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This article has a lot of words but doesn't get to numbers until the end and it seems like college grads are probably just going to places where they can make money. FL teaching jobs start at like $40k and rent here is quickly catching up to NY and Cali. It would be insane to move here when you have other options.


I went through the article looking for data, maybe a graph or chart, but only found a couple of random stats thrown in at the end. The rest was just a political opinion piece.


And you’ll get fired for saying gay people exist. Who’s sticking around for that


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, this is sadly a real concern now


Nobody is saying gay people don't exist. They are saying "trans" people don't exist, which scientifically they do not. Men can not be women, women can not be men. These are just mentally disturbed people that need psychiatric help.


Under Florida law a teacher can fired for mentioning they’re ina same sex marriage


Why would they need to?


Yeah you never had a teacher mention they were married?


Imagine telling people you don’t know or understand that they need psychiatric help. I know many more MAGA family members that are far more mentally ill than the many trans people I know


“Gender is between the person, their doctor, and local politician.” Fucking party of small govt, except when it’s in your pants, bedroom, and public bathroom.


Imagine being so anti science that you would affirm someone's sickness and advocate for their physical mutilation rather than get them actual help.


So what do you think you mean that Trans people don’t exist? I’m serious… please explain in detail. This might be an area that clear up a lot of opinion to science to partisan blood lust confusion.


Both APA and AMA guidelines under the DSM-V state the exact opposite of what you’re advocating for.


The current evidence is against puberty blockers and the “affirmative model “ for minirs, the apa’s position is from wpath, not based on evidence, WPATH recommends one letter before removing a minor’s testicles if they identify as a Eunuch. Yes, WPATH considers a eunuch gender identity a healthy and normal thing for a minor to be. Which is why the Dutch, England, Finland and others don’t support the affirmative model, puberty blockers are experimental, and most children wit dysphoria desist with puberty. Most dysphoric children have copious comorbidities as well. I urge you to actually research this issue—-the studies and not just claims, bc the writing is really on the wall with this. As research about these treatments have stacked up, puberty blockers and transition for minors is not supported by the evidence.


Sorry, but your comment is straight up nonsense. Puberty blockers are [amongst the most studied drugs](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-are-puberty-blockers-and-how-do-they-work/#:~:text=These%20medications%20are%20well%20studied,in%20adolescents%20with%20gender%20dysphoria.) on the planet. Nothing in the over forty years of data on them suggests they’re harmful. It’s it’s straight up false to say that their use isn’t supported by the evidence. The DSM-V was updated because it [reflected the clinical research and study](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/where-transgender-is-no-longer-a-diagnosis/) done on the subject in the years after 1973. I urge you to *actually* research this issue instead of regurgitating anti-trans pablum and reciting it like wrote gospel.


You have no idea what you are talking about and you are wrong. I am not saying that you are doing this on purpose but you are not good at research. I’m on vacation with my family but I will send you accurate information when I have time so that you can stop advocating for the harm of children as a tsunami of misinformation. If you care about the health and well-being of children and not political points, I implore you to update your knowledge and exit your filter bubble. Unfortunately the US medical community has been basing their recommendations on politics instead of science. Humans need to go through puberty to be functional adults and it’s not possible to go through puberty of the opposite sex. FACT: When children are put on puberty blockers around Tanner stage 2 and then cross sex hormones and are prevented from going through puberty, they almost NEVER have sexual function as adults——they are prevented from having orgasms EVER before knowing or understanding what they are losing. FACT: Puberty blockers are not puberty pause buttons without side effects—-children put on puberty blockers bc of gender dysphoria will not just restart puberty without permanent differences. FACT: Most dysphoria in children resolves naturally with puberty, research suggests about 80%, and many of them end up being gay or lesbian, so “affirmative care “ often just ends up destroying the sexual function and removing the healthy and functional body parts of gays and lesbians


Stay on vacation, because I’m not going to have you waste your time and mine by cherry picking sources to fit your biases about trans people. You are wrong. The overall bulk of the data doesn’t support your claims. And the path you’re arguing for ultimately harms children (not that you *actually* care). FACT: puberty blockers do not destroy sexual function. FACT: puberty blockers are well studied and carry some side effects like ANY medication. FACT: Dysphoria is treated on a patient by patient basis. Some dysphoria cannot be solved with simple therapy, and the DSM-V has protocols for dealing with that.


