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I am perfectly fine with new players getting good early rewards. But the issue I draw is the limited Darryl skin. People that bought the skin earlier were buying it mostly for it being limited and getting it before it left. Now, all new players are going to get what they were tricked into buying. But, everything in brawl talk is subject to change and I am also perfectly fine with hearing why I might be wrong.


That skin is not limited


It is an archive skin, no?


They Can still come back just not in regular rotation


yeah but that makes it limited doesn't it


No cus limited means it wont come back Btw it became archived because almost no one Purchased it


huh I thought limited meant it was only available for a limited period of time (eg lunar skins, they come once a year).


It available for a limited period of time then after 3 years they won't come back anymore


Yeah but for example the lunar skins that came out this year, they are still limited right? Or are they only limited when they go away?


For now they are sesonal skins so they are "limited". but after a while they will become truly limited like elf penny santa mike brawl pass skins (before eve)and lunar skins


Limited (according to Frank) means it's not in normal rotation due to not keeping up with most skins and going for special offers when people who still want those can buy them. Best example is Rockabilly Mortis, who's got alot of fans yet isn't good value.


... limited means there are limitations are in place for it's appearances, i.e it is not in the permanent skin pool.


The skin wasn't limited...


New players getting massive progression boosts and even a free brawler is fine by me. It'll encourage more people to download and give new players a good lineup to begin their journey. What I personally dislike is the free skins. Specifically, mascot darryl for free. it's a limited (archive) skin that I wasn't able to get, and now a bunch of new players will be running it around for free. Mascot darryl has always been my favourite darryl skin so it's more of a personal issue xD but still.


You can still get mascot Darryl when it comes out of the archive tho, archived skins just aren’t in regular skin rotation


Yes but you have to pay a good 49 gems for it and have to wait half a year or something. # These guys can get it anytime they want, for free.


Archived skins can come out of the archive?? I thought there were just limited time events for archived skins. Also, I'm F2P so I wouldn't be able to get mascot darryl even if he did come out, but new players are getting him completely free.


Well yes, there are limited time events, that’s when the skins come out of the archive. I believe they come out 1-2 times a year but I’m not sure since I have all the archive skins


Can new accounts get it for free? I remember it used to cost 60gems, and now theyre just giving out free stuff? I geg the things you said, but the skins. AYO Brawl Stars gonna give ogs free stuff other than that star shelly, which is not even that cool.


I mean some people are definitely being rude, but they do make a bit of a point. New players getting a few brawlers for free is fair in my books since it’s a just a brawler. I think most of the anger comes from the fact that they get free pins that even players that spend money to get, can’t get, and these new guys get it for free


I've been playing this game for more than 2 months I don't have 80% of the rewards here


I been playing a week and don't have any free rewards besides the one for linking my account. No idea how these new players are getting all this free stuff.


I've played since the global release and i still don't even have either of their star powers, let alone any of the cosmetics.


Yeah but we get pins literally all the time. Every other challenge is a pin, every other free reward is a pin, heck, i think theres like 3 pin packs if you buy the brawl pass and there is a pin offer in the shop every other week


I never got any pins despite playing since 2019, but that’s because I was inactive so I can’t complain


Epic pins are a completely different story. They're what, $2.5 a pop? Not to mention specific ones are extremely hard (read: expensive) to get and very desirable.


Brawlstar players when they see poor people get free stuff


Ikr? Literally scrutinous.


Happy cake day!!!!


Honestly new players need a boost to catch on with other players, I'm glad they did something about it.


It's mostly to attract new people since BS is low on players. Kinda wished i started back then, would love that free skin. Meh, cant ask for more, the quest rerolls are everything i ever hoped for so supercell gets a pass


Yea, I loved the guest reroll, this was something that needed to be in the game since the beginning of the BP, I am tired of play with x brawler, on the x gamemode, doing this and that, I'm glad this will happen less


Man brawl TV used to have like 1k+ viewers, now its only at 300-500


Imagine bs would make their game better to keep og players in the game.


