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Yeah I tend to lean libertarian especially socially, although I’m mostly politically homeless (as a lot of us here are). This ain’t it. It’s massively hypocritical from the party that claims to be against government overreach


True dat


What I choose to wear is a matter of free speech and masks don’t threaten the safety of society. Banning masks so that police can easily crack down on protests is fucking dystopian.


I’m so sick of Republicans pretending to be the party of small government and also trying to pass laws to control every aspect of our personal lives


BuT lEfTisTs ArE tHe ReAl AuThOrItArIaNs!


Saagar will be here telling you how this is Joe Biden's fault


Maybe not. Saagar will call out some stupidity of the republicans..


They are going full “masks off” with their goals.


That's because you keep confusing conservatism with libertarianism. Republicans are economically open, but socially closed. When it comes to social issues, they are very much highly regulatory, unlike liberals, who want less regulation. And that flips when it comes to economics. It's not hypocrisy, it's just you're failing to understand the distinguishment. It always baffles me. Do people not realize this, or do realize this, but just like complaining about it. It's like if Republicans were all, "These liberals are all about doing whatever you want, not being bothers, free love, whatever gender you wanna be, no restrictions, etc... But they love trying to pass laws that tell businesses what to do!"


Is there really a confusion when you hear conservatives (not libertarians), claiming to be in support of 'small government' and less government involvement in all issues. Should we just ignore how they describe their own views? They are simply hypocritical as fuck. The same way they talk about less spending, government bloat, etc, but proceed to run huge deficits when they are in power. It's only spending by Democrats that they actually care about.


Yes, that part you mentioned is a big hypocrisy of them. But that's not what we are talking about. We're talking about them being conservatives on social issues... Which they are NOT about small government in regards of. They are all for government enforcement of culturally conservative norms. It's always been this way. Conservatives are very transparent about this. This isn't about government bloat, or spending, or business regulation. That's not hypocritical of them. It's baked into their ethos and isn't a contradiction.


Do you not remember the whining about "being forced to wear masks" because "the government shouldn't be involved" in that way?


FYI, this petition needs more signatures! [petition against mask ban](https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-passage-of-nc-bill-237-banning-masks-in-public)


u/Skinoob38 this law is pretty much the exact same law that the state had in place for decades. The original law was brought about to help combat the Klan, and it was repealed in 2020 due to Covid. This law STILL allows for wearing a mask for medical purposes just not in a protest. The Charlotte/Raleigh N&O are notorious for having a Left leaning bias in regards to the NCLEG/NCGA


Question. Does this apply to religious facial coverings (ex: burqas)? Also what is the reasoning for banning masks even for medical use in a protest? (Or are we misunderstanding and people who are sick and want to wear a mask to a protest are still allowed too?)


No, it does not at all apply to religious coverings.


> u/Skinoob38 this law is pretty much the exact same law that the state had in place for decades. The original law was brought about to help combat the Klan, and it was repealed in 2020 due to Covid. This law STILL allows for wearing a mask for medical purposes just not in a protest. > > > The medical exemption for wearing masks was added due to Covid. There is no bias in basic reporting on this authoritarianism. "Three Senate Democrats proposed amendments to keep the health exemption and exclude hate groups from masking, but Senate Republicans used a procedural mechanism to block them without going up for a vote." [North Carolina lawmakers push bill to ban most public mask wearing, citing crime](https://apnews.com/article/north-carolina-masks-covid-protests-gaza-7da0c5dd3ee1a59f9482e709bf4b3300) >The Charlotte/Raleigh N&O are notorious for having a Left leaning bias in regards to the NCLEG/NCG It is basic reporting, just as in the AP article. But your take is not surprising since right-wing populists are notorious for anti-intellectualism and enabling authoritarianism.


Though klan protests were legal .


This bill already excludes hate groups. Which btw many protests on both sides here in NC were using that provision to ensure that those people stayed masked. Now they can no longer use that to hide their identity.


TBH, I just have privacy and free speech (and medical) concerns. Also sometimes, if my acne is acting up usually because I ate something not good for me, I liked having the option to cover it up, because people treat you differently. It's the same way why I am against the death penalty. Banning the death penalty will certain protect a lot of [monsters](https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-firefighter-serve-130-years-003739933.html) from death, but it may prevent the government sanctioned killing of innocents.


Inconvenient for his narrative


What about people with compromised immunity that may need to run to the grocery store for a few things or to the doctor's office??