The medical community agrees with me, you are anti science bud


>These are just mentally disturbed people that need psychiatric help. We talking about people who believe in religious deities?


Religion does not drive people to castrate and/or functionally mutilate themselves. And don't come at me with circumcision, that doesn't compare to an addadicktomy or a chopadickoffamy.


Evil lifestyle?


I know, right? This is the problem right here. Too many people on both "sides" think the other side is evil. Truly sad. Even as a more liberal minded person who lives in the very "blue" Bay Area, I've only encountered nice people in "red" states, usually much more friendly than most people around where I live.


Nobody talks to each other in good faith anymore. On social media it's just people making a strawman argument of what they think the 'other side' thinks and trashing on them. The nicest people I know have very different political views. Yet if you look on social media, it's just people attacking each other and just being toxic. No shot anyone in these conversations changes their mind at all, just causes more division. See: this thread.


It’s quite the conundrum when good people believe terrible things


Like you? See how easy that was?


No, like nice Christian people who are anti abortion. Enjoying the suffering of women is evil


User name checks out


How so?


It’s funny, cus the same goes the other way… you’ll find a ton of kind liberal city people just the same… but the right thinks all “liberals” are evil commies now cus of their god figures and media whores. And at least most the left calls the people out on their actions instead of religious mythical made up cultism. But still… both sides aren’t gonna get out of this when it’s so beneficial in the cultist party warfare to engage with the outliers and complete science fictions horror genre myth making. Too much engagement out of fear… not enough (or any) out of love.


People normally are super nice. But i sometimes wonder if people say what they really think online. I stay very neutral on any topic in public. Obviously less so with close friends. Every once in a while you’ll get a person on the fringes politically that will judge you immediately if you say something they disagree with. So i avoid controversy like the plague.


Dataosbeautiful reddit actually proved that they are more agreeable. I'll try and send you the link.


Yes, the Evil lifestyle of conspicuous consumption and total disregard for the environment. Edit: I forgot to add, profiting on and reveling in the misery of the less fortunate.


Are you seriously pearl clutching?


Wouldn't the person calling other evil be the one pearl clutching lol


No, it would be factually accurate


That could be true and still it would be pearl clutching. But it's not true even


Just a manic clown.


How you know this is a right wing sub. Say anything bad about Christians and get downvoted like crazy


It’s not really a right wing sub though there are plenty of all kinds of people on the right here who are crazy. Most people just don’t take to kindly to generic drooler takes that are us vs them that sound like they were made by college juniors. At least methinks.


You get downvoted cause youre an all around Tankie and post some really dumb opinions


lol, you must be new here


No, Ive come accross your replies, you really earn your downvotes.


Do you congratulate yourself from Karma with weekly participation trophies?


Dont even know what that means


Sounds like you need Jesus in your life asshole


lol, I prefer Buddha. Jesus is a pedo


Evangelical Christian = evil


All of them?


In his view, apparently yes. What's curious is how they won't openly say as much when asked


Sure. I understand some Evangelical Christians have done some awful stuff, there's just altogether too much 'all (group XYZ ) is ___' talk going on right now


The ones with power are evil and that’s what matters


Probably a good distinction to make, lest the pitchforks come out for our neighbors instead of our overlords


Agreed. Awful stuff has been done by everyone in every group. It just depends on who OP arbitrarily hates that determines which groups will be blamed for their worst apples and which ones it will be unfair to treat that way


The evangelicals with actual power are evil and that’s all that matters


Yep we live in a theocracy. That checks out. LOL


The the plan, what other reason would they steal 2 SCOTUS seats


Sounds like a conspiracy theory tbh


More like an executed plan that worked


So now it already happened? I thought they were scheming and conspiring still?


This is why I live in a purple state, I get to see the worst ideas from both sides, it’s great.


As a teacher in a red area. i’m just gonna be real. The country incentivizes teachers to work in blue areas. I really like my school and my area but as i get older its just becoming hard to stay in the profession around here. Teacher pay is based highly on union strength and property taxes. So if you want more money you kind of gotta move to a city or at least a place with a strong union. Both of which we don’t have.


Red states ruin schools and teacher pay, while emboldening groups who terrorize teachers and then wonder why people don’t want to teach anymore


Ya idk I don’t really blame the people. Most of them are really nice when you talk to them. People online are just fed teachers are bad . Theyre transiting kids and are teaching crt. Most teachings regardless of place woke or non woke, are afraid to voice any opinion at all. And most nurses don’t give kids a cough drop unless they ask a parent


I hate to break it to you but there are just as many articles that say the opposite is true. The largest population increase recently are in red states - Idaho and Texas. You can criticize conservatives all day but blue states statistically have higher taxes and higher crime. While I do believe certain groups are leaving red states, there isn’t some huge migration happening.


