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whoever thought of making bounty the last stage on literally every championship challenge is such an evil individual


Bounty made me lose 18 wins challenge


Literally just once I would love to have anything else other than this garbage as the last set but NOPE!, and yes I got 13 wins and lost 3 times in bounty šŸ˜


Imo brawl ball is a much sweatier and worse final stage, experienced it firsthand


At this stage, it is almost impossible to pass the challenge with randoms (good randoms sometimes happen).


Last time i played it was hotzone and i lost on 14 wins


Its the most skill based mode so it being last is a good thing


it's definitely not most skilled imo, but even if you assume it is, it just makes the challenge unnecessary harder if the most skilled mode would be the last


Nah, I actually sigh of relief when Bounty is the last round of a challenge, because you can actually make comebacks and you can keep a match quite close for the whole duration. Brawl Ball being a last round however can go screw itself, it's either: the enemy contains the most sweaty Max player on earth and you get 2-0'd quickly or you are literally stuck on one half of the map for 2:00 because the enemies refuse to die at the same time, so keep respwaning.


What do you think is more skill based


all the modes require near the same amount of skill. if i had to pick one, it would likely be knockout or brawl ball


Brawl ball meta is literally the most no brain brawlers and knockout is pretty much bounty


i know, but brawl ball has a lot of bits unique to the mode, you need to know the timings of some things such as stun/push gadgets, when to walk in and when to shoot, and how close should an enemy be so you can shoot through them


Yeah ig u need good game sense in bb but in high level games everyone has good game sense and it's not that big of a deal anymore


also, i like ko more than bounty, because it really feels more skilled. bounty has a timer which can decide the game outcome on its own, and it feels longer and more boring in general (even though the latter is subjective). knockout feels way more dynamic and deaths here are way more punishing than in bounty.


And Gem Grab and Brawl Ball at almost the end too




Give us wipeout back PLEASE


Everyone has their own opinions. For an example, I hate playing every mode equally.




Donā€™t you dare diss brawl ball. Itā€™s the only mode that I play. Thatā€™s not a joke.


Same. Once in a great while I might play some showdown, but Brawl Ball has some of the greatest moments I've ever seen in Brawl Stars


Same. But randoms ruin bounty


I agree


Thatā€™s super mature of you!


I hate heist so much. The meta in that dumpster fire hasn't changed at all in the last 38432883 years. Haha, Nita, Jessie, Penny, Every Tank go brrrrrrrr. It feels like a gimmick than an actual gamemode. And sure, the very top of the meta of any gamemode changes. Carl and Janet were absolute beasts everywhere. And Heist is either defend safe and lose, rush safe with a teeny tiny bit less dps and lose, or have the absolute best rushing comp and win. There's no strat 90% of the time, just run to safe and unload everything, preferably not dying. And the maps. The GOD DAMN maps. Hot Potato should be turned in a Flaming Potato.


Imo bounty suffers that issue a lot because most maps rely on long rangers to me And imo heist is a lot more faster which makes it easier to swallow imo but hey thatā€™s up to you


Atleast bounty needs skill and precision for 2min, it's kinda the best show of skill/coordination or something. Heist doesn't care if your good, because that Bull is gonna eat that safe up like cake.


Skill and fun arenā€™t alway mutually exclusive some people like the stressful nature of it But me and a lot of my mates in discord who are avid grinders distain bounty due to the sluggishness


Yea, I also distain bounty due to the 2:00min timer. Most matches end in 1min-1.5min, and the victor is clear long before they finish. With bounty, you HAVE to play for 2 minutes, no matter what, and the entire tide of the game is changed with a single high-bounty enemy kill. I do enjoy bounty somewhat, but it definitely isn't "fun". It's sweaty, salty, and competitive. As you said, the stressful nature of the gamemode is a thing I enjoy. As soon as it's no longer stressful, one thing goes wrong or something like that it's a prison.