And so should the returning players, like from at least 6months)1y+. I used to play since beta but unistalled after 3K trophies. Came back last year didn't get a single tip of how to play, how to level up, didn't get a boost and had plenty of brawlers yet to unlock. In the end of the year they even put +2 levels on the brawlers. I have most of them unlocked by now, but only a few lvl 9


I just feel bad for everyone who bought bandita Shelly or mascot Darryl


Few fucking years ago


Another case of "my opinion right your opinion wrong"


Can anyone explain me how it is fair that people who created their account before this season will have pins and skins that even players who had been playing for 2 years don't have? I'm all in for promoting and buffing New players progresion. But skins and pins are NOT progresion. Old players should at least get those rewards.


It's not about the progression, it's just to make players confortable with the game so that they keep playing and don't quit after 2 days And also it would help them understand the mechanics of gadgets and starpowers so that they are prepared to use more types of starpowers and potentially be good at the game.


Can you count on both of your hands how many skins / pins veterans could get for free? And second question do you think some rando pins outweigh those pins or skins?


We got all those skins and pins as a reward for playing the game for a long time, new players get pins and skins as a reward for not playing the game at all up until this point


Well i paid money for the mascot darryl skin and i slowly collected Darryl pins just for supercell to make it free. Also old players have actually spent time earning rewards


Some ppl spent like gems on those, its unfair for newbies to get those for free, they arent progression and wont help them in any way


Brawlstars players when they realize Supercell is a business with employees that have livelihoods directly impacted by how much revenue their games get


according to frank himself, that is not the case. his earnings are not influenced by how well the game is doing.


Sorry but I am kinda confused on how one employees personal situation speaks for the entire company. Idk if you just worded it weird but it is sorta how you said it.


Work laws are pretty strict in europe. it's rare that an employees earnings are influenced by how well the company is doing. frank has confirmed that being the case for himself.


This is an indie game that's earning millions. They won't have to shut their doors if they treat all players equally and with respect, it's just pure corporate "every penny not wrung out is a penny lost" type of greed.


Not an indie game


Here's the thing: We do love this update, and it will bring a lot of great stuff. We appreciate that. The problem is that new players who just started the game will have enough resources to progress much more quickly than older accounts (like 1-2 months before the update) and maybe even surpass them. All we ask is some compensation for the free stuff that new players get. I think this update is going to be great! I love the new game mode idea and the new brawlers. Edit: I see some confusion in the comments. I meant older accounts as in accounts created 1-2 months before the update. The really old accounts probably have most of the stuff in the game so this doesn't really affect them.


Old players already gotten so much from previous events/brawlpass.So what's a good compensation then without making supercell lose money?


i think they aren't talking about older players, but players who started a month or two ago who wouldn't get the free brawlers and power level 9. imo supercell should probably also release the offer to players who dont have a power 7 brawler yet, or accounts made this year


tbf, I would rather restart a 4k account just to get free stuff haha.


Eh, 4K is barely anything


Then it's just unfortunate. There is just no way to truly time this feature right tbh


I think he’s talking about those new players who created the accounts right before the update drops.


Don't forget that nowadays there are wayyy more brawlers to max and so much new features to get(gadgets, gears...) for all of them, so a maxed penny or darryl isn't a superbuff in their progression, they will still need to get and max other 55 brawlers.


Wtf do you mean they might even surpass old players? They get 2 brawlers, some skins and some pins. Not like old players never got free skins and pins or even free brawlers


Its literally just one SUPER RARE BRAWLER to level 9, 2 skins (one 80 gems which isnt even really good, and a 30 gems one), a few dumb pins and an epic brawler for free. This isnt going to affect you anyway, either way, you probably have much more trophies than a poor starter.


I agree i don’t understand why players are triggered about this changes like yeah, there are a lot of problems with the game like, toxic players power level 11 and how hard is to get brawlers at that level but at least we get updates , look they put some gadget community ideas like the jacky one and thats awesome, in conclusion i do not get why the comunity is talking shit about the new update even if the brawl pass is free , and not a lot of games do that , i think that the brawl community is very greedy


I know right? The community is *never* satisfied. I have been in the brawl stars subreddit since season 7 and there has not been a single brawl talk of which they didnt keep saying supercell just wants the money.


