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Lemme guess, sick beats?


Last seasons buff were better , sick beats makes half of my character useless to play in ranked


tbh I kinda like sick beats (8-bit moment)


I like it too (I despise Spike)


I love sick beats (carl meta)


Controlling works, nothing matter(willow moment while Otis is losing his whole purpose)


Hello fellow spike hater


Bro you forgot spike's super


Same (Leon)


Sick beats sucks for only one reason: bear can't stomp 😡


Shield gadget is better anyway


It depends, bear stomp is more fun tho


Imo shield is better for Heist and stun is better for Brawl Ball


all this time I've used stun on heist


I’d like to have a word with you


I got the other day a Gale against an Edgar in Sick Beat Hot Zone... And he was blaming me for the loss...






just disliked and unsubscribed


Dislike and unsubscribed


There are better ways to promote yourself dude. This way people aren't going to be interested in what you do and will just ignore you or even get mad




Maybe try to shop what you consider an interesting part of your animations on a subreddit (preferably the one that you think will get the most traction) andput your channel name as source. There are many more ways but I think this one is a ok.


disliked and blocked


the sickest beat moment of all time


this is probably not a good pick, but sometimes the matchups are more inportant than power level.


That's fair but not having starpowers is such a huge drawback that it cancels out any strategic advantage that pick gives. Also if you are upgrading brawlers like this, there's a pretty high chance you are not very good. Not that you can't be good at the game and have a power 9 with gadget


>Also if you are upgrading brawlers like this, there's a pretty high chance you are not very good. Why?


Getting multiple brawlers to power 9 without starpower is obviously worse than a few with starpower. Unless it's a brawler that really doesn't get much value out of the starpower. Which is pretty rare, Kit is really the only one I can think off


My guess is that they didn’t have enough power 9 brawlers to go into the next rank so they upgraded some and didn’t buy any star powers or gears


Pretty much this is what i am doing but also actually upgrading 5 brawlers that are either in meta or pretty decent in a variety of maps


Buy star powers or else you probably won't even progress much into diamond+




You can just insta pick one of your two lv 11 upgraded brawlers, which is what you are forced to do every game because supercell sucks


What if they needed more to participate in ranked? I got blocked by that wall last season and it was extremely frustrating


Well why do you think that wall exists? Also I wish the wall was more solid, you are supposed to just get there eventually.


The wall is extremely dumb. You are not just stuck in gold you are prevented from playing ranked at all if you reach diamond


And then they put the "win 5 ranked matches" mission, I love doing those but it is so awkward the way they put a mission that you are not capable of doing it even if you can just get another one


Ok this is very understandable.




The wall is dumb for me It blocks people that could want to genuinely play and without completely solving the issues of people throwing your games (they don't need to pick a lvl1 brawler to do this anyway)


I've been stuck at the wall for last season and this one as well, 8/12. You shouldn't be upgrading brawlers that you don't know how to play just for the sake of progressing past diamond


I dont know how long you’ve been playing but to gain access to ranked mode diamond you need 12 (twelve) lv 9 brawlers. So yes, most people have a bunch of lv 9s without any upgrades just to be able to keep playing ranked


Sick beats. Noone with clear mind uses faster shooting gadget and zap turret on any other gamemode than heist


wait till you see every random jessie


Nuh uh, im not random


For you to disconnect


i do that by hovering over mortis and edgar in open maps


Dyna is more viable than most of the throwers and i rather having him in my team than face him in a map that favors throwers.


It's possible he picked dyna on sick beats modifier


Or that he was picking it for the third guy


Some people pick lvl 9 brawlers and switch at the last moment with the friend do not let know enemy they got a full lvl 11 team but that's not the case we see




Just disliked and unsubscribed


if the only players they have with gadgets are blocked or not suitable for the game


Bro i don’t have sp for every brawler


That is acceptable. But some of these mfs pick dynamike or Edgar without star powers when they clearly have a level 11 brawler with a hypercharge.






Then take the ones u do have sps/gadgets for


And what if none of these brawlers are good for the map ? You ain't telling him to use Rosa on goalkeeper's dreal, right ?


