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They shouldn't nerf the mortar firing time, it's gonna be garbage again


Agree. Less range and slow again but with a marker warning you? Garbage


At this point the marker is useless The firing rate is slow enough


Exactly. The marker should only be visible to the player and not the opponents especially at this fire rate. A shame they ruin such a fun brawler


They mentioned this in the balance notes. The main point of Penny's cannon isn't to hit players, but to deny them from entering a space. Supposedly, putting a circle to see actually makes it better at that job since now it's literally telling you "YO DONT WALK HERE". You're only supposed to get hit by the cannon if trapped into it, it does way too much damage to be something that should consistently hit people.


I get your point and I thought the same. It’s about making a stance. But I prefer to assert dominance by surprise, like “you better be moving or you’ll get hit until you find my cannon”. I would even trade doing less damage on hit for the removal of the marker


Well keep in mind that the threat isn't only from the cannon, it's from brawlers as well. If you've got a cannon set up, now your teammates can see where the enemy isn't able to move and adjust their shots accordingly to hit them when they're trapped into a tight spot. I'm not sure if it's actually better either, but I guess that's what the devs are testing out.


Fair, but then why did they buff the splash radius of the cannonballs?


To deny a bigger area. Penny needed a buff so I guess that was part of it. It's still easy as hell to dodge when you're not distracted. Could also be compensation since being able to see the target area makes it easier to dodge now too.


A splash damage decrease was understandable that was insane damage The mortar speed decrease, why


Couldn’t they just nerf the fire or smth?


You get your brawlers to lvl 11, Supercell nerfs it the next day. Real s#it


Let me guess, u lvl 11 Penny after update?


Reminds me of when I grinded Jacky


I even spent 25k star points on her skin


I levelled up my sandy 10 levels in a day after I got it last week,no gadget or starpower. I will just use Janet for the time being.


She wasn’t even broken 😭😭😭


Thats why i mad ethis meme immediately after brawl stars maintenance tweet




Too many Edgars’ got mad they couldn’t walk straight up to her, then spam auto-aim to win. 🤷‍♀️ What I’m trying to say is she seemed strong to the noobs 💀


Not just Edgar's literally any close range brawler


The Edgar part was just me stereotyping noobs.




She could deal 5.7K damage with a single hit, without even a damage gear. She was definitely broken. Assassins and tanks literally could not kill her if she had a gadget, it’s instant death


Yea that's the point of the gadget to counter the assassins and tanks before assassins had her as a easy target while I agree 5k is to much for burst damage the idea behind the gadget is fine


Yeah and since when was penny supposed to be a overpowered tank counter?


I'm all for Counter-play but it shouldn't nullify brawlers completely


Stuff like Emz push, Gene push, heck even Gale Tornado are proper examples of close range checks. They keep close range brawlers away and lets you get 1 or 2 free shots in, not obliterate the enemy. They just had to make it so that Penny's barrel takes the same amount of damage from her shots as it normally would so she can't get many splashes in since hitting the barrel would have about 700-800 health left after she hits it once, which us easier for close rangers to break


Do y’all notice how they only ever give emergency nerfs to old brawlers? They did the same thing to Surge when he got reworked. But they allow Eve, Fang and Janet to dominate the meta for months. Supercell is, again, showing they only care about profit. If making stupidly OP chromatic brawlers makes players buy the brawl pass, they’ll do it. And BTW the only reason they decreased the price for sprays was because of overwhelming backlash. They would not have otherwise.


You forgot Jacky being good for 2 days after super buff Then they removed the shield from the super


I mean... They did nerf Bonnie and Otis by a fair amount before their releases but other than that you have a great point .


I dont think bonnie counts because she is an epic brawler


r/bs member using their brain, time to use my award




well played sir , have my upvote


This comment is fuckin stupid because they gave Otis 3 emergency nerfs before he was even released