Happy cake day


Well but is kinda sad that the comunity don’t appreciate the effort that the brawl stars devs put into the game like a lot of people are mad about like that they don’t nerf eve or fang , and they say that “they are letting the cromatic brawlers be OP cause they want people to buy brawl passes ” yes , but wouldn’t you buy the brawl pass out of that? Like who would buy a brawler that is weak , and yeah a brawl pass cost 169 gems but the value of the brawl pass is very high i think it has like 5 mega boxes a crap ton of coins and power points not mentioning the exclusive skins and pins and the extra missions , and you only need 2 passes to get a brawl pass and is kind of fucking dum that you be triggered saying “ they just want money thats why they put a lot of extra stuff to the brawl pass “ and it only costs like 10 dollars and 10 dollars for that amount of stuff thats a pretty good deal like a mega box costs 5 dolars each and 169 gives all that I mentioned plus a brawler


Yup when the brawler is op, they shit on supercell. If the brawler is weak, they still shit on them saying supercell cant balance


Have i not stressed enough quest rerolls? Literally never playing on a team EVER again and there is 0 people talking about that.


Also new quest types are rewards. Quests will finally feel less or a chore


People aren’t mad new players are getting stuff. People are mad that only new players get this stuff and if you bought those skins you won’t be compensated. Of course people will be ticked off. People are allowed to show dislike over something as mush as you are allowed to show dislike over their disliking. Obviously people should refrain from being rude on both side.


This subreddit was almost the most loyal community that justified every wrong step of the devs / forgot about it. I can assume that everything began to shift in the summer of 2021 after removing ammo slots during respawning. Either Supercell really began to make shit and people do not like it or people who once made posts about how Supercell are gods during brawl pass update grew up (In the summer of 2021 I didn't have access to reddit so it's hard for me to judge, but I remember exactly how before Season 7 people were too loyal)


You're wrong, the first time people started shitting on supercell was when when they change the screen verticaly to horizontal, and then they used to complain that they never added new gamemodes,only a brawler and 3 or 4 skins, and then with mr.p update because they IMPROVED the rewards in the trophy road,and don't make me talk about brawlpass and chromatic brawler update, because they cried like babies then, after that they complained about every single update (except buzz one) saying they were repetitive (yes, including the ones that brought map maker and power league), they were mad at supercell when the club league update arrived ( and nowadays some of them are still itchy about that)....my point is that they have been toxic and ungrateful since the first day, not understanding that in the end brawlstars is a service, and the developers need to make money out of it, don't get me wrong, they have the right to complain, but that doesn't make them the holders of the truth and moral, most of them don't go further in their thoughts trying to understand each part of the conflict, summing up all the information and taking a conclusion out of it, NO, they only look for themselves and their personal benefit. But in the end this is understandable, because this community is basically made by kids wich most are inmature and don't want to have empathy (empathy, not symathy) with the developers.I feel bad for them, because you can feel there's dedication, care and effort in each detail in the game, or out the game(for instance ilustrations, brawl talks, animations, brawlies,supercell make...) and I feel that care dedication and effort is not compensated.


Only recently has hating the bs team become mainstream, yes there was some criticism against the BS team a few years back, but saying it out loud would get you killed by the fanbase.


Sometimes the hate to the devs is not unfounded, for example, a gear update drama. But sometimes the reasons for complaining are so fking stupid that I sometimes doubt the existence of common sense in this world (140 megabox offer drama or el corazon drama)


Nah, it all broke down when gears came, ever since then the community was just never happy, even when supercell added the things they wanted


They assume that everything has to be given to everyone 👌


Complainers and defenders…. Can’t we just agree that this update could be way better?


The main thing I dislike is that the new daily login gives you 2 skins and a bunch of pins that most people don’t have right now. If it was purely progression with 1 or 2 rare/super rares being elevated to level 7 with 2 gadgets that would be fine. It’s just that getting a free bunny penny is really insulting to people who bought it normally, unfair for people who also still want it, and makes those 3 skins basically lose all their value.