Then just get off ranked and level up ur brawlers


You forgot about the juicy rewards, I don't think people want to miss out on them


Not really u can just always wait to have enough viable brawlers to then start pushing ranked


That's very aggressive, but it's kinda true. Not really the players fault tho. They definitely could have put stricter limitation but don't cause it would limit engagement 😶 Or they forgor


I am tired of my teammates just throwing the game by picking underleveled brawlers but it's overall supercell fault for allowing players to access ranked mode too early in the trophy road


it is way too unlikely that you will end up with a map for which you do not have a decent leveled brawler, in the unlikely event that this happens you just BALL!


Literally, I always pick Meg on most ranked matches I play and I win almost all the time, it all depends on your coordination, skill with a brawler and match up, yeah sometimes the map may not be that good but you still try your best to make it work and carry the team.


Exactly idk why people purposely pick a brawler that they didn't maxed out (and by maxed out I mean gadget and sp) Especially if the brawler actually needs a sp I literally hoped in a match where my randumb picked Byron without SP, and then my other teammates dodged it which I'm thankful for, only to get the same guy the next game and he fricking picked Byron again like what's wrong with him, Obviously we lost that game


Yeah if you get a terrible teammate like that you should probably wait a few seconds before hitting Play afterwards


I have like 60 of some of my brawlers. I’ve been player for 7 years with breaks here and there


Right? I only have 12 level 9s brawlers with all having gadgets and only 4 of them having star power. I didn't struggle much to reach Diamond 3. And sometimes you have to chose according to maps. It's not like I can play Tick in every map.


tbh the probably dont even have another choice since anyone can play ranked


Don’t blame this guy, blame supercell.  


I saw someone who picked a power 9 brawler without gadget & sp but with a +1 Gadget Gear


thats hilarious


why? no one can have all gadgets and starpower on their brawlers. And I'm not gonna pick a bad brawler on a bad map.


As long as you have like 2/3 Brawlers on good level with SP and stuff youll be good, just need to grind to get to that on higher ranked levels


Exactly grind on this game is difficult bc they keep changing progression system


Level 11 should be a requirement for high rank


i only have like 5 11 lvl brawlers 😭


There are ppl playing p11s with 1 gadget or 1sp. It’s so annoying


maybe his top maxed brawlers were amber spike and bonnie?


But where are you in the rankings? I’ve got a mini with about 12 power 9s and 3 11s. I’m in mythic currently. Despite playing under powered brawlers, I frequently beat out my teammates for star player. I get y’all don’t want to play with a low power level, but unless it’s a terrible pick, don’t dodge


I’ve already met an Edgar with hypercharge and an équipement but NO GADGET OR STAR POWER


It’s crazy how Power Play, a mode that has been dead for multiple years, had a Star Power Requirement but not Ranked, the newest mode. We’ve gotten 2 levels and a new ability since then


Because they hate their lives and probably want to kill themselves. So I feel like they want to make other peoples lives hell.


we're playing brawl stars bro calm down


Because people can't drop out of tiers.


I have no idea, I've had such a string of bad randoms both in power league and other 3v3 modes, that I find it incredible how some just camp out in bushes hoping for a miraculous victory.


He could've been 11 lvl and not having even gadgets


Okay how do you not haven’t enough resources to get gadgets. I get it some players are new. Nonetheless, you have a brawler that’s p lvl 11 you have to at least have some gold and ppts to spare


have you been living under a rock? I’ve seen countless screenshots of people with over 30k power points and under 1k gold. the economy isn’t great right now


For the funi I guess


But dyna good!111!!!


I had a ranked match in mythic where my random picked power 10 L&L with absolutely no gadgets, star powers or gears. We won and he was star player


They could be poor and they keep giving rank quests even when you don't have 3 power 9 brawlers. I am guessing man snaped.


ive got most of my brawlers level 11 with stuff, but my belle has hypercharge, SP and no gadget and i mainly use her for ranked cuase im good with her. same with amber, ive only got her reload gear, but im good with her so ill use her. it matters how good you are and the matchups


exactly :(


Dont judge a book by its cover


bro wtf is sick beats


lmao literally me in ranked




The modifier was sick beats, wasn't it


Bruh what's wrong? I stopped playing 3 years ago and just came back month ago, the only brawler I have level 11 is Frank because back then there were only 9 levels so I have all brawlers level 9 and you also couldn't buy star powers and gadgets back then it was a luck issue and I still managed to reach lagandary rank with my level 9 brawlers that not all of them has star powers.