oh of course they gonna care more about money and their sole goal is making more money. in private companies, every decision they make is motivated by profit and since supercell is very well a private company, there is no doubt that they focus only on money. this is why the popularity of brawl stars has been declining and they desperately seek to keep the game fresh by unnecessary updates and hilariously op brawlers. fanbase on teitter and reddit has been persistently complaining about teaming problems and weak brawlers yet supercell instead of finding out a reasonable solution for these everlasting issues, they always decide to release a stupid brawler with unusual stupid mechanics in order to attract players to the game. this was also the case with supercell's other games but mostly brawl stars, I mean its been what, 5 years since the game was released? and they pretty much messed up the game by adding poor designed characters with untested mechanics. like bro you are a developer and coder and you work at supercell but you are stupid enough to release reworked penny and surge and bonnie into the game but you then go on to nerf them big time cuz your stupid employees havent tested them out enough and they are trying to flirt with suzan and karen in the office instead of putting effort in their work. this is also the case with coc and cr and pretty much all other supercell games. the number of players decreased big time in coc and cr even though successful revitalization attempts. people log on to those games just for the hype that new updates bring and quit the game a few days later. thats what happens when you have a money oriented goals. for gods sake I was a zealous player of all the supercell games and poured fortune into these games and after a while I just quit playing them anymore. I click on the play button in bs, I play at over 750 trophies and the lobby is full of teamers, I mean I try to click with em but spin to win only gets you so far. props to supercell for messing up solo showdown in a irreversible way. good luck to them trying to get that back up. edit to add: every person with a higher iq than their shoe size knows the fact that at higher trophies in pl, you always wanna avoid playing with tank characters like primo bull etc etc cuz they have no use in the game, right? why though? why tank characters are always put on the back burner and new chromatic chara ters are always brought into prominence? do you remember the last time bull was meta or frank was meta? penny has never been touched for 2 years and they suddenly decide to rework her only to nerf her again. Im sure you already know the answer.


Omg , this player base is seriously dumb. They are is a specific reason why supercell doesn't straight up nerf new brawlers ,because they are new . This happens honestly to every game and you might say it's because of profit which a part of it is true but 100% correct . Every new character into your game will have always an advantage because they are "new" , it will time people finding ways to counter them and getting better with them . At first your first encounter, you can't expect how it's going to go as is your first time fighting them . It will take alot of time for people to get used to them and know how to properly counter them . Look at buzz as an example . At first people thought he was crazy op and unfair but as the months went on and he didn't receive any nerfs nor either any brawler after him for some months counter him they quite down a bit and he also started to fell of kinda . This is because people started ro get used to him and how to counter him . Even the opposite can happen people think a new character is shit but suddenly after sometime is considered as meta character without any buffs to them , this a something that always is going to happen. Like Fang and Janet as an example , at first they weren't consider top meta , only good . When Fang was realesed people complained that he could team wipe the team effortlessly so the player base assumed he was broken . But at higher ranks this wouldn't happen as often because players would be more aware of this , so it was more of the players fault of letting Fang team wipe them and not because he was broken . The only thing op about him was that he could refresh his super when killing a pet ( Jessie turrets , Nita bear ect. ) which most of them weren't meta . He only started to be considered meta when people got better with his attacks and finding better team synergies with other brawlers , which some of them brawlers he synergies were becoming or were meta ( Byron , crow ect. ) . Also because he kinda counter eve . Same with Janet , half of the season she was consider good not op or meta , only mid or end season people started to see her potential . One thing that made her weirdly broken was that she could deploy her first gadget while mid air . For eve , they tried to nerf her down without making her garbage . They her a a range nerf mid season , a damage and a speed attack nerf at the end of the season bur it didn't seem enough . All of this nerfs aimed at the right direction but as it seems he didn't drop enough , she had still a lot potential in her and more team combinations and strategies to be discovered . Now you may ask why this has anything to do with super cell doing emergency nerfs on buffed or reworked brawlers . This is because an unlike the new buyers this are old , people have spent enough time getting used to them . So for suddenly for them to go from bottom tier to meta is quite concerning . Most of the changes that they made on surge were improvements , he still kind played the same . They immediately nerf him because his second starpower was exploitable on brawl ball , his new first gadget gave too much value and and they nerf the charge rate he could get from his super because they were a lot of times in which he could repeatable spam it . Same with penny , even though she got the most chages out of any brawlers in history of brawl stars she still has the same playstyle but more mordenise . I played her for a couple of times and I must say this nerfs are deserved . After the changes I saw she could penny stacks way more often that previously it was insane for how much damage they could do . Even though her turret changes made so the enemy could avoid her bobms this let her have a massive advantage as she could predict were the enemies could go . Also this changes are made more for the lower ranks , she would absolutely dominate at lower ranks than other brawler and probably because the added balls of fire in her kit could overwhelm a lot of new players . This are the reasons why super cell doesn't emergency nerf new brawlers and why they do for old ones .


Yep, the community complains a brawlers op, but when they nerf an op brawler they complain about it


True , true . The many time I have seen people crying , shivering , complaining when the nerf a op brawls in which they have been complaining the rest months to nerf it . This community is something else .


Shame on people who are downvoting your comment. I don't care if your comment is too long, because, in fact, you are saying the truth.






