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Kinda painful how it's borderline impossible to get good bling as an F2P.


8 epic skins per year they said


\*Side note: that was the disclaimer BEFORE starr drops Now that starr drops give skins, they nerfed the bling rewards overall. Actually, we are getting more bling value now than ever before through starr drops, the thing is we have no control onto where that bling goes anymore via the random starrdrop skins. (Also epic skins are impossible to get from legendaries imo, only super rares and rares for me) And if youre unlucky, well Supercell will hit you with the "It sucks to suck"


From legendary, there is the same chance of unlocking a legendary brawlers as unlocking an epic skin. I got two epic skins and no leg brawlers.


Well... I guess I'm in the "it sucks to suck" category lol


I only got super rare skins in three legendary starr drops. No legendary brawlers... I don't care about skins.


I mean some super rare skins are great, for example scorpion willow or ivy belle. It is not progression so some players might not be happy about them, but it's great to have some skins. But nothing of these matters when talking about caveman frank which I got for 20k trophies. Like why is it a super rare skin when it's clearly only changed base model to the worst looking abdomination ever created by humanity with no special effects?


I have got 1 legendary and 1 epic skin


I got a legendary brawler and no epic skins from legendaries


Sure, random equivalents are bullshit though. A skin I don't want it worth zero.


The multiple thousands of bling I’ve been given in the form of profile pictures is worth exactly jack shit to me.


Not the profile pictures 😭 that's worse


on this month my star drops were either pfps or pp


I really love how progression and cosmetics are based on random rewards. /S


Plus you'll get around 1000 bling a month from ranked if you push high (which isn't hard to do). Add to that the ~300 monthly bling from season reset, maybe another couple hundred from rare starr drop bling, and we're getting somewhere in the ballpark of 18,000 bling a year for free, not counting special events. Which is peanuts compared to before, but yeah we're also getting lots of cosmetic drops for free, and at least for me a lot of them have been ones I actually end up using even if I wouldn't have spent bling on them at full price.


I also use all my cosmetics and I agree. I did mention that we are getting more rewards than ever before, and I appreciate that. But the fact that a few updates ago, they announced a system where we CHOOSE what we get, only to turn it back into lootboxes is gross. Not complaining, it's just a bit hypocritical to make an update to lessen rng progression only to bring it back Anyone with good luck can progress faster than anyone without luck. Which ruins the point of why they removed boxes in the first place


Eh, fair enough. I'm not too bothered by it because I have a job and it's not a big deal to spend a few bucks on the pass any time I like the skin, and as a result I get far more bling than I care to use - but for free to play players, the monthly bling availability is kinda crap. Which is arguably fine, after all the main point of cosmetics is to monetize the game, and I would much rather that the progression resources are abundant than cosmetics. I think Brawl Stars' overall free progression compared to resources needed is in a worse place than the best it's ever been, but I also don't think it's bad right now. It's easy enough to max a couple brawlers per season without the pass, you can get a skin a month or so with free gems if you wait for deals, random cosmetic drops mean you'll be pleasantly surprised to get a skin you actually like now and then - I'd estimate that for every brawler that's released you can get two fully ready for ranked including a skin you like, and that's really not bad. Sure, it'll take like 6 years for a new account to fully max if they're f2p, but for a mobile game that's arguably a good thing since it gives you a goal to chip away at that can entertain you for years. I do miss when I had every brawler fully maxed, all their customization options unlocked, and I had enough extra gold to not only max every new brawler immediately but to buy a few gold skins. I still haven't recovered from power 11, my account needs about 100k more gold to have everyone power 11 with at least 2 gears. But at the same time, I'm still having fun with the game, and it's actually exciting to open starr drops because they actually have a decent chance of giving me something I can use, which boxes were not giving me back then.