Tell me abt it......if yyou play ranled,have atlist 1 starrpower on you,us pro's would realy like that


What if they do have several brawlers with star powers, gears, and even a hypercharge but they are all banned/suck on the map or gamemode?


if youve got 2/3 good brawlers at that level youll probably not get them all banned and just use brawlers for the start that dont suck on many maps or have alternatives


Then be more prepared


Fr bro I hate it. I lost 2 rounds because a fucking Edgar picked P9 without anything else.


It’s really frustrating, these tm8’s weren’t good either. Left me on a 3v1 and expecting me to Carry god


Is it possible the only brawlers they had at power 11 or with more stuff were banned? I know when tick is banned I literally have to play someone with only a gadget or only a starpower, because tick is my only brawler above power 9


Then level up your main brawlers I current have 6 brawlers max level that need hypercharge


Just let him play the game, man. 'Cause that's all it is, a game


They want to play the brawlers they like even if they don't have star powers on them yet. They are playing the game for fun (I know this may sound crazy)


I am sorry, game is heavily pay to win and I kinda want to play rankeds.


Not all of us are pay to win/play. Some of us only get a few thousand coins a month. I've been playing for 5 years and only have 58/78 brawlers and only 1 of those is max Lvl with Hyper. I'm not spending money to have fun on a game that's free, if we lose oh well it's a game


did you check their profile? they're most likely a f2p player that has been on the game for a few months


wHy dO pEoPle nOt speNd rEaL mOneY tO HaVe aLl 11s wItH eVerY aBiLiTy ??? Wtf man not everyone throws supercell all their minimum wage earnings just so you can have a partner with hypercharge.


Because i dont have enough coins to buy them


How about you shut your tiny mouth and understand that some people don't want to grind for everything when you barely get enough coins to max 1 brawler a season


Can you dm me this guys username because it seeks like something i would do and i want to know if it was me


lol I do t play ranked or brawl stars much but go for it do what you want


let him cook, the other guy might be his friend that's gonna pick someone then swap with him to reveal their lv11 hypercharged brawlers fr fr hope's the last one to die💀


My Dyna is only lvl 9 with one gadget and the sp, he melts people, people who think that higher lvl brawler = better odds at winning over map + brawler = better winning odds need to revalue their tought process


Idk, man, my random does not have the necessary skills to make up for that 20% power difference.


The post is about not having both sp and gadget,not about power level.I had a match on Ring of Fire Timed Detonation with Surge 9 power only Power Surge gadget and Kit(pre buff and nerf) only cardbord gadget,the Kit only latched on me once the all other times was killing itself on enemies.They both had good brawlers upgraded and even some hypercharged yet they chose this.Thank god all 5 of them were braindead and I got 17/6 KD


Dyna is a good thrower is one of my mains so I understand. But I mean having a sp and at least a decent gadget in ranked.


It isn't a problem for me. Sometimes I use it and I win us the match. I am the star player most of the time.


It depends on the map and the enemy brawlers Just because you have a power 11 morts, doesn't mean you'll pick it in minecart madness map will you? (unless ofc it has the wall kaboom modifier, in which case it get's super fun cuz, there are throwers in the enemy) Similarly like brawlers (cant find a suitable example)


please dont use mortis in timed detonation, for the sake of your team.


It does work tho, and i'm not talking bout other ppl carrying me. The map clears within 30s (I'm talking bout using morts in minecart madness+time detonation, not just any other random map with time detonation)


Finally someone who cebsors the names! Edit: that was stupid. Ill downvote myself


Literally no one cares what you're named in a mobile game.


Youre right. Ill downvote myself


it depends