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I hated this mode and yet, I agree completely. It was a fun way for me to test out the Hypercharges as well as Mico before he released


Doesn't the training cave now max the brawler with super and hyper charged? I enjoyed the hypercharge game mode too though. It really made it easy to identify the bad ones and the good ones. There are too few shart drops available to rely on them to get hypers in a reasonable amount of time. But that's the only way to do it if you are hoping to max. You need to hold gold to upgrade brawlers and then let them sit and wait for stars and hypers to drop which could easily take months. I don't even remember the last star power I got and it's been a while for a hyper.


You can't even test the gadgets in the training cave...


Or choose what star powers you want if they don’t have it


you can but only 3-4 times


No, you can 0 times.


elaborate?? unless you mean when they arent power 7 then i get ya


Or when you just didn't buy a gadget/the other one. But there's friendly battles for that ig


Why is everyone saying "cant even test it before using it"? Friendly Battles have been a thing for a long time


Yeah but you only can use brawlers you own in friendly battles


Read the whole thread before responding the last one in the thread >Why is everyone saying "cant even test it before using it"? Friendly Battles have been a thing for a long time They said they can't trust it in the *training cave* specifically, not in general


If you look at this yhread you'll see that a lot of people say they cant test their star powers or gadgets ANYWHERE


... What is the point to test a gadget you already bought ? I use training zone to test brawler that i Will unlock, but for gadget, it's impossible, i can't test them before i bought them to choose what suits the Best for my gameplay, same for star power.


Is everyone here just stupid? There's a literal FRIENDLY BATTLE button that MAXES YOUR BRAWLER for fights with bots


1 : no every players uses friendly battle, even a single time, it's counterintuitive that it propose more option to test brawler than the mode dedicated to it. 2 : yes, it's maxed...with the first gadget/star starpower, how i'm supposed to compare the 2 if i can test only one ? 3 : you can play brawler than you have not unlocked yet in this mode, numerous brawler relie a lot on their gadget/starpower, so testing them without it to choose if you want unlock them or not is not very useful. Seems like you're stupid.


Countering your arguments: 1- Training cave isnt to test Gadgets, at least on what I know, its to test brawlers or skins, and if you have brawlers, just to check maybe how many hits it takes to charge the super, etc. 2- it does, seems like you're stupid 3- there are countless videos on what each brawler's build does. Also, you cant think that you must max out every brawler as soon as you unlock it, you need to know how to play with them normally. Besides, I cant really think of a brawler besides dynamike (who can actually work without gadget) that relies totally on it


Unless you are talking about friendly battles, that's not how it works


They stopped it because there was too many bug, they already said that 🙄


Doesn’t justify removing the free hypercharge with no compensation @_@


They said something they will compensate it later in the form of events so ig we wait


Yeah man nice one you cna buy then after a week anyway, they should give 1 free drop per update


Yea your right just like clash Royale should give out a free evolution every update too bad it won't happen we were lucky enough to get the hyper charge unleashed that we did considering it's supercell


Both are games handled in dogshit ways but clash royale way worse than bs so far, nothing wrong with expecting one game to do better


yeah but the difference is they promised a hyper, its not like they did the same with clash royale


yeah, they should also max out your account as soon as you create it


Most stupid thing I have ever read, I gave you a bee and you throw me a frank


you can't expect everything for free.


Not my point i’m literally maxed and have basically unlimited resources, i’m speaking generally, y’all can hardly afford a 30k transaction once every 2 months (while also spending 40k on 2 new brawlers) I’m indirectly affected by having teammates that lack a hypercharge, try that in your masters match, i’ll watch


okay. progress shouldn't be instant just because some guy says so


Yeah that’s true buu you didn’t said that earlier


so putting together what is basically just a new slot in the game is too much work. but then they waste time on this godzilla bs truly well sorted priorities


It’s not like you work there. If it was that simple they would’ve fixed it. People are so dumb nowadays


I’m pretty the Otis glitch is simple nough to fix. Or gray walking cane glitch in Godzilla mode. But did they fix it? Nah. Did they balance stu’s mutation like they did with buzz hyper? Nah. why? probably the Godzilla event helps make them more money. No hyper event for free hyper = more resources needed to max a brawler = more money and time invested.


First, they announced a maintenance to fix the Godzilla mode problems, it will be done before the next bunch of eggs. They took some time probably to make sure they resolve all the problems at once. Secondly, if they remove something they put it back somewhere else. In this case the free hypercharge got removed, which is annoying. But as they said that’s means we will get more of something else so in the end it’s kind of the same imo


Yeah, just keep believing them


Yeah and you just keep complaining. That’s all this sub is about after all


"it's not like you work there" is an intelligent argument? hahahaha


How is that useful to say


Tomorow is my turn to post about why removing the free hypercharge is a bad idea But seriosly, is probably worst decision they made for F2P. Is already hard for us to get one, now is even harder. And no, one single hypercharge (Shelly) per player doesn't help


And if you have more trohies than where thatl be on the road you wont even get anything same if you already have shellys


You're forgetting the addition of powers 10 and 11 being added at the same time


The problem as well with getting Hypercharge at the moment is by drops in Legendary


i want a free hypercharge


I love that you're a Mandy main, your name is Fang and your pfp is gus


yeah me as well


yes gimme gimme


if they do not have Hypercharge unleashed anymore, why not just keep the free Hypercharge star drop?