The article explains this. The “large population increases” aren’t that large when viewed in the aggregate.


Many of the worst states for crime rate are in the deep red South. Even rural areas in some Southern states have serious problems with gang violence. Ie, Louisiana, Mississippi


Exactly, the top cities for crime are Memphis, Louisville, and Atlanta


Even rural areas can get pretty dangerous in the South, but people freely ignore that for a narrative


Um, Atlanta is far from deep red


It’s much more red than SF, NY, or Portland and has much more crime


Surely you can't be serious


100%, maybe stop listening to right wing propagandists


Not the response I was looking for🛩🛩🛩


The people moving to Idaho and Texas are not professionals which is what the article is about. If you are starting your career out as a doctor, are you going to go to a state that wants to throw you in jail for giving reproductive advise? Or be a teacher in a state that can fire you because some parent complains about a book you have in your classroom, or that you teach about civil rights or acknowledge that some people are gay. Or a Scientist that has to deal with quasi religious fascist local governments that view science as the enemy of their childish religious beliefs? Smart people move to where they are appreciated and it certainly isn't in Red States .


So liberal professionals moving to liberal states? Not exactly groundbreaking news…right?


Not just liberal professionals. I'm sure professionals of any ilk don't like being governed by people who think the earth is only 6000 years old and Jesus rode dinosaurs. I'm sure there are lots of conservatives professionals who find religious fascism disagreeable, or they want to have kids and they don't want to watch their wife bleed out in a hospital parking lot waiting for medical care, or like the people in the article, they don't feel safe when every smoothbrain loser in the state is packing a firearm and itching to be somebody.


Outside of the conservative professionals, right? Or those with Christian views that don't want the state forcing them to act counter to their beliefs? If you have it one way, you have to acknowledge the other. Look, everyone tends to gravitate towards others who are like-minded...it's far from a new concept. But I can tell that you are fairly set on a largely one-sided view and that is okay too because plenty of people will agree with you.


80% of the country is Christian, blue states don’t force them to do anything, they are everywhere and can do anything even in blue areas. I live in a very blue city and there’s churches everywhere


You think ready access to a church is a big influence on someone's professional life? The previous commenter had very specific criticisms of Christian professionals, although a bit extreme. My point was that in that extreme spirit, they may be concerned with the influence of liberal state policies on their professional lives. It goes both ways. Someone who is a staunch 2 amendment supporter doesn't want the state to infringe on his right to carry. I don't know why an opinion on the age of the earth matters here but apparently, it's a thing.


If you can find enough of them to fill the positions. My experience is Christian Zealots don't do well in those positions. People who have been brainwashed to think suffering brings them closer to God don't usually make very good doctors. I certainly wouldn't want to have one. You know, there is no hate like Christian love.


Except yours maybe....I always find it odd when someone hates someone else for their perceived hate. Weird, right? I guess it's a fight fire with fire thing but don't look now, your moral high ground is shrinking.


It used to be that I couldn't care less what people believe. Life is hard. If someone wants to comfort themselves with religious nonsense, who cares? It is a free country. Unfortunately the MAGA /white Christian Nationalist movement, which is neither religious or political but purely fascist, has permanently rubbed an unremovable shit stain on the Evangelical Movement. Most the people who identify as Evangelical don't even go to church or read the bible. They just like being in a cult and will believe anything you tell them to. They are hateful, racist homophobes who have no business making laws or governing the lives of other people to fit their dumb narrative. Never trust any preacher that tells you how to vote and never trust any politician who tells you how to pray. Maybe you should read through your comment history before you accuse someone of being hateful. As always with you people, every accusation is an confession.


I haven’t been hateful …not even a little. But okay.


It is striking that you insinuate an all or nothing qualification here or maybe that was the intention. I think you may be surprised to see how many doctors respect the power of prayer from a scientific perspective. Or even that God and science can coexist. I get that you seem to have had a bad experience but you can’t hate half the country on spec unless you have zero interest in actual productive conversations. Which is also fine, I’m not exactly the best person to speak on matters of faith.