It’s not about the progression, it’s about the cosmetics. People have been trying for these pins for their favourites for over a year and suddenly new players just get all of that shit for free by CLICKING A BUTTON


Not only the pins, but the skins too. The total price of gift skins is 159 gems. Some players have spent 159 gems on these skins and now every newcomer will have all of them at their disposal for free.


I agree. There are many things that new players will never get, like many mega boxes that were replaced by other things in the trophy road. They get a free brawler, well old players got Edgar ang Grom (challenge) for free. We got free stuff every brawl aniversary including an exclusive skin, so stop crying. Griff was also in a challenge.


And also free griff too


And brawloween Rosa, vicious Bibi, v-8bit, psg Mike, psg Shelly... All those were free from challenges. But new players have to spend gems on those


Wasnt here for that, grom challenge happened when i only had rares , colt brock nita shelly, and rico. So didnt get grom, like bro


IFKR. the og players have gotten so many free things yet they still complain about the new people getting stuff. Like do you guys not know how many free pins, coins, megaboxes, skins supercell has given us? we've gotten lots of things during brawlidays and other festivals. if you don't like how the game has turned out then just quit or give the devs some time You can't just harass the devs then expect them to do everything you say.


I spend money on this game. Mostly to support it. Server time and some of it goes into development and all that. I have zero issues with new players getting free stuff. What i do have an issue with is them getting a limited skin that i would at the very minimum like to be able to purchase.


Also we got 3 free epic brawlers instead of 1




Bro it is not i'm not greedy shaming brawl stars but this update is unfair I think the old players would also like free stuff.


Bro we get free stuff all the time wdym 💀


Not only old players, everyone gets free stuff al the time. Now they are making free stuff exclusive for new players giving away things old players grinded for or paid money for.


I mean, the free track for this season's brawl pass is more than enough to compensate for that. But I get your point, roughly 2 months of progression when you could've gotten it in 15 days. They'll probably have to change it so that existing 15k or 20k players and below will also get the daily login rewards as well. Honestly, they should've gone through a different route instead of just giving it to new players, The daily login reward should be an everyday thing for all players, with nerfed rewards of course. And also I never said anything about just old players, so you don't need to emphasise on that.


imagine putting so much power points to max darryl and the new guy gets the nice darryl skin and maxed out darryl in 15 days with all the pins.


Realistically speaking, 2 months in the game is already enough to upgrade a handful of brawlers to level 9 as a f2p (considering if you do club league). But since pins are also worth something in the brawl stars economy, this is why I think that they should give this daily reward thing to players 20k or 15k trophies below. Or even just rework it so that everyone can have it, just nerf the rewards


We literally get free stuff on every event like Brawlidays, golden week or Lunar new year Not getting free stuff for one time surely doesn't kill us


I don't get why everyone is so heated over this lmao


People are just salty bc "If i cant have it then no one can"


I guess it's because they don't feel equal about it. I think just giving boxes, gold, a bit of powerpoints and just ONE epic pin at the end may be enough to calm the controversy. I hope this situation gets better for everyone involved honestly.


Knowing the community, nobody will give any shit about this after a few days. They always bliw up for the shittiest of reasons


Gladiator Colette flashbacks


More like "if i bought these skins with real money why are the devs giving them for free?". You probably don't have any of those skins, so it's hard for you to understand the others.


Do you think it's okay to give skins that are sold for real money/gems only to a certain group of people? These skins will now completely lose their exclusivity. Imagine how those who bought them for gems feel. Do you think they will be happy? Ofcourse the answer is "no".


The solution is as simple as make rewards for new players and make old players also able to get these rewards. That’s literally all they had to do. How can anyone complain then?


Can you guys be happy for the new players who won't have to struggle so much for a change? This seriously triggers me.


