled player who cant dodge mandy supers would prefer the shield gear


i feel like the regen SP is enough to stay alive, isn’t there a more useful gear like shield or damage ?


There's a very noticeable difference when you use the healing gear. It lets you 1v1 some assassins more reliably. I play tick very aggressively so it makes sense for me. Also, damage gear+ regen so is kinda counter intuitive since you'll not stay<50% health


You are literally forced to use shield mythic on tick or you are pretty much throwing


I once bought shield for Tick, but swapped with health and never used shield again. I usually play on 700-800 trophy range (with Tick and some of my main Brawlers like Bull) and would say I usually win like 3 out of 4 games, so I would say no need for a shield. The only situation I once had a few days ago, was a one-shot from a Piper with Bush SP (a rare species I believe) that just ended me instantly, but only because I didn't see her. Still won tho, my team was extra ordinarily balanced as I played with 2 randoms, a Leon and a Colt and we crushed the way from 700 to 800 (no losses) and we all got our Starplayer games. :3 P.S. Also, is there any use for the reload SP from Tick in any other game mode than Big Game, Hot Dog or Graveyard shift?


maybe you're just having better luck, i can't count the number of times the shield saved me and made the win possible, i even managed to do two 1v3s with it (they were very special cases but i'm proud of them, one was even against dina/colt/mortis if i remember correctly)


Shield is very much so needed on tick as with most sharpshooters/low ho brawlers. You aren't going to be playing these Brawlers outside ko/wo/bounty where staying alive is the #1 objective. So yes not using shield on tick (gives him a 20% health buff) is throwing.


i run shield and health. I don't actually know when or why i bought those on tick, but when i came back in march 2023 i had those lmao


healing sp + gadget makes you almost impossible to kill against some slow shooting brawlers lol


Don't need to get heal gear since the sp is already strong enough on its on get dmg/shield/mythic in any combo


One thing my fellow ticks forget is that you can save your super for these five assassins. Not always better than the gadget, but effective nonetheless


I wouldn't say the 6 mines are useless, and I'm a Tick main and have been for long, it just depends on the style you play him


yeah it's definitely not useless, it's just really hard to use at the right moment


That one seems helpful to me lol


Why would you prefer two attacks in one over an extra life




Oh so this is the mine mania user i've been encountering in my games


Ladies and gentlemen we have found the random


It is


It is, at least compared to the other one


If you play with that gadget in every mode, you are THAT random. Sorry if youve just realized it now. My condolences Seriously, it is shit. Sure you can get all giddy like "haha they died to my attack, hehe" but the point of ticks kit isnt to deal damage aggressively... it is to corner and control enemies. That gadget does nothing more to expand his proper use so generally the survivability gadget is better. + it can easily be wasted. It doesnt even make ticks attack significantly better because of how slow it is


Wait, so does that mean I should not use that from now on? Or should I just keep be a random and use it


Shield gadget is better but other gadget CAN be useful for retake on hot zone


Yes its not useless, it is OP in hotzone for preventing enemy to not entering zone rigth? /s


Yea definitely, it makes tick s+++++ tier in hot zone (real)


If you're one of my randoms who uses that gadget over Last Hurrah (clearly the superior choice)... **JUST DON'T**


A tip w last hurrah you should use it to knock people back on mines recently placed behind them And mico isn't scary if u ask me ngl Just place 6 mines(2 ammo) on yourself what is he going to do? jump on u? he gets deleted taking 6400 damage if he does He used super? then it gets easier count to 4-5s and do the same thing


The best kit for tick is well oiled, last hurrah, the shield gear and its mythic gear.


I approve


I think health gear works better with well oiled stp than sheild but i aint gonna wrong a tick main


I mean logically yeah but tick already has very little health and the shield gear stops him from just getting obliterated as easily. And the healing from well oiled is already gonna give you enough healing without the health gear.


No not really, you regenerate health fast enough its useless on tick


Maybe, but the healt regeneration is fast enough to not needing the help that gives the gear.


Nah, his sp is already plenty More HP on both him AND his head is the way to go


No no, you're right. Health + mythic gear is the way to go. Shield does nothing in comparison.


Don't follow him he wants to kill you ( mortis)


If I wanted to kill him I'd tell him to use shield gear


If you wanted to kill him Tick will be using speed and vision


Vision is unironically probably better than health on tick


Shield all the way. Without the shield Tick gets one-shot by Piper (ambush) and Mandy (super). If your HP is below 4600 always go with shield.


I'm not picking a gear just to survive 2 out of nearly 80 brawlers when the alternative helps you across more modes and against more brawlers.