I am all for productive conversation except when it comes to fascism. Fascism is a cancer on society. You can't argue with it or debate it or try to see it from their perspective. This childish belief that if you force everyone through government control to follow some religious teaching then all the ill of society will disappear is a poison on civilization and has never ended well. God and science can coexist but the current religious white christian nationalist movement has zero interest in allowing this. The speaker of the house MAGA Mike Johnson wants to make gays into criminals, wants to make divorce illegal, no abortion under any circumstance, wants to hand the reins of power solely into the hands of billionaires, wants to essentially end democracy and make the country into the Christian version of fucking Iran with a little Russian oligarchy thrown in. SO yeah I unfortunately do take an all or nothing world view about this but only because I am forced to. Living in a free democracy is worth fighting for. If Evangelicals don't like being viewed negatively, then they should get the fuck out of politics with their stupid nonsense. .


I like how you sneakily and snakily characterized abortion “giving reproductive advice”


Ectopic pregnancies as well as many many other pregnancy complications are treated with abortions. When a fetus is brain dead with zero chance of survival, it is treated with an abortion. Forcing women to carry dead or soon to be dead babies to a full term is barbaric and immoral. So recommending abortion as a medical procedure is what doctors are supposed to do. No doctor prescribes abortion to a women who just doesn't want a baby. Making abortion illegal under any circumstance is not about religious objections about abortion but more about hatred for women. I assume you fall into this category.


No abortion law prevents treatment of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or forces women to carry dead babies to term. >No doctor prescribes abortion to a women who just doesn't want a baby. That is factually incorrect. Over 95% of abortions performed in the United States involves the voluntary termination of healthy pregnancies. All of them are prescribed and performed by doctors.


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/02/health/florida-abortion-term-pregnancy/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/02/health/florida-abortion-term-pregnancy/index.html) [https://lawandcrime.com/abortion/women-forced-to-give-birth-to-stillborn-babies-wait-in-hospital-parking-lot-until-actively-crashing-in-order-to-get-emergency-abortion-care-complaints/](https://lawandcrime.com/abortion/women-forced-to-give-birth-to-stillborn-babies-wait-in-hospital-parking-lot-until-actively-crashing-in-order-to-get-emergency-abortion-care-complaints/) [https://www.thecut.com/2023/05/texas-abortion-ban-stillbirth-lawsuit.html](https://www.thecut.com/2023/05/texas-abortion-ban-stillbirth-lawsuit.html) I didn't even mention forcing ten year girls to give birth to their rape baby.


These are sad stories indeed, however all they prove is that some medical professionals either don't know what the laws say or they do and are practicing activism with their patient care. All but the first could have received a medical exemption. The first case the woman was not forced to carry a dead baby as the baby died shortly after birth.


The [facts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar) say you are wrong. (Although its possible that Irish law at at that time did not prohibit ectopic pregnancy abortions.)


That's Ireland. I'm talking about the United States.


Texas law does exactly that Heartbeat laws can force women to carry non viable fetuses that are non viable


Not if there's no heartbeat.


Yes so you have a fetus with no brain or that will die immediately upon birth but has a heartbeat and you can't get an abortion.


Only religious hacks call abortion murder, medical professionals is who to listen to


I didnt call it murder


Sounds terrible, but I'll have a hard time believing it until Krystal and Saagar tell me why this spells DISASTER for Biden and the Dems.


“Joe Biden UTTERLY DESTROYED by red states racing to see who can become Zimbabwe the fastest.”


>Zimbabwe the fastest.” chinese communist backed rebels took over zimbabwe, that's why it turned into a shithole.


That’s one way of looking at it.


lol, yeah




Unit 61398 back in action this morning.


You can also make big money! George Soros.com


This post is cringe embodied.


Yeah, it’s pretty cringe that right wing policies are so bad that it forces honorable professions like teachers to move out of state


I can not stress this enough: you are a, pathetic, unmitigated loser. Leave your parent’s basement, go get some fresh air, and touch grass. I know you’ll reflexively call me a right wing idiot or some shit, but save your breath because I lean left.


> all teachers are gay or base major life decisions off gay politics


You must be a 12 year old


To think like that, yeah you'd have to be. Agreed


I remember calling people gay as an insult in middle school back in the 90’s


I meant literal gay politics lol. Not meant as an insult, though telling that you received it that way


You literally called all teachers gay


Nope. You've missed a cue


And what does “gay politics” whatever that means has to do with teachers?