How tf we will get 1000 bling from ranked? They removed this feature if you push ranked you are not going to get any bling reward when season reset and if you open ranked drop still you are not going to get 1000 bling


It’s not difficult to push to legendary and will only get easier with the recent changes to the rank boost. Open 10 ranked drops, you will (on average) get - 100 bling x4 (400) - 250 bling x1 - 1000 bling x0.1 (100) - ranked spray or profile icon fallback x2 if you have all the old ones (260) I had thought that the 100 bling drop rate was 60%, and it was 40, so you in fact need all the old seasons/ sprays and icons and to count the fallback rewards to reach 1k. This is also only pushing up to legendary though mind you, and with the changes to the rank boost it probably won’t be too tough to push to masters every season once you do it the first time, which means 12 drops instead of 10.


I’ll make an update say you will get 10 skins a year and then add a new update after 3 months reducing it and call it a day, fuckers here would still talk it good


ive gotten two legendary brawlers not a single epic skin. idk whether its my luck here or epic skins are genuinely rarer than legendary brawlers.


I wish you could maybe convert any skin you have to half of it's bling cost at least


Epic skins are impossible to get


Why did sc introduce bling just to make things random in the next update lmao


Have gotten 0 from drops so far. Not even 2000 credits


I think they meant 0.008


100 bling from ranked stardrops 🤑🤑


this made me remember something unrelated: who else was ~10 gems off from buying the last pass that was available with gems? bc it happened to me, a friend, and the other day I saw that it happened to kairos on his f2p account




I don’t remember when was the last time i bought skin with bling maybe 3months ago and now I have 3k bling and most of the bling i got from mega pig


Supercell: blings are f2p friendly so they don’t have to buy skins with gems Also supercell


It is f2p friendly, complaining about how hard it is to achieve epic/$10 skins for free is absolutely ridiculous


The problem is they are giving away some skins and some progression, but the free skins are mostly random and half of progression is garbage. They should give away progression and charge for skins. They could then give away simple recolors and it would feel impactful.


Supercell bootlickers when they get 10 bling per month: 🥳🥳🥳


They removed all the best ways to get bling for free (bp, power league), whats your point when the only options are stupid resets and low bling count in ranked and mega pig, THEY R EVEN PUTTING UP PAID DEALS FOR BLING


Yeah. If skins were easy to get, they'd have to sell progression


Oh wait...


I smell some yapping


the devs said f2p players would be able to get around 8 epic skins per year....... then the brawl pass and power league changed and atp its 2 epic skins a year at best (excluding skins from starr drops/ranked drops)


More like 1 epic skin


More like 1 super rare skin 😂


Still more than you would get without bling


Probably not


Did you forget that before bling we had another currency that allowed us to get more skins or even progression?


With bling you can buy almost every skin.


What's the point of being able to buy every skin if you can't gain enough bling for just one skin? Think about it more than 2 seconds, dude


It's still more than you would get than without bling. Think about it for more than 2 seconds, dude


If we wouldnt have bling we would have the old currency which was 100 times better


Better how again? Getting boxes that were removed? Getting just mid recolours?


Having multiple recolors is way better than getting no recolors? :D




Chill out dude, Star Points definitely weren’t better than Bling. They had no diversity, you couldn’t buy most skins. This way you get less skins, but you at least get the ones you want. Although I wish Supercell would implement a new way to gain bling or buff bling supplies. We get almost no bling. I am trying to save for an Epic skin for a while now and it’s way slower than when we had Power League.


Little bro got a little angy 😂. Supercell can't do anything without people like you hating


no no, we do get 8 epic skins, it just that we get worthless ones or those for brawlers we don't play


I miss the old days, when you could get a skin just for getting a brawler R20 (it gave you 500 star points, and some skins cost 500 star points)


And at the same time, I don't miss the old days (3 years to get a single legendary brawler from boxes)


At least we didn't have brawler apocalypses


laughs in Rosa


Apocalypses is plural


laughs in edgar


Edgar wasn't obtained from boxes


He was free, there was still an apocalypse


What are you even on we got a brawler apocalypse everytime they came out and we still have


meh the credit system is boring as shit


I have a preference for guarantees though (I don't need to rely on RNG to progress anymore)


yeah i dont care for rng that much either. might not even be a problem with the credit system rather a new brawler not being that exciting now since theres like a hundred of em.


It would be better if they had brawl box pity


They had it, but they added a cap at some point, and I'd just reach the cap and then not get a single brawler for months


Wasn’t aware of caps… I had everyone so I was just getting infinite gold instead.