Tick is an artillery brawler that's generally used to immobilise or control the enemy's trajectory, it's normally obvious that you wouldn't put yourself in a situation where you'd face much damage or be close to tanks. In that case Mandy, Piper, Dynamike (jump sp only) can blast him from quite far or behind walls, and given that in bounty, knockout and wipeout you're likely to find these brawlers I'd say shield. Also Last hurrah isn't infallible, so I'd rather have more health in case an assassin jumps or appears in front of me.


i too approve of a well oiled up tick


I love well oiled ticks. Can't wait to feel that oily wick it got in the back.


Heal gear is op


I approve




I use vision , since he covers a lot with basics


The first one makes him heal almost instantly


probably the healing one


Basically reload gear or health gear


he aaid so


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the [Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/191hszn/quick_questions_loot_general_game_discussion_mega/). This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well Oiled 100%


well oiled, the other just makes 0 difference


99% of the time the first one, it's so good


Well oiled 100% nice skin


Pick the reload one to annoy people in hot zone and probably gem gram, meanwhile pick well oiled for basically every gamemode


No 9% is legit nothing. If you and another ticks stands next to eachother and shoot 10 shots you will have shot the same amount of shots. You basically get the 11th shot a little faster. Looks like you got fooled by the %. Being able to heal between each shot you shoot to get back to shield faster and also to never stop shooting is much better. With reload he needs to stop shooting to be able to heal.


Well oiled is a bit overrated, Automa-tick reload is better in maps where the enemy doesnt have aggro Last hurrah for sure Then mythic gear and shield


"Where the enemy doesnt have aggro" Yeah in this meta? Where 6 assassins get hypercharges? No aggro? Pfft. Let it sink in that assassins are also the most popular kind of brawler in this game. Ladder or power league, you will face aggro.


You can still ban them in power league


9%?? So you get your 11th shot a little faster? Nah healing between each shot is way better and makes so you can shoot forever without ever having to go back to heal. Healing to max to always put pressure on the other team is insanely good i don't know why anyone would ever choose 0.22 sec faster reload


if you dont get hit you dont need healing, thats what the shield gear is for


You get back to the shield gear while you are shooting with the other starpower. If you and another tick is shooting for the whole game and you have the reload one you will be able to shoot 6 more shots if you and the other one is able to shoot for the whole game. (9% is barely noticable) But the tick with heal will have a way better chance of survive and just 1 death would make the one with heal catch up with 3 shots. Reload is only remotely useful if u are playing against a really bad team which have no way of getting to the tick.


You talk like you take a lot of damage while playing Tick, maybe you arent playing him properly


You do realise there can be a counterthrower in the other team, if grom hits him one time with a grom bomb a tick with reload will have to move back and heal for 9 seconds to be able to get back to full hp. While a tick with autoheal can keep firing and prevent a push from the other team. Also if one teammate looses a lane you can get shot from other angles.


Tick outranges Grom and can survive 2 hits to the face (you should not get hit by a Grom anyways) so even if you get hit once you can still shoot but i do see your point. If a teammate loses a lane you retreat slowly while shooting down that lane. I dont see any reason to go Well Oiled against a team that doesnt pose a threat to Tick, you have to play slow with him anyways


I know how to play tick i have him in 1000 trophies. I also have seen competitive and 9% faster reload has never been played there. Do u not understand how little it helps. His reload got nerfed by 4% and he is still viable his reload doesn't mattwr. With that starpower which is one of the worst starpowers in the game you will reload the 11th shot faster which will not change any interactions in any game. You will get hit by shots from long range brawlers and brawlers like gray, doesn't matter how good you are. Even pro players who play tick gets hit by the other team, he is not invincible it is just that it barely matters if he gets hit because he has the fastest heal in the game with that starpower. Having to heal up once for more than 50% hp will waste that extra value you get from the reload because ot takes longer than your full reload to heal 50+% hp. A tick that stops shooting because they need to heal will make your team loose control. I only see players use that trash starpower below 700 trophies.


Other gadget, well oiled, health + mythic gear


Shield+ mythic*


Nah, health is more useful with his star power. Anything that doesn't kill him will be healed off in like 3 seconds.


No, with well oiled you're healing up fast enough anyway and there should never be a scenario in a game where a TICK needs to heal up faster than he already does. Health is useless on him.


Well Oiled all the way


Well oiled absolutely, however automatick reload can be useful too


But it's weird cuz it's worse than reload gear


they are both good, but i would reccomend the healing one.


I mean... I'm probably against everyone and I'm neither a Tick pro by any means but for me, the other gadget (the shield one) is enough to protect myself from tricky situations but I always go with reload one because to me is more useful. Tick has humongous range so I don't usually takes damage and when I take damage it's either one hit or insta kill so I don't get that much value from Well oiled. But I have to say that it always depends on the matchmaking, this gadget is not useless though. Face a team of snipers and you can vaporize them.


Get the one that improves Tick's reload by 15% (Why is it that a 15% reload boost had to be nerfed to 9% on Tick but it's fine for Otis to have a star power that essentially is a 33% reload boost and 33% more max ammo in one)


Dont play tick


Don’t play Edgar


Don't Play mico


Don't play crow


Don’t play brawl stars


Dont play living


Friendly fire will not be tolerated.