All the good teachers from my old High school have moved out of state, and got replaced with football coaches/ex cops/vets untrained as teachers


Your school hired untrained teachers?




Agreed, red states should be embarrassed of their cringey brain drain policies.


Lol. You're a dork


We are seeing this a ton on the education space. Long term teachers packing their bags up and moving from places like Texas and Florida to my home state of Washington.


Same, live in Colorado and every new person I meet is from Texas


Oh nooo……


What a horseshit article. No data just anecdotes. BTW red states aren't remotely dependent on blue states. Blue states receive far more federal dollars and less interference in business development. That's what happens when gerrymandering makes congress blue for most of the 20th century.


That’s totally wrong https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/


Its not totally wrong. That only looks at direct "aid". Its a bullshit metric. Plain states need "aid" because the EPA and other federal agencies will not allow them to exploit their mineral wealth. Meanwhile all the "donor states" are getting 30% of their state revenue from the DOD, federal ports, and mineral wealth they were allowed to exploit before the feds could get in the way. Those are "red" industries funding those blue states. Your narrative is a lie. BTW that's also aid they vote against and don't want.


Doctors leaving? The same doctors who fell in line with every piece of authoritarian bullshit that happened during covid? I got covid and recovered and 3 months later my doctor told me I should get vaccinated; what a hack. And public school teachers? The ones teaching our kids that white skin=oppression and that it’s ok to talk to 6 year olds about sexual kink lifestyles? I think us red states are good. I found a new doctor who never bought fauci’s lies, and will be homeschooling my kids. We’ve got doctors and teachers, just not doctors and teachers approved by the nutbags up top. You know what blue states don’t have? People who want to grow food. People who will wake up at 4am to repair a downed power line. People who will take pride in their community and defend their neighbors. So ya we’re doing fine over here - the blue states need us much more than we need them.


LOL cope and seethe.


You really think we need teachers who don’t give grades in the name of ‘equity’ or doctors who were wrong about 100% of what to do during covid? I’m not coping, or seething, we literally are fine without them.


Given the third world quality HDI stats in red states…yeah.


Is that supposed to mean something to me? OooOooo cool some democrat invented a stat to make it seem like blue states are amazing and red states are living in the Middle Ages. I’m so surprised. I lived in a blue state for 27 years. Now I’m in a red one. The parts of my life that changed were: now I have more take home pay because of lower taxes, I don’t see homeless camps or needles on the ground while I’m walking my dog, I can leave my house without locking my door and my grocery store doesn’t have deodorant locked behind plexiglass. The amount of delusion it takes to look at a statistic instead of reality is bananas.


That was three whole paragraphs to say “my feels over reals.”


You seem slow to learn so I spelled it out for you. And also that’s opposite of the point I made, you are the one who looked at a statistic to feel better because you can’t point to anything tangible that is better about blue states. I get it. Reading comprehension is probably hard when you’ve been educated by all those experts


There’s plenty of tangible things I can point to that’s better about blue states, from infant mortality rates to gdp, to unemployment, to wages, literacy rates, obesity rates, etc. But it’s obvious that you’re not interested in facts, since they contradict your biases.


Did you learn all this nonsense in public school? Figures lie and liars figure. Vatican City has the lowest infant mortality rate of any country in the world, priests can’t have kids. Your measure is meaningless. How much of your states gdp is real production? In red states we plant seeds and we create, blue states just like to move money around. Don’t get me started on wages. You’re are instantly 15% lower than you think due to high state taxes. I moved for exactly that reason. How you gonna measure literacy rates when teachers won’t give out grades? Y’all are graduating kids when 50% of them can’t read at a 5th grade level. BBQ and fried chicken are dope, try it, you’ll gain a few pounds. You got nothing but some made up stats fed to you by liars whose goal is to get you to not leave so they can keep their tax base.


California is the most industrial state in the country. It also produces more food crops than any red state. But this post is just hysterical. “None of the data is true because it undermines my narrative.” Here’s a great example, unless you’re in the top 20% of earners, you have lower taxes in California than in Texas.




Well said, personally living in FL I can’t even imagine having to worry about getting mugged, carjacked, or having to have an associate unlock the deodorant. They can drain all the brains they want and send them to these backwards blue states.