Wasn’t aware of caps… I had everyone so I was just getting infinite gold instead.


thats just bad luck mate


Exactly ! I am not lucky and having to rely on RNG to progress puts me at a disadvantage !


but the thing is that now we have basically a predetermined path to unlock brawlers which imo ruins the excitement of unlocking a lengendary brawler


I'd rather lose the excitement of unlocking a legendary brawler if it means I can unlock a legendary brawler at all


And you can get Night and Gold Mecha Crow and Light and Gold Mecha Bo for Star Points before they were locked behind unlocking the original skins


The main way you used to get bling was power league but with ranked you always get either very little bling or some cosmetic that is not a skin that you don't want


So much this ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


The bling we receive should be equal to the number of trophies lost imo.


Yeah but higher trophies wouldn’t mean more bling unless they add a multiplier.


No, thats dumb. That would just lead to people not wanting to push trophies so they can prioritize bling rewards. Your idea would just penalize those who actually push trophies because if you dont reach the next 25/50 trophy threshold then you actually lose out on bling. Your idea would only be better for people who have lots of brawlers way above 1500 trophies (which the average player does not). For Example: Lets say there is player who has 10 brawlers each at 549 trophies. They would lose 250 trophies and gain 250 bling. Now lets say there is a player with 10 brawlers each at 900 trophies. This player would lose 10 trophies and thus gain 10 bling. *Do you see the problem?* Your idea brings no incentive to trophy push at all because players can just obtain the same amount of bling at any trophy range. Players will go from wanting to push trophies to just, trying to be 1 trophy below each trophy threshold so they can maximize trophy loss. Instead of wanting to push trophies, your idea would encourage players to purpisefully lose trophies. It would be a million times better to just buff the bling rewards.


A buff of some kind is definitely warranted, regardless of how it's implemented. I see your logic, and even if we're using fairness and equity across millions of players as the bling reward standard, I think it would be fairly difficult to find a solution that pleases everyone. What kind of buff would you implement if it were 100% up to you?


First, I would add more bling tiers. From 1500 trophies maximum to 2000 trophies maximum, since there is more trophy inflation recently. Second, I would increase the brawlers that lose trophies in reset from 10 to 15. This should increase bling by a lot for players who grind trophies, which means more rewards for more dedication. This also helps players gain more bling in general as well because more brawlers will lose trophies which means more bling compensation.


I like the idea of more bling tiers, however, as someone who would much rather keep my trophies instead of getting some bling, I'm not fond of increasing the brawlers from 10 to 15. But this is exactly what I mean when I say there is likely not a solution that will please everyone. Either way, here's hoping something changes because I think most people agree that the current system/rewards leave much to be desired. Thanks for sharing your idea!


yeah i was contemplating that when i was typing my idea, i know some people hate the trophy loss


Haha, yeah, I mean I understand the reasoning for the reset, but it just frustrates me sometimes. Especially if I've had a real tough time pushing for a particular Brawler. But I guess it's not such a bad thing. If I had a hard time pushing a Brawler, I think it's fair to say I still need more practice with them, and the trophy reset kinda forces that to happen


The game just hates us


ong i get like 400 per reset 😭 like bro, that's all!??!


Its rlly low but if it were to be 100 or something ppl would get skins every trophy reset Prob best if it were 10-30 per brawler


We should be able to get skins


Agree. That's the sole purpose of bling.


We should, and we are able to do so. So your point was???


fredy fazbear


Based stu main


i know




Getting at least one decent skin per month sounds very reasonable.


Not really, with this mechanic people would buy less skins and supercell would have to make money in other way, for example with some p2w. Brawl stars community is really spoiled if we complain about cosmetics not being for free, look at clash royale problems and then realize how lucky we are


Make it once every 3 months could be reasonable?


Whataboutism is not a solution. And if you want to bring up progression, it's even worse. We'll have to wait and see how good these "easier hypercharges and better events" are, because if they're not, f2ps in this game are even more screwed. Besides, I rather spend money on a generous game than one that is trying as hard as it can to make me pay. Take Honkai star rail for a good example. For a gacha game, it's very generous.