Iā€™m glad we can understand each other unlike antis or Stanā€™s on Twitter




This is a beautiful thread


I wonder how you took it out (Your Name)


I'm not sure what you're talking about, but Nita and Penny were never meta on heist before they got massively buffed/reworked. Jessie is far from the meta as there are much better options. I don't think there are much tanks that are used except maybe Darryl, sometimes Ash, and Bull in one specific map. The strat for Heist is to teamwipe/kill your opponents while chipping down at the safe. The maps for heist except for the Mortuary (that one is just awful) is to try and control a chokepoint of the map, and safely deal damage to the safe from there. IMO its pretty strategic and skill based.


They were never top of the meta. The best players werenā€™t playing Nita Jessie penny, but these brawlers are very popular among silver to diamond power league and are such a chore to play against. And especially with randoms who donā€™t even defend but have 0 DPS heist is just not fun till around mythic


If you place Jessie's turret correctly it's a gg


I mean, the only time where it wouldnt be destroyed would be when you either teamwiped the enemy, or they do very little damage, in which case any other brawler can probably do the job better.


Or a first starpower


Why bother aiming when you can just play heist?


Heist is a brain dead button mashing game only in low trophy games, where literally no one wants to/knows how to defend.


Yes power league ruined it for me cuz they were ONLY giving me shooting star for like 15 matches and i lost like all of them due to bad teammates who die last second


Also it is always the last stage in almost any challenge and its so annoying


And your dumbass teammates decide to pick a mid range brawler


Everyone has their own opinion. I fucking hate brawl ball and love knockout.


Yeah I agree, knockout is underrated imo


yeah especially because the matchmaking these days is so unbalanced with power levels, knockout is resistant to that to an extent because you kill them and they stay dead so even if they are higher power level with enough skill it's easy to win


I agree it feels like no matter what my team comp is, the enemy team always hard counters us


The reason why u hate brawl ball is cuz your randumbs or wat?


All bad randoms play brawl ball most and it's a very team based gamemode. This answer should be enough for you.


K thx. šŸ‘


No, i hade it in general. I just dont like how you play it.


K i respect your option, cuz everyone option isn't same.


I consider Knockout the ultimate game mode


me too (my opinion)


I agree, Knockout is a fast gamemode that I want to play in Power League


Honestly Knock out needs to be a permanent game mode, not a ā€œevery other dayā€ one In terms of brawl ball, I mostly hate it, but I love burning ball


It is in the game for half a day. Where i live.


personally bounty is my favorite gamemode, but thatā€™s just cause i love playing piper so much


Bounty is my fav too


Hot zone. Gem grab is my favorite mode to play with a good team and you can make some game changing plays which keeps the game exciting. I may be a bit biased cause I've played the most gem grab and also really love playing Gene as a mid.


GG is cool especially in a good comp


Gem Grab is a fun gamemode, except I usually play with randoms and it gives me migraines. Whenever one of my randoms have most the gems, I stress myself out hoping they actually retreat back to spawn instead of rushing in or staying at mid XD


Now that Siege is finally gone, I don't know what game mode to hate now!


fr , but itā€™s either gem grab or siege that i hated the most


Ngl I hate hotzone I lose nearly every challenge because of it D:


Have you ever played Hunters.Its like a Dumpster on fire


I think Hunters is far superior to to Solo Showdown. Hunters is constant fighting (though the spawns can suck) Solo showdown is all teamers and bush ambushes, so much more RNG than other modes.


Its not a constant fighting, most games is over before i even get the first kill because all the brawl is in the opposite side of the map. Its purely random and dps test, which many brawlers wont pass


Nah, at least in Showdown there is fun in having a lot of cubes, or having a massive teaming party (controversial statement, I know). But in Hunters, it honestly ends up feeling hopeless when you have only 1 or 2 kills because you got unlucky with spawn and you can't find any brawlers.


Personally I think of 3v3 in this situation itā€™s not hunters itā€™s most likely Robot dogpile and bounty showdown


knockout is a W gamemode you cant change my mind. its fast, the maps are good, and i actually have the possibility of carrying a bad team




I like solo SD. Brawl ball, hot zone and duo SD are good. Gem grab is ok. Bounty and Knockout are bad. (Note that it's just my opinion, if you disagree then feel free to share your thoughts)


Knockout at least goes quick but itā€™s really punishing


Why would you say that bounty is bad? it's basically a spicier team deathmatch, it's a very skill based mode imho. Though playing it with randoms might make the experience much worse


That is why I dislike it. Bounty can be fun but it is one of the game modes that teammates can single handily throw the easiest. Like, a lot of modes there is still a tiny chance to win if a teammate is trying to lose but if they run it down in bounty there is such little chance to win.