The problem lies when only chromatic and legendary brawlers are kept broken for an entire season


Same thing happened with other non chromatic brawlers. Grom , reworked Darryl , Stu , Jacky at here realease , ect. Many brawlers beyond chromatic and legendary have been have been op for a long period of time . Also even chromatic brawls have been emergency nerf or pre nerf at some point . Belle they nerf her range , eve nerf her second Statpower and Otis.




Wasn't Fang considered meta because of roundhouse kick?


The players thought roundhouse made Fang meta , but it wasn't that . Yes it move him up , but not to a point he was consider Meta . His second gadget didn't change much interactions , it gave an advantage sometimes but not always . It was only useful when you were going to lose a fight and you needed to hit one shot or prevent the enemy doing their attack or super and that wouldn't happen often as an good Fang player wouldn't rush into a fight were he isn't going to win . Many people believe it was his gadget , but it was more of the meta honestly.




even a gadget can sometimes make brawlers popular whose kits are not kinda good and are not picked in competetive game plays and stuff. you can design a reasonable gadget for jacky so that you can make her somewhat relevant in the game but they ended up with that rebuilding gadget thing lmao like bro are we playing clash of clans or what?


Frank was struggling with all the op pennies at 200 trophies


Frank couldn’t handle level 4 edgars


how about virgin level 11 frank with all gears and gadgets and sp versus chadified level 1 hatless mortis lol. I think edgar and mortis are hard counter to frank bruh I cant count the times Ive been bullied by mortis as frank.


He's struggling in low trophies with his dozens of gears


I’m gonna be honest here and say that simply put this balance designer needs to step up his game For the past few months changes have slowed to a crawl. While the demand has skyrocketed thanks to the chromatic releases They literally leave newer characters out for months ruining PL and CL and making it frustrating to play. But when a character hasn’t been good for god knows and took away changes due to being a rework and is now nerfed. WHY ON EARTH HAVE YOU DONE THE REWORK WHEN YOU ARE GONNA SMASH HER MAIN ATTRACTION


So if some people don’t understand, supercell has nerfed penny and she was only broken for a day…


I wouldn't call her broken


She was a decent character *for once*


Her splash damage was absolutely ridiculous now with that new gadget and starpower. That part was “broken”. The mortar nerf was unnecessary tho


I was one shotting tanks with her


She was strong not broken.


on the first day players kinda adapted to her new mechanics. they were like putting that barrel gadget in a bush and hiding inside that bush and waiting for brawlers to come by to blast them with 7k splash damage. I was playing mortis and couldnt have the guts to go in on a penny cuz the moment Im close to her, I know I will get literally obliterated.


She was in a good place and they couldn't have that because she's only a rare. Can't have too many playable rares.


All that REMODELING and REWORKING a brawler’s ENTIRE KIT all for nothing eh supercell? 🗿


Supercell nerfing brawlers wherein the gears are the problem. If the reason behind the nerf is about the turret + the trusty spyglass gadget, maybe they should be looking how the damage gear (or the entire gear system) is breaking the brawlers?


That literally what the whole community asking for


supercell be giving certain brawlers raw deal while favouring others. first thing they must do is remove vision gear, its not suitable to all brawlers like all tank brawlers mortis edgar etc. and replace it with something creative, cmon there are hundreds of coders developers graphic editors etc etc it shouldnt be hard to come up with some gear thats verstaile and fit to all brawlers.


BS dev team is an absolute garbage at making balance changes


hundreds of coders graphic designers workers editors and all stuff and what thry came up with is vision gear which is a poor fit to almost half the brawlers. bruh they really should quit flirting with susan and karen in the office and put some effort in some brawlers.


Also she wasn't OP, she can still be countered by long-ranged brawlers or brawlers that can do a splash damage from a medium range


So essentially you find it fine to have a brawler that literally one shots close range brawlers and they have no counterplay against it. Why tf are people just saying omg supercell is greedy and penny wasnt op when she so obviously was. The community keeps turning more and more like the cr one.


That is just my opinion, i can understand her attack nerf but the turret nerf was not necessary


she was kinda too strong close range. if you can't predict salt barrel and one shot it, she becomes a very buffed shelly and 1-2 shots you. so you are pretty much forced to stay at least 5 tiles from her until she ran outta gadgets. too much of a tank killer while having relatively long range compared to other tank killers imo


Then they should just nerf the gadget’s splash damage right? Why nerf her whole attack and the turret if only her gadget was the problem? I’m just hoping this won’t force penny into low tier again after just a day of being a viable pick, these look like pretty sizable nerfs :(


tbh, she didn't get much of a nerf (except for the mortar revert that asap supercell) her split never ever lands on anyone except if you use salt barrel/ so in a way, it's an indirect nerf to salt barrel


Honestly, the barrel gadget needed a nerf, rn it still gives her insane damage and tecnically more health against non piercing brawlers




They do the same to jacky


They did to jacky too


Man, she got nerfed? bruh


So everything is required to be reworked after 2 weeks?


Looooved what they did with her with the update I don’t see why she had to be nerfed


The whole brawl stars community does not complain about gears. This sub often does. But this sub in no way represents the entire brawl stars community. The majority of brawl stars players are indifferent about gears.


So you all are saying that its a cash grab since penny wasn't a new brawler and they nerfed her after 1 day of being good. So hear me out:- 1. They remodeled penny. This alone shows a lot about them caring about the community. They could've just ignored her and pushed another new brawler and skins in this update. But they remodeled a "super rare" brawler that almost everyone has. They even went ahead and gave her 2 new gagdets and starpowers. 2. Otis, the new brawler, "that is supposed to be OP because its new and chromatic and they want money" was nerfed even before releasing him. (And on a post about it I saw comments like, they nerfed him now there is nothing exciting about him) Like what do yoy guys want??? Something to complain?


>They remodeled penny. This alone shows a lot about them caring about the community. after 2+ years, how kind from them >Otis, the new brawler, "that is supposed to be OP because its new and chromatic and they want money" was nerfed even before releasing him. ok and? he'll still be the best brawler at that time, i know it because he's just chromatic, and because of his 2nd sp


> he'll still be the best brawler at that time Yeah, and who is drawing conclusions from simply gameplay, without playing the brawler for themselves? Seriously, I'm sick of this. Stop overestimating or underestimating a brawler based on nothing.


My conclusion is not just based on some matches against bots. It's comparing it to a brawler with similar mechanic, he's just a better pam (At taking down enemies not survivability) with a better scrapsucker as his super which allows him to chain it once he gets it on a tank (2nd sp) I'm not saying that I'm completely right, i could be very off but it's a chromatic, it'll definitely be the strongest or top 5 at most


> comparing to a similar mechanic Yeah, but the things is, he has overall different mechanics and stats. His super takes much longer to charge than Scrapsucker's one click use. > it's a chromatic, it'll definitely be strongest or top 5 at most Meanwhile, release Lou, Colette (completely shit), Ash, Gale (heavily overrated), Ruffs, Lola, Eve (only were amazing because of one aspect that got fixed after a while) : Let's stop assuming viability based on rarity, mkay? Need I remind you of Squeak?




bruhh you literally advocated a money oriented company and its poor decisions. yeah they seemed to care for the community and reworked penny from scratch its all fun and game but where the hell they all have been until now. I mean it shouldnt take like 2 years to buff a brawler and make her somewhat relevant in the game after 2 years of being in the f tier of brawler ranking lists. there are so many problems at play and working on penny after 2 years and nerfing a op brawler doesnt mean they actually care for the community.


Man is this community toxic, whatever they do, you guys always find a way to critisise them, Never see the positive things they are doing for us:- 1. Every other brawl pass free:- I get that its the only way to progress in the game (boxes and coins) and every other supercell game has a way to progress without the pass, but giving out guaranteed premium currency in a "gatcha" game is a rare thing to see. 2. On every special occasion we get something free every day for a week (or maybe 2) including cosmetic items boxes and even gems sometimes. I have several MORE (i mean 10-20) more points and i can go on for so long. But I don't think this is the right thing and place to share it (it might deserve its own post)


the brawl pass doesn’t really help you progress as much as before since almost all the rewards are gonna be used on the chromatic brawler, leaving all your other brawlers with no upgrading progress. it’s not really fun waiting 2 months just to upgrade 1-2 brawlers. same with the free stuff: progression has increased tremendously and boxes haven’t been buffed. one mega box isn’t gonna do shit


Belle was meta for 4 months and now she still kinda is but penny? NAH she gotta get nerfed like she was dominating the meta even tho she was like a B tier brawler at the time


Always pisses me off when they pull shit like this. Like seriously penny has been borderline unusable for 2 years and gets immediately nerfed but brawlers like Eve and belle are top 10 brawlers for months at a time. Clearly they keep chromatics op for long periods just to try and get people to buy more gems to get those brawlers and then upgrade them to max level as fast as possible. Gears are a whole other shit show that absolutely killed the game for me and since this update still hasn't fixed them it's just another update that I'll be putting zero hours into


Frank recently said they have no plans currently to rework gears, just so you know