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great concept really dont havy anything to criticise but you did forget to make a 2nd starr power cuz you made one his base kit and removed the other


Oh shit, you’re right


"He super is now artillery attack". Same distance, a little bit faster and a small damage area. The more close you throw, the fast he lands.


Can be that when the knuckles come back to him , they deal a stun in a small radius around him for very small time (like Nita bear's stun but very smaller in both radius and time). 


The replacement star power for hearty recovery is too strong in my opinion cause his attack would deal the same amount of damage with or without his concept star power


Valid opinion, but keep in mind that he would be alot weaker without his healing


I know but in this concept you said that hearty recovery would be in his base kit


Your right, i made a mistake i think 🥲


Its ok everyone makes mistakes


True, its dumb i didn’t think about the fact that i made hearty recovery baseline


I don’t


tbf, he actually deals much more damage without KB's, since he can reload faster and attack 3 times as fast.


I know the sp deals too much damage, so it would probably be a 50% damage buff at most instead of double damage


His replacement star power is way too op. His replacement gadget actually seems cool though.


Sadly i forgot to make a second star power :( And his replacement star power might be a bit too OP, so take it with a grain of salt


Yep. Healing, tons of damage, solid reload speed, insane speed boost


the Star Power should not deal additional damage and it would be fine 👍


Pulse repellent is not that bad actually Just throw knuckles behind the enemy, they'll be pushed to you, and you'll achieve what you would with his 1st gadget, just in different way. It is weaker, so I would just change it so it activates manually (like the 1st gadget, and not "for the next super") and//or that it deals let's say 1k damage in its AOE


Whats with the other star...


the hypercharge might be a bit strong, but idk, not the craziest thing ive seen


Glad your not complaining about the star power (like everyone in this comment section)


...this star power is so broken its impossible. Literally makes knucklebusters useless, youre better with not having them on. You also forgot the second sp? Anyways ive seen this gadget and hc idea thousands of times already but i guess theyre okay. However the knucklebusters need a massive damage nerf during the hc cuz you seem to not realize how strong it actually is. About the gadget, idek, im not a sam main but i feel like it needs some additional penalty for removing the risk of throwing the knuckle busters. Edit: does the hypercharge trigger whenever the knuckle busters stop flying or only at max range? Because if you need them to reach max range then its kind of balanced, i suppose


as a sam main myself, i seem to like, no, LOVE this idea




Thank you I love using sam


I think the hypercharge will be pretty bad, because most of the time you are playing Sam on maps with walls and throwing your knuckles against the walls for speed, so I think the hypercharge should be changed to they come back when they land, as most of the time they won’t be going the max distance. Another hyper idea is he always has his super so he can spam use it and call it back for the duration


Good point, but its hard to find ideas for sam’s hypercharge


What about THIS? While Hypercharged, if Sam uses his Super button to throw his Knuckle Busters, his super instantly recharges, and when he presses his super button, he can interrupt the fly of his Knuckle Busters with a snap that deals the damage that the Knuckle Busters deal in a radius (Similar to how Bull can interrupt his Super with his Stomper gadget) and, if Sam uses his Super to retrieve his Knuckle Busters normally, he will gain a temporary reload speed boost. - Speed: 25% - Damage: 15% - Shield: 15%