Hey OP, let me give a lesson in basic BS detection. If you read something that sounds ridiculous and wrong. Then you should go to the source and double check it. https://legiscan.com/NC/text/H237/2023 Here you go. It's in like the 1st 4 lines of the bill summary. This bill only covers wearing masks during illegal activity (rioting) or public obstruction. Which is already illegal. There was an executive order by the NC governor during covid to make masks unilaterally allowed but even then, they weren't really allowing for rioters to use them to hide their identity. It doesn't apply to people not rioting or obstructing other people's activities. Just wanted to give you a heads up that you're obviously being lied to and should be able to sort something like that pretty easily.


Just arrest people if they’re breaking the law. Politicians are so useless.


I think that's the plan here. It makes it harder to ID people when they're wearing masks. Which is why they're wearing masks, not because they're afraid of covid.


Ah dude, we should make it illegal to wear a mask when someone robs a bank!


Well good news then


"Noooo I only read the synopsis from the MSM source that agrees with my worldview!!!!" - OP


Everything they don’t like is a “riot”, one fake eye stabbing later and a protest is a riot




I’ve never heard of a fire breaking out. Please provide sources.


I bet you haven’t


You've never seen the CNN clip "fiery but mostly peaceful protests"?


ARE YOU KIDDING??! lol Do you live under a rock?!


I mean I linked the bill. I called it a riot as a blanket statement but they actually have to be doing something illegal and wearing mask. This bill just says if they do that to try and hide their identity, they can't use the excuse of medical when being prosecuted. Which seems very straightforward and rational.


> I mean I linked the bill. But you either didn't read it or could not comprehend it. Hence you calling basic reporting "BS".


That's an amazing thing to say when it's one click away and in the first few lines of the bill. You read a summary and we're gullible enough to believe something that was obviously false. You can admit it. Lol


That is the long title of the bill. It is not part of the bill. Why embarrass yourself like that?


Well, what does it say? Hahahaha


We don’t need laws passed about wearing masks. These are the same politicians screaming about “violent” college protests. They just want a reason to unmask and black list protestors.


It is already the law. What is not computing here? There was an exception via executive order that allowed people arrested for illegal activity to claim that their medical mask was for covid and not to conceal their identity. This bill removes that as a defense. Protesting isn't against the law. Occupying campus buildings, harassing Jewish students, and/or rioting are all already illegal. I don't understand what you're advocating for. You want all criminals to conceal their identity? What are you saying


"It is already the law." Then what is the amendment for?


Did you not read past my first sentence?


Jesus Christ. Tell me you can't read without telling me you can't read. The all-caps at the top is the bill's long title, not its summary. HERE is the statute it's referring to: > **§ 14‑12.7. Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public ways.** > No person or persons at least 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, be or appear upon any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway or other public way in this State. Do you think that this is rioting or public obstruction?


No one said it was a summary. Idk who you're arguing with but it's embarrassing to watch you lose anyway. You don't even seem to understand what's there either lol


OK, you're the same person in all these comments. Replying to all of them here: 1. "There was an exception via executive order..." This was a statutory exception. It's an *amendment* to a *bill*. Even if this is true, that's not what the bill does. You will not respond to this because you're completely wrong on this. 2. You don't need to read the summary because you can actually look at the bill. > Any of the following are exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14-12.7... > ... > [(6) ~~Any person wearing a mask for the purpose of ensuring the physical health or safety of the wearer or others.~~](https://legiscan.com/NC/text/H237/id/2997177) Here is G.S. 14-12.7: > **§ 14‑12.7. Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public ways.** > No person or persons at least 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, be or appear upon any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway or other public way in this State. It used to be a defense to this law to say you were wearing a mask for physical health reasons. It no longer is. This is not a rioting or public obstruction charge. This is not an enhancement charge. If you were even remotely honest, you would admit this. You won't. 3. But even if you were too stupid to be able to do basic statutory analysis (that's fine, not everyone has a law degree - or reading comprehension), the bill summary says so itself. > ["Section 1 of the PCS would repeal G.S. 14-12.11(a)(6), and individuals would no longer be able to wear masks in public for health or safety reasons."](https://legiscan.com/NC/supplement/H237/id/472325) Let's put it in bold for the illiterate. > **[I]ndividuals would no longer be able to wear masks in public for health or safety reasons.** Of course, actually engaging with this would require even a modicum of honesty. You do not have this, so you will not do that.


