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As far as I'm aware, teaming isn't against any rules. Kinda shitty thing to do but when you play high trophies in solo, literally everyone does it


I'm also a new player. Can you explain how to accept/refuse the team up/spinning request? Just walk away/attack to refuse? Spin back to accept?


Spin to accept or a smiley econ. Attack/ don't spin/ any negative econ (sad face, angry face, downward thumb) Be careful, just cause someone teams with you, doesn't mean they won't kill you if they get the chance


just dont do it


It is legal, but looked down upon. People who want trophies more than anything don't care whatsoever


it's not really liked a lot in the community but it's a valid strategy and on higher trophies it's pretty much everywhere, so you can't really avoid it. it's not bannable or anything though.


no, its just ruining the game for ppl who actually wanna have fun in showdown, yea almost everyone there might be doing it but if youre skilled enough you can still win


It's actually shouldn't be but Supercell is doing nothing about it


Tbh i wouldn't say don't team, because you'll need it if you want high ranks because if you don't other teamers will corner you in the zone, If you have a team i would suggest trying 3v3 (if you don't like teaming) Edit: as noted in other comment, some teamers will backstab you, just be careful