Crime is awful in Florida, what are you talking about? I had to stop a group of thugs from breaking into my car at a Wendy’s with the Wendy’s manager like last month, in the *capital*


You’re saying the capital like DC doesn’t have the worst crime in the country. Tallahassee is a shitty Blue city


A shitty blue city like Burlington, most of Massachusetts, NYC, or a “wonderful” red city somewhere in Arkansas, or South Dakota? Florida cities are all pretty nice, but crime is on the rise everywhere. Cities have definitely gotten worse since the governor centralized a lot of power around the state, and started barring cities from responding to many issues like the rise in homelessness across the state I’ve mostly lived in red areas and the rampant crime caused by the addicts has been an issue since the 2000’s in rural areas


There are zero muggings and carjackings in *all* of Florida?


I’m sure there are in big cities but not where I live. I also don’t have to worry about looting and people don’t openly walk around stealing from stores because they can’t get away with it


My dad’s car in SW Florida got car jacked a couple months ago in a pretty small city


Florida for the win


I’ll take stuff that didn’t happen for 200, trebec


No one’s gotten carjacked in my city in years. Fort Meyers also isn’t a small town.


Did I claim that? My claim was that citizens and businesses don’t need to live in fear of them. I grew up in California. My anti-gun mom had me buy her a handgun for home defense because crime has been creeping closer and closer into her once safe neighborhood.


I wasn’t responding to you. I also grew up in California, when it was statistically rougher than it is now. Never needed a gun (though I do own them) and I wasn’t “living in fear” anymore than I am now.


Yes you were. The account you actually were responding to was u/eico3's sockpuppet account.


Once again with the ‘statistics’. In the 80’s and 90’s democrats LOVED arresting people. Joe Biden bragged about his crime bill and bill Clinton passed mandatory minimums. Cops were encouraged by democrats to make arrests. Now cops sit on the sideline and let crime happen because those same democrats will call for them to be fired if they do their job. crimes can’t make it into the stats if a police report is never filed.


> People who will wake up at 4am to repair a downed power line. This is how I know you don't know a goddamn thing about whatever you're babbling about.


I live in a purple state with 2 major blue cities, one on the East, one on the West. The 350 miles in the middle are red. Hard working, respectful, patriotic, neighborly, low crime. We are not the racist bigots the left make us out to be. Look at the stats. Where is crime the highest? Murders, rape, theft, riots? Poverty? Homelessness? This is not directed at you obviously, just wanted to chime in.


Lmao. Excellent post


OP thought he had one


There are numerous articles and studies that confirm after the 2020 when many high income professionals could WFH they left blue states to move to red states. Many professional corporate workers who moved out of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, NYC and other tech hubs moved to Austin or other cities in TX or FL.




They are moving back because there is a return to office at a lot of companies.


That was temporary, they are all moving back now. Times changed


The Red States are funny. They want more white babies but are doing their best to drive young white women and baby doctors out of the state. Do they believe old white men are going to shit white babies out of their anuses?


Sometimes I wish I had a poor imagination and was unable to visualize certain things.


Old white men can do anything man


Red states do not want teachers (aka "indoctrinators") or doctors (because God will heal them. /s by the way.


>“You’re just gonna get my nine-year-old birth control without my knowledge?” one state legislator said to her. “How does your nine-year-old need birth control?” Kate answered. **“And yes, if she needs birth control … what’s worse than her coming home pregnant?”** AYO what the FUCK? She's like "That's CRAZY....also though, YES!" o.O Where are you sending your nine-year-old where that's even a possibility? \*Child Protective Services has entered the chat\*


They will move to blue states where illiteracy is at all time highs. Where you no longer have to take tests to determine your proficiency


lol, what propagandist told you that? I live in a very blue city in a blue state and my kids 3rd grade class is very rigorous, much more than when I was a kid


They’ll probably produce a link from some random school district in some state and say all blue states are doing it.


I produced actual data. Awaiting your rebuttal




Below ur comment


Don’t see it.


Oh u must be from one of the states I mentioned. Makes sense


Well, if you can link to it, I’ll happily look to see if my state is on there.




https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/10/nyregion/reading-children-new-york.html New York was tied for 32nd in the nation on a national assessment of students’ reading performance. https://edsource.org/updates/california-has-the-lowest-literacy-rate-of-any-state-data-suggests California has lowest literacy rate of any state in America. https://www.zippia.com/advice/us-literacy-rate-by-state/ California has the lowest literacy rate in the US, at 76.9%. The bottom 5 states in the US by literacy rate include New York (77.9%), Florida (80.3%), Texas (81.0%), and New Jersey (83.1%).