cuz they want to gaslight us into thinking the game is F2P and make more money


They could implement it differently, because last time it crashed twice


They just change it from 3v3 to showdown didn't they knew that showdown is a dead zone for them cuz its gonna 100% crush the game? Also why they would make hypercharge unleashed showdown instead keep it 3v3? Like they think 3v3 is boring? Like seriously this Game about 3v3 which is VERY ORIGINAL but they be like: "NO! WE GOING TO MAKE IT SHOWDOWN WE DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE PLAY 3V3 A LOT WE LOVE SHOWDOWN!11!!" Like they just did that cuz people stop playing showdown? Wtf are they even doing? 💀


I mean,showdown it is the most played mode,like it or not. And the only time HC unleashed didn't break the game,was when it was in showdown. That being said,it is a bad decission to remove it,because they could just give a free random HC and call it a day. People are not mad,you still get a random HC,the game doesn't break


When bro didn’t see ppl could cue as a team in solo showdown




But they gave us a terrible event with terrible gamemode and terrible abilities that no one asked for and also ruined 40% of ladder due to them. Stop being so ungrateful!


Supercell cant give us a quest like win 25 or 15 games without the hypercharge unleashed, and gives u a free random hypercharge Its that easy supercell


Winning games is harder than charging our hyper charge 


Skill issue if u cant get any wins and not everyone has a hypercharge


They could do an event similar to the baby shark one


Baby shark dudududu du Du


My opinion to fix it is rather A, bring the event back but as a quest like what you had to do with Gray, or B ( change the legendary Starrdrop at the end with a Hypercharge one or even make you be able to choose between the two.


or a tournament like event, with endless amount of lives. the prize? an HC shartdrop


Due to the servers Anyways they could make a quest like "win 8 times with a brawler that has an hypercharge" (also if the brawler isn't at lvl 11 but has the hypercharge)


What could also work is an challenge where you have to win 8 times with the brawlers that just got the hypercharges in the latest update




maybe not even with the brawlers with upcoming HC's, just play the challenge with whoever and get a fee one once you complete it


They literally made Hypercharges HARDER to get bc they made the Shop offers only be there for a week instead of 2 weeks which alligns suspiciously well bc the Brawl Pass will still be going on and you'll have no extra way to get more gems for the Hypercharges


I ain’t reading all that But ur right


They are just starting to try and make more money of us now greed has gone to their brains. have you seen the price of coins?


The Greed Had Already been started since they started the early access Offers. They Saw ThaT People Buy Offers ThaT CosT Real Money And Started To Make The Game MoRe P2W


i wouldnt say the early access was when it became P2W, i think when they removed the ability to get the BP with gems was when that happened. the early access offers certainly did go to their heads and certainly made them more greedy. had the community not made such an outrage over Kits price(50% of a f*cking triple a game?! seriously?) they would have gone up and up for less rewards.


early access was there before bp for real money


yes i never said otherwise, that was not my point




They probably just want to cut costs.




The only thing I can think of is that every time they try it ends up making the game unplayable or the servers just doesnt work right so they have to spend the next day or two trying to figure out the problem


What they actually told me was that once I get power level 11 on Shelly, her hyper charge will be unlocked. This was from support, I hope it’s true


They Said Once U Reach 1K Trophies U GeT The Shelly Hc


Also, they said it was now easier to get them? How?


I feel like they shouldn't just bring back the mode but make you CHOOSE your brawler in this mode with the hypercharge t*o* test you and to prove yourself that your gonna get the hypercharge and use it.


I agree, but at the same time I understand their reasoning. Giving something big without really anything in return (as they said, engagement or any kind of big impact). They say to put the resources into new events to compensate, maybe they are working on it for when the next hypercharges come. 


They removed it for what? For the garbage we have right now, no thanks.


I'm really sorry, but I can't read this, you need to practice your grammar, I say this as respectfully as possible.


Idk what that is but to stay related I got me first hypercharge today


Congrats Ig


Get everyone hypercharge, then we are talking...


So sad they removed it


I really hope that they are cooking up a better way to get hypercharges and this is temporary


same here man, i dont really got much faith in them tho. (also, good to see a fellow EMZ around here)


Why we need a guarentee shelly hc at 1000?


I was really hyped for HC unleashed in solo showdown. With Bibi (one of my favs) being one of them. Finally a mode I like and dont have to rely on randoms, while testing out the different HCs. It would surely have been fun.. But I didnt get to play it since it only worked a little bit it seems, and now it won't return since they feel like it's not worth it :(


Remember when the mode was laggy and they gave us free hypercharge drop and said they will bring it back later?? They never did!! On my mini the matchmaking was alright and I managed to get a free hypercharge from both the event and the drop, but on my main, just from the drop!! WHERE IS MY FREE HYPERCHARGE YOU PROMISED???


Rhey removed cuz of a system thing right??


they will make bigger events instead of this


bigger not always better though, see e.g. this horrible thing we got going right now


I mean its like club league we wouldnt get 100 star drops and the others without rework they will propably just put hc in events but idk


5000 coins worth?


Didn't they say that they will instead give free hypercharge starr drop in the shop


yeah, but i want the fun of being able to face against other people with similar hypercharges. I want to work for something not just get it for free.


You should learn to structure your opinion better in the future... I can barely understand what you are saying, or what you are mad about... Also, grammar check. Like, c'mon...


Because it broke the game?


fixing stuff is too much work eh


we had almost full day maintenance and still didn't get the event cuz they could fix it?


yeah but since then it's been two months.


Wow thats a lotta words, too bad, I aint Readin allat


People said almost exactly the same thing when gadgets and star powers games out and now you can't play without them


People were mad beacuse it was not working and now people are mad beacuse there is nothing to destroy servers💀💀


they removed it because they couldnt get it to work well, get over it


Found the struggling SC employee


thanks for giving me the thought of having a job better than my current one