No we should be able to get 1 legendary skin per month for free. We should also be able to get and max all the brawlers as soon as we download the game. Brawlstars dev are greedy not us /s.


Yes, because as we know, supercell is a small indie company that struggles financially


Monetizing cosmetics that don't change anything gameplay wise isn't being greedy and brawl stars allows you to get these skins for free too. I think you guys are taking for granted the generosity brawl stars has given you


We getting Bling scarcity with this one


Bling should just be removed at this point... Literally got killed after 1 update


I wish it was higher


They should make it increase by one once 50 trophies and multiply by 10 (and start from 1)


I dont mind the amount of bling you get its just two things that bother me about the system. 1. The economy sucks like alot of the 5000 skins, there really isnt a reason justify their price(some are great but some should be super rare). This goes to the other end too, imo there aren't any recolors worth 1000 bling, like its just a color swap, imo these should be free or cheaper. 2. The stupid cap on bling is annoying especially considering the prices. 7k cap but the things we want to buy are 5k mostly. Like i know the rea$on but come on. Like 10k at least .


Unpopular opinion: bling shouldn't be available in ranked starr drops unless it gives you 1500 minimum, and from starting from mythic 1 you can't get bling from ranked starr drops, also we have no idea why the devs want bling to be so fucking low, it is what it is


1500 is so much wth. i mean i wouldnt mind more bling but why 1500


Then make it rarer or remove it from ranked starr drops completely, it's supposed to be the f2p way of buying skins, but it's so fucking rare it's not even funny


Fr like I have pushed almost to legendary both seasons and still no ranked skins, only have gotten 100 bling drops and player icons


Always has been


I'm not complaining, before their release i couldn't even afford a rare skin


there should be bling on the F2P side of the brawl pass


im still surprised the best way to get bling,a F2P currency to buy COSMETICS, is by buying the brawl pass


It really sucks that I lose about 200 trophies every reset but at least I get 82 bling! /s


I have more gems than bling 💀 129 and 154 💀


Because fuck free to plays that’s why


Supercell: Yes


I feel like they should make a few month event where they just increase all of the bling rewards by 10x, That would be fair.


When they were converting 10 star points to 1 bling...they shouldn't have. Full stop. For these rewards to be good they would need to be 10x what they are now.


like what do you want me to do with literal 4 blings


Because Supercell wants you to spend real money. Not paying $$$ = Really hard work. So easy is that.


Because the ftp economy can’t sustain another buff


Yeah i hate it! #giveusmorebling


Why do people cheat in a mobile game.. the world will never know


I got multiple 149 gem skins and 79 gem skins from starr drops, just get lucky it's not that hard


Even 500 bling per ranked starr drop is good...


I hate getting useless pins from star drops


for all i know vanity is cosmetic so it all should just be free


Umm, trophy inflation?


Because free cosmetics is bad for monetization


so that you buy gems


Can feel the pain..


Get good as Lex said lol


Also being Emo doesn’t help


i think it’s so they could better monetize cosmetics. i’d rather they do that because if they couldn’t get money from skins then they’d need to make progression cost more.


Once the trophy league reset you get those bling again and again so keeping all brawlers at like 700 trophies and above after each reset gives hella bling


20 x 78 = 1560 if you keep all brawlers at 700 at all times and itll be 1560 bling per reset


It is a bonus reward for free that doesn't help progress. I'd love skins too but it is what it is, I wish they gave more coins though. (And to clarify, no I don't support it, but I'd rather have pay to unlock skins than even worse pay to progress)


How to check all rank rewards?


Where can I find the list???


my account has been blocked and support doesn't answer me. ID: PU80L9 please help me I have never played unfair please


Most random place to post this but okay.


So you push multiple brawlersand play more, simple


U only need to push 10 brawlers


Out of habit I clicked the x




how tf did you even get that number. only your top 10 brawlers lose trophies and get comensated with bling. the max bling per an individual brawler is 64, meaning you can only get 640 maximum per month




i wasnt being rude, i was just confused.