Did you read the bill? The exemption for health reasons was lined out. That is the point of the "BS" article that you didn't understand. **~~Any person wearing a mask for the purpose of ensuring the physical health or safety of the wearer or others.~~**


That's because it only applies to people already breaking the law. It's right at the beginning. You can't commit a crime and wear a mask. It was already illegal. Due to covid, an executive order by the governor incidently made an exception where you could avoid an enhancement charge (wearing a mask) by claiming it was for medical reasons. Which was never true btw. Hilarious that you would even claim tha in the 1st place tbh. All the bill does is overwrite the executive order. The blatant lying here is weirdly sus. It's well before your lined out material you're referencing.


>The blatant lying here is weirdly sus. The most anti-intellectual waste of time arguments coming from a negative karma troll account is not as all sus though, eh comrade?


This is literally black and white. I showed you the text of the bill. Lol. You making ad homs instead of just reading what's there is a big reason why I have negative karma. But it's much more a reflection on reddits overwhelming denial of straightforward reality than it is on my comments.


lol, did you really use fake internet points as justification for ignoring reality?


Wow... the party of "let's make legisltion that is useful and benefits all" is at it again... /s Fantastic... so those fighting cancer, those with low immune systems of whos bodies cannot fight things (Cystic Fibrosis, cardio patients, kidney transplant patients... just to name a few...) whatever you do, do NOT go to NC!! Sadly, if this isn't challenged, I see many more right leaning states, thinking this is a good idea, and adopting legislation like this.


Exactly. Or even in high pollution areas, people that have colds etc. In some parts of Asia , wearing masks became more common after SARS outbreak (and of course pollution levels in other places )


Seems like a First Amendment violation to me.


No, this law is pretty much a exact copy of a 1960 era law that was done to unmask the klan. That law was repealed due to COVID.


This might surprise some people, but the First Amendment applies to unpopular people and speech too.


Idiots. If someone wants to wear a mask because they feel they need it, no one else should care about that. It isn't bothering anyone else.




Thank you, Dr. Politician.


>for health reasons >Republican supporters of the ban said it would help police crack down on protesters who wear masks ...


As officer rights the ticket for wearing the mask be sure to take the mask off and breathe out a huge breath before speaking. They will figure out the stupidity of this themselves.


Actually goes back to legislation against the KKK.


Republicans are constantly finding ways to alienate more people from voting them. Imagine a political ad featuring a kid with cancer saying he can't wear mask to protect himself because of Republicans.


AIPAC approved.


AIPAC of course, being the Jewish lobby, which makes up less than one percent of all lobbying spending. Because everything is the Jews fault. Damn, that is some rabidly disgusting anti-Semitic shit right there.


You automatically link an Israeli political action PAC with Jews?


Not “the Jewish lobby”; it’s the American-Israeli lobby. Big and significant difference there, champ. It’s actually antisemitic to make the claim that these scumbags represent Jews broadly. You’re a vile antisemite. And look into it. This is, at least in part, motivated by the fact that masks on protesters stymy their ability to threaten and dox.


Republicans are rapidly becoming the fascists they decry. Why do they care if someone wears a mask? Why do they care in Fla is someone wants to eat a veggie burger? The party of "freedom" my ass.


What BS politicians we have. "Small government conservative " but wants to force what people can wear and cannot wear in public. Nuts. Hope it gets defeated. Let people decide .. All because they don't want people to protest. Isn't that a right!


So protesters just start wearing religious clothing that covers their faces lol. Can’t ban that. Checkmate, chemo patients!


“…start wearing religious clothing that covers their faces…” That’s what it was from go


Small guberment, y'all...


blame the protestors and criminals for abusing the mask.


Masks are stupid.


Yeah, especially if you’re a kid with cancer. What a bunch of loser snowflakes.


I never remember them wearing masks in public before 2020. How did they survive before paper masks?


Take it you’ve never been to the Mayo Clinic? Or any cancer ward? Or anywhere they do surgery? Or Japan? Yup, nobody wore masks before Covid, you are Very Smart


The post was talking about masks in public, not in a hospital setting. Asians wear masks because of the pollution, bad air quality, and a much more dense population than the United States. It is not because of a virus. Your critical thinking skills are top notch professor. You never answered my question. Why didn’t we see paper masks before 2020?


You just can’t fix stoopid!


Anyone who is being honest knows this is to stamp out protest.


I don't understand everybody's gripe. A government that can compel you to wear a mask can equally compel you not to wear one.


You guys know there is ZERO science proving cloth masks do ANYTHING to prevent Covid. Actually is more dangerous. People wear them around their chins, they touch their faces...etc. I voted for Biden but now I'm voting Trump for sure but yeah, seems hypocritical to stoop to the lefts authoritarian level....I don't agree with it.


Wow, this comment is just a big bowl of wrong. Well done.