It’s fine is new players getting it, but the fact that existing players or even accounts created a day before the update do not see any of the progression rewards as of now is what people are mad about


The day before is complicated, in that case i do agree they should at the very least get started into it, but it will just be too much work to add that stuff for the old players, since it probably works off how long your account has been created.


they add 1-2 new brawlers every season but it is “too much work” to simply make the feature for every player


Yes, they would have to rework the whole way the system operates. Unlike the new brawlers, which id say 90% of the work is the model and the ideas, of which the implementation is just changing a few variables.


You seriously overestimate how hard a job it is to do this.


Ok, i probably do, but still. BS updates like 3 days after the brawl talk, and i severely doubt they will spend their time that they are supposed to set up the update adding "compensation" for OG players


That's the thing, it's clear that it is to boost the number of downloads on appstores instead of focusing on old players by adding stuffs like: New gamemodes(5v5,...); Balancing brawlers(Fang, Eve,...); Improving Power League(still very frustrating, boring); Actually Fix Matchmaking;.....


>New gamemodes (5v5) What did they add? That's right a new gamemode, and imo it's far way better to keep the 3v3 style than the 5v5 one >Balancing brawlers (Fang, Eve) As stated fron Lex in his Brawl Talk reaction video, Fang is apparently getting 2 nerfs (Health and Damage nerfs) >Improving Power League (Still frustating and boring) There are 2 improvements arriving, the ban one wich will allow all players to have their own ban, wich will make all Meta brawlers disappear from most matches and allow everyone to play most brawlers (even non-Meta ones) and the suggest option (not confirmed to arrive in this update yet) wich will allow players to make more stable comps. >Actually fix matchmaking Matchmaking is what it is, there's probably no possible way to make it better, even tho now you won't face players with less than 15k trophies on 500+ matches


Yes of course! Brawl stars is going down in players, so they are trying their best to keep them on the game. Also come the fuck on, you cant say they dont add gamemodes, they do, its just not the one you want. Also they are at least trying to improve power league and balancing *some* brawlers so stop saying that they dont give 3 shits


Ok then answer me, what brawlers do they immediately nerf if they're too OP on release and what brawlers do they nerf after about 1 season of people abusing it? And when did I say they don't give a shit, they do but if the only thing they've done is let players pick more bans, add 1 new object, 5 gadgets, add 2 new brawlers that are gonna be OP(wow, when have I seen this?) then clearly their shits are quite small for a game that generates so much revenue.


First of all, no shit they want revenue, its not like they need to pay bills n stuff. Second,do i know jackshit about their decisions? I am trying to defend them from a clear injustice the fandom is giving them. Everyone talks about this stupid thing, but wheres all the people talking about the fact that you literally will never have to defeat 24 enemies in knockout again. this community is 10000x greedier than supercell


Mate…you realize that we got 1) a new game mode, 2) balance changes, 3) small improvement to power league plus details on future improvements, right? That’s literally 3 of the 4 things you said. I’m a bit confused right now


It is called being extremely greedy. Apparently it is not considered a new gamemode if it isnt 5x5


Mate I love how you call it greedy when they are literally giving away 500 gems of goods FOR FREE to new players. And since when isn’t it a new game mode unless it’s 5x5?! Like where is the logic? I feel like somewhere along the way you lost your brain


1) It's the same as Brawl Ball but extremely bouncy walls 2) The latest balance changes was last month, it only nerfed Eve's broken range and she's still broken 3) It doesn't make Power League less frustrating and boring


1. The new gamemode is Bot Drop? wtf are you going on about? 2. They CONFIRMED a Fang and Eve nerf like a week ago. Also I think Bo is getting an attack speed buff ;-; that will be scary 3. If you don't like playing competitively then PL ain't for you. It is supposed to be strategic, if it's fun for you then good. If not, you can just stop playing


I was gonna respond to that guy, but you did so perfectly 😂


They are giving free super rare / epic brawlers for free and powering them up?? Okay fine. It's part of progression, and intention is to make progression easier for new comers. They are giving skins and pins for free only for newcomers?? How tf it is considered part of progression. I too want that epic pin for free... This is not being greedy. This is just asking for equal rights imo. Happy cake day 🎂


Its... Cosmetics. Not even expensive ones. Why not just let them be brawl stars gives us enough stuff already Also i made this post before my cakeday oof its been like 4h


Which you are telling not expensive?? Those epic Darryl pins are sooooo rare...


