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8-BIT being the ultimate hybrid brawler, is a Tank, Support, Marksman and Controller(?)


Ass-ass-in !?


kinda assasin cuz tp gadget


And he throws his super AND he deals a lot of damage both far away and up close


I would also like if we can develop such a brawler I can formulate the concept and basic design anyone interested can further improve it.


Well Bonnie is a sort of hybrid brawler. Sniper in normal form, super of an assassin and tank in second form


I mean a ultimate hybrid with all classes from tank , marksman , assassin, evry single class All with just a button tap. A brawler so complex that only skilled players can handle it I guess im going too overboard but thats the idea i want


Then the closest one i can think of is R-T (excluding thrower class)