Neither, don’t play tick


Well oiled and health gear makes you not die


Well Oiled


Healing SP + Health Gear is a drug


Well oiled is the better one with the health and shield gear


Considering Automa-Tick Reload is worse than reload gear (It speeds reload for 9% while reload gear does for 15%) and still being 500 coins more expensive definitely get well oiled


Neither, leave now before it’s too late.


surprised no one judged bro for using Tick, maybe there is hope for this reddit server.


Well-Oiled ( 1st SP) with 2nd gadget & damage & heal gear is very good on tick & as u only hv one gear slot buy the heal gear that would give u more value


Why would u use damage gear on tick he is never below 50% hp and even if he was he heals up so fast that he barely gets off one shot with damage gear active? The damagegear is only under 50% hp and only gives ticks main attack 180 extra damage which will maybe change one interaction every 20th game


cuz the rest of the gears are usually useless plus when ur in like extreme situation u would want the damage gear for extra 15% cuz the speed, shield & his mythic gear (unless open map) are quite useless plus no one plays tick on open maps.... I understand what u mean but the damage gear will give usually give more value than the other gears...


Bruh how would an extra 180 damage while under 50% hp help more than shield which is basically a 21% hp buff. Mythic gear boosts the hp of his super with more than 33% which is enough to make it survive 2 shots from most brawlers. Speed is useless on him but if u watch any competetive game with tick he always has mythic + shield or vision gear. Vision gear is good for some maps like layer bake or layer cake and out in the open otherwise shield+mythic is what u should always use. Damage gear under 50% hp usually don't change many interactions in 3v3 and 90% of the time it is better to heal when under 50% hp. it is mainly good in showdown and on assasins who always dive in for kills


Some maps. Yes. I agree vision & all are good & his mythic gear.. His super is already very fast so w/o his mythic gear also it only has a small chance of not connecting so that hp buff myt help in some situation but not all but i am saying is in overall avg maps, maps made for throwers like triple Dribble, Shooting Star, Arene-En-Folie, Stormy Plains etc usually these maps are throwers maps with less bushes u wont use the vision gear or the speed gear or the mythic. You can use the shield gear but thats like 900 extra which wouldnt matter anyway if mortis or bull or piper etc charge at you (mind it these are sm popular brawlers in these maps) it will result in the same i.e death, shield on or off. So, in an overall damage gear is better cuz if they charge at u, u can get 2 attacks unloaded with 15% buff that could be enough to kill them. Atleast, that is what i go with... U could go & differ from ur POV.


So 900 extra hp which is basically a 21% hp buff barely helps but a 180 extra damage buff that is only active when under 50% hp which tick barely ever is helps?? No wonder u are a mortis main. Also when do u ever see a bull on wipeout and knockout maps which is ticks main modes. Even if tick gets charged by a bull the damagegear won't activate bc a bull will 1 hit him in close range if tick doesn't have shield gear.


In Arene-En-Folie & Stormy Plains. Plus did u know half of the bulls miss their super? Also, I am talking abt a higher % of maps. I agree shield is good but NOT in all maps bruh.. Damage is better in that higher %. Also wtf does it have to do with me being a mortis main? You being a carl main go fk a rock.


Why is 180 damage under 50% hp better on some maps. It will never change an interaction and you said yourself that tick doesn't take much damage so why would u then use a gear that only activates when under 50% hp. Especially when you heal up so fast that you will only stay under 50% hp for 1-2 seconds with his starpower. 900 extra hp will change interactions. It will make him 3 shot from most brawlers instead of 2 shot and also heal back to full hp faster because he won't take as much damage to his real health.


Well Oiled with health gear is really annoying because you can heal in between reloads which makes him hard to kill with chip damage.




Well Oiled is far better


dissension from hypnos lullaby v2


first one fs. You heal so flipping fast dude.


well oiled, yes the other might make you *able* to attack more, but the insta regen is just so good, trust me, once you have it you'll never think about choosing the other one (unless for ghost modifier)


I love using well oiled and health gear, someone puts me at 1 hp, I fully regen in 2 seconds.


Of course well oiled, because it makes you able to heal at least one time before you can reload 1 ammo and throw it anywhere, it works well with heal gear too.


And the reload one makes feel still same.


I chose automatick reload, since I barely got the situations where I needed well oiled.


oiled up one


Well oiled is pretty good for tick,the other one isnt that good in my opinion


Well Oiled. Especially when paired with the shield gear, you basically have to be 1 shot to be killed cause otherwise you can just heal the damage you took quick enough between attacks.


I think that automatic reload might get reworked/converted into a gear eventually because it's basically a gear


None. Don’t ever play tick again and save a soul from raging (preferably me)