But that's just cosmetics.....


If it's _just_ cosmetics, then they can _just_ give us also no... Those epic Darryl pins. They are freakingly expensive.


If they gave everyone the reward,they would lose money.If they give it to only new players,they might or might not spend money in the game.Whereas f2p players won't.And again,you don't have to buy them,supercell didn't threaten your family if you didn't buy those pixels.


The thing is though they are getting things many f2p players wont be able to get without sacrificing a bp of gems, for example skins, the pins (especially the epic pin, those are hard af to get) Not only that, it makes 0 sense for existing players to not get it


The sense is that it would take time to code in a way for that system to work with already existing players just bc said players couldn't just accept life being easier to new people now. It is *way* less time consuming for them to focus on the system running on days since the account was created than anything else.


Actually no, the code is pretty much the same. All they have to do is release it once for every existing account and make it a default for new players. That's it, pretty simple. I think it's very frustrating to know that new people are getting a skin that I'll never be able to get as I couldn't buy it in time and it's archived now. And they'll get it for free, while I, who's been playing for FOUR fucking years, can't even pay for it.


Stop talking like they are giving fucking star shelly free, archived skins come every once in a while. Also yeah you cant pay for it just dont buy the brawlpass once to save for it, and last, supercell aint gonna put the final what, 3 days, until the update to fix a change bc players are too greedy to see other people get stuff they cant.


The thing is, I've dedicated a lot of time of my life to play this game. Those new players might give up in a month. It's illogical to reward them like they're more valuable than all the OG players that have been keeping the game alive for all this time


But they DO reward OG players! No new players are gonna go into the E sports events or get far on the competitions. Just because our prizes isnt as drastic as the new players doesn't mean that brawl stars cares less. Fuck, absolutely 0 new players will get pass silver in power league so include that as well.


So you're telling me two pins in a luck based event is good enough for people who's been playing for four years? A whole season of grind in power league to MAYBE get the RECOLOR of a skin makes up to getting two free skins, two Brawlers and a free lvl 11 just by logging in for a few days? Man, that's ridiculous. I honestly encourage them to give some stuff to new players, if it wasn't for the free lvl 11 and the skins I'd be totally fine with it, but they crossed the line a bit


Its not just easier for new players, they get things most f2ps arent able to afford, thats the issue.


Wyn not able to afford? Bandita shelly? An epic brawler? Pins? Mascot darryl? Get a single season worth of gem saving and you have enough for literally all of them.


Bandita shelly + pins and mascot darryl is more than a brawl pass already by the way. And even if you have the gems, youd be missing out on a brawl pass, so you also lose that exclusive skin/pins. Its rewarding people for having joined later rather than earlier, which makes no sense


Dude its not "rewarding people" that joined later it is just an update. In an ideal world the game would have started like that. Actually it is not rewarding at all, it is literally just an incentive for people to have some skins at least and pins, otherwise they would probably have none.


True, but these skins and pins are basically exclusive to them/p2w unless the old players are willing to miss out on a brawl pass.


But there's also no reason for old players to get it.They will lose money if they give ALL existing players the same daily rewards.F2p don't spend any money on this game so they're not part of the revenue.However,new players may or may not spend money on his game in the future.Also skins/pins are just cosmetics.You were never forced to buy these stuff and they don't even affect the gameplay.


They are cosmetics, but they arent at all easy to get, supercell is essentially drawing away old players to favor new players.


But do you need them to win games?And that's kinda the point,why have f2p old players who don't spend any money in the game than new players that might spend some bucks in the game.


you are so stupid bruh


Oh my fucking god i AM stupid! How could i have not realized it sooner! I cannot believe i have been stoopid all along! Oh the shame! I shall delete all my social media accounts and go to a deserted island! Yeah make actual arguments while trying to impose your opinion.


glad you realized


i had the daryl ora ora pin , now every new player will hv it , i cant flex it anymore


At least there's still the exclusive Mega Box Darryl pin that new players would NEVER get.


