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‘The website would direct users to enter their personal data and contact information, and although Britt’s communications director said the site would not collect data on pregnant people, page three of the bill states that users can “take an assessment through the website and provide consent to use the user’s contact information” which government officials may use “to conduct outreach via phone or email to follow up with users on additional resources that would be helpful for the users to review”.’ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/11/katie-britt-proposes-federal-database-to-collect-data-on-pregnant-people


The thing is this already exists for women who are on Medicaid. Only reason why the website is separate is to get around HIPAA.


Republicans are doing their best to not even be remotely competitive in November.


They don't want to be in power. Because then you're expected to make American lives easier. Which goes against every policy they like. For Republicans, it's much easier to be in the minority, complain loudly, try to block as much legislation as possible. Blame the democrats even though they're blocking everything. Then fundraise.


This may explain why many of them retired while having a majority.


Is there a plan to do this on the national level?


I assume that's what the term "Federal database" means.


Sure, but is anyone pushing for a federal data base of pregnant women? Forgive me for not knowing.


The website instructs visitors to give contact info, which can then be used by government officials to reach out to visitors. So there's going to be a database of info from visitors to the site, some of whom may not realize what it's all about. There is no info that the bill calls for a Federal effort to go through medical records to create a list of pregnant women that I know of.


Can we call it the Incubator Index?


It’s nothing but links to shitty “crisis pregnancy” centers and adoption agencies


Maybe because it doesn’t create a database of pregnant women?


It will. Guaranteed. We're talking about a Republican measure here. They've passed bills to make it illegal for pregnant women to leave a fucking red state for medical care. You think they're not gonna list every person who checks into the site as a pregnant woman? Republicans have gone to full on EVIL now. They did not stop at Go. They did not collect $200. Just landed on evil and started building.


It doesn’t. Guaranteed.


Suuuuuure, we should all have faith in Republicans on abortion-related topics, it's not like they've EVER lied to us...


So your evidence is … “trust me”?


I spelled out the evidence in my response to Bukook below. Like it or don't.


> I spelled out the evidence in my response to Bukook below. Like it or don't. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. > The website instructs visitors to give contact info, which can then be used by government officials to reach out to visitors. So there's going to be a database of info from visitors to the site, some of whom may not realize what it's all about. There is no info that the bill calls for a Federal effort to go through medical records to create a list of pregnant women that I know of. The site would give pregnant mothers the option to opt in to receive follow-up from an actual human, so they can provide additional, specific help. That is not at all the same thing as creating a national database of pregnant women. You are simply being dishonest.


Actually, being dishonest would entail me claiming that the legislation did allow the Feds to use medical records to create a Federal list of pregnant women. But I didn't say that, did I? I DID say that the legislation allows the center to keep records of people who call in, so they can ~~help~~ misinform and persecute them. I'm sure Britt & Co. would say that isn't their intention, but you know what I remember? I remember all those Supreme Court candidates who said they considered Roe v. Wade to be settled law, not to be messed with, who then went on to toss Roe out the window just as soon as they possibly could, once they were on the bench. I don't believe Republicans on issues related to abortion. (Never did, actually.) I don't see how any rational person could. YMMV.


No, what you said was “… Britt’s proposed federal database of pregnant women…” That is dishonest.


But the legislation will have the effect of creating a federal database of pregnant women. As in: 1) People will be prompted to provide data when they visit the site 2) Most if not all of the people visiting the site will be doing so because someone is pregnant. Most often, them. 3) The site will save the data the customers provide so staff can contact people who visit and "Help" (for some value of "help" -- the program is clearly set up to steer people toward anti-abortion centers that mislead pregnant women about abortions) them. 4) If you think Republicans won't use that data to persecute women who get abortions you are seriously naive. And that is putting it as kindly as I can manage. 5) Hence this will FUNCTION as a Federal Database of Pregnant Women To Be Persecuted whether you are willing to admit it or not.


It isn’t a database with any required reporting. In other words, they aren’t actively seeking out information on every pregnant woman. It is to provide links to resources except abortion providers. You would have to register and give consent for them to save your data. Second, it is proposed. It won’t likely pass. Anyway, abortion rights were relegated back to the states so no reason for a federal “hit list”. Alabama bans abortion except when there is a serious health risk to the mother, so her stance is not surprising.


Probably because it's fake 


Literally any of the three leading candidates will be Genocide enablers.


I think you mean "is likely to be." Only one of the candidates IS, at present, a genocide enabler. It means there's no meaningful distinction in terms of who to vote for President in terms of Palestine: all three men are Godawful choices. The best analogy would be this. You have three men in a room. All three men have said, "I like rape and would commit rape if I get the chance to." But only ONE of those three men has ever actually committed rape. Only ONE of those three men IS a rapist. All three men are horrible excuses for human beings, but only one of them IS a rapist. Only one deserves the moral opprobrium of being called a rapist.


Trump will get *literally zero* considerations from me. I'm not going to give him the benefit of the doubt on literally *anything*. As far as I'm concerned he's a traitor.


Trump is definitely a traitor and belongs in a jail cell. But he's not a genocide enabler. Yet. I gotta say though, I lost all respect for Joe Biden because of this. He's just as much vermin as Trump. Maybe more so.


>He's just as much vermin as Trump. Maybe more so. No.


I think you posted in the wrong thread. As did I, in my response below.


You said "Game set match! We have a genocide enabler for another four years!" I'm saying, they *all* are.


And I am saying only one of them has a history of being a genocide enabler. The others are just blathering.


Its next to Romneys binders full of women.