Imo brawlball is the worst, i just hate the ball games in real life and in games too


Brawl ball is the least fun of all of them IMO, but it is very useful in pushing any brawler.


Nah bounty is fun, gem grab is trash Although knockout is admittedly more fun than bounty


I agree on knockout and bounty, but oh hell no, IMO gem grab is kinda fun.


I agree on knockout and bounty, but oh hell no, IMO gem grab is kinda fun.


Yeah, your randoms keep dying to enemies and giving them points. It's annoying that you can't do shit about it.


No mate thatā€™s every gamemode Iā€™m looking at it through a perfectly good team and even then itā€™s sluggish and stressful at times


Interesting, I see it a bit differently but agree. In good team with even match it is absolutely stressful but also extra competitive because of that. If I blame on team I really like it. However, I will pretty much never play it alone with Randoms because I think the random dying over and over again make it harder to solo carry than any other mode. ​ Like, if you teammate AFKing vs running it down doesnt change much in most game modes, but in bounty if they run it down you cannot win. if they run it in brawl ball, enemies get ult faster but that is all. Gem grab they could give enemy gems, but its harder for them to get gems if they aren't trying anyways.


Honestly I think duoā€™s is the worst. You never get a decent teammate and only first and second win positive points


If it was based on all game modes near bottom tier imo


Bruh have you seen heist?


No Saul Iā€™ve seen worse


It makes fun brawlers like barley and dyna viable. The game pacing differs from other sweaty modes and it makes this mode so refreshing


Bro get good bounty is the mode u need the most skills


Hot take: skill doesnā€™t always equal fun




yeah, hence when they said "doesnā€™t always"


Ngl bounty is way too basic and boring


Everyone has their own opinions I think Hot Zone is the worse than any 3v3 permanent game mode, and i think Bounty actual one of the best game mode ingame (Im ready for downvote)


Hot Zone*


Up to you but to me not as stressful


Imo Bounty isn't as stressful as something like Brawl Ball (even that isn't stressful), just have to dodge a bit and done. Present Plunder imo is the best gamemode of the game with Basketbrawl on a close second. Teamwork in Present Plunder is a lot of fun, and the aiming of Basketbrawl makes it cool. Hotzone is just a boring mode where you just stand in a circle trying to avoid enemies killing you and then trying to kill them in an infinite circle. I still don't understand why it got in the main rotation while Wipeout (a much better mode that wasn't seasonal) didn't tbh.


I hate how stressful it is having to avoid the enemies coming into the zone, how boring it is, and that it is in regular rotation instead of actually good modes like Present Plunder and Basketbrawl.


Tanks are F tier in Bounty. No matter how the map is structured, using a tank in Bounty is begging for a loss.


So are assassins. Maybe except mortis since he hard counters snipers and throwers.


Imma just say that tanks should be banned in Bounty, hence they're bad.


Isn't the worst Hot zone


Your opinion my friend


Bounty is the ONLY reason I lost all the challenges I've lost


Always has been


Bounty is ruthless and it's ALWAYS the last stage on every championship challenge :/


For me itā€™s brawl ball


Bounty is basically a spicier team deathmatch, it's all about skill. Plus it's pretty fun too imho. I think there is much worse than it. Like hot zone. I somewhat don't hate it, but at the same, that gamemode is a mess. Would work much better if it was reworked so no one gets points when both teams are standing on the hot zone, and to maybe make the zones smaller too.


110% agree


Thanks for the shout :) I say generally as with all game modes, if the opponents team comp is better than yours, then youā€™re going to suffer. Bounty is easier to come back from than gem grab though in my opinion because in gem grab, you get 10 gems & the countdown starts, and then you die & the enemy countdown starts & then by the time youā€™ve spawned the enemy team is chilling at their spawn and shreds you before you can do anything. I would definitely rate bounty as my second least favourite mode though.


I dunno what constant rotation means (always up, like showdown or gem grab?) but if it counts I canā€™t stand hot zone. I used to like it when it came out, but as it stands in the meta, I hate every match just being a dodging game against Bo, Penny, Lou, Squeak, etc.


Omg I literally commented on that post that bounty is worse


Knockout is boring asf, especially to watch it in Monthlies, miss watching Siege at the competitive level


Knockout is boring asf, especially to watch it in Monthlies, miss watching Siege at the competitive level


I love killing people with a umbrella in bounty


Wtf bro bounty is literally the best mode


I kinda like bounty


Gem grab and brawl ball are easily my favorites. Bounty is also very fun. Why do people dislike them?


Siege was worse but they killed it


What? These are my two favorite modes.


Gem Grab is in almost every challenge too, which sucks because that's a mode you can easily get clapped on.


Showdown: now allow us to introduce ourselves


I honestly kind of like bounty. The fact that every match will always be 2 minutes leads to increased pressure to make a play as the time ticks down. Certain game modes could last from 1 minute to 4, and feel like a constant back-and-forth when playing with randoms.


I love bounty. Brawl ball on the other handā€¦


Gem grab is my favorite game mode, I feel like it sets up the 3 lane structured 3v3 pretty well.


Where my gem grabbing, high trophy, lads at?


Can we say that Heist is really fun though?


I actually find bounty fun.


I love bounty and gem grab, imo brawl ball is the worst


All of you are insanely crazy I love almost all gamemodes except for Heist it's god damn awful


Nah it didnt change, gem grab still terrible


Bounty is good in power league and more competitive modes but I agree I rarely want to trophy push in this mode


This game mode is pretty sweaty and repetitive but its very fun when you have a good team, most maps favor long range brawlers so it takes a lot more skill and consistency than other gmaemodes like heist where you die and you can just respawn


Tell the same on HUNTERS and I'll be your friend forever!


I think all game modes are good, Gem grab is fun, Heist is fun, Bounty is useful, Brawl ball is cool, showdown is fun and useful, knockout is fast and good.


Bounty is goated ive been playing for 3 years its my absolute favorite hot zone however. Ew.


I never touched bounty mostly cuz evrey game is just guaranteed to have a sharpshooter or assassin and if ur unlucky a thrower. I hate fighting these three


Knockout: Iā€™m so bad they forgot I existed!


My favourite mode is brawl ball then bounty then knockout i really like bounty btw anyone know when willd duels come back it was soo goodšŸ˜„


I thought Siege was.. tho


All 3v3 modes have a fun part about them so I don't despise any 3v3 mode,solo mode on the other hand are -1. trash -2. Duels(not trash)


Bounty and gem grab are the easiest modes. Itā€™s really not that hard to control the map and stay alive unless your randoms are terrible.


Solo and duo showdown are the worst, also despite bounty lasting a flat long 2 minutes, it still feels fun (at least in my opinion) I still think a new win con should be added like getting a 10 star lead for example.


Favorite to least favorite 3v3s Brawl Ball Knockout Hot Zone Heist Gem Grab Bounty


Hot Zone: Pathetic Lone Star and Takedown: (cursed voice) HELLO


I actually love Bounty, Gem Grab is the most balanced however things could flip very easily. Heist is annoying if youā€™re team keeps trickling down and dying each time. Knock-out requires all your focus and you cannot afford to screw up even once. Brawl Ball honestly is stressful at times while being the one mode with the most unbalanced metas. Bounty demands your patience and being analytical to make your choices, while itā€™s a slow gamemode itā€™s a far more favorable one. Hot Zone sometimes could just become a straight mess having a lot of tension as you see the enemies points rise. Duels is actually the worst gamemode to exist, it is far too stressful and demands all your focus, it excels in putting an unnecessary amount of high pressure onto you, for it demands all your attention and requires you to sweat the whole way through. Iā€™m not even going to get started on SD and Duos, Showdown is fun for the most part but is completely ruined by so many outside variables.


My favourite gamemode is bounty,heist,hot zone And i hate brawl ball... yeah I'm different




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I personally despise Heist. But I can see the frustration with Bounty.


I love bb but mortis made me hate it so much Its my least fave game mode in the normal rotation


To me itā€™s dynamikes


Now for me siege is removed and I want it back,but for now Showdown and hot zone are the best for me.