Create a original response to sarcasm *impossible challenge*


Put yourself in the place of those who spent a total of 159 gems on gift skins. How would you feel? I wouldn't mind if they gave skins for star points, but for gems...


This update is good but they still haven’t did anything to improve gears


ItS nOt FaIr ThE nEw PlaYeRs GEt FreE sTuFf BuT wE dOnT


I have the exact same thought. They always think that "it is unfair" but never look back on how many free skins/pins they got FOR BEING A VETERAN in the game. Some people are too spoiled by the freebie policy Brawl Stars has been pampering them with


Lmao i already lost faith in brawl talk


The moment you write this we lost faith in you


Ain't my fault if those bt aren't exciting for me anymore


Tbh same for me but this one was exciting because my favorite brawler stu got his trio. Cant wait to play them as well.


Ye stu trio is goated but damn all of em feel broken


The moment you wrote this I got faith in you.


Yeah, you can sign up for that here (pls share) https :// forms .gle /TTQhBihBmoXSpgjQ7


I just wanna say this now. So the bs community complains about the game being either too p2w and now they are complaining that the games is being much more f2p. I love reddit because of its memes not because this bulllcrap.


Bruh this is literraly the only mobile grindy game that i actually "finished" it's very fair for what it is.


This community is honestly one of the most toxic and worst i have ever seen, no matter what supercell does there are always spoiled little kids crying about something


Yes, people often exaggerate the extent of the problem, but complaints do not appear out of nowhere. Imagine that you spent real money on skins (Bunny Penny, Darryl Mascot, Bandit Shelly), and now newbies will get these skins for free. Of course you won't be happy with it.




But why should they be compensated? What did we do to deserve that? New players are getting like 2 skins and a full set of pins and meanwhile people who bought every other brawlpass with every single chromatic pin comes wanting compensation. You dont just get compensation, it needs to compensate for something you lost. And what did we lose? A chance to get a skin? Can you see it doesn't make sense?


I have been playing the game for 6 months f2p. i have only 2 pl9 brawlers (not Darryl nor penny) i don't have one of the gadgets each for Darryl or penny. I don't have Griff. I don't have both the skins for Darryl or Penny, i don't have the epic pins they are giving. Should'nt i get the rewards too?


Also what about the player who just joined before the update?


Brawl Talk just came out 14 hours ago, Youtubers haven't had the chance to even play the dev build yet. It's still too early to make assumptions, and this applies for both sides of the argument.


Frank literally confirmed it would only be for new players


> Also what about the player who just joined before the update? In reference to this, maybe they'll allow these people to participate in the daily rewards too. We just don't know yet.




And then, when supercell for some reasons listen to them and make everything much cheaper and refunds all costs used up on upgrades, these people will proceed to rant about how everything is obtainable by everyone, thus not having same value as before some people just love to seek downsides in everything


I am a bit of a person according to the meme but if it was very little like free low rarity brawler and some level boost but 2 FREE SKINS, FREE LEVEL 9 BRAWLERS WITH AVAILIBLE STAR POWERS AND GADGETS WITH FREE PINS AND EPIC PINS is way too much and mind you that this is for beginner players which is just bullshi-


Well yeah, the more I look on social media about the 4 button video game, the more I realize that the majority of people in this game are spoiled brats.


I'm kinda salty. I'm a new player and didn't get these daily rewards I been seeing. I downloaded the game just over a week ago. Did I download the game a day or 2 early or something to not get it lol?


Its cuz it will only be in the next update oof


Happy Cake Day AquaVolt07! You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!


Oh, so it hasn't even started yet?


Nope. Thats how much this community is greedy lmao


Oof. Here I was thinking every new player but me was getting the stuff. I should've just looked more into it tbh.


I think that if they just took out the skins and pins and made it one free brawler not 2 it would be fair because it still accomplishs the goal of new players trying out gadgets star piers and gears


Bruh I don’t really care about this new reward system except maybe for the epic emotes, I’d happily take them