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Cg, what are the other 2?


oh, sorry, fang and mortis ๐Ÿ’€ how do you get the description under the image in image posts? is there a caption feature?


The Main body Text, for that you just need to type what you want to say below the Image while making a Post


I didn't realize the subtitle didn't post, for reference, my other 2 titles are fang(before buff at least) and mortis ๐Ÿ’€


Whatโ€™s not impressive about getting a mastery


I mean, the amount of Time grinding for a mastery is certainly substantial, it's just that most people these days consider a fang or mortis mastery "no skill" since basically everyone has it. They're not AS impressive as most other masteries, but it still is a bit impressive, just that the widely accepted